The obol was a form of ancient Greek currency and weight
Obol is a microservice API for multiple cryptocurrency rates.
To deploy to docker, simply pull the image
docker pull kindynos/obol:latest
Run the docker image
docker run -p 8080:8080 kindynos/plutus:latest
To run Obol from the source code, first you need to install golang, follow this guide:
To run Obol simply clone de repository:
git clone https://github.com/grupokindynos/obol && cd obol
Install dependencies
go mod download
Build it or Run it:
go build && ./obol
go run main.go
Make sure the port is configured under en enviroment variable PORT=8080
API Reference
Documentation: API Reference
Simply run:
go test ./...
To contribute to this repository, please fork it, create a new branch and submit a pull request.
To add a new coin, please add a new coin configuration under models/coin-factory/coins.go
To add a new exchange please add it to services/exchanges/
under a new folder with same functions and test cases.