Work in progress

The Kafka Proxy is based on idea of Cloud SQL Proxy.
It allows a service to connect to Kafka brokers without having to deal with SASL/PLAIN authentication and SSL certificates.
It works by opening tcp sockets on the local machine and proxying connections to the associated Kafka brokers
when the sockets are used. The host and port in Metadata
and FindCoordinator
responses received from the brokers are replaced by local counterparts.
For discovered brokers (not configured as the boostrap servers), local listeners are started on random ports.
The dynamic local listeners feature can be disabled and an additional list of external server mappings can be provided.
The Proxy can terminate TLS traffic and authenticate users using SASL/PLAIN. The credentials verification method
is configurable and uses golang plugin system over RPC.
The proxies can also authenticate each other using a pluggable method which is transparent to other Kafka servers and clients.
Currently the Google ID Token for service accounts is implemented i.e. proxy client requests and sends service account JWT and proxy server receives and validates it against Google JWKS.
Kafka API calls can be restricted to prevent some operations e.g. topic deletion or produce requests.
Install binary release
Download the latest release
curl -Lso kafka-proxy https://github.com/grepplabs/kafka-proxy/releases/download/v0.0.2/linux.amd64.kafka-proxy
curl -Lso kafka-proxy https://github.com/grepplabs/kafka-proxy/releases/download/v0.0.2/darwin.amd64.kafka-proxy
Make the kafka-proxy binary executable
chmod +x ./kafka-proxy
Move the binary in to your PATH.
sudo mv ./kafka-proxy /usr/local/bin/kafka-proxy
make build.docker-build
Help output
Run the kafka-proxy server
kafka-proxy server [flags]
--auth-gateway-client-command string Path to authentication plugin binary
--auth-gateway-client-enable Enable gateway client authentication
--auth-gateway-client-log-level string Log level of the auth plugin (default "trace")
--auth-gateway-client-magic uint Magic bytes sent in the handshake
--auth-gateway-client-method string Authentication method
--auth-gateway-client-param stringArray Authentication plugin parameter
--auth-gateway-client-timeout duration Authentication timeout (default 10s)
--auth-gateway-server-command string Path to authentication plugin binary
--auth-gateway-server-enable Enable proxy server authentication
--auth-gateway-server-log-level string Log level of the auth plugin (default "trace")
--auth-gateway-server-magic uint Magic bytes sent in the handshake
--auth-gateway-server-method string Authentication method
--auth-gateway-server-param stringArray Authentication plugin parameter
--auth-gateway-server-timeout duration Authentication timeout (default 10s)
--auth-local-command string Path to authentication plugin binary
--auth-local-enable Enable local SASL/PLAIN authentication performed by listener - SASL handshake will not be passed to kafka brokers
--auth-local-log-level string Log level of the auth plugin (default "trace")
--auth-local-param stringArray Authentication plugin parameter
--auth-local-timeout duration Authentication timeout (default 10s)
--bootstrap-server-mapping stringArray Mapping of Kafka bootstrap server address to local address (host:port,host:port(,advhost:advport))
--debug-enable Enable Debug endpoint
--debug-listen-address string Debug listen address (default "")
--default-listener-ip string Default listener IP (default "")
--dynamic-listeners-disable Disable dynamic listeners.
--external-server-mapping stringArray Mapping of Kafka server address to external address (host:port,host:port). A listener for the external address is not started
--forbidden-api-keys intSlice Forbidden Kafka request types. The restriction should prevent some Kafka operations e.g. 20 - DeleteTopics
-h, --help help for server
--http-disable Disable HTTP endpoints
--http-health-path string Path on which to health endpoint (default "/health")
--http-listen-address string Address that kafka-proxy is listening on (default "")
--http-metrics-path string Path on which to expose metrics (default "/metrics")
--kafka-client-id string An optional identifier to track the source of requests (default "kafka-proxy")
--kafka-connection-read-buffer-size int Size of the operating system's receive buffer associated with the connection. If zero, system default is used
--kafka-connection-write-buffer-size int Sets the size of the operating system's transmit buffer associated with the connection. If zero, system default is used
--kafka-dial-timeout duration How long to wait for the initial connection (default 15s)
--kafka-keep-alive duration Keep alive period for an active network connection. If zero, keep-alives are disabled (default 1m0s)
--kafka-max-open-requests int Maximal number of open requests pro tcp connection before sending on it blocks (default 256)
--kafka-read-timeout duration How long to wait for a response (default 30s)
--kafka-write-timeout duration How long to wait for a transmit (default 30s)
--log-format string Log format text or json (default "text")
--log-level string Log level debug, info, warning, error, fatal or panic (default "info")
--proxy-listener-ca-chain-cert-file string PEM encoded CA's certificate file
--proxy-listener-cert-file string PEM encoded file with server certificate
--proxy-listener-keep-alive duration Keep alive period for an active network connection. If zero, keep-alives are disabled (default 1m0s)
--proxy-listener-key-file string PEM encoded file with private key for the server certificate
--proxy-listener-key-password string Password to decrypt rsa private key
