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Published: Aug 28, 2019 License: BSD-2-Clause Imports: 26 Imported by: 32


The Gravwell Ingest API

API documentation:

This package provides methods to build ingesters for the Gravwell analytics platform. Ingesters take raw data from a particular source (pcap, log files, a camera, etc.), bundle it into Entries, and ship the Entries up to the Gravwell indexers.

An Entry (defined in the sub-package looks like this:

type Entry struct {
    TS   Timestamp
    SRC  net.IP
    Tag  EntryTag
    Data []byte

The most important element is Data; this is simply a discrete piece of information you want to store as an entry, be it binary or text. The Tag field associates the entry with a specific tag in the indexer, making it easier to search later. The timestamp and source IP give additional information about the entry.

There are two ways to actually get Entries into Gravwell: the IngestConnection and the IngestMuxer. An IngestConnection is a connection to a single destination, while an IngestMuxer can connect to multiple destinations simultaneously to improve ingestion rate.

The example below shows the basics of getting Entries into Gravwell using an IngestConnection (the simpler method). See example_test.go for a more detailed (and functional) example using an IngestMuxer, or see for open-source real-world examples.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Get an IngestConnection to localhost, using the shared secret "IngestSecrets"
	// and specifying that we'll be using the tag "test-tag"
	igst, err := ingest.InitializeConnection("tcp://", "IngestSecrets",[]string{"testtag"}, "", "", false)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Couldn't open connection to ingester: %v", err)
	defer igst.Close()

	// We need to get the numeric value for the tag we're using
	tagid, ok := igst.GetTag("testtag")
	if !ok {
		log.Fatal("couldn't look up tag")

	// Now we'll create an Entry
	ent := entry.Entry{
		TS: entry.Now(),
		SRC: net.ParseIP(""),
		Tag: tagid,
		Data: []byte("This is my test data!"),

	// And finally write the Entry




Example demonstrates how to write a simple ingester, which watches for entries in /var/log/syslog and sends them to Gravwell.

 * Copyright 2017 Gravwell, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Contact: <>
 * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the
 * BSD 2-clause license. See the LICENSE file for details.

package main

import (


var (
	tags    = []string{"syslog"}
	targets = []string{"tcp://"}
	secret  = "IngestSecrets" // set this to the actual ingest secret

// Example demonstrates how to write a simple ingester, which watches
// for entries in /var/log/syslog and sends them to Gravwell.
func main() {
	// First, set up the filewatcher.
	statefile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "ingest-example")
	if err != nil {
	defer statefile.Close()
	wtcher, err := filewatch.NewWatcher(statefile.Name())
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to create notification watcher: %v\n", err)

	// Configure the ingester
	ingestConfig := ingest.UniformMuxerConfig{
		Destinations: targets,
		Tags:         tags,
		Auth:         secret,
		PublicKey:    ``,
		PrivateKey:   ``,
		LogLevel:     "WARN",

	// Start the ingester
	igst, err := ingest.NewUniformMuxer(ingestConfig)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed build our ingest system: %v\n", err)
	defer igst.Close()
	if err := igst.Start(); err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed start our ingest system: %v\n", err)

	// pass in the ingest muxer to the file watcher so it can throw info and errors down the muxer chan

	// Wait for connection to indexers
	if err := igst.WaitForHot(0); err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Timedout waiting for backend connections: %v\n", err)
	// If we made it this far, we connected to an indexer.
	// Create a channel into which we'll push entries
	ch := make(chan *entry.Entry, 2048)

	// Create a handler to watch /var/log/syslog
	// First, create a log handler. This will emit Entries tagged 'syslog'
	tag, err := igst.GetTag("syslog")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to get tag: %v", err)
	lhconf := filewatch.LogHandlerConfig{
		Tag:            tag,
		IgnoreTS:       true,
		AssumeLocalTZ:  true,
		IgnorePrefixes: [][]byte{},
	lh, err := filewatch.NewLogHandler(lhconf, ch)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to generate handler: %v", err)

