Dock-ECR is a lightweight command-line tool that allows you to interface with Docker and AWS ECR. It simplifies the process of building, pulling, and pushing Docker images to the cloud repository.
Available Commands
build - Builds a Docker image and, if specified, pushes it to a cloud repository.
pull - Pulls a Docker image using its resource URI.
push - Pushes a Docker image tagged with a repository name to a cloud repository.
dock-ecr build
Builds a Docker image and, if specified, pushes it to a cloud repository.
dock-ecr build [flags]
-d, --dockerfile string Path to Dockerfile (default "Dockerfile")
-h, --help help for build
-i, --image-tags stringArray Docker tags to be assigned to image
--push true If true, pushes the image to the specified repository
-r, --repository-name string Repository of image
-t, --repository-tags stringToString Repository resource tags to be assigned (default [])
Example of building a local dockerfile, tagging it as v1.0.0
, and pushing it to the common/dock-ecr
repository in AWS ECR:
dock-ecr build --dockerfile Dockerfile \
--repository-name common/dock-ecr \
--image-tags v1.0.0 \
--repository-tags deployer=gregfurman \
dock-ecr pull
Pulls a Docker image using its resource URI.
dock-ecr pull [flags]
-h, --help help for pull
-i, --image-name string URI of image
Example pulling an image from the test/repo
repository in with the tag 1.0.0
dock-ecr --image-name 012345678910.dkr.ecr.<region>
dock-ecr push
dock-ecr push [flags]
-h, --help help for push
-i, --image-tags stringArray Docker tags to be assigned to image
-r, --repository-name string Repository of image
-t, --repository-tags stringToString Repository resource tags to be assigned (default [])
Example of pushing a local Docker image, tagged as v1.0.0
and staging
, to the common/dock-ecr
repository in AWS ECR:
dock-ecr push \
--repository-name common/dock-ecr \
--image-tags v1.0.0,staging \
--repository-tags deployer=gregfurman
To install Dock-ECR, you need to have Golang installed on your system. You can install Dock-ECR by cloning this repository and running the make build
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.