NFS Minio Operator
A Kubernetes operator to access your NFS data using Minio's S3 compatible API created using The Operator Framework.
![Simple diagram explaining how the operator works](
By defining a simple NFSMinio YAML file (see bellow) we create the necessary deployment, service, ingress and NFS connectivity for you.
The Docker image of the operator can be found on Docker hub.
Sample NFSMinio YAML Configuration File
kind: NFSMinio
name: nfsminio-foo
# username needs to be at least 3 characters long! (because we set it as the access key of Minio)
username: public
path: /home/foo
readOnly: false
# This is the Secret that contains the TLS certificate credentials (usually named `<DOMAIN-tls` by cert-manager
you will be able to access your data using Minio's web-based GUI or connect via any S3 API compliant library.
Clone this repository onto a machine that has kubectl connectivity with your Kubernetes cluster.
Ensure you have RBAC enabled on the cluster, then run the following:
kubectl create -f deploy/crds/k8_v1alpha1_nfsminio_crd.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/service_account.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/role.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/role_binding.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/operator.yaml
Check to see if the nfs-minio-operator
deployment is running (kubectl get deployments
Usage & Configuration
N different users mean n different YAML files.
Each user will get their own Minio instance (with root access) on their own domain.
You can copy the NFSMinio configuration above or copy the one in deploy/crds/k8_v1alpha1_nfsminio_cr.yaml
The access key is the username and the secret key is a randomly generated string.
You can access it by reading the secret (the secret is named the same as the NFSMinio
# replace nfsminio-foo with your NFSMinio name value
kubectl get secret nfsminio-foo --template={{.data.secretKey}} | base64 --decode
If you wish you can also change the secret key in the secret object.
This will restart the Minio server in order to apply the new secret key.
The new secret key MUST be between 8-40 characters (Minio limitation).
Changing the access key is currently not supported.
To view all NFSMinio objects run: kubectl get nfsminios
Setting Up Environment
- Clone (fork) repository
- Enable Go Module support by running
export GO111MODULE=on
How to Develop
If you change the nfsminio_types.go
operator-sdk generate k8s
If you change the OpenAPI validation section of deploy/crds/k8_v1alpha1_nfsminio_crd.yaml
, rerun
operator-sdk generate openapi
Kubernetes Development Depoyment
Run this one time on your development cluster
kubectl create -f deploy/crds/k8_v1alpha1_nfsminio_crd.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/service_account.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/role.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/role_binding.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/operator.yaml
Then for testing the controller outside the cluster (you need connectivity with your Kubernetes cluster using kubectl) run:
export OPERATOR_NAME="nfs-minio-operator"
operator-sdk up local --namespace=default