	// Create a watcher usng the log handler we just created, watching /var/log/syslog*
	c := filewatch.WatchConfig{
		ConfigName: "syslog",
		BaseDir:    "/var/log",
		FileFilter: "{syslog,syslog.[0-9]}",
		Hnd:        lh,
	if err := wtcher.Add(c); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to add watch directory: %v", err)

	// Start the watcher
	if err := wtcher.Start(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to start file watcher: %v", err)

	// fire off our relay
	doneChan := make(chan error, 1)
	go relay(ch, doneChan, igst)

	// Our relay is now running, ingesting log entries and sending them upstream

	// listen for signals so we can close gracefully
	sch := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(sch, os.Interrupt)
	if err := wtcher.Close(); err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to close file follower: %v\n", err)
	close(ch) //to inform the relay that no new entries are going to come down the pipe

	//wait for our ingest relay to exit
	if err := igst.Sync(time.Second); err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to sync: %v\n", err)

func relay(ch chan *entry.Entry, done chan error, igst *ingest.IngestMuxer) {
	// Read any entries coming down the channel, write them to the ingester
	for e := range ch {
		if err := igst.WriteEntry(e); err != nil {
			fmt.Println("Failed to write entry", err)
	done <- nil

Example (Simplest)

SimplestExample is the simplest possible example of ingesting a single Entry.

 * Copyright 2017 Gravwell, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Contact: <>
 * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the
 * BSD 2-clause license. See the LICENSE file for details.

package main

import (

var (
	dst          = "tcp://"
	sharedSecret = "IngestSecrets"
	simple_tags  = []string{"testtag"}

// SimplestExample is the simplest possible example of ingesting a single Entry.
func main() {
	// Get an IngestConnection
	igst, err := ingest.InitializeConnection(dst, sharedSecret, simple_tags, "", "", false)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Couldn't open connection to ingester: %v", err)
	defer igst.Close()

	// We need to get the numeric value for the tag we're using
	tagid, ok := igst.GetTag(simple_tags[0])
	if !ok {
		log.Fatal("couldn't look up tag")

	// Now we'll create an Entry
	ent := entry.Entry{
		TS:   entry.Now(),
		SRC:  net.ParseIP(""),
		Tag:  tagid,
		Data: []byte("This is my test data!"),

	// And finally write the Entry




View Source
const (
	//MAJOR API VERSIONS should always be compatible, there just may be additional features
View Source
const (
	// The number of times to hash the shared secret
	HASH_ITERATIONS uint16 = 16
	// Auth protocol version number
	VERSION uint16 = 0x2
	// Authenticated, but not ready for ingest
	// Not authenticated
	// Authenticated and ready for ingest
	STATE_HOT uint32 = 0xCAFE54
View Source
const (
	READ_BUFFER_SIZE int = 4 * 1024 * 1024
	//TODO - we should really discover the MTU of the link and use that
View Source
const (
	ACK_SIZE int = 12 //ackmagic + entrySendID
	//READ_ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE should be 46 bytes
	//34 + 4 + 4 + 8 (magic, data len, entry ID)
	//TODO: We should make this configurable by configuration
	MAX_ENTRY_SIZE              int           = 128 * 1024 * 1024
	WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE           int           = 1024 * 1024
	MAX_WRITE_ERROR             int           = 4
	CLOSING_SERVICE_ACK_TIMEOUT time.Duration = 3 * time.Second


	MINIMUM_TAG_RENEGOTIATE_VERSION uint16 = 0x2 // minimum server version to renegotiate tags

