GRACE Inventory Lambda Function
Lambda function to create an inventory report of AWS services as an Excel spreadsheet in an S3 bucket. Includes Terraform code to deploy the Lambda function and create S3 bucket and necessary IAM roles/permissions. The Lambda function can inventory all accounts in an AWS organization, specified organizational units, a specified list of AWS accounts or simply services in the account the Lambda function is installed in.
Table of Contents
- Security Compliance
- Inventoried Services
- Repository contents
- Usage
- Terraform Module Inputs
- Terraform Module Outputs
- Environment Variables
- Public domain
Security Compliance
Component ATO status: draft
Relevant controls:
Control | CSP/AWS | HOST/OS | App/DB | How is it implemented? |
CM-8 | ╳ | Employs an automated Lambda function triggered by a scheduled CloudWatch event (every 24 hours, by default). Inventories supported services in specified AWS accounts and stores results in an Excel Spreadsheet on an S3 bucket. | ||
CM-8(2) | ╳ | Automated by scheduled CloudWatch event (every 24 hours, by default). Can be triggered more often to maintain an up-to-date, complete, accurate and readily available inventory of the AWS cloud service components. |
Supported Services
- Organization Accounts
- IAM Roles
- IAM Groups
- IAM Policies
- IAM Users
- S3 Buckets
- Glacier Vaults
- EC2 Instances
- Amazon Machine Images (AMI)
- EBS Volumes
- Snapshots
- VPCs
- Subnets
- Security Groups
- IP Addresses
- Key Pairs
- Elastic Load Balancers (elbv2)
- CloudFormation Stacks
- CloudWatch Alarms
- Config Service Rules
- KMS Keys
- RDS Instances and Snapshots
- Secrets Manager Secrets
- SNS Subscriptions and Topics
- SSM Parameter Stores
Repository contents
- ./: Terraform module to deploy and configure Lambda function, S3 Bucket and IAM roles and policies
- handler: Go code for Lambda function
- examples: Examples of how to use the terraform module
- tests: Root module for testing deployment of Lambda function
To use the Terraform module to deploy the lambda function, you will need to either download the binary release from Github or compile the handler locally.
Download (Recommended)
mkdir -p release
cd release
curl -L -o
cd ..
Build/Compile Locally (Not Recommended)
- Install the following prerequisites:
- After installing all required prerequisites: compile the lambda function and
put it in a zip compressed archive in
by entering the following at a command prompt:
make build_handler
Alternative Build (Not Recommended)
If your IAM permissions prevent the tests from succeeding, you can build manually:
mkdir -p release
cd handler
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ../release/grace-inventory-lambda -v
cd ../release
zip -j grace-inventory-lambda
rm grace-inventory-lambda
cd ..
Example Usage
To inventory a single AWS account to which the Lambda function is deployed, include the following in your root terraform module:
module "example_self" {
source = ""
source_file = "../../release/"
appenv = "environment"
project_name = "your-project"
Ensure the source_file
parameter is the path to the zip archive containing
the compiled Lambda function handler downloaded or compiled earlier.
See the examples directory for more examples.
Note: The S3 bucket created to store the inventory spreadsheets has logging
enabled and requires a pre-existing bucket with a name in the form of:
. The LogDelivery group must have
WRITE and READ_ACP permissions on the bucket (acl = "log-delivery-write"
If your logging bucket has a different name or does not exist, you will have to
create one or fork this repository and edit the logging configuration of the S3
bucket on
Line 10 of
Terraform Module Inputs
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
source_file | (optional) full or relative path to zipped binary of lambda handler | string | "../release/" |
no |
appenv | (optional) The environment in which the script is running (development | test | production) | string | "development" |
no |
project_name | (required) project name (e.g. grace, fcs, fas, etc.). Used as prefix for AWS S3 bucket name | string | "grace" |
yes |
accounts_info | (optional) Determines which accounts to parse. Can be "self", comma delimited list of Account IDs or an S3 URI containing JSON output of aws organizations list-accounts . If empty, tries to query accounts with organizations:ListAccounts |
string | "self" |
no |
master_account_id | (optional) Account ID of AWS Master Payer Account | string | "" |
no |
master_role_name | (optional) Role assumed by lambda function to query organizations in Master Payer account | string | "" |
no |
organizational_units | (optional) comma delimited list of organizational units to query for accounts. If set it will only query accounts in those organizational units | string | "" |
no |
regions | (optional) Comma delimited list of AWS regions to inventory | string | "us-east-1,us-east-2,us-west-1,us-west-2" |
no |
schedule_expression | (optional) Cloudwatch schedule expression for when to run inventory | string | "cron(5 3 ? * MON-FRI *)" |
no |
tenant_role_name | (optional) Role assumed by lambda function to query tenant accounts | string | "OrganizationAccountAccessRole" |
no |
Terraform Module Outputs
Name | Description |
lambda_function_arn | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) identifying the Lambda Function |
lambda_function_kms_key_arn | The ARN for the KMS encryption key |
lambda_function_last_modified | The date this resource was last modified |
s3_bucket_id | The name of the S3 bucket where inventory reports are saved |
Environment Variables
CircleCI Environment Variables
Name | Description |
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION | default AWS region |
DEVELOPMENT_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | AWS access key for deployment to development environment |
DEVELOPMENT_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | AWS secret key for deployment to development environment |
DEVELOPMENT_MASTER_ACCT_ID | Account ID of master payer account |
TEST_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | AWS access key for deployment to test environment |
TEST_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | AWS secret key for deployment to test environment |
TEST_MASTER_ACCT_ID | Account ID of master payer account |
PRODUCTION_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | AWS access key for deployment to production environment |
PRODUCTION_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | AWS secret key for deployment to production environment |
PRODUCTION_MASTER_ACCT_ID | Account ID of master payer account |
TF_VAR_regions | comma delimited list of regions to be inventoried |
TF_VAR_tenant_role_name | Role name used to inventory tenant accounts |
TF_VAR_master_role_name | Role name to assume in master payer account for querying organizations |
TF_VAR_schedule_expression | Cloudwatch schedule expression for scheduling Lambda function |
backend_bucket | S3 Bucket for saving shared Terraform state file |
backend_key | S3 Bucket Key for saving shared Terraform state file |
Lambda Function Environment Variables
Name | Description |
s3_bucket | (required) S3 Bucket to store inventory reports |
kms_key_id | (required) ID of KMS key for encrypting/decrypting S3 bucket objects |
regions | (required) comma delimited list of regions to be inventoried |
accounts_info | (optional) If accounts_info is empty or not set, the function will try to query accounts via the Organizations API. If set to "self", then it will only inventory its own account. If set to an S3 URI for a file containing the json output of the aws organizations list-accounts command, it will query all accounts listed. If set to a comma separated list of account IDs, it will query those accounts. |
master_account | (optional) Account ID of master payer account |
organizational_units | (optional) comma delimited list of organizational units to query for accounts. If set it will only query accounts in those organizational units |
tenant_role_name | (optional) Role name used to inventory tenant accounts |
master_role_name | (optional) Role name to assume in master payer account for querying organizations |
Public domain
This project is in the worldwide public domain. As stated in CONTRIBUTING:
This project is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.
All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.