Containerised Quarkus development
version 0.0.1-alpha
nog qs name
nog qs name
nog dev -s ~/foo
nog dev -l srcvol
--src-vol src volume
--mvn-vol mvn volume
-d mvn dir (defaults to ~/.m2)
-s src dir (defaults to . )
-i launch theia ide (defaults to false) sets -m to nog-maven and -l to nog-
-m mvn vol
-l src vol
run a quickstart locally
nog quickstart name
run a quickstart using provided ide and in a src vol
nog quickstart -i name
run dev mode on local src
nog dev
run full container mode
nog dev -i
run local dev mode using a maven volume
nog dev -m vol-name
run local dev mode using a different but local maven repo
nog dev -d file-name
run full container mode with a different maven repo
nog dev -i -m mvn-vol-name
run full container mode with a different maven repo and a name src repo
nog dev -i -s foo -m mvn-vol-name
nog volume ls
local (aka current dir) or a named volume using the theia editor
maven: shared local cache, shared volume or named volume.
short cuts
-q demo Checkouts the demo repo into a volume and then copies the specific demo into current directory. Then runs in dev mode.
-e lauches editor mode
-s uses a named volume for holding the source (implies -e )
nog dev -e -s -q -m
nog dev
starts a local dev session with src in current dir and maven in a shared volume "nog-maven" Quarkus runs on the command line.
nog dev -e starts a local dev with src in current dir and maven in a volume and runs quarkus via the editor... (launches a browser to the editor)
nog dev -s (uses a named volume to hold source)
nog dev -m sets a different vol name for maven repo
nog dev -g gitrepo
nog dev -q sample - checkouts out quarkus demo git repo into src vol and copies sample dir into
nog dev
starts a simple container dev session with src in current dir
nog dev -e -s srcloc -m mavenloc -g [ cmds ]
nog dev -g dddd
checkout git repo into src volume using default maven volume nog-maven-default and fire up theia and quarkus
nog dev -g ddd -s vol: / -s .
-s vol means checkout into this volume
-s dir means checkout as subdir in the dir then launch as is