The coder
package implements three interfaces with debug logging:
- Encoder encodes and writes values to an output stream.
- Decoder reads and decodes values from an input stream.
- Coder is a pair of Encoder and Decoder.
Getting Started
package main
import (
func main() {
coderJSON := coder.NewCoder("application/json", json.Marshal, json.Unmarshal)
var buf bytes.Buffer
in := &struct {
A string `json:"a"`
}{A: "AAA"}
if err := coderJSON.Encode(&buf, in); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("encoded: %s\n", in)
// [DEBUG] Func: Encode() Encoder input data: &struct { A string "json:\"a\"" }{A:"AAA"}
// [DEBUG] Func: Encode() Encoder output data: {"a":"AAA"}
// encoded: {"a":"AAA"}
out := &struct {
A string `json:"a"`
if err := coderJSON.Decode(&buf, out); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("decoded: %+v\n", out)
// [DEBUG] Func: Decode() Decoder input data: {"a":"AAA"}
// [DEBUG] Func: Decode() Decoder output data: &struct { A string "json:\"a\"" }{A:"AAA"}
// decoded: &{A:AAA}