A gateway service to translate http calls to gRPC calls.
go >= 1.12
$ go version
go version go1.12.5 windows/amd64
grpc-go (gRPC for go)
$ go get -u
protoc latest version
Download the protobuf compiler and related binaries from for your system. Use the latest release and not the pre-release version.
eg. For windows, download and place in your path the binaries from
clone this project (using go module)
$ git clone
Compiling protobufs
$ make proto
make proto
executes two command for each gRPC service: one compilation for the gateway and one for the actual gRPC stubs.
The binary will be located in the build
$ make
Running without flags will use default values.
$ ./gateway
To run gateway on port 9990, you can pass a flag.
$ ./gateway --gateway-port=9990
Print help text
$ ./build/ultimate-heart.exe --help
Usage: ultimate-heart [options]
ultimate-heart converts REST to gRPC calls, and provides a secondary server
to log information and control the gRPC services.
--help Prints program help text
--gateway-port=PORT Run gateway on this PORT
--heart-port=PORT Run secondary server on this PORT
--nyaa-port=PORT Run ultimate-nyaa service on this PORT
--torrent-port=PORT Run torrent gRPC service on this PORT
Adding gRPC services to ultimate-heart
One of the main goals of ultimate-heart is to continuously add as many gRPC we want, though that means we need to recompile each time.
This is a checklist to make sure a gRPC service is added correctly to ultimate-heart.
The example service will be ultimate-youtube, a fake service to download youtube videos.
- Add protobuf compilation to Makefile
The Makefile target proto
should look like this:
protoc nyaa.proto \
-Iproto/nyaa \
-I$(GOPATH)/src \
-I$(GOPATH)/src/ \
--grpc-gateway_out=logtostderr=true:proto/nyaa \
protoc nyaa.proto \
-Iproto/nyaa \
-I$(GOPATH)/src \
-I$(GOPATH)/src/ \
--go_out=plugins=grpc:proto/nyaa \
+ protoc youtube.proto \
+ -Iproto/yotuube \
+ -I$(GOPATH)/src \
+ -I$(GOPATH)/src/ \
+ --grpc-gateway_out=logtostderr=true:proto/youtube \
+ protoc youtube.proto \
+ -Iproto/youtube \
+ -I$(GOPATH)/src \
+ -I$(GOPATH)/src/ \
+ --go_out=plugins=grpc:proto/youtube \
- Add a flag for your service in main.go.
In main.go, the code for flag passing should look like this:
var helpUsage bool
var gatewayPort int
var heartPort int
var nyaaPort int
+ var youtubePort int
flag.BoolVar(&helpUsage, "help", false, "Prints help text")
flag.IntVar(&gatewayPort, "gateway-port", 9990, "Port to serve the gateway server")
flag.IntVar(&heartPort, "heart-port", 9991, "Port to serve the heart server")
flag.IntVar(&nyaaPort, "nyaa-port", 9995, "Nyaa grpc server port")
+ flag.IntVar(&youtubePort, "youtube-port", 9996, "Youtube grpc server port")
flag.Visit(func(fn *flag.Flag) {
if fn.Name == "help" {
- Add the endpoint to the map of endpoints in main.go.
endpoints should look like this:
endpoints := map[string]string{
"nyaa": fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", nyaaPort),
"torrent": fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", ultimateTorrentPort),
+ "ultimate-youtube": fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", ultimateYoutubePort),
If gateway is returning an error where the gRPC service is refusing connection even though the gRPC service is running, restart gateway and the respective gRPC service. I am unsure why, but this solves the problem consistently.