That project can read bash/zsh history or might any plain text file content and store it into SQLite, Which offers a convenient and effective method for organizing and retrieving command-line typed.
The convenience of TUI empowers you to browse and search your 'history' using simple key strokes, enhancing the convenience of accessing and scrutinizing your previous commands.
Download the binary through Latest version and place storydb into /bin or Clone the project and run go run build
You can overwrite your currently crt+r by bind '"\C-r": "\C-a storydb \C-j"' put it in your global variable as /etc/profile or $HOME/profile
Running sysctl -w dev.tty.legacy_tiocsti=1 if your kernel is 6.2 or above.
There is a reason why kernel devs disabled it. Reason
You can conveniently explore and interact with your command-line history, making it easier to recall past commands, analyze usage patterns, and improve your workflow in the terminal.
⌨️ Button Mapping
k, shift+tab, ↑
ctrl+d, →
page right
j, ↓
ctrl+s, ←
page left
select row to fill term
ctrl+c, q
bring down finder or quit
sync/load history file
reset finder text input
bring up finder text input
Set up
You must set up export storydb=$(tty) in your global variable profile that is usually located at /etc/profile or $HOME
Your bash/zsh history file should be set up as export HISTFILE=$HOME/.bash_history or export HISTFILE=$HOME/.zsh_history