Overview ¶
Package common contains the implementation of API elements that do not depend on the browser type.
Index ¶
- Constants
- func GetDevices() map[string]Device
- func GetIterationID(ctx context.Context) string
- func NewJSHandle(ctx context.Context, s session, ectx *ExecutionContext, f *Frame, ...) jsHandle
- func TrimQuotes(s string) string
- func WithBrowserOptions(ctx context.Context, opts *BrowserOptions) context.Context
- func WithHooks(ctx context.Context, hooks *Hooks) context.Context
- func WithIterationID(ctx context.Context, iterID string) context.Context
- type Action
- type ActionFunc
- type Barrier
- type BaseEventEmitter
- type BaseJSHandle
- func (h *BaseJSHandle) AsElement() api.ElementHandle
- func (h *BaseJSHandle) Dispose()
- func (h *BaseJSHandle) Evaluate(pageFunc goja.Value, args ...goja.Value) any
- func (h *BaseJSHandle) EvaluateHandle(pageFunc goja.Value, args ...goja.Value) (api.JSHandle, error)
- func (h *BaseJSHandle) GetProperties() (map[string]api.JSHandle, error)
- func (h *BaseJSHandle) GetProperty(propertyName string) api.JSHandle
- func (h *BaseJSHandle) JSONValue() goja.Value
- func (h *BaseJSHandle) ObjectID() runtime.RemoteObjectID
- type BigIntParseError
- type Browser
- func (b *Browser) Close()
- func (b *Browser) Context() api.BrowserContext
- func (b *Browser) IsConnected() bool
- func (b *Browser) NewContext(opts goja.Value) (api.BrowserContext, error)
- func (b *Browser) NewPage(opts goja.Value) (api.Page, error)
- func (b *Browser) On(event string) (bool, error)
- func (b *Browser) UserAgent() string
- func (b *Browser) Version() string
- func (b *Browser) WsURL() string
- type BrowserContext
- func (b *BrowserContext) AddCookies(cookies []*api.Cookie) error
- func (b *BrowserContext) AddInitScript(script goja.Value, arg goja.Value) error
- func (b *BrowserContext) Browser() api.Browser
- func (b *BrowserContext) ClearCookies() error
- func (b *BrowserContext) ClearPermissions()
- func (b *BrowserContext) Close()
- func (b *BrowserContext) Cookies(urls ...string) ([]*api.Cookie, error)
- func (b *BrowserContext) ExposeBinding(name string, callback goja.Callable, opts goja.Value)
- func (b *BrowserContext) ExposeFunction(name string, callback goja.Callable)
- func (b *BrowserContext) GrantPermissions(permissions []string, opts goja.Value)
- func (b *BrowserContext) NewCDPSession() api.CDPSession
- func (b *BrowserContext) NewPage() (api.Page, error)
- func (b *BrowserContext) Pages() []api.Page
- func (b *BrowserContext) Route(url goja.Value, handler goja.Callable)
- func (b *BrowserContext) SetDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout int64)
- func (b *BrowserContext) SetDefaultTimeout(timeout int64)
- func (b *BrowserContext) SetExtraHTTPHeaders(headers map[string]string) error
- func (b *BrowserContext) SetGeolocation(geolocation goja.Value)
- func (b *BrowserContext) SetHTTPCredentials(httpCredentials goja.Value)deprecated
- func (b *BrowserContext) SetOffline(offline bool)
- func (b *BrowserContext) StorageState(opts goja.Value)
- func (b *BrowserContext) Unroute(url goja.Value, handler goja.Callable)
- func (b *BrowserContext) WaitForEvent(event string, optsOrPredicate goja.Value) any
- type BrowserContextOptions
- type BrowserOptions
- type BrowserProcess
- type ColorScheme
- type Connection
- type Credentials
- type DOMElementState
- type Device
- type DocumentInfo
- type ElementHandle
- func (h *ElementHandle) AsElement() api.ElementHandle
- func (h *ElementHandle) BoundingBox() *api.Rect
- func (h *ElementHandle) Check(opts goja.Value)
- func (h *ElementHandle) Click(opts goja.Value) error
- func (h *ElementHandle) ContentFrame() (api.Frame, error)
- func (h *ElementHandle) Dblclick(opts goja.Value)
- func (h *ElementHandle) DispatchEvent(typ string, eventInit goja.Value)
- func (h *ElementHandle) Fill(value string, opts goja.Value)
- func (h *ElementHandle) Focus()
- func (h *ElementHandle) GetAttribute(name string) goja.Value
- func (h *ElementHandle) Hover(opts goja.Value)
- func (h *ElementHandle) InnerHTML() string
- func (h *ElementHandle) InnerText() string
- func (h *ElementHandle) InputValue(opts goja.Value) string
- func (h *ElementHandle) IsChecked() bool
- func (h *ElementHandle) IsDisabled() bool
- func (h *ElementHandle) IsEditable() bool
- func (h *ElementHandle) IsEnabled() bool
- func (h *ElementHandle) IsHidden() bool
- func (h *ElementHandle) IsVisible() bool
- func (h *ElementHandle) OwnerFrame() (api.Frame, error)
- func (h *ElementHandle) Press(key string, opts goja.Value)
- func (h *ElementHandle) Query(selector string) (api.ElementHandle, error)
- func (h *ElementHandle) QueryAll(selector string) ([]api.ElementHandle, error)
- func (h *ElementHandle) Screenshot(opts goja.Value) goja.ArrayBuffer
- func (h *ElementHandle) ScrollIntoViewIfNeeded(opts goja.Value)
- func (h *ElementHandle) SelectOption(values goja.Value, opts goja.Value) []string
- func (h *ElementHandle) SelectText(opts goja.Value)
- func (h *ElementHandle) SetChecked(checked bool, opts goja.Value)
- func (h *ElementHandle) SetInputFiles(files goja.Value, opts goja.Value)
- func (h *ElementHandle) Tap(opts goja.Value)
- func (h *ElementHandle) TextContent() string
- func (h *ElementHandle) Type(text string, opts goja.Value)
- func (h *ElementHandle) Uncheck(opts goja.Value)
- func (h *ElementHandle) WaitForElementState(state string, opts goja.Value)
- func (h *ElementHandle) WaitForSelector(selector string, opts goja.Value) (api.ElementHandle, error)
- type ElementHandleBaseOptions
- type ElementHandleBasePointerOptions
- type ElementHandleCheckOptions
- type ElementHandleClickOptions
- type ElementHandleDblclickOptions
- type ElementHandleDispatchEventOptions
- type ElementHandleHoverOptions
- type ElementHandlePressOptions
- type ElementHandleScreenshotOptions
- type ElementHandleSetCheckedOptions
- type ElementHandleTapOptions
- type ElementHandleTypeOptions
- type ElementHandleWaitForElementStateOptions
- type EmulatedSize
- type Error
- type Event
- type EventEmitter
- type ExecutionContext
- func (e *ExecutionContext) Eval(apiCtx context.Context, js goja.Value, args ...goja.Value) (any, error)
- func (e *ExecutionContext) EvalHandle(apiCtx context.Context, js goja.Value, args ...goja.Value) (api.JSHandle, error)
- func (e *ExecutionContext) Frame() *Frame
- func (e *ExecutionContext) ID() runtime.ExecutionContextID
- type Frame
- func (f *Frame) AddScriptTag(opts goja.Value)
- func (f *Frame) AddStyleTag(opts goja.Value)
- func (f *Frame) Check(selector string, opts goja.Value)
- func (f *Frame) ChildFrames() []api.Frame
- func (f *Frame) Click(selector string, opts goja.Value) error
- func (f *Frame) Content() string
- func (f *Frame) Dblclick(selector string, opts goja.Value)
- func (f *Frame) DispatchEvent(selector, typ string, eventInit, opts goja.Value)
- func (f *Frame) Evaluate(pageFunc goja.Value, args ...goja.Value) any
- func (f *Frame) EvaluateHandle(pageFunc goja.Value, args ...goja.Value) (handle api.JSHandle, _ error)
- func (f *Frame) EvaluateWithContext(ctx context.Context, pageFunc goja.Value, args ...goja.Value) (any, error)
- func (f *Frame) Fill(selector, value string, opts goja.Value)
- func (f *Frame) Focus(selector string, opts goja.Value)
- func (f *Frame) FrameElement() (api.ElementHandle, error)
- func (f *Frame) GetAttribute(selector, name string, opts goja.Value) goja.Value
- func (f *Frame) Goto(url string, opts goja.Value) (api.Response, error)
- func (f *Frame) Hover(selector string, opts goja.Value)
- func (f *Frame) ID() string
- func (f *Frame) InnerHTML(selector string, opts goja.Value) string
- func (f *Frame) InnerText(selector string, opts goja.Value) string
- func (f *Frame) InputValue(selector string, opts goja.Value) string
- func (f *Frame) IsChecked(selector string, opts goja.Value) bool
- func (f *Frame) IsDetached() bool
- func (f *Frame) IsDisabled(selector string, opts goja.Value) bool
- func (f *Frame) IsEditable(selector string, opts goja.Value) bool
- func (f *Frame) IsEnabled(selector string, opts goja.Value) bool
- func (f *Frame) IsHidden(selector string, opts goja.Value) bool
- func (f *Frame) IsVisible(selector string, opts goja.Value) bool
- func (f *Frame) LoaderID() string
- func (f *Frame) Locator(selector string, opts goja.Value) api.Locator
- func (f *Frame) Name() string
- func (f *Frame) Page() api.Page
- func (f *Frame) ParentFrame() api.Frame
- func (f *Frame) Press(selector, key string, opts goja.Value)
- func (f *Frame) Query(selector string) (api.ElementHandle, error)
- func (f *Frame) QueryAll(selector string) ([]api.ElementHandle, error)
- func (f *Frame) SelectOption(selector string, values goja.Value, opts goja.Value) []string
- func (f *Frame) SetContent(html string, opts goja.Value)
- func (f *Frame) SetInputFiles(selector string, files goja.Value, opts goja.Value)
- func (f *Frame) Tap(selector string, opts goja.Value)
- func (f *Frame) TextContent(selector string, opts goja.Value) string
- func (f *Frame) Title() string
- func (f *Frame) Type(selector, text string, opts goja.Value)
- func (f *Frame) URL() string
- func (f *Frame) Uncheck(selector string, opts goja.Value)
- func (f *Frame) WaitForFunction(fn goja.Value, opts goja.Value, jsArgs ...goja.Value) (any, error)
- func (f *Frame) WaitForLoadState(state string, opts goja.Value)
- func (f *Frame) WaitForNavigation(opts goja.Value) (api.Response, error)
- func (f *Frame) WaitForSelector(selector string, opts goja.Value) (api.ElementHandle, error)
- func (f *Frame) WaitForTimeout(timeout int64)
- type FrameBaseOptions
- type FrameCheckOptions
- type FrameClickOptions
- type FrameDblclickOptions
- type FrameDispatchEventOptions
- type FrameFillOptions
- type FrameGotoOptions
- type FrameHoverOptions
- type FrameInnerHTMLOptions
- type FrameInnerTextOptions
- type FrameInputValueOptions
- type FrameIsCheckedOptions
- type FrameIsDisabledOptions
- type FrameIsEditableOptions
- type FrameIsEnabledOptions
- type FrameIsHiddenOptions
- type FrameIsVisibleOptions
- type FrameLifecycleEvent
- type FrameManager
- type FramePressOptions
- type FrameSelectOptionOptions
- type FrameSession
- type FrameSetContentOptions
- type FrameTapOptions
- type FrameTextContentOptions
- type FrameTypeOptions
- type FrameUncheckOptions
- type FrameWaitForFunctionOptions
- type FrameWaitForLoadStateOptions
- type FrameWaitForNavigationOptions
- type FrameWaitForSelectorOptions
- type Geolocation
- type Hook
- type HookID
- type Hooks
- type ImageFormat
- type Keyboard
- type KeyboardOptions
- type LifecycleEvent
- type Locator
- func (l *Locator) Check(opts goja.Value)
- func (l *Locator) Click(opts goja.Value) error
- func (l *Locator) Dblclick(opts goja.Value)
- func (l *Locator) DispatchEvent(typ string, eventInit, opts goja.Value)
- func (l *Locator) Fill(value string, opts goja.Value)
- func (l *Locator) Focus(opts goja.Value)
- func (l *Locator) GetAttribute(name string, opts goja.Value) goja.Value
- func (l *Locator) Hover(opts goja.Value)
- func (l *Locator) InnerHTML(opts goja.Value) string