View Source
const (
	KB       uint64  = 1024
	MB       uint64  = 1024 * KB
	GB       uint64  = 1024 * MB
	TB       uint64  = 1024 * GB
	PB       uint64  = 1024 * TB
	YB       uint64  = 1024 * PB
	K                = 1000.0
	M                = K * 1000.0
	G                = M * 1000.0
	T                = G * 1000.0
	P                = G * 1000.0
	Y                = P * 1000.0
	NsPerSec float64 = 1000000000.0
View Source
const (
	MIN_REMOTE_KEYSIZE int           = 16
	DIAL_TIMEOUT       time.Duration = (1 * time.Second)
	CHANNEL_BUFFER     int           = 4096
	DEFAULT_TLS_PORT   int           = 4024
	DEFAULT_CLEAR_PORT int           = 4023
	DEFAULT_PIPE_PATH  string        = "/opt/gravwell/comms/pipe"
	FORBIDDEN_TAG_SET  string        = "!@#$%^&*()=+<>,.:;`\"'{[}]|\\ 	" // includes space and tab characters at the end
View Source
const (
	//This MUST be > 1 or the universe explodes
	//no matter what a user requests, this is the maximum
	//basically a sanity check


View Source
var (
	ErrInvalidStateResponseLen = errors.New("Invalid state response length")
	ErrInvalidTagRequestLen    = errors.New("Invalid tag request length")
	ErrInvalidTagResponseLen   = errors.New("Invalid tag response length")
	ErrFailedAuthHashGen       = errors.New("Failed to generate authentication hash")
View Source
var (
	ErrActiveHotBlocks        = errors.New("There are active hotblocks, close pitched data")
	ErrNoActiveDB             = errors.New("No active database")
	ErrNoKey                  = errors.New("No key set on entry block")
	ErrCacheAlreadyRunning    = errors.New("Cache already running")
	ErrCacheNotRunning        = errors.New("Cache is not running")
	ErrBucketMissing          = errors.New("Cache bucket is missing")
	ErrCannotSyncWhileRunning = errors.New("Cannot sync while running")
	ErrCannotPopWhileRunning  = errors.New("Cannot pop while running")
	ErrInvalidKey             = errors.New("Key bytes are invalid")
	ErrBoltLockFailed         = errors.New("Failed to acquire lock for ingest cache.  The file is locked by another process")
View Source
var (
	ErrEmptyTag     = errors.New("Tag name is empty")
	ErrForbiddenTag = errors.New("Forbidden character in tag")
View Source
var (
	ErrAllConnsDown          = errors.New("All connections down")
	ErrNotRunning            = errors.New("Not running")
	ErrNotReady              = errors.New("Not ready to start")
	ErrTagNotFound           = errors.New("Tag not found")
	ErrTagMapInvalid         = errors.New("Tag map invalid")
	ErrNoTargets             = errors.New("No connections specified")
	ErrConnectionTimeout     = errors.New("Connection timeout")
	ErrSyncTimeout           = errors.New("Sync timeout")
	ErrEmptyAuth             = errors.New("Ingest key is empty")
	ErrEmergencyListOverflow = errors.New("Emergency list overflow")
	ErrTimeout               = errors.New("Timed out waiting for ingesters")
	ErrWriteTimeout          = errors.New("Timed out waiting to write entry")
View Source
var (
	ErrFailedParseLocalIP    = errors.New("Failed to parse the local address")
	ErrMalformedDestination  = errors.New("Malformed destination string")
	ErrInvalidCerts          = errors.New("Failed to get certificates")
	ErrInvalidDest           = errors.New("Invalid destination")
	ErrInvalidRemoteKeySize  = errors.New("Invalid remote keysize")
	ErrInvalidConnectionType = errors.New("Invalid connection type")
	ErrInvalidSecret         = errors.New("Failed to login, invalid secret")


func CheckTag

func CheckTag(tag string) error

CheckTag takes a tag name and returns an error if it contains any characters which are not allowed in tags.

func ConnectionType

func ConnectionType(dst string) (string, string, error)

