Stencil is a re-imagining of catalog templates operations for file-based catalogs (FBC) as a separate binary than opm.
is a binary used by FBC projects for:
- bundle creation and validation
- FBC creation and validation
- migration to FBC from legacy catalog formats
- expansion of catalog templates to FBC
These roles occur throughout the bundle/catalog publishing lifecycle, so it historically has been a real challenge ensuring version/feature parity by all components of conglomerated toolchains.
The advantage of a discrete binary is that it will allow those concerns to be separated from other opm
roles, allowing for a separate statement of support and versioning axis.
Catalog Template API updates
All catalog templates share two components:
- an initializing
instance, which provides input data and customizable bundle rendering behavior
type TemplateOptions struct {
Input io.Reader
RenderBundle func(context.Context, string) (*declcfg.DeclarativeConfig, error)
- an intermediate type for interpreting the catalog template data which implements a base
type Template struct {
Schema string `json:"schema"`
can expand any supported catalog template format into generated FBC, and will automagically identify the template format to assure correct expansion.
./bin/stencil expand --help
Generate a file-based catalog from a catalog template file
When FILE is '-' or not provided, the template is read from standard input
stencil expand [FILE] [flags]
-h, --help help for expand
--migrate-level string Name of the last migration to run (default: none)
The migrator will run all migrations up to and including the selected level.
Available migrators:
- none : do nothing
- bundle-object-to-csv-metadata : migrates bundles' "olm.bundle.object" to "olm.csv.metadata"
-o, --output string Output format (json|yaml) (default "json")
Global Flags:
--skip-tls-verify skip TLS certificate verification for container image registries while pulling bundles
--use-http use plain HTTP for container image registries while pulling bundles
can convert existing FBC to a basic catalog template instance using the subcommand basic
./bin/stencil convert basic --help
Generate a basic template from existing FBC.
This command outputs a basic catalog template to STDOUT from input FBC.
If no argument is specified or is '-' input is assumed from STDIN.
stencil convert basic [<fbc-file> | -] [flags]
-h, --help help for basic
-o, --output string Output format (json|yaml) (default "json")
Global Flags:
--skip-tls-verify skip TLS certificate verification for container image registries while pulling bundles
--use-http use plain HTTP for container image registries while pulling bundles