- func (l *Locator) InnerText(opts goja.Value) string
- func (l *Locator) InputValue(opts goja.Value) string
- func (l *Locator) IsChecked(opts goja.Value) bool
- func (l *Locator) IsDisabled(opts goja.Value) bool
- func (l *Locator) IsEditable(opts goja.Value) bool
- func (l *Locator) IsEnabled(opts goja.Value) bool
- func (l *Locator) IsHidden(opts goja.Value) bool
- func (l *Locator) IsVisible(opts goja.Value) bool
- func (l *Locator) Press(key string, opts goja.Value)
- func (l *Locator) SelectOption(values goja.Value, opts goja.Value) []string
- func (l *Locator) Tap(opts goja.Value)
- func (l *Locator) TextContent(opts goja.Value) string
- func (l *Locator) Type(text string, opts goja.Value)
- func (l *Locator) Uncheck(opts goja.Value)
- func (l *Locator) WaitFor(opts goja.Value)
- type MediaType
- type Mouse
- func (m *Mouse) Click(x float64, y float64, opts goja.Value)
- func (m *Mouse) DblClick(x float64, y float64, opts goja.Value)
- func (m *Mouse) Down(x float64, y float64, opts goja.Value)
- func (m *Mouse) Move(x float64, y float64, opts goja.Value)
- func (m *Mouse) Up(x float64, y float64, opts goja.Value)
- type MouseClickOptions
- type MouseDblClickOptions
- type MouseDownUpOptions
- type MouseMoveOptions
- type NavigationEvent
- type NetworkManager
- func (m *NetworkManager) Authenticate(credentials *Credentials)
- func (m *NetworkManager) ExtraHTTPHeaders() goja.Value
- func (m *NetworkManager) SetCacheEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (m *NetworkManager) SetExtraHTTPHeaders(headers network.Headers)
- func (m *NetworkManager) SetOfflineMode(offline bool)
- func (m *NetworkManager) SetUserAgent(userAgent string)
- type NewRequestParams
- type Page
- func (p *Page) AddInitScript(script goja.Value, arg goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) AddScriptTag(opts goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) AddStyleTag(opts goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) BringToFront()
- func (p *Page) Check(selector string, opts goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) Click(selector string, opts goja.Value) error
- func (p *Page) Close(opts goja.Value) error
- func (p *Page) Content() string
- func (p *Page) Context() api.BrowserContext
- func (p *Page) Dblclick(selector string, opts goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) DispatchEvent(selector string, typ string, eventInit goja.Value, opts goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) DragAndDrop(source string, target string, opts goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) EmulateMedia(opts goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) EmulateVisionDeficiency(typ string)
- func (p *Page) Evaluate(pageFunc goja.Value, args ...goja.Value) any
- func (p *Page) EvaluateHandle(pageFunc goja.Value, args ...goja.Value) (api.JSHandle, error)
- func (p *Page) ExposeBinding(name string, callback goja.Callable, opts goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) ExposeFunction(name string, callback goja.Callable)
- func (p *Page) Fill(selector string, value string, opts goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) Focus(selector string, opts goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) Frame(frameSelector goja.Value) api.Frame
- func (p *Page) Frames() []api.Frame
- func (p *Page) GetAttribute(selector string, name string, opts goja.Value) goja.Value
- func (p *Page) GetKeyboard() api.Keyboard
- func (p *Page) GetMouse() api.Mouse
- func (p *Page) GetTouchscreen() api.Touchscreen
- func (p *Page) GoBack(opts goja.Value) api.Response
- func (p *Page) GoForward(opts goja.Value) api.Response
- func (p *Page) Goto(url string, opts goja.Value) (api.Response, error)
- func (p *Page) Hover(selector string, opts goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) InnerHTML(selector string, opts goja.Value) string
- func (p *Page) InnerText(selector string, opts goja.Value) string
- func (p *Page) InputValue(selector string, opts goja.Value) string
- func (p *Page) IsChecked(selector string, opts goja.Value) bool
- func (p *Page) IsClosed() bool
- func (p *Page) IsDisabled(selector string, opts goja.Value) bool
- func (p *Page) IsEditable(selector string, opts goja.Value) bool
- func (p *Page) IsEnabled(selector string, opts goja.Value) bool
- func (p *Page) IsHidden(selector string, opts goja.Value) bool
- func (p *Page) IsVisible(selector string, opts goja.Value) bool
- func (p *Page) Locator(selector string, opts goja.Value) api.Locator
- func (p *Page) MainFrame() api.Frame
- func (p *Page) On(event string, handler func(*api.ConsoleMessage) error) error
- func (p *Page) Opener() api.Page
- func (p *Page) Pause()
- func (p *Page) Pdf(opts goja.Value) []byte
- func (p *Page) Press(selector string, key string, opts goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) Query(selector string) (api.ElementHandle, error)
- func (p *Page) QueryAll(selector string) ([]api.ElementHandle, error)
- func (p *Page) Reload(opts goja.Value) api.Response
- func (p *Page) Route(url goja.Value, handler goja.Callable)
- func (p *Page) Screenshot(opts goja.Value) goja.ArrayBuffer
- func (p *Page) SelectOption(selector string, values goja.Value, opts goja.Value) []string
- func (p *Page) SetContent(html string, opts goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) SetDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout int64)
- func (p *Page) SetDefaultTimeout(timeout int64)
- func (p *Page) SetExtraHTTPHeaders(headers map[string]string)
- func (p *Page) SetInputFiles(selector string, files goja.Value, opts goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) SetViewportSize(viewportSize goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) Tap(selector string, opts goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) TextContent(selector string, opts goja.Value) string
- func (p *Page) Title() string
- func (p *Page) Type(selector string, text string, opts goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) URL() string
- func (p *Page) Uncheck(selector string, opts goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) Unroute(url goja.Value, handler goja.Callable)
- func (p *Page) Video() api.Video
- func (p *Page) ViewportSize() map[string]float64
- func (p *Page) WaitForEvent(event string, optsOrPredicate goja.Value) any
- func (p *Page) WaitForFunction(fn, opts goja.Value, args ...goja.Value) (any, error)
- func (p *Page) WaitForLoadState(state string, opts goja.Value)
- func (p *Page) WaitForNavigation(opts goja.Value) (api.Response, error)
- func (p *Page) WaitForRequest(urlOrPredicate, opts goja.Value) api.Request
- func (p *Page) WaitForResponse(urlOrPredicate, opts goja.Value) api.Response
- func (p *Page) WaitForSelector(selector string, opts goja.Value) (api.ElementHandle, error)
- func (p *Page) WaitForTimeout(timeout int64)
- func (p *Page) Workers() []api.Worker
- type PageEmulateMediaOptions
- type PageReloadOptions
- type PageScreenshotOptions
- type PollingType
- type Position
- type Rect
- type ReducedMotion
- type RemoteAddress
- type Request
- func (r *Request) AllHeaders() map[string]string
- func (r *Request) Failure() goja.Value
- func (r *Request) Frame() api.Frame
- func (r *Request) HeaderValue(name string) goja.Value
- func (r *Request) Headers() map[string]string
- func (r *Request) HeadersArray() []api.HTTPHeader
- func (r *Request) IsNavigationRequest() bool
- func (r *Request) Method() string
- func (r *Request) PostData() string
- func (r *Request) PostDataBuffer() goja.ArrayBuffer
- func (r *Request) PostDataJSON() string
- func (r *Request) RedirectedFrom() api.Request
- func (r *Request) RedirectedTo() api.Request
- func (r *Request) ResourceType() string
- func (r *Request) Response() api.Response
- func (r *Request) Size() api.HTTPMessageSize
- func (r *Request) Timing() goja.Value
- func (r *Request) URL() string
- type ResourceTiming
- type Response
- func (r *Response) AllHeaders() map[string]string
- func (r *Response) Body() goja.ArrayBuffer
- func (r *Response) Finished() bool
- func (r *Response) Frame() api.Frame
- func (r *Response) FromCache() bool
- func (r *Response) FromPrefetchCache() bool
- func (r *Response) FromServiceWorker() bool
- func (r *Response) HeaderValue(name string) goja.Value
- func (r *Response) HeaderValues(name string) []string
- func (r *Response) Headers() map[string]string
- func (r *Response) HeadersArray() []api.HTTPHeader
- func (r *Response) JSON() goja.Value
- func (r *Response) Ok() bool
- func (r *Response) Request() api.Request
- func (r *Response) SecurityDetails() goja.Value
- func (r *Response) ServerAddr() goja.Value
- func (r *Response) Size() api.HTTPMessageSize
- func (r *Response) Status() int64
- func (r *Response) StatusText() string
- func (r *Response) Text() string
- func (r *Response) URL() string
- type Screen
- type ScrollIntoViewOptions
- type ScrollPosition
- type SecurityDetails
- type SelectOption
- type Selector
- type SelectorPart
- type Session
- func (s *Session) Closed() bool
- func (s *Session) Done() <-chan struct{}
- func (s *Session) Execute(ctx context.Context, method string, params easyjson.Marshaler, ...) error
- func (s *Session) ExecuteWithoutExpectationOnReply(ctx context.Context, method string, params easyjson.Marshaler, ...) error
- func (s *Session) ID() target.SessionID
- func (s *Session) TargetID() target.ID
- type Size
- type TimeoutSettings
- type Touchscreen
- type UnserializableValueError
- type Viewport
- type Worker
Constants ¶
const ( BrowserStateOpen int64 = iota BrowserStateClosed )
const ( DefaultLocale string = "en-US" DefaultScreenWidth int64 = 1280 DefaultScreenHeight int64 = 720 DefaultTimeout time.Duration = 30 * time.Second LifeCycleNetworkIdleTimeout time.Duration = 500 * time.Millisecond )
const ( EventBrowserDisconnected string = "disconnected" EventBrowserContextClose string = "close" EventBrowserContextPage string = "page" EventConnectionClose string = "close" EventFrameAddLifecycle string = "addlifecycle" EventPageClose string = "close" EventPageConsole string = "console" EventPageCrash string = "crash" EventPageDialog string = "dialog" EventPageDownload string = "download" EventPageFilechooser string = "filechooser" EventPageFrameAttached string = "frameattached" EventPageFrameDetached string = "framedetached" EventPageError string = "pageerror" EventPagePopup string = "popup" EventPageRequest string = "request" EventPageRequestFailed string = "requestfailed" EventPageRequestFinished string = "requestfinished" EventPageResponse string = "response" EventPageWebSocket string = "websocket" EventPageWorker string = "worker" EventSessionClosed string = "close" EventWorkerClose string = "close" )
const ( ModifierKeyAlt int64 = 1 << iota ModifierKeyControl ModifierKeyMeta ModifierKeyShift )
const BlankPage = "about:blank"
BlankPage represents a blank page.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func GetDevices ¶
GetDevices returns predefined emulation settings for many end-user devices.