ConnectionType cracks out the type of connection and returns its type, the target, and/or an error

func HumanCount

func HumanCount(b uint64) string

HumanCount will take a number and return an appropriately-scaled string, e.g. HumanCount(12500) will return "12.50 K"

func HumanEntryRate

func HumanEntryRate(b uint64, dur time.Duration) string

HumanEntryRate will take an entry count and duration and produce a human readable string in terms of entries per second. e.g. 2400 K entries /s

func HumanLineRate

func HumanLineRate(b uint64, dur time.Duration) string

HumanLineRate will take a byte count and duration and produce a human readable string in terms of bits. e.g. Megabits/s (Mbps)

func HumanRate

func HumanRate(b uint64, dur time.Duration) string

HumanRate will take a byte count and duration and produce a human readable string showing data per second. e.g. Megabytes/s (MB/s)

func HumanSize

func HumanSize(b uint64) string

HumanSize will take a byte count and duration and produce a human readable string showing data per second. e.g. Megabytes/s (MB/s)

func NewUnthrottledConn

func NewUnthrottledConn(c net.Conn) fullSpeed

func PrintVersion

func PrintVersion(wtr io.Writer)

func VerifyResponse

func VerifyResponse(auth AuthHash, chal Challenge, resp ChallengeResponse) error

VerifyResponse takes a hash and challenge and computes a completed response. If the computed response does not match an error is returned. If the response matches, nil is returned


type AuthHash

type AuthHash [16]byte

AuthHash represents a hashed shared secret.

func GenAuthHash

func GenAuthHash(password string) (AuthHash, error)

GenAuthHash takes a key and generates a hash using the "password" token we iterate over the value, hashing with MD5 and SHA256. We choose these two algorithms because they aren't too heavy, but the alternating makes it very difficult to optimize in an FPGA or ASIC.

type Challenge

type Challenge struct {
	// Number of times to iterate the hash
	Iterate uint16
	// The random number to be hashed with the secret
	RandChallenge [32]byte
	// Authentication version number
	Version uint16

Challenge request, used to validate remote clients. The server generates RandChallenge, a random number which is hashed with the pre-hashed shared secret, then run through Iterate iterations of md5 and sha256 to create the response.

func NewChallenge

func NewChallenge(auth AuthHash) (Challenge, error)

NewChallenge generates a random hash string and a random iteration count

func (*Challenge) Read

func (c *Challenge) Read(r io.Reader) error

Read the challenge from reader

func (*Challenge) Write

func (c *Challenge) Write(w io.Writer) error

Write out the challenge to w

type ChallengeResponse

type ChallengeResponse struct {
	Response [32]byte

ChallengeResponse is the resulting hash sent back as part of the challenge/response process.

func GenerateResponse

func GenerateResponse(auth AuthHash, ch Challenge) (*ChallengeResponse, error)

GenerateResponse creates a ChallengeResponse based on the Challenge and AuthHash

func (*ChallengeResponse) Read

func (cr *ChallengeResponse) Read(r io.Reader) error

Decode the ChallengeResponse from the reader

func (*ChallengeResponse) Write

func (cr *ChallengeResponse) Write(w io.Writer) error

Write the challenge response to the writer

type Conn

type Conn interface {
	SetReadTimeout(time.Duration) error
	SetWriteTimeout(time.Duration) error
	ClearWriteTimeout() error
	ClearReadTimeout() error

type EntryReader

type EntryReader struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewEntryReader

func NewEntryReader(conn net.Conn) (*EntryReader, error)

func NewEntryReaderEx

func NewEntryReaderEx(cfg EntryReaderWriterConfig) (*EntryReader, error)

func (*EntryReader) Close

func (er *EntryReader) Close() error

func (*EntryReader) Read

func (er *EntryReader) Read() (e *entry.Entry, err error)

func (*EntryReader) SendThrottle

func (er *EntryReader) SendThrottle(d time.Duration) error

func (*EntryReader) SetTagManager

func (er *EntryReader) SetTagManager(tm TagManager)