--proxy-listener-read-buffer-size int Size of the operating system's receive buffer associated with the connection. If zero, system default is used
--proxy-listener-tls-enable Whether or not to use TLS listener
--proxy-listener-write-buffer-size int Sets the size of the operating system's transmit buffer associated with the connection. If zero, system default is used
--proxy-request-buffer-size int Request buffer size pro tcp connection (default 4096)
--proxy-response-buffer-size int Response buffer size pro tcp connection (default 4096)
--sasl-enable Connect using SASL/PLAIN
--sasl-jaas-config-file string Location of JAAS config file with SASL username and password
--sasl-password string SASL user password
--sasl-username string SASL user name
--tls-ca-chain-cert-file string PEM encoded CA's certificate file
--tls-client-cert-file string PEM encoded file with client certificate
--tls-client-key-file string PEM encoded file with private key for the client certificate
--tls-client-key-password string Password to decrypt rsa private key
--tls-enable Whether or not to use TLS when connecting to the broker
--tls-insecure-skip-verify It controls whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name
Usage example
build/kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping ","
build/kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
--bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
--bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
build/kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "kafka-0.example.com:9092,,kafka-0.grepplabs.com:9092" \
--bootstrap-server-mapping "kafka-1.example.com:9092,,kafka-1.grepplabs.com:9092" \
--bootstrap-server-mapping "kafka-2.example.com:9092,,kafka-2.grepplabs.com:9092" \
build/kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "," \
--external-server-mapping "," \
--external-server-mapping "," \
--forbidden-api-keys 20
build/kafka-proxy server --bootstrap-server-mapping "kafka-0.grepplabs.com:9093," \
--tls-enable --tls-insecure-skip-verify \
--sasl-enable --sasl-username myuser --sasl-password mysecret
Proxy authentication example
make clean build plugin.auth-user && build/kafka-proxy server --proxy-listener-key-file "server-key.pem" \
--proxy-listener-cert-file "server-cert.pem" \
--proxy-listener-ca-chain-cert-file "ca.pem" \
--proxy-listener-tls-enable \
--auth-local-enable \
--auth-local-command build/auth-user \
--auth-local-param "--username=my-test-user" \
--auth-local-param "--password=my-test-password"
make clean build plugin.auth-ldap && build/kafka-proxy server \
--auth-local-enable \
--auth-local-command build/auth-ldap \
--auth-local-param "--url=ldaps://ldap.example.com:636" \
--auth-local-param "--user-dn=cn=users,dc=exemple,dc=com" \
--auth-local-param "--user-attr=uid" \
--bootstrap-server-mapping ","
Kubernetes sidecar container example
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: myapp
replicas: 1
app: myapp
prometheus.io/scrape: 'true'
- name: kafka-proxy
image: grepplabs/kafka-proxy:latest
- 'server'
- '--log-format=json'
- '--bootstrap-server-mapping=kafka-0:9093,'
- '--bootstrap-server-mapping=kafka-1:9093,'
- '--bootstrap-server-mapping=kafka-2:9093,'
- '--tls-enable'
- '--tls-ca-chain-cert-file=/var/run/secret/kafka-ca-chain-certificate/ca-chain.cert.pem'
- '--tls-client-cert-file=/var/run/secret/kafka-client-certificate/client.cert.pem'
- '--tls-client-key-file=/var/run/secret/kafka-client-key/client.key.pem'
- '--tls-client-key-password=$(TLS_CLIENT_KEY_PASSWORD)'
- '--sasl-enable'
- '--sasl-jaas-config-file=/var/run/secret/kafka-client-jaas/jaas.config'
name: tls-client-key-password
key: password
- name: "sasl-jaas-config-file"
mountPath: "/var/run/secret/kafka-client-jaas"
- name: "tls-ca-chain-certificate"
mountPath: "/var/run/secret/kafka-ca-chain-certificate"
- name: "tls-client-cert-file"
mountPath: "/var/run/secret/kafka-client-certificate"
- name: "tls-client-key-file"
mountPath: "/var/run/secret/kafka-client-key"
- name: metrics
containerPort: 9080
path: /health
port: 9080
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 3
path: /health
port: 9080
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 10
timeoutSeconds: 5
successThreshold: 2
failureThreshold: 5
- name: myapp
image: myapp:latest
- containerPort: 8080
name: metrics
value: ",,"
- name: sasl-jaas-config-file
secretName: sasl-jaas-config-file
- name: tls-ca-chain-certificate
secretName: tls-ca-chain-certificate
- name: tls-client-cert-file
secretName: tls-client-cert-file
- name: tls-client-key-file
secretName: tls-client-key-file
What should be done
- Metadata response versions V0,V1,V2,V3,V4 and V5
- Find coordinator response versions V0 and V1
- Request / reponse deadlines - socket reads/writes
- Health endpoint
- Prometheus metrics
- gauge: proxy_opened_connections {broker}
- counter: proxy_requests_total {broker, api_key, api_version}
- counter: proxy_connections_total {broker}
- counter: proxy_requests_bytes {broker}
- counter: proxy_responses_bytes {broker}
- Pluggable proxy authentication
- Deploying Kafka Proxy as a sidecar container
- Advertised proxy listeners e.g. bootstrap-server-mapping (remotehost:remoteport,localhost:localport,advhost:advport)
- Pluggable authentication between client kafka-proxy and broker kafka-proxy a.k.a kafka-gateway
- additional handshake - protocol: magic, method, data
- google-id method
- Registry for built in plugins (avoid grpc communication)
- Performance tests and tuning
- Socket buffer sizing e.g. SO_RCVBUF = 32768, SO_SNDBUF = 131072
- Kafka connect tests
- Different Kafka API versions tests
- Unit and integration tests
- Rolling upgrade test
- Graceful shutdown
Embedded third-party source code