func GetIterationID ¶ added in v0.6.0
GetIterationID returns the iteration identifier attached to the context.
func NewJSHandle ¶
func NewJSHandle( ctx context.Context, s session, ectx *ExecutionContext, f *Frame, ro *runtime.RemoteObject, l *log.Logger, ) jsHandle
NewJSHandle creates a new JS handle referencing a remote object.
func TrimQuotes ¶ added in v0.2.0
TrimQuotes removes surrounding single or double quotes from s. We're not using strings.Trim() to avoid trimming unbalanced values, e.g. `"'arg` shouldn't change. Source:
func WithBrowserOptions ¶ added in v1.0.0
func WithBrowserOptions(ctx context.Context, opts *BrowserOptions) context.Context
WithBrowserOptions adds the browser options to the context.
Types ¶
type ActionFunc ¶
ActionFunc is an adapter to allow regular functions to be used as an Action.
type Barrier ¶
type Barrier struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBarrier ¶
func NewBarrier() *Barrier
func (*Barrier) AddFrameNavigation ¶
type BaseEventEmitter ¶
type BaseEventEmitter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BaseEventEmitter emits events to registered handlers.
func NewBaseEventEmitter ¶
func NewBaseEventEmitter(ctx context.Context) BaseEventEmitter
NewBaseEventEmitter creates a new instance of a base event emitter.
type BaseJSHandle ¶
type BaseJSHandle struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BaseJSHandle represents a JS object in an execution context.
func (*BaseJSHandle) AsElement ¶
func (h *BaseJSHandle) AsElement() api.ElementHandle
AsElement returns an element handle if this JSHandle is a reference to a JS HTML element.
func (*BaseJSHandle) Evaluate ¶
Evaluate will evaluate provided page function within an execution context.
func (*BaseJSHandle) EvaluateHandle ¶
func (h *BaseJSHandle) EvaluateHandle(pageFunc goja.Value, args ...goja.Value) (api.JSHandle, error)
EvaluateHandle will evaluate provided page function within an execution context.
func (*BaseJSHandle) GetProperties ¶
func (h *BaseJSHandle) GetProperties() (map[string]api.JSHandle, error)
GetProperties retreives the JS handle's properties.
func (*BaseJSHandle) GetProperty ¶
func (h *BaseJSHandle) GetProperty(propertyName string) api.JSHandle
GetProperty retreves a single property of the JS handle.
func (*BaseJSHandle) JSONValue ¶
func (h *BaseJSHandle) JSONValue() goja.Value
JSONValue returns a JSON version of this JS handle.
func (*BaseJSHandle) ObjectID ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (h *BaseJSHandle) ObjectID() runtime.RemoteObjectID
ObjectID returns the remote object ID.
type BigIntParseError ¶
type BigIntParseError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (BigIntParseError) Error ¶
func (e BigIntParseError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface.
func (BigIntParseError) Is ¶
func (e BigIntParseError) Is(target error) bool
Is satisfies the builtin error Is interface.
func (BigIntParseError) Unwrap ¶
func (e BigIntParseError) Unwrap() error
Unwrap satisfies the builtin error Unwrap interface.
type Browser ¶
type Browser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Browser stores a Browser context.
func NewBrowser ¶
func NewBrowser( ctx context.Context, cancel context.CancelFunc, browserProc *BrowserProcess, browserOpts *BrowserOptions, logger *log.Logger, ) (*Browser, error)
NewBrowser creates a new browser, connects to it, then returns it.
func (*Browser) Context ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (b *Browser) Context() api.BrowserContext
Context returns the current browser context or nil.
func (*Browser) IsConnected ¶
IsConnected returns whether the WebSocket connection to the browser process is active or not.
func (*Browser) NewContext ¶
NewContext creates a new incognito-like browser context.
func (*Browser) On ¶ added in v0.3.0
On returns a Promise that is resolved when the browser process is disconnected. The only accepted event value is "disconnected".
type BrowserContext ¶
type BrowserContext struct { BaseEventEmitter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BrowserContext stores context information for a single independent browser session. A newly launched browser instance contains a default browser context. Any browser context created aside from the default will be considered an "incognito" browser context and will not store any data on disk.
func NewBrowserContext ¶
func NewBrowserContext( ctx context.Context, browser *Browser, id cdp.BrowserContextID, opts *BrowserContextOptions, logger *log.Logger, ) (*BrowserContext, error)
NewBrowserContext creates a new browser context.
func (*BrowserContext) AddCookies ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) AddCookies(cookies []*api.Cookie) error
AddCookies adds cookies into this browser context. All pages within this context will have these cookies installed.
func (*BrowserContext) AddInitScript ¶
AddInitScript adds a script that will be initialized on all new pages.
func (*BrowserContext) Browser ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) Browser() api.Browser
Browser returns the browser instance that this browser context belongs to.
func (*BrowserContext) ClearCookies ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) ClearCookies() error
ClearCookies clears cookies.
func (*BrowserContext) ClearPermissions ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) ClearPermissions()
ClearPermissions clears any permission overrides.
func (*BrowserContext) Close ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) Close()
Close shuts down the browser context.
func (*BrowserContext) Cookies ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) Cookies(urls ...string) ([]*api.Cookie, error)
Cookies returns all cookies. Some of them can be added with the AddCookies method and some of them are automatically taken from the browser context when it is created. And some of them are set by the page, i.e., using the Set-Cookie HTTP header or via JavaScript like document.cookie.
func (*BrowserContext) ExposeBinding ¶
ExposeBinding is not implemented.
func (*BrowserContext) ExposeFunction ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) ExposeFunction(name string, callback goja.Callable)
ExposeFunction is not implemented.
func (*BrowserContext) GrantPermissions ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) GrantPermissions(permissions []string, opts goja.Value)
GrantPermissions enables the specified permissions, all others will be disabled.
func (*BrowserContext) NewCDPSession ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) NewCDPSession() api.CDPSession
NewCDPSession returns a new CDP session attached to this target.
func (*BrowserContext) NewPage ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) NewPage() (api.Page, error)
NewPage creates a new page inside this browser context.
func (*BrowserContext) Pages ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) Pages() []api.Page
Pages returns a list of pages inside this browser context.
func (*BrowserContext) Route ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) Route(url goja.Value, handler goja.Callable)
Route is not implemented.
func (*BrowserContext) SetDefaultNavigationTimeout ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) SetDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout int64)
SetDefaultNavigationTimeout sets the default navigation timeout in milliseconds.
func (*BrowserContext) SetDefaultTimeout ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) SetDefaultTimeout(timeout int64)
SetDefaultTimeout sets the default maximum timeout in milliseconds.
func (*BrowserContext) SetExtraHTTPHeaders ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) SetExtraHTTPHeaders(headers map[string]string) error
SetExtraHTTPHeaders is not implemented.
func (*BrowserContext) SetGeolocation ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) SetGeolocation(geolocation goja.Value)
SetGeolocation overrides the geo location of the user.
func (*BrowserContext) SetHTTPCredentials
func (b *BrowserContext) SetHTTPCredentials(httpCredentials goja.Value)
SetHTTPCredentials sets username/password credentials to use for HTTP authentication.