SetTagManager gives a handle on the instantiator's tag management system. If this is not set, tags cannot be negotiated on the fly

func (*EntryReader) Start

func (er *EntryReader) Start() error

type EntryReaderWriterConfig

type EntryReaderWriterConfig struct {
	Conn                  net.Conn
	OutstandingEntryCount int
	BufferSize            int
	Timeout               time.Duration
	TagMan                TagManager

type EntryWriter

type EntryWriter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewEntryWriter

func NewEntryWriter(conn net.Conn) (*EntryWriter, error)

func NewEntryWriterEx

func NewEntryWriterEx(cfg EntryReaderWriterConfig) (*EntryWriter, error)

func (*EntryWriter) Ack

func (ew *EntryWriter) Ack() error

Ack will block waiting for at least one ack to free up a slot for sending

func (*EntryWriter) Close

func (ew *EntryWriter) Close() (err error)

func (*EntryWriter) ForceAck

func (ew *EntryWriter) ForceAck() error

func (*EntryWriter) NegotiateTag

func (ew *EntryWriter) NegotiateTag(name string) (tg entry.EntryTag, err error)

func (*EntryWriter) OpenSlots

func (ew *EntryWriter) OpenSlots(ent *entry.Entry) int

OpenSlots informs the caller how many slots are available before we must service acks. This is used for mostly in a multiplexing system where we want to know how much we can write before we need to service acks and move on.

func (EntryWriter) OptimalBatchWriteSize

func (ew EntryWriter) OptimalBatchWriteSize() int

func (*EntryWriter) OverrideAckTimeout

func (ew *EntryWriter) OverrideAckTimeout(t time.Duration) error

func (*EntryWriter) Ping

func (ew *EntryWriter) Ping() (err error)

Ping is essentially a force ack, we send a PING command, which will cause the server to flush all acks and a PONG command. We read until we get the PONG

func (*EntryWriter) SetConn

func (ew *EntryWriter) SetConn(c Conn)

func (*EntryWriter) Write

func (ew *EntryWriter) Write(ent *entry.Entry) error

Write expects to have exclusive control over the entry and all its buffers from the period of write and forever after. This is because it needs to be able to resend the entry if it fails to confirm. If a buffer is re-used and the entry fails to confirm we will send the new modified buffer which may not have the original data.

func (*EntryWriter) WriteBatch

func (ew *EntryWriter) WriteBatch(ents [](*entry.Entry)) error

WriteBatch takes a slice of entries and writes them, this function is useful in multithreaded environments where we want to lessen the impact of hits on a channel by threads

func (*EntryWriter) WriteSync

func (ew *EntryWriter) WriteSync(ent *entry.Entry) error

func (*EntryWriter) WriteWithHint

func (ew *EntryWriter) WriteWithHint(ent *entry.Entry) (bool, error)

WriteWithHint behaves exactly like Write but also returns a bool which indicates whether or not the a flush was required. This function method is primarily used when muxing across multiple indexers, so the muxer knows when to transition to the next indexer

type IngestCache

type IngestCache struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewIngestCache

func NewIngestCache(c IngestCacheConfig) (*IngestCache, error)

NewIngestCache creates a ingest cache and gets a handle on the store if specified. If the store can't be opened when asked for, we return an error

func (*IngestCache) Close

func (ic *IngestCache) Close() error

Close flushes hot blocks to the store and closes the cache

func (*IngestCache) Count

func (ic *IngestCache) Count() uint64

Count returns the number of entries held, including in the storage system

func (*IngestCache) GetTagList

func (ic *IngestCache) GetTagList() ([]string, error)

func (*IngestCache) HotBlocks

func (ic *IngestCache) HotBlocks() int

HotBlocks returns the number of blocks currently held in memory

func (*IngestCache) MemoryCacheSize

func (ic *IngestCache) MemoryCacheSize() uint64

MemoryCacheSize returns how much is held in memory

func (*IngestCache) PopBlock

func (ic *IngestCache) PopBlock() (*entry.EntryBlock, error)

