graphpipe-tf - Serve TensorFlow Models via Graphpipe
The headlines are true! You can serve your caffe2/ONNX models via graphpipe easily using this server.
If all you want to do is deploy models using GraphPipe, we recommend you read
our project documentation. If you are
interested in hacking on graphpipe-onnx
, read on.
Development Quickstart
Because of the relative complexity of system configuration when dealing with machine learning libraries, our dev and build system for graphpipe-tf is 100% docker-driven.
Our build system can output images in three configurations:
- cpu (default) - create an Ubuntu-based build for cpu inference. In this configuration, the BLAS backend is MKL.
- oraclelinux-cpu - same as cpu, but using oraclelinux as a base image.
- gpu - create an Ubuntu-based build for gpu inference. If no physical gpu is present, inference falls back to MKL cpu inference
You can switch between these configurations by setting the RUN_TYPE environment variable.
export RUN_TYPE=gpu
In order to support streamlined development and deployment, each build configuration has 2 containers: one for development, and one for deployment.
make dev-container # creates the base dev-container
make # compiles the server inside the dev-container
make runtime-container # compiles the runtime-container and injects build artifacts
Additionally, you can build all three of these steps at the same time:
make all
During development, it is usually sufficient to run the server from the development image. An example invocation of a development server can be invoked like this:
make devserver # observe the docker command that is output, and tweak it for your own testing
Similarly, you can invoke a test instance of the deployment
make runserver # observe the docker command that is output, and tweak it for your own testing
If things seem broken, try dropping into a shell in your dev-container to figure things out:
make devshell
If you are behind a proxy, set the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables so our build system can forward this configuration to docker.
Running the server
The graphpipe-onnx binary has the following options:
Required Flags for ONNX Models:
-m, --model string ONNX model to load. Accepts local file or http(s) url.
--value-inputs string value_inputs.json for the model. Accepts local file or http(s) url.
Required Flags for Caffe2 Models:
--init-net string init_net file to load
--predict-net string predict_net file to load. Accepts local file or http(s) url.
--value-inputs string value_inputs.json for the model. Accepts local file or http(s) url.
Optional Flags:
--cache enable results caching
--cache-dir string directory for local cache state (default "~/.graphpipe")
--disable-cuda disable Cuda
--engine-count int number of caffe2 graph engines to create (default 1)
-h, --help help for graphpipe-caffe2
-l, --listen string listen string (default "")
--profile string profile and write profiling output to this file
-v, --verbose enable verbose o
The exact flags you need depends on the type of model you have. If you are invoking an onnx model, you need to specify --model and --value-inputs:
./graphpipe-onnx --model=mymodel.onnx --value-inputs=value-inputs.json
For caffe2 models, you must specify 3 inputs, --init-net, --predict-net, and --value-inputs:
./graphpipe-onnx --init-net=my-init-net.pb --predict-net=my-predict-net.pb --value-inputs=value_inputs.json
Environment Variables
For convenience, the key parameters of the service can be configured with environment variables,
GP_OUTPUTS comma seprated default inputs
GP_INPUTS comma seprated default outputs
GP_MODEL ONNX model to load. Accepts local file or http(s) url.
GP_CACHE enable results caching
GP_INIT_NET init_net file to load. Accepts local file or http(s) url.
GP_PREDICT_NET predict_net file to load. Accepts local file or http(s) url.
GP_VALUE_INPUTS value_inputs.json file to load. Accepts local file or http(s) url.
govendor can't fetch private libs
The in-docker setup should forward ssh-agent
s correctly if you
have it set up on your systems. Don't forget to ssh-add
your key!
This link might be helpful:
proxies :(
Proxying should be forwarded for all our commands, but you may need to configure your docker runtime to use them as well. Probably lives (or needs to be created) at:
There is no documentation for this package.