Deprecated: Create a new BrowserContext with httpCredentials instead. See for details: - -
func (*BrowserContext) SetOffline ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) SetOffline(offline bool)
SetOffline toggles the browser's connectivity on/off.
func (*BrowserContext) StorageState ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) StorageState(opts goja.Value)
StorageState is not implemented.
func (*BrowserContext) Unroute ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) Unroute(url goja.Value, handler goja.Callable)
Unroute is not implemented.
func (*BrowserContext) WaitForEvent ¶
func (b *BrowserContext) WaitForEvent(event string, optsOrPredicate goja.Value) any
WaitForEvent waits for event.
type BrowserContextOptions ¶
type BrowserContextOptions struct { AcceptDownloads bool `js:"acceptDownloads"` BypassCSP bool `js:"bypassCSP"` ColorScheme ColorScheme `js:"colorScheme"` DeviceScaleFactor float64 `js:"deviceScaleFactor"` ExtraHTTPHeaders map[string]string `js:"extraHTTPHeaders"` Geolocation *Geolocation `js:"geolocation"` HasTouch bool `js:"hasTouch"` HttpCredentials *Credentials `js:"httpCredentials"` IgnoreHTTPSErrors bool `js:"ignoreHTTPSErrors"` IsMobile bool `js:"isMobile"` JavaScriptEnabled bool `js:"javaScriptEnabled"` Locale string `js:"locale"` Offline bool `js:"offline"` Permissions []string `js:"permissions"` ReducedMotion ReducedMotion `js:"reducedMotion"` Screen *Screen `js:"screen"` TimezoneID string `js:"timezoneID"` UserAgent string `js:"userAgent"` VideosPath string `js:"videosPath"` Viewport *Viewport `js:"viewport"` }
BrowserContextOptions stores browser context options.
func NewBrowserContextOptions ¶
func NewBrowserContextOptions() *BrowserContextOptions
NewBrowserContextOptions creates a default set of browser context options.
type BrowserOptions ¶ added in v1.0.0
type BrowserOptions struct { Args []string Debug bool ExecutablePath string Headless bool IgnoreDefaultArgs []string LogCategoryFilter string // TODO: Do not expose slowMo option by now. // See SlowMo time.Duration Timeout time.Duration // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BrowserOptions stores browser options.
func GetBrowserOptions ¶ added in v1.0.0
func GetBrowserOptions(ctx context.Context) *BrowserOptions
GetBrowserOptions returns the browser options attached to the context.
func NewLocalBrowserOptions ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewLocalBrowserOptions() *BrowserOptions
NewLocalBrowserOptions returns a new BrowserOptions for a browser launched in the local machine.
func NewRemoteBrowserOptions ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewRemoteBrowserOptions() *BrowserOptions
NewRemoteBrowserOptions returns a new BrowserOptions for a browser running in a remote machine.
type BrowserProcess ¶
type BrowserProcess struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewLocalBrowserProcess ¶ added in v0.9.0
func NewLocalBrowserProcess( ctx context.Context, path string, args []string, dataDir *storage.Dir, ctxCancel context.CancelFunc, logger *log.Logger, ) (*BrowserProcess, error)
NewLocalBrowserProcess starts a local browser process and returns a new BrowserProcess instance to interact with it.
func NewRemoteBrowserProcess ¶ added in v0.9.0
func NewRemoteBrowserProcess( ctx context.Context, wsURL string, ctxCancel context.CancelFunc, logger *log.Logger, ) (*BrowserProcess, error)
NewRemoteBrowserProcess returns a new BrowserProcess instance which references a remote browser process.
func (*BrowserProcess) Cleanup ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (p *BrowserProcess) Cleanup() error
Cleanup cleans up the metadata associated with the browser process, mainly the browser data directory.
func (*BrowserProcess) GracefulClose ¶
func (p *BrowserProcess) GracefulClose()
GracefulClose triggers a graceful closing of the browser process.
func (*BrowserProcess) Pid ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (p *BrowserProcess) Pid() int
Pid returns the browser process ID, or -1 if this is unknown.
func (*BrowserProcess) Terminate ¶
func (p *BrowserProcess) Terminate()
Terminate triggers the termination of the browser process.
func (*BrowserProcess) WsURL ¶
func (p *BrowserProcess) WsURL() string
WsURL returns the Websocket URL that the browser is listening on for CDP clients.
type ColorScheme ¶
type ColorScheme string
ColorScheme represents a browser color scheme.
const ( ColorSchemeLight ColorScheme = "light" ColorSchemeDark ColorScheme = "dark" ColorSchemeNoPreference ColorScheme = "no-preference" )
Valid color schemes.
func (ColorScheme) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c ColorScheme) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals the enum as a quoted JSON string.
func (ColorScheme) String ¶
func (c ColorScheme) String() string
func (*ColorScheme) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *ColorScheme) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals a quoted JSON string to the enum value.
type Connection ¶
type Connection struct { BaseEventEmitter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Connection represents a WebSocket connection and the root "Browser Session". ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ Browser Process │ │ │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
┌───────────────────────────┐ │ ▲ │Reads JSON-RPC CDP messages│ │ │ │from WS connection and puts│ ▼ │ │ them on incoming queue of │ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ target session, as ├─────────────■ │ │ identified by message │ │ WebSocket Connection │ │ session ID. Messages │ │ │ │ without a session ID are │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │considered to belong to the│ │ ▲ │ ▲ │ root "Browser Session". │ │ │ │ │ └───────────────────────────┘ ▼ │ ▼ │ ┌───────────────────────────┐ ┌────────────────────┐ ┌────────────────────┐ │ Handles CDP messages on ├─────────────■ │ │ │ │incoming queue and puts CDP│ │ Session │ * * * * * │ Session │ │ messages on outgoing │ │ │ │ │ │ channel of WS connection. │ └────────────────────┘ └────────────────────┘ └───────────────────────────┘ │ ▲ │ ▲
│ │ │ │ ▼ │ ▼ │
┌───────────────────────────┐ ┌────────────────────┐ ┌────────────────────┐ │Registers with session as a├─────────────■ │ │ │ │handler for a specific CDP │ │ Event Listener │ * * * * * │ Event Listener │ │ Domain event. │ │ │ │ │ └───────────────────────────┘ └────────────────────┘ └────────────────────┘.
func NewConnection ¶
NewConnection creates a new browser.
func (*Connection) Close ¶
func (c *Connection) Close(args ...goja.Value)
Close cleanly closes the WebSocket connection. It returns an error if sending the Close control frame fails.
func (*Connection) Execute ¶
func (c *Connection) Execute(ctx context.Context, method string, params easyjson.Marshaler, res easyjson.Unmarshaler) error
Execute implements cdproto.Executor and performs a synchronous send and receive.
func (*Connection) IgnoreIOErrors ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (c *Connection) IgnoreIOErrors()
IgnoreIOErrors signals that the connection will soon be closed, so that any received IO errors can be disregarded.
type Credentials ¶
Credentials holds HTTP authentication credentials.
func NewCredentials ¶
func NewCredentials() *Credentials
type DOMElementState ¶
type DOMElementState int
DOMElementState represents a DOM element state.
const ( DOMElementStateAttached DOMElementState = iota DOMElementStateDetached DOMElementStateVisible DOMElementStateHidden )
Valid DOM element states.
func (DOMElementState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s DOMElementState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals the enum as a quoted JSON string.
func (DOMElementState) String ¶
func (s DOMElementState) String() string
func (*DOMElementState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *DOMElementState) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals a quoted JSON string to the enum value.
type Device ¶
type Device struct { Name string `js:"name"` UserAgent string `js:"userAgent"` Viewport Viewport `js:"viewport"` DeviceScaleFactor float64 `js:"deviceScaleFactor"` IsMobile bool `js:"isMobile"` HasTouch bool `js:"hasTouch"` }
Device represents an end-user device (computer, tablet, phone etc.)
type DocumentInfo ¶
type DocumentInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ElementHandle ¶
type ElementHandle struct { BaseJSHandle // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ElementHandle represents a HTML element JS object inside an execution context.
func (*ElementHandle) AsElement ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) AsElement() api.ElementHandle
AsElement returns this element handle.
func (*ElementHandle) BoundingBox ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) BoundingBox() *api.Rect
BoundingBox returns this element's bounding box.
func (*ElementHandle) Check ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) Check(opts goja.Value)
Check scrolls element into view, and if it's an input element of type checkbox that is unchecked, clicks on it to mark it as checked.
func (*ElementHandle) Click ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) Click(opts goja.Value) error
Click scrolls element into view and clicks in the center of the element TODO: look into making more robust using retries (see:
func (*ElementHandle) ContentFrame ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) ContentFrame() (api.Frame, error)
ContentFrame returns the frame that contains this element.
func (*ElementHandle) Dblclick ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) Dblclick(opts goja.Value)
func (*ElementHandle) DispatchEvent ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) DispatchEvent(typ string, eventInit goja.Value)
func (*ElementHandle) Focus ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) Focus()
Focus scrolls element into view and focuses the element.
func (*ElementHandle) GetAttribute ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) GetAttribute(name string) goja.Value
GetAttribute retrieves the value of specified element attribute.
func (*ElementHandle) Hover ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) Hover(opts goja.Value)
Hover scrolls element into view and hovers over its center point.
func (*ElementHandle) InnerHTML ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) InnerHTML() string
InnerHTML returns the inner HTML of the element.
func (*ElementHandle) InnerText ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) InnerText() string
InnerText returns the inner text of the element.
func (*ElementHandle) InputValue ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) InputValue(opts goja.Value) string
func (*ElementHandle) IsChecked ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) IsChecked() bool
IsChecked checks if a checkbox or radio is checked.
func (*ElementHandle) IsDisabled ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) IsDisabled() bool
IsDisabled checks if the element is disabled.
func (*ElementHandle) IsEditable ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) IsEditable() bool
IsEditable checks if the element is editable.
func (*ElementHandle) IsEnabled ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) IsEnabled() bool
IsEnabled checks if the element is enabled.
func (*ElementHandle) IsHidden ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) IsHidden() bool
IsHidden checks if the element is hidden.
func (*ElementHandle) IsVisible ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) IsVisible() bool
IsVisible checks if the element is visible.
func (*ElementHandle) OwnerFrame ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) OwnerFrame() (api.Frame, error)
OwnerFrame returns the frame containing this element.
func (*ElementHandle) Query ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) Query(selector string) (api.ElementHandle, error)
Query runs "element.querySelector" within the page. If no element matches the selector, the return value resolves to "null".
func (*ElementHandle) QueryAll ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) QueryAll(selector string) ([]api.ElementHandle, error)
QueryAll queries element subtree for matching elements. If no element matches the selector, the return value resolves to "null".
func (*ElementHandle) Screenshot ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) Screenshot(opts goja.Value) goja.ArrayBuffer
func (*ElementHandle) ScrollIntoViewIfNeeded ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) ScrollIntoViewIfNeeded(opts goja.Value)
func (*ElementHandle) SelectOption ¶
func (*ElementHandle) SelectText ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) SelectText(opts goja.Value)
func (*ElementHandle) SetChecked ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) SetChecked(checked bool, opts goja.Value)
SetChecked checks or unchecks an element.
func (*ElementHandle) SetInputFiles ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) SetInputFiles(files goja.Value, opts goja.Value)
SetInputFiles is not implemented.