PopBlock will pop any available block and hand it back the block is entirely removed from the cache

func (*IngestCache) Start

func (ic *IngestCache) Start(eChan chan *entry.Entry, bChan chan []*entry.Entry) error

func (*IngestCache) Stop

func (ic *IngestCache) Stop() error

func (*IngestCache) StoredBlocks

func (ic *IngestCache) StoredBlocks() int

StoredBlocks returns the total number of blocks held in the store

func (*IngestCache) Sync

func (ic *IngestCache) Sync() error

Sync flushes all hot blocks to the data store. If we an in memory only cache then we throw an error

func (*IngestCache) UpdateStoredTagList

func (ic *IngestCache) UpdateStoredTagList(tags []string) error

type IngestCacheConfig

type IngestCacheConfig struct {
	FileBackingLocation string
	TickInterval        time.Duration
	MemoryCacheSize     uint64
	MaxCacheSize        uint64

type IngestCommand

type IngestCommand uint32
const (
	//ingester commands
	INVALID_MAGIC       IngestCommand = 0x00000000
	NEW_ENTRY_MAGIC     IngestCommand = 0xC7C95ACB
	FORCE_ACK_MAGIC     IngestCommand = 0x1ADF7350
	CONFIRM_ENTRY_MAGIC IngestCommand = 0xF6E0307E
	THROTTLE_MAGIC      IngestCommand = 0xBDEACC1E
	PING_MAGIC          IngestCommand = 0x88770001
	PONG_MAGIC          IngestCommand = 0x88770008
	TAG_MAGIC           IngestCommand = 0x18675300
	CONFIRM_TAG_MAGIC   IngestCommand = 0x18675301
	ERROR_TAG_MAGIC     IngestCommand = 0x18675302

func (IngestCommand) Buff

func (ic IngestCommand) Buff() (b []byte)

func (IngestCommand) String

func (ic IngestCommand) String() string

type IngestConnection

type IngestConnection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func InitializeConnection

func InitializeConnection(dst, authString string, tags []string, pubKey, privKey string, verifyRemoteKey bool) (*IngestConnection, error)

InitializeConnection is a simple wrapper to get a line to an ingester. callers can just call this function and get back a hot ingest connection We take care of establishing the connection and shuttling auth around

func NewPipeConnection

func NewPipeConnection(dst string, auth AuthHash, tags []string) (*IngestConnection, error)

This function will create a new NamedPipe connection to a local system. We have NO WAY of knowing which process is REALLY on the othe other end of the pipe. But it is assumed that gravwell will be running with highly limited priveleges, so if the integrity of the local system is compromised, its already over.

func NewTCPConnection

func NewTCPConnection(dst string, auth AuthHash, tags []string) (*IngestConnection, error)

This function will create a new cleartext TCP connection to a remote system. No verification of the server is performed AT ALL. All traffic is snoopable and modifiable. If someone has control of the network, they will be able to inject and monitor this traffic.

dst: should be a address:port pair. For example "" or ""

func NewTLSConnection

func NewTLSConnection(dst string, auth AuthHash, certs *TLSCerts, verify bool, tags []string) (*IngestConnection, error)

NewTLSConnection will create a new connection to a remote system using a secure TLS tunnel. If the remotePubKey in TLSCerts is set, we will verify the public key of the remote server and bail if it doesn't match. This is a basic MitM protection. This requires that we HAVE the remote public key, getting that will be done else where.

func (*IngestConnection) Close

func (igst *IngestConnection) Close() error

func (*IngestConnection) GetTag

func (igst *IngestConnection) GetTag(name string) (entry.EntryTag, bool)

func (*IngestConnection) NegotiateTag

func (igst *IngestConnection) NegotiateTag(name string) (tg entry.EntryTag, err error)

func (*IngestConnection) Running

func (igst *IngestConnection) Running() bool

func (*IngestConnection) Source

func (igst *IngestConnection) Source() (net.IP, error)

func (*IngestConnection) Sync

func (igst *IngestConnection) Sync() error
Sync causes the entry writer to force an ack from teh server.  This ensures that all

* entries that have been written are flushed and fully acked by the server.

