Radigast - Go Slack bot with configurable plugins.
Radigast is based on https://github.com/FogCreek/victor which is a fork of https://github.com/brettbuddin/victor
and uses the Slack Real Time Messaging API.
Radigast loads configuration from a TOML file.
The main configuration must be under [radigast]
and the configuration for each plugin must be under [plugin_name]
See config.toml.sample for a complete example.
How to use it
Run radigast -config radigast.toml
to connect to slack.
Radigast supports two types of plugins:
The first type of plugin is a Go plugin that must be compiled with the Radigast cli tool. See more under Developing Go Plugins
The second type of plugin uses JSON-RPC and can be written in most languages.
An RPC plugin must provide the following methods:
For an RPC plugin to work, it must offer the following methods:
Name() string
Description() string
Usage() []string
Handle(args) string
The args in Handle(args) will be of the following struct type:
type Args struct {
// Chat user calling the plugin.
User string
// The arguments a user passes to the bot.
Fields []string
RPC plugins must be installed in a directory specified in the config file. Each plugin name must be added to the rpcplugins
array in the config.
Developing Go Plugins
Radigast uses the same plugin model as telegraf
- A plugin must conform to the
- Plugins should call plugins.Add in their init function to register themselves
- To be available to the Radigast command, plugins must be added to the
- A plugin will only be configured by radigast if there is a
section in the config file
Plugin Interface
type Registrator interface {
Register() []victor.HandlerDocPair
Plugin example
package hello
import (
// Configuration struct
// toml will unmarshal any options provided under [hello] in
// radigast.toml
type Hello struct {
// AnOption string
// AnotherOption string
// Register implements plugins.Registrator
func (h Hello) Register() []victor.HandlerDocPair {
return []victor.HandlerDocPair{
CmdHandler: h.helloFunc,
CmdName: "hello",
CmdDescription: "reply back with the user name",
CmdUsage: []string{"NAME"},
// Bot Handler
// write your plugin logic here.
func (h Hello) helloFunc(s victor.State) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s!", s.Message().User().Name())
func init() {
// register the plugin
plugins.Add("hello", func() plugins.Registrator {
return &Hello{}
Example usage