func (*ElementHandle) Tap ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) Tap(opts goja.Value)
func (*ElementHandle) TextContent ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) TextContent() string
func (*ElementHandle) Type ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) Type(text string, opts goja.Value)
Type scrolls element into view, focuses element and types text.
func (*ElementHandle) Uncheck ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) Uncheck(opts goja.Value)
Uncheck scrolls element into view, and if it's an input element of type checkbox that is already checked, clicks on it to mark it as unchecked.
func (*ElementHandle) WaitForElementState ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) WaitForElementState(state string, opts goja.Value)
func (*ElementHandle) WaitForSelector ¶
func (h *ElementHandle) WaitForSelector(selector string, opts goja.Value) (api.ElementHandle, error)
WaitForSelector waits for the selector to appear in the DOM.
type ElementHandleBaseOptions ¶
type ElementHandleBaseOptions struct { Force bool `json:"force"` NoWaitAfter bool `json:"noWaitAfter"` Timeout time.Duration `json:"timeout"` }
func NewElementHandleBaseOptions ¶
func NewElementHandleBaseOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *ElementHandleBaseOptions
type ElementHandleBasePointerOptions ¶
type ElementHandleBasePointerOptions struct { ElementHandleBaseOptions Position *Position `json:"position"` Trial bool `json:"trial"` }
func NewElementHandleBasePointerOptions ¶
func NewElementHandleBasePointerOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *ElementHandleBasePointerOptions
type ElementHandleCheckOptions ¶
type ElementHandleCheckOptions struct {
func NewElementHandleCheckOptions ¶
func NewElementHandleCheckOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *ElementHandleCheckOptions
type ElementHandleClickOptions ¶
type ElementHandleClickOptions struct { ElementHandleBasePointerOptions Button string `json:"button"` ClickCount int64 `json:"clickCount"` Delay int64 `json:"delay"` Modifiers []string `json:"modifiers"` }
func NewElementHandleClickOptions ¶
func NewElementHandleClickOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *ElementHandleClickOptions
func (*ElementHandleClickOptions) ToMouseClickOptions ¶
func (o *ElementHandleClickOptions) ToMouseClickOptions() *MouseClickOptions
type ElementHandleDblclickOptions ¶
type ElementHandleDblclickOptions struct { ElementHandleBasePointerOptions Button string `json:"button"` Delay int64 `json:"delay"` Modifiers []string `json:"modifiers"` }
func NewElementHandleDblclickOptions ¶
func NewElementHandleDblclickOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *ElementHandleDblclickOptions
func (*ElementHandleDblclickOptions) ToMouseClickOptions ¶
func (o *ElementHandleDblclickOptions) ToMouseClickOptions() *MouseClickOptions
type ElementHandleDispatchEventOptions ¶ added in v0.4.0
type ElementHandleDispatchEventOptions struct {
ElementHandleDispatchEventOptions are options for ElementHandle.dispatchEvent.
func NewElementHandleDispatchEventOptions ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NewElementHandleDispatchEventOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *ElementHandleDispatchEventOptions
NewElementHandleDispatchEventOptions returns a new ElementHandleDispatchEventOptions.
type ElementHandleHoverOptions ¶
type ElementHandleHoverOptions struct { ElementHandleBasePointerOptions Modifiers []string `json:"modifiers"` }
func NewElementHandleHoverOptions ¶
func NewElementHandleHoverOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *ElementHandleHoverOptions
type ElementHandlePressOptions ¶
type ElementHandlePressOptions struct { Delay int64 `json:"delay"` NoWaitAfter bool `json:"noWaitAfter"` Timeout time.Duration `json:"timeout"` }
func NewElementHandlePressOptions ¶
func NewElementHandlePressOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *ElementHandlePressOptions
func (*ElementHandlePressOptions) ToBaseOptions ¶
func (o *ElementHandlePressOptions) ToBaseOptions() *ElementHandleBaseOptions
type ElementHandleScreenshotOptions ¶
type ElementHandleScreenshotOptions struct { Path string `json:"path"` Format ImageFormat `json:"format"` OmitBackground bool `json:"omitBackground"` Quality int64 `json:"quality"` Timeout time.Duration `json:"timeout"` }
func NewElementHandleScreenshotOptions ¶
func NewElementHandleScreenshotOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *ElementHandleScreenshotOptions
type ElementHandleSetCheckedOptions ¶
type ElementHandleSetCheckedOptions struct { ElementHandleBasePointerOptions Strict bool `json:"strict"` }
func NewElementHandleSetCheckedOptions ¶
func NewElementHandleSetCheckedOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *ElementHandleSetCheckedOptions
type ElementHandleTapOptions ¶
type ElementHandleTapOptions struct { ElementHandleBasePointerOptions Modifiers []string `json:"modifiers"` }
func NewElementHandleTapOptions ¶
func NewElementHandleTapOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *ElementHandleTapOptions
type ElementHandleTypeOptions ¶
type ElementHandleTypeOptions struct { Delay int64 `json:"delay"` NoWaitAfter bool `json:"noWaitAfter"` Timeout time.Duration `json:"timeout"` }
func NewElementHandleTypeOptions ¶
func NewElementHandleTypeOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *ElementHandleTypeOptions
func (*ElementHandleTypeOptions) ToBaseOptions ¶
func (o *ElementHandleTypeOptions) ToBaseOptions() *ElementHandleBaseOptions
type ElementHandleWaitForElementStateOptions ¶
func NewElementHandleWaitForElementStateOptions ¶
func NewElementHandleWaitForElementStateOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *ElementHandleWaitForElementStateOptions
type EmulatedSize ¶
func NewEmulatedSize ¶
func NewEmulatedSize(viewport *Viewport, screen *Screen) *EmulatedSize
type Error ¶
type Error string
Error is a common package error.
const ( ErrUnexpectedRemoteObjectWithID Error = "cannot extract value when remote object ID is given" ErrChannelClosed Error = "channel closed" ErrFrameDetached Error = "frame detached" ErrJSHandleDisposed Error = "JS handle is disposed" ErrJSHandleInvalid Error = "JS handle is invalid" ErrTargetCrashed Error = "Target has crashed" ErrTimedOut Error = "timed out" ErrWrongExecutionContext Error = "JS handles can be evaluated only in the context they were created" )
Error types.
type Event ¶
type Event struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Event as emitted by an EventEmiter.
type EventEmitter ¶
type EventEmitter interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
EventEmitter that all event emitters need to implement.
type ExecutionContext ¶
type ExecutionContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExecutionContext represents a JS execution context.
func NewExecutionContext ¶
func NewExecutionContext( ctx context.Context, s session, f *Frame, id runtime.ExecutionContextID, l *log.Logger, ) *ExecutionContext
NewExecutionContext creates a new JS execution context.
func (*ExecutionContext) Eval ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (e *ExecutionContext) Eval( apiCtx context.Context, js goja.Value, args ...goja.Value, ) (any, error)
Eval evaluates the provided JavaScript within this execution context and returns a value or handle.
func (*ExecutionContext) EvalHandle ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (e *ExecutionContext) EvalHandle( apiCtx context.Context, js goja.Value, args ...goja.Value, ) (api.JSHandle, error)
EvalHandle evaluates the provided JavaScript within this execution context and returns a JSHandle.
func (*ExecutionContext) Frame ¶
func (e *ExecutionContext) Frame() *Frame
Frame returns the frame that this execution context belongs to.
func (*ExecutionContext) ID ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (e *ExecutionContext) ID() runtime.ExecutionContextID
ID returns the CDP runtime ID of this execution context.
type Frame ¶
type Frame struct { BaseEventEmitter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Frame represents a frame in an HTML document.
func NewFrame ¶
func NewFrame( ctx context.Context, m *FrameManager, parentFrame *Frame, frameID cdp.FrameID, log *log.Logger, ) *Frame
NewFrame creates a new HTML document frame.
func (*Frame) AddScriptTag ¶
AddScriptTag is not implemented.
func (*Frame) AddStyleTag ¶
AddStyleTag is not implemented.
func (*Frame) ChildFrames ¶
ChildFrames returns a list of child frames.
func (*Frame) DispatchEvent ¶
DispatchEvent dispatches an event for the first element matching the selector.
func (*Frame) EvaluateHandle ¶
func (f *Frame) EvaluateHandle(pageFunc goja.Value, args ...goja.Value) (handle api.JSHandle, _ error)
EvaluateHandle will evaluate provided page function within an execution context.
func (*Frame) EvaluateWithContext ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (f *Frame) EvaluateWithContext(ctx context.Context, pageFunc goja.Value, args ...goja.Value) (any, error)
EvaluateWithContext will evaluate provided page function within an execution context. The passed in context will be used instead of the frame's context. The context must be a derivative of one that contains the goja runtime.
func (*Frame) FrameElement ¶
func (f *Frame) FrameElement() (api.ElementHandle, error)
FrameElement returns the element handle for the frame.
func (*Frame) GetAttribute ¶
GetAttribute of the first element found that matches the selector.
func (*Frame) Goto ¶
Goto will navigate the frame to the specified URL and return a HTTP response object.
func (*Frame) InnerHTML ¶
InnerHTML returns the innerHTML attribute of the first element found that matches the selector.
func (*Frame) InnerText ¶
InnerText returns the inner text of the first element found that matches the selector.
func (*Frame) InputValue ¶
InputValue returns the input value of the first element found that matches the selector.
func (*Frame) IsChecked ¶
IsChecked returns true if the first element that matches the selector is checked. Otherwise, returns false.
func (*Frame) IsDetached ¶
IsDetached returns whether the frame is detached or not.
func (*Frame) IsDisabled ¶
IsDisabled returns true if the first element that matches the selector is disabled. Otherwise, returns false.
func (*Frame) IsEditable ¶
IsEditable returns true if the first element that matches the selector is editable. Otherwise, returns false.
func (*Frame) IsEnabled ¶
IsEnabled returns true if the first element that matches the selector is enabled. Otherwise, returns false.
func (*Frame) IsHidden ¶
IsHidden returns true if the first element that matches the selector is hidden. Otherwise, returns false.
func (*Frame) IsVisible ¶
IsVisible returns true if the first element that matches the selector is visible. Otherwise, returns false.
func (*Frame) ParentFrame ¶
ParentFrame returns the parent frame, if one exists.
func (*Frame) Press ¶
Press presses the given key for the first element found that matches the selector.
func (*Frame) Query ¶
func (f *Frame) Query(selector string) (api.ElementHandle, error)
Query runs a selector query against the document tree, returning the first matching element or "null" if no match is found.