func (*IngestConnection) Write

func (igst *IngestConnection) Write(ts entry.Timestamp, tag entry.EntryTag, data []byte) error

func (*IngestConnection) WriteBatchEntry

func (igst *IngestConnection) WriteBatchEntry(ents []*entry.Entry) error

WriteBatchEntry DOES NOT populate the source on write, the caller must do so

func (*IngestConnection) WriteEntry

func (igst *IngestConnection) WriteEntry(ent *entry.Entry) error

func (*IngestConnection) WriteEntrySync

func (igst *IngestConnection) WriteEntrySync(ent *entry.Entry) error

type IngestLogger

type IngestLogger interface {
	Error(string, ...interface{}) error
	Warn(string, ...interface{}) error
	Info(string, ...interface{}) error

func NoLogger

func NoLogger() IngestLogger

type IngestMuxer

type IngestMuxer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewIngestMuxer

func NewIngestMuxer(dests []Target, tags []string, pubKey, privKey string) (*IngestMuxer, error)

func NewIngestMuxerExt

func NewIngestMuxerExt(dests []Target, tags []string, pubKey, privKey string, chanSize int) (*IngestMuxer, error)

func NewMuxer

func NewMuxer(c MuxerConfig) (*IngestMuxer, error)

func NewUniformIngestMuxer

func NewUniformIngestMuxer(dests, tags []string, authString, pubKey, privKey, remoteKey string) (*IngestMuxer, error)

NewIngestMuxer creates a new muxer that will automatically distribute entries amongst the clients

func NewUniformIngestMuxerExt

func NewUniformIngestMuxerExt(dests, tags []string, authString, pubKey, privKey, remoteKey string, chanSize int) (*IngestMuxer, error)

func NewUniformMuxer

func NewUniformMuxer(c UniformMuxerConfig) (*IngestMuxer, error)

func (*IngestMuxer) Close

func (im *IngestMuxer) Close() error

Close the connection

func (*IngestMuxer) Dead

func (im *IngestMuxer) Dead() (int, error)

Dead returns how many connections are currently dead

func (*IngestMuxer) Error

func (im *IngestMuxer) Error(format string, args ...interface{}) error

GravwellError send an error entry down the line with the gravwell tag

func (*IngestMuxer) GetTag

func (im *IngestMuxer) GetTag(tag string) (tg entry.EntryTag, err error)

GetTag pulls back an intermediary tag id the intermediary tag has NO RELATION to the backend servers tag mapping it is used to speed along tag mappings

func (*IngestMuxer) Hot

func (im *IngestMuxer) Hot() (int, error)

Hot returns how many connections are functioning

func (*IngestMuxer) Info

func (im *IngestMuxer) Info(format string, args ...interface{}) error

func (*IngestMuxer) NegotiateTag

func (im *IngestMuxer) NegotiateTag(name string) (tg entry.EntryTag, err error)

func (*IngestMuxer) Size

func (im *IngestMuxer) Size() (int, error)

Size returns the total number of specified connections, hot or dead

func (*IngestMuxer) SourceIP

func (im *IngestMuxer) SourceIP() (net.IP, error)

SourceIP is a convienence function used to pull back a source value

func (*IngestMuxer) Start

func (im *IngestMuxer) Start() error

Start starts the connection process. This will return immediately, and does not mean that connections are ready. Callers should call WaitForHot immediately after to wait for the connections to be ready.

func (*IngestMuxer) Sync

func (im *IngestMuxer) Sync(to time.Duration) error

func (*IngestMuxer) WaitForHot

func (im *IngestMuxer) WaitForHot(to time.Duration) error

WaitForHot waits until at least one connection goes into the hot state The timout duration parameter is an optional timeout, if zero, it waits indefinitely

func (*IngestMuxer) Warn

func (im *IngestMuxer) Warn(format string, args ...interface{}) error

func (*IngestMuxer) Write

func (im *IngestMuxer) Write(tm entry.Timestamp, tag entry.EntryTag, data []byte) error

Write puts together the arguments to create an entry and writes it to the queue to be sent out by the first available entry writer routine, if all routines are dead, THIS WILL BLOCK once the channel fills up. We figure this is a natural "wait" mechanism

func (*IngestMuxer) WriteBatch

func (im *IngestMuxer) WriteBatch(b []*entry.Entry) error

WriteBatch puts a slice of entries into the queue to be sent out by the first available entry writer routine. The entry writer routines will consume the entire slice, so extremely large slices will go to a single indexer.

