
v0.0.0-cloud Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 30, 2023 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 5 Imported by: 0




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const HandoffSchemaVersion = 36

HandoffSchemaVersion is the minimum schemaVersion for dashboards at which the Thema-based dashboard schema is possibly valid

schemaVersion is the original version numbering system for dashboards. If a dashboard is below this schemaVersion, it is necessary for the frontend typescript dashboard migration logic to first run and get it past this number, after which Thema can take over.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AnnotationQuery

type AnnotationQuery struct {
	BuiltIn int `json:"builtIn"`

	// Datasource to use for annotation.
	Datasource struct {
		Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
		Uid  *string `json:"uid,omitempty"`
	} `json:"datasource"`

	// Whether annotation is enabled.
	Enable bool `json:"enable"`

	// Whether to hide annotation.
	Hide *bool `json:"hide,omitempty"`

	// Annotation icon color.
	IconColor *string `json:"iconColor,omitempty"`

	// Name of annotation.
	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	// Query for annotation data.
	RawQuery *string `json:"rawQuery,omitempty"`
	ShowIn   int     `json:"showIn"`

	// TODO docs
	Target *AnnotationTarget `json:"target,omitempty"`
	Type   string            `json:"type"`

TODO docs FROM: AnnotationQuery in grafana-data/src/types/annotations.ts

type AnnotationTarget

type AnnotationTarget struct {
	Limit    int64    `json:"limit"`
	MatchAny bool     `json:"matchAny"`
	Tags     []string `json:"tags"`
	Type     string   `json:"type"`

TODO docs

type CursorSync

type CursorSync int

0 for no shared crosshair or tooltip (default). 1 for shared crosshair. 2 for shared crosshair AND shared tooltip.

const (
	CursorSyncN0 CursorSync = 0
	CursorSyncN1 CursorSync = 1
	CursorSyncN2 CursorSync = 2

Defines values for CursorSync.

type Dashboard

type Dashboard struct {
	// TODO docs
	Annotations *struct {
		List []AnnotationQuery `json:"list,omitempty"`
	} `json:"annotations,omitempty"`

	// Description of dashboard.
	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`

	// Whether a dashboard is editable or not.
	Editable bool `json:"editable"`

	// The month that the fiscal year starts on.  0 = January, 11 = December
	FiscalYearStartMonth *int `json:"fiscalYearStartMonth,omitempty"`

	// For dashboards imported from the https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/ portal
	GnetId *string `json:"gnetId,omitempty"`

	// 0 for no shared crosshair or tooltip (default).
	// 1 for shared crosshair.
	// 2 for shared crosshair AND shared tooltip.
	GraphTooltip CursorSync `json:"graphTooltip"`

	// Unique numeric identifier for the dashboard.
	// TODO must isolate or remove identifiers local to a Grafana instance...?
	Id *int64 `json:"id,omitempty"`

	// TODO docs
	Links []Link `json:"links,omitempty"`

	// When set to true, the dashboard will redraw panels at an interval matching the pixel width.
	// This will keep data "