func (*Frame) QueryAll ¶
func (f *Frame) QueryAll(selector string) ([]api.ElementHandle, error)
QueryAll runs a selector query against the document tree, returning all matching elements.
func (*Frame) SelectOption ¶
SelectOption selects the given options and returns the array of option values of the first element found that matches the selector.
func (*Frame) SetContent ¶
SetContent replaces the entire HTML document content.
func (*Frame) SetInputFiles ¶
SetInputFiles is not implemented.
func (*Frame) TextContent ¶
TextContent returns the textContent attribute of the first element found that matches the selector.
func (*Frame) WaitForFunction ¶
WaitForFunction waits for the given predicate to return a truthy value.
func (*Frame) WaitForLoadState ¶
WaitForLoadState waits for the given load state to be reached. This will unblock if that lifecycle event has already been received.
func (*Frame) WaitForNavigation ¶
WaitForNavigation waits for the given navigation lifecycle event to happen.
func (*Frame) WaitForSelector ¶
WaitForSelector waits for the given selector to match the waiting criteria.
func (*Frame) WaitForTimeout ¶
WaitForTimeout waits the specified amount of milliseconds.
type FrameBaseOptions ¶
func NewFrameBaseOptions ¶
func NewFrameBaseOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameBaseOptions
type FrameCheckOptions ¶
type FrameCheckOptions struct { ElementHandleBasePointerOptions Strict bool `json:"strict"` }
func NewFrameCheckOptions ¶
func NewFrameCheckOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameCheckOptions
type FrameClickOptions ¶
type FrameClickOptions struct { ElementHandleClickOptions Strict bool `json:"strict"` }
func NewFrameClickOptions ¶
func NewFrameClickOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameClickOptions
type FrameDblclickOptions ¶
type FrameDblclickOptions struct { ElementHandleDblclickOptions Strict bool `json:"strict"` }
func NewFrameDblClickOptions ¶
func NewFrameDblClickOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameDblclickOptions
type FrameDispatchEventOptions ¶ added in v0.4.0
type FrameDispatchEventOptions struct {
FrameDispatchEventOptions are options for Frame.dispatchEvent.
func NewFrameDispatchEventOptions ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NewFrameDispatchEventOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameDispatchEventOptions
NewFrameDispatchEventOptions returns a new FrameDispatchEventOptions.
type FrameFillOptions ¶
type FrameFillOptions struct { ElementHandleBaseOptions Strict bool `json:"strict"` }
func NewFrameFillOptions ¶
func NewFrameFillOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameFillOptions
type FrameGotoOptions ¶
type FrameGotoOptions struct { Referer string `json:"referer"` Timeout time.Duration `json:"timeout"` WaitUntil LifecycleEvent `json:"waitUntil" js:"waitUntil"` }
func NewFrameGotoOptions ¶
func NewFrameGotoOptions(defaultReferer string, defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameGotoOptions
type FrameHoverOptions ¶
type FrameHoverOptions struct { ElementHandleHoverOptions Strict bool `json:"strict"` }
func NewFrameHoverOptions ¶
func NewFrameHoverOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameHoverOptions
type FrameInnerHTMLOptions ¶
type FrameInnerHTMLOptions struct {
func NewFrameInnerHTMLOptions ¶
func NewFrameInnerHTMLOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameInnerHTMLOptions
type FrameInnerTextOptions ¶
type FrameInnerTextOptions struct {
func NewFrameInnerTextOptions ¶
func NewFrameInnerTextOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameInnerTextOptions
type FrameInputValueOptions ¶
type FrameInputValueOptions struct {
func NewFrameInputValueOptions ¶
func NewFrameInputValueOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameInputValueOptions
type FrameIsCheckedOptions ¶
type FrameIsCheckedOptions struct {
func NewFrameIsCheckedOptions ¶
func NewFrameIsCheckedOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameIsCheckedOptions
type FrameIsDisabledOptions ¶
type FrameIsDisabledOptions struct {
func NewFrameIsDisabledOptions ¶
func NewFrameIsDisabledOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameIsDisabledOptions
type FrameIsEditableOptions ¶
type FrameIsEditableOptions struct {
func NewFrameIsEditableOptions ¶
func NewFrameIsEditableOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameIsEditableOptions
type FrameIsEnabledOptions ¶
type FrameIsEnabledOptions struct {
func NewFrameIsEnabledOptions ¶
func NewFrameIsEnabledOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameIsEnabledOptions
type FrameIsHiddenOptions ¶
type FrameIsHiddenOptions struct {
func NewFrameIsHiddenOptions ¶
func NewFrameIsHiddenOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameIsHiddenOptions
type FrameIsVisibleOptions ¶
type FrameIsVisibleOptions struct {
func NewFrameIsVisibleOptions ¶
func NewFrameIsVisibleOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameIsVisibleOptions
type FrameLifecycleEvent ¶ added in v1.0.0
type FrameLifecycleEvent struct { // URL is the URL of the frame that emitted the event. URL string // Event is the lifecycle event that occurred. Event LifecycleEvent }
FrameLifecycleEvent is emitted when a frame lifecycle event occurs.
type FrameManager ¶
type FrameManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FrameManager manages all frames in a page and their life-cycles, it's a purely internal component.
func NewFrameManager ¶
func NewFrameManager( ctx context.Context, s session, p *Page, ts *TimeoutSettings, l *log.Logger, ) *FrameManager
NewFrameManager creates a new HTML document frame manager.
func (*FrameManager) Frames ¶
func (m *FrameManager) Frames() []api.Frame
Frames returns a list of frames on the page.
func (*FrameManager) ID ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (m *FrameManager) ID() int64
ID returns the unique ID of a FrameManager value.
func (*FrameManager) MainFrame ¶
func (m *FrameManager) MainFrame() *Frame
MainFrame returns the main frame of the page.
func (*FrameManager) NavigateFrame ¶
func (m *FrameManager) NavigateFrame(frame *Frame, url string, parsedOpts *FrameGotoOptions) (*Response, error)
NavigateFrame will navigate specified frame to specified URL.
func (*FrameManager) Page ¶
func (m *FrameManager) Page() api.Page
Page returns the page that this frame manager belongs to.
type FramePressOptions ¶
type FramePressOptions struct { ElementHandlePressOptions Strict bool `json:"strict"` }
func NewFramePressOptions ¶
func NewFramePressOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FramePressOptions
func (*FramePressOptions) ToKeyboardOptions ¶
func (o *FramePressOptions) ToKeyboardOptions() *KeyboardOptions
type FrameSelectOptionOptions ¶
type FrameSelectOptionOptions struct { ElementHandleBaseOptions Strict bool `json:"strict"` }
func NewFrameSelectOptionOptions ¶
func NewFrameSelectOptionOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameSelectOptionOptions
type FrameSession ¶
type FrameSession struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FrameSession is used for managing a frame's life-cycle, or in other words its full session. It manages all the event listening while deferring the state storage to the Frame and FrameManager structs.
func NewFrameSession ¶
func NewFrameSession( ctx context.Context, s session, p *Page, parent *FrameSession, tid target.ID, l *log.Logger, ) (_ *FrameSession, err error)
NewFrameSession initializes and returns a new FrameSession.
type FrameSetContentOptions ¶
type FrameSetContentOptions struct { Timeout time.Duration `json:"timeout"` WaitUntil LifecycleEvent `json:"waitUntil" js:"waitUntil"` }
func NewFrameSetContentOptions ¶
func NewFrameSetContentOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameSetContentOptions
type FrameTapOptions ¶
type FrameTapOptions struct { ElementHandleBasePointerOptions Modifiers []string `json:"modifiers"` Strict bool `json:"strict"` }
func NewFrameTapOptions ¶
func NewFrameTapOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameTapOptions
type FrameTextContentOptions ¶
type FrameTextContentOptions struct {
func NewFrameTextContentOptions ¶
func NewFrameTextContentOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameTextContentOptions
type FrameTypeOptions ¶
type FrameTypeOptions struct { ElementHandleTypeOptions Strict bool `json:"strict"` }
func NewFrameTypeOptions ¶
func NewFrameTypeOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameTypeOptions
func (*FrameTypeOptions) ToKeyboardOptions ¶
func (o *FrameTypeOptions) ToKeyboardOptions() *KeyboardOptions
type FrameUncheckOptions ¶
type FrameUncheckOptions struct { ElementHandleBasePointerOptions Strict bool `json:"strict"` }
func NewFrameUncheckOptions ¶
func NewFrameUncheckOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameUncheckOptions
type FrameWaitForFunctionOptions ¶
type FrameWaitForFunctionOptions struct { Polling PollingType `json:"polling"` Interval int64 `json:"interval"` Timeout time.Duration `json:"timeout"` }
func NewFrameWaitForFunctionOptions ¶
func NewFrameWaitForFunctionOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameWaitForFunctionOptions
type FrameWaitForLoadStateOptions ¶
func NewFrameWaitForLoadStateOptions ¶
func NewFrameWaitForLoadStateOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameWaitForLoadStateOptions
type FrameWaitForNavigationOptions ¶
type FrameWaitForNavigationOptions struct {}
func NewFrameWaitForNavigationOptions ¶
func NewFrameWaitForNavigationOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameWaitForNavigationOptions
type FrameWaitForSelectorOptions ¶
type FrameWaitForSelectorOptions struct { State DOMElementState `json:"state"` Strict bool `json:"strict"` Timeout time.Duration `json:"timeout"` }
func NewFrameWaitForSelectorOptions ¶
func NewFrameWaitForSelectorOptions(defaultTimeout time.Duration) *FrameWaitForSelectorOptions
type Geolocation ¶
type Geolocation struct { Latitude float64 `js:"latitude"` Longitude float64 `js:"longitude"` Accurracy float64 `js:"accurracy"` }
func NewGeolocation ¶
func NewGeolocation() *Geolocation
type ImageFormat ¶
type ImageFormat string
ImageFormat represents an image file format.
const ( ImageFormatJPEG ImageFormat = "jpeg" ImageFormatPNG ImageFormat = "png" )
Valid image format options.
func (ImageFormat) MarshalJSON ¶
func (f ImageFormat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals the enum as a quoted JSON string.
func (ImageFormat) String ¶
func (f ImageFormat) String() string
func (*ImageFormat) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (f *ImageFormat) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals a quoted JSON string to the enum value.
type Keyboard ¶
type Keyboard struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Keyboard represents a keyboard input device. Each Page has a publicly accessible Keyboard.