func (*IngestMuxer) WriteEntry

func (im *IngestMuxer) WriteEntry(e *entry.Entry) error

WriteEntry puts an entry into the queue to be sent out by the first available entry writer routine, if all routines are dead, THIS WILL BLOCK once the channel fills up. We figure this is a natural "wait" mechanism

func (*IngestMuxer) WriteEntryTimeout

func (im *IngestMuxer) WriteEntryTimeout(e *entry.Entry, d time.Duration) (err error)

WriteEntryAttempt attempts to put an entry into the queue to be sent out of the first available writer routine. This write is opportunistic and contains a timeout. It is therefor every expensive and shouldn't be used for normal writes The typical use case is via the gravwell_log calls

type Logger

type Logger interface {
	Info(string, ...interface{}) error
	Warn(string, ...interface{}) error
	Error(string, ...interface{}) error

type MuxerConfig

type MuxerConfig struct {
	Destinations []Target
	Tags         []string
	PublicKey    string
	PrivateKey   string
	VerifyCert   bool
	ChannelSize  int
	EnableCache  bool
	CacheConfig  IngestCacheConfig
	LogLevel     string
	Logger       Logger
	IngesterName string
	RateLimitBps int64

type Parent

type Parent struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewParent

func NewParent(bps int64, burstMult int) *Parent

func (*Parent) NewThrottleConn

func (p *Parent) NewThrottleConn(c net.Conn) *ThrottleConn

type StateResponse

type StateResponse struct {
	ID   uint32
	Info string


func (*StateResponse) Read

func (sr *StateResponse) Read(r io.Reader) error

Read reads a state response from the reader

func (*StateResponse) Write

func (sr *StateResponse) Write(w io.Writer) error

Write the StateResponse

type TLSCerts

type TLSCerts struct {
	Cert tls.Certificate

type TagManager

type TagManager interface {
	GetAndPopulate(string) (entry.EntryTag, error)

type TagRequest

type TagRequest struct {
	Count uint32
	Tags  []string

TagRequest is used to request tags for the ingester

func (*TagRequest) Read

func (tr *TagRequest) Read(r io.Reader) error

Read a TagRequest structure

func (*TagRequest) Write

func (tr *TagRequest) Write(w io.Writer) error

Write a TagRequest

type TagResponse

type TagResponse struct {
	Count uint32
	Tags  map[string]entry.EntryTag

TagResponse represents the Tag Name to Tag Number mapping supported by the ingest server

func (*TagResponse) Read

func (tr *TagResponse) Read(r io.Reader) error

Read a TagResponse

func (*TagResponse) Write

func (tr *TagResponse) Write(w io.Writer) error

Write a TagResponse

type Target

type Target struct {
	Address string
	Secret  string

type TargetError

type TargetError struct {
	Address string
	Error   error

type ThrottleConn

type ThrottleConn struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewWriteThrottler

func NewWriteThrottler(bps int64, burstMult int, c net.Conn) (wt *ThrottleConn)

func (*ThrottleConn) ClearReadTimeout

func (w *ThrottleConn) ClearReadTimeout() error

func (*ThrottleConn) ClearWriteTimeout

func (w *ThrottleConn) ClearWriteTimeout() error

func (*ThrottleConn) Close

func (w *ThrottleConn) Close() error

func (*ThrottleConn) SetReadTimeout

func (w *ThrottleConn) SetReadTimeout(to time.Duration) error

func (*ThrottleConn) SetWriteTimeout

func (w *ThrottleConn) SetWriteTimeout(to time.Duration) error

func (*ThrottleConn) Write

func (w *ThrottleConn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error)

type UniformMuxerConfig

type UniformMuxerConfig struct {
	Destinations []string
	Tags         []string
	Auth         string
	PublicKey    string
	PrivateKey   string
	VerifyCert   bool
	ChannelSize  int
	EnableCache  bool
	CacheConfig  IngestCacheConfig
	LogLevel     string
	Logger       Logger
	IngesterName string
	RateLimitBps int64


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