func NewKeyboard ¶
NewKeyboard returns a new keyboard with a "us" layout.
func (*Keyboard) InsertText ¶
InsertText inserts a text without dispatching key events.
func (*Keyboard) Press ¶
Press sends a key press message to a session target. It delays the action if `Delay` option is specified. A press message consists of successive key down and up messages.
type KeyboardOptions ¶
type KeyboardOptions struct {
Delay int64 `json:"delay"`
func NewKeyboardOptions ¶
func NewKeyboardOptions() *KeyboardOptions
type LifecycleEvent ¶
type LifecycleEvent int
const ( LifecycleEventLoad LifecycleEvent = iota LifecycleEventDOMContentLoad LifecycleEventNetworkIdle )
func (LifecycleEvent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (l LifecycleEvent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals the enum as a quoted JSON string.
func (*LifecycleEvent) MarshalText ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (l *LifecycleEvent) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
MarshalText returns the string representation of the enum value. It returns an error if the enum value is invalid.
func (LifecycleEvent) String ¶
func (l LifecycleEvent) String() string
func (*LifecycleEvent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *LifecycleEvent) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals a quoted JSON string to the enum value.
func (*LifecycleEvent) UnmarshalText ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (l *LifecycleEvent) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
UnmarshalText unmarshals a text representation to the enum value. It returns an error if given a wrong value.
type Locator ¶ added in v0.4.0
type Locator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Locator represent a way to find element(s) on the page at any moment.
func NewLocator ¶ added in v0.4.0
NewLocator creates and returns a new locator.
func (*Locator) Check ¶ added in v0.4.0
Check on an element using locator's selector with strict mode on.
func (*Locator) Click ¶ added in v0.4.0
Click on an element using locator's selector with strict mode on.
func (*Locator) Dblclick ¶ added in v0.4.0
Dblclick double clicks on an element using locator's selector with strict mode on.
func (*Locator) DispatchEvent ¶ added in v0.4.0
DispatchEvent dispatches an event for the element matching the locator's selector with strict mode on.
func (*Locator) Fill ¶ added in v0.4.0
Fill out the element using locator's selector with strict mode on.
func (*Locator) Focus ¶ added in v0.4.0
Focus on the element using locator's selector with strict mode on.
func (*Locator) GetAttribute ¶ added in v0.4.0
GetAttribute of the element using locator's selector with strict mode on.
func (*Locator) Hover ¶ added in v0.4.0
Hover moves the pointer over the element that matches the locator's selector with strict mode on.
func (*Locator) InnerHTML ¶ added in v0.4.0
InnerHTML returns the element's inner HTML that matches the locator's selector with strict mode on.
func (*Locator) InnerText ¶ added in v0.4.0
InnerText returns the element's inner text that matches the locator's selector with strict mode on.
func (*Locator) InputValue ¶ added in v0.4.0
InputValue returns the element's input value that matches the locator's selector with strict mode on.
func (*Locator) IsChecked ¶ added in v0.4.0
IsChecked returns true if the element matches the locator's selector and is checked. Otherwise, returns false.
func (*Locator) IsDisabled ¶ added in v0.4.0
IsDisabled returns true if the element matches the locator's selector and is disabled. Otherwise, returns false.
func (*Locator) IsEditable ¶ added in v0.4.0
IsEditable returns true if the element matches the locator's selector and is Editable. Otherwise, returns false.
func (*Locator) IsEnabled ¶ added in v0.4.0
IsEnabled returns true if the element matches the locator's selector and is Enabled. Otherwise, returns false.
func (*Locator) IsHidden ¶ added in v0.4.0
IsHidden returns true if the element matches the locator's selector and is hidden. Otherwise, returns false.
func (*Locator) IsVisible ¶ added in v0.4.0
IsVisible returns true if the element matches the locator's selector and is visible. Otherwise, returns false.
func (*Locator) Press ¶ added in v0.4.0
Press the given key on the element found that matches the locator's selector with strict mode on.
func (*Locator) SelectOption ¶ added in v0.4.0
SelectOption filters option values of the first element that matches the locator's selector (with strict mode on), selects the options, and returns the filtered options.
func (*Locator) Tap ¶ added in v0.4.0
Tap the element found that matches the locator's selector with strict mode on.
func (*Locator) TextContent ¶ added in v0.4.0
TextContent returns the element's text content that matches the locator's selector with strict mode on.
func (*Locator) Type ¶ added in v0.4.0
Type text on the element found that matches the locator's selector with strict mode on.
type Mouse ¶
type Mouse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Mouse represents a mouse input device.
func (*Mouse) Click ¶
Click will trigger a series of MouseMove, MouseDown and MouseUp events in the browser.
type MouseClickOptions ¶
type MouseClickOptions struct { Button string `json:"button"` ClickCount int64 `json:"clickCount"` Delay int64 `json:"delay"` }
func NewMouseClickOptions ¶
func NewMouseClickOptions() *MouseClickOptions
func (*MouseClickOptions) ToMouseDownUpOptions ¶
func (o *MouseClickOptions) ToMouseDownUpOptions() *MouseDownUpOptions
type MouseDblClickOptions ¶
func NewMouseDblClickOptions ¶
func NewMouseDblClickOptions() *MouseDblClickOptions
func (*MouseDblClickOptions) ToMouseDownUpOptions ¶
func (o *MouseDblClickOptions) ToMouseDownUpOptions() *MouseDownUpOptions
type MouseDownUpOptions ¶
type MouseDownUpOptions struct { Button string `json:"button"` ClickCount int64 `json:"clickCount"` }
func NewMouseDownUpOptions ¶
func NewMouseDownUpOptions() *MouseDownUpOptions
type MouseMoveOptions ¶
type MouseMoveOptions struct {
Steps int64 `json:"steps"`
func NewMouseMoveOptions ¶
func NewMouseMoveOptions() *MouseMoveOptions
type NavigationEvent ¶
type NavigationEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NavigationEvent is emitted when we receive a Page.frameNavigated or Page.navigatedWithinDocument CDP event. See: - -
type NetworkManager ¶
type NetworkManager struct { BaseEventEmitter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NetworkManager manages all frames in HTML document.
func NewNetworkManager ¶
func NewNetworkManager( ctx context.Context, customMetrics *k6ext.CustomMetrics, s session, fm *FrameManager, parent *NetworkManager, ) (*NetworkManager, error)
NewNetworkManager creates a new network manager.
func (*NetworkManager) Authenticate ¶
func (m *NetworkManager) Authenticate(credentials *Credentials)
Authenticate sets HTTP authentication credentials to use.
func (*NetworkManager) ExtraHTTPHeaders ¶
func (m *NetworkManager) ExtraHTTPHeaders() goja.Value
ExtraHTTPHeaders returns the currently set extra HTTP request headers.
func (*NetworkManager) SetCacheEnabled ¶
func (m *NetworkManager) SetCacheEnabled(enabled bool)
SetCacheEnabled toggles cache on/off.
func (*NetworkManager) SetExtraHTTPHeaders ¶
func (m *NetworkManager) SetExtraHTTPHeaders(headers network.Headers)
SetExtraHTTPHeaders sets extra HTTP request headers to be sent with every request.
func (*NetworkManager) SetOfflineMode ¶
func (m *NetworkManager) SetOfflineMode(offline bool)
SetOfflineMode toggles offline mode on/off.
func (*NetworkManager) SetUserAgent ¶
func (m *NetworkManager) SetUserAgent(userAgent string)
SetUserAgent overrides the browser user agent string.
type NewRequestParams ¶ added in v0.6.0
type NewRequestParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NewRequestParams are input parameters for NewRequest.
type Page ¶
type Page struct { BaseEventEmitter Keyboard *Keyboard Mouse *Mouse Touchscreen *Touchscreen // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Page stores Page/tab related context.
func NewPage ¶
func NewPage( ctx context.Context, s session, bctx *BrowserContext, tid target.ID, opener *Page, bp bool, logger *log.Logger, ) (*Page, error)
NewPage creates a new browser page context.
func (*Page) AddInitScript ¶
AddInitScript adds script to run in all new frames.
func (*Page) AddScriptTag ¶
AddScriptTag is not implemented.
func (*Page) AddStyleTag ¶
AddStyleTag is not implemented.
func (*Page) BringToFront ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (p *Page) BringToFront()
BringToFront activates the browser tab for this page.
func (*Page) DispatchEvent ¶
func (*Page) DragAndDrop ¶
DragAndDrop is not implemented.
func (*Page) EmulateMedia ¶
func (*Page) EmulateVisionDeficiency ¶
EmulateVisionDeficiency activates/deactivates emulation of a vision deficiency.
func (*Page) Evaluate ¶
Evaluate runs JS code within the execution context of the main frame of the page.
func (*Page) EvaluateHandle ¶
EvaluateHandle runs JS code within the execution context of the main frame of the page.
func (*Page) ExposeBinding ¶
ExposeBinding is not implemented.
func (*Page) ExposeFunction ¶
ExposeFunction is not implemented.
func (*Page) GetAttribute ¶
func (*Page) GetKeyboard ¶ added in v0.8.1
GetKeyboard returns the keyboard for the page.
func (*Page) GetTouchscreen ¶ added in v0.8.1
func (p *Page) GetTouchscreen() api.Touchscreen
GetTouchscreen returns the touchscreen for the page.
func (*Page) Goto ¶
Goto will navigate the page to the specified URL and return a HTTP response object.
func (*Page) IsChecked ¶
IsChecked returns true if the first element that matches the selector is checked. Otherwise, returns false.
func (*Page) Locator ¶ added in v0.4.0
Locator creates and returns a new locator for this page (main frame).
func (*Page) On ¶ added in v1.1.0
On subscribes to a page event for which the given handler will be executed passing in the ConsoleMessage associated with the event. The only accepted event value is 'console'.
func (*Page) Query ¶
func (p *Page) Query(selector string) (api.ElementHandle, error)
Query returns the first element matching the specified selector.
func (*Page) QueryAll ¶
func (p *Page) QueryAll(selector string) ([]api.ElementHandle, error)
QueryAll returns all elements matching the specified selector.
func (*Page) Screenshot ¶
func (p *Page) Screenshot(opts goja.Value) goja.ArrayBuffer
Screenshot will instruct Chrome to save a screenshot of the current page and save it to specified file.
func (*Page) SelectOption ¶
func (*Page) SetDefaultNavigationTimeout ¶
SetDefaultNavigationTimeout sets the default navigation timeout in milliseconds.
func (*Page) SetDefaultTimeout ¶
SetDefaultTimeout sets the default maximum timeout in milliseconds.
func (*Page) SetExtraHTTPHeaders ¶
SetExtraHTTPHeaders sets default HTTP headers for page and whole frame hierarchy.
func (*Page) SetInputFiles ¶
SetInputFiles is not implemented.
func (*Page) SetViewportSize ¶
SetViewportSize will update the viewport width and height.
func (*Page) ViewportSize ¶
ViewportSize will return information on the viewport width and height.
func (*Page) WaitForEvent ¶
WaitForEvent waits for the specified event to trigger.
func (*Page) WaitForFunction ¶
WaitForFunction waits for the given predicate to return a truthy value.
func (*Page) WaitForLoadState ¶
WaitForLoadState waits for the specified page life cycle event.
func (*Page) WaitForNavigation ¶
WaitForNavigation waits for the given navigation lifecycle event to happen.
func (*Page) WaitForRequest ¶
WaitForRequest is not implemented.
func (*Page) WaitForResponse ¶
WaitForResponse is not implemented.
func (*Page) WaitForSelector ¶
WaitForSelector waits for the given selector to match the waiting criteria.
func (*Page) WaitForTimeout ¶
WaitForTimeout waits the specified number of milliseconds.
type PageEmulateMediaOptions ¶
type PageEmulateMediaOptions struct { ColorScheme ColorScheme `json:"colorScheme"` Media MediaType `json:"media"` ReducedMotion ReducedMotion `json:"reducedMotion"` }
func NewPageEmulateMediaOptions ¶
func NewPageEmulateMediaOptions(defaultMedia MediaType, defaultColorScheme ColorScheme, defaultReducedMotion ReducedMotion) *PageEmulateMediaOptions
type PageReloadOptions ¶
type PageReloadOptions struct { WaitUntil LifecycleEvent `json:"waitUntil" js:"waitUntil"` Timeout time.Duration `json:"timeout"` }
func NewPageReloadOptions ¶
func NewPageReloadOptions(defaultWaitUntil LifecycleEvent, defaultTimeout time.Duration) *PageReloadOptions
type PageScreenshotOptions ¶
type PageScreenshotOptions struct { Clip *page.Viewport `json:"clip"` Path string `json:"path"` Format ImageFormat `json:"format"` FullPage bool `json:"fullPage"` OmitBackground bool `json:"omitBackground"` Quality int64 `json:"quality"` }
func NewPageScreenshotOptions ¶
func NewPageScreenshotOptions() *PageScreenshotOptions
type PollingType ¶
type PollingType int
const ( PollingRaf PollingType = iota PollingMutation PollingInterval )
func (PollingType) MarshalJSON ¶
func (p PollingType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals the enum as a quoted JSON string.
func (PollingType) String ¶
func (p PollingType) String() string
func (*PollingType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (p *PollingType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals a quoted JSON string to the enum value.
type ReducedMotion ¶
type ReducedMotion string
ReducedMotion represents a browser reduce-motion setting.
const ( ReducedMotionReduce ReducedMotion = "reduce" ReducedMotionNoPreference ReducedMotion = "no-preference" )
Valid reduce-motion options.
func (ReducedMotion) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ReducedMotion) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals the enum as a quoted JSON string.
func (ReducedMotion) String ¶
func (r ReducedMotion) String() string
func (*ReducedMotion) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ReducedMotion) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals a quoted JSON string to the enum value.
type RemoteAddress ¶
RemoteAddress contains informationa about a remote target.
type Request ¶
type Request struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Request represents a browser HTTP request.
func NewRequest ¶
func NewRequest(ctx context.Context, rp NewRequestParams) (*Request, error)
NewRequest creates a new HTTP request.
func (*Request) AllHeaders ¶
func (*Request) HeadersArray ¶
func (r *Request) HeadersArray() []api.HTTPHeader
func (*Request) IsNavigationRequest ¶
IsNavigationRequest returns whether this was a navigation request or not.
func (*Request) PostDataBuffer ¶
func (r *Request) PostDataBuffer() goja.ArrayBuffer
PostDataBuffer returns the request post data as an ArrayBuffer.
func (*Request) PostDataJSON ¶
PostDataJSON returns the request post data as a JS object.
func (*Request) RedirectedFrom ¶
func (*Request) RedirectedTo ¶
func (*Request) ResourceType ¶
ResourceType returns the request resource type.
func (*Request) Size ¶
func (r *Request) Size() api.HTTPMessageSize
type ResourceTiming ¶
type ResourceTiming struct { StartTime float64 `js:"startTime"` DomainLookupStart float64 `js:"domainLookupStart"` DomainLookupEnd float64 `js:"domainLookupEnd"` ConnectStart float64 `js:"connectStart"` SecureConnectionStart float64 `js:"secureConnectionStart"` ConnectEnd float64 `js:"connectEnd"` RequestStart float64 `js:"requestStart"` ResponseStart float64 `js:"responseStart"` ResponseEnd float64 `js:"responseEnd"` }
type Response ¶
type Response struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Response represents a browser HTTP response.
func NewHTTPResponse ¶
func NewHTTPResponse(ctx context.Context, req *Request, resp *network.Response, timestamp *cdp.MonotonicTime) *Response
NewHTTPResponse creates a new HTTP response.
func (*Response) AllHeaders ¶
func (*Response) Body ¶
func (r *Response) Body() goja.ArrayBuffer
Body returns the response body as a binary buffer.
func (*Response) FromPrefetchCache ¶
FromPrefetchCache returns whether this response was served from prefetch cache.
func (*Response) FromServiceWorker ¶
FromServiceWorker returns whether this response was served by a service worker.
func (*Response) HeaderValues ¶
func (*Response) HeadersArray ¶
func (r *Response) HeadersArray() []api.HTTPHeader
func (*Response) Ok ¶
Ok returns true if status code of response if considered ok, otherwise returns false.
func (*Response) SecurityDetails ¶
func (*Response) ServerAddr ¶
ServerAddr returns the remote address of the server.
func (*Response) Size ¶
func (r *Response) Size() api.HTTPMessageSize
func (*Response) StatusText ¶
StatusText returns the response status text.
type ScrollIntoViewOptions ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ScrollIntoViewOptions struct { // Block defines vertical alignment. // One of start, center, end, or nearest. // Defaults to start. Block ScrollPosition `json:"block"` // Inline defines horizontal alignment. // One of start, center, end, or nearest. // Defaults to nearest. Inline ScrollPosition `json:"inline"` }
ScrollIntoViewOptions change the behavior of ScrollIntoView. See:
type ScrollPosition ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ScrollPosition string
ScrollPosition is a parameter for scrolling an element.
const ( // ScrollPositionStart scrolls an element at the top of its parent. ScrollPositionStart ScrollPosition = "start" // ScrollPositionCenter scrolls an element at the center of its parent. ScrollPositionCenter ScrollPosition = "center" // ScrollPositionEnd scrolls an element at the end of its parent. ScrollPositionEnd ScrollPosition = "end" // ScrollPositionNearest scrolls an element at the nearest position of its parent. ScrollPositionNearest ScrollPosition = "nearest" )
type SecurityDetails ¶
type SecurityDetails struct { SubjectName string `json:"subjectName"` Issuer string `json:"issuer"` ValidFrom int64 `json:"validFrom"` ValidTo int64 `json:"validTo"` Protocol string `json:"protocol"` SANList []string `json:"sanList"` }
SecurityDetails contains informationa about the security details of a TLS connection.
type SelectOption ¶
type Selector ¶
type Selector struct { Selector string `json:"selector"` Parts []*SelectorPart `json:"parts"` // By default chained queries resolve to elements matched by the last selector, // but a selector can be prefixed with `*` to capture elements resolved by // an intermediate selector. Capture *int `json:"capture"` }
func NewSelector ¶
type SelectorPart ¶
type Session ¶
type Session struct { BaseEventEmitter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Session represents a CDP session to a target.
func NewSession ¶
func NewSession( ctx context.Context, conn *Connection, id target.SessionID, tid target.ID, logger *log.Logger, msgIDGen msgIDGenerator, ) *Session
NewSession creates a new session.
func (*Session) Done ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (s *Session) Done() <-chan struct{}
Done returns a channel that is closed when this session is closed.
func (*Session) Execute ¶
func (s *Session) Execute(ctx context.Context, method string, params easyjson.Marshaler, res easyjson.Unmarshaler) error
Execute implements the cdp.Executor interface.
func (*Session) ExecuteWithoutExpectationOnReply ¶
type TimeoutSettings ¶
type TimeoutSettings struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TimeoutSettings holds information on timeout settings.
func NewTimeoutSettings ¶
func NewTimeoutSettings(parent *TimeoutSettings) *TimeoutSettings
NewTimeoutSettings creates a new timeout settings object.
type Touchscreen ¶
type Touchscreen struct { BaseEventEmitter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Touchscreen represents a touchscreen.
func NewTouchscreen ¶
func NewTouchscreen(ctx context.Context, s session, k *Keyboard) *Touchscreen
NewTouchscreen returns a new TouchScreen.
func (*Touchscreen) Tap ¶
func (t *Touchscreen) Tap(x float64, y float64)
Tap dispatches a tap start and tap end event.
type UnserializableValueError ¶
type UnserializableValueError struct {
UnserializableValue runtime.UnserializableValue
func (UnserializableValueError) Error ¶
func (e UnserializableValueError) Error() string
Error satisfies the builtin error interface.
type Viewport ¶
Viewport represents a page viewport.
type Worker ¶
type Worker struct { BaseEventEmitter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Worker) EvaluateHandle ¶
EvaluateHandle evaluates a page function in the context of the web worker and returns a JS handle.
Source Files
- barrier.go
- browser.go
- browser_context.go
- browser_context_options.go
- browser_options.go
- browser_process.go
- browser_process_meta.go
- connection.go
- consts.go
- context.go
- device.go
- doc.go
- element_handle.go
- element_handle_options.go
- errors.go
- event_emitter.go
- execution_context.go
- frame.go
- frame_manager.go
- frame_options.go
- frame_session.go
- helpers.go
- hooks.go
- js_handle.go
- keyboard.go
- keyboard_options.go
- kill_linux.go
- locator.go
- mouse.go
- mouse_options.go
- network_manager.go
- page.go
- page_options.go
- remote_object.go
- request.go
- response.go
- screenshotter.go
- selectors.go
- session.go
- timeout.go
- touchscreen.go
- types.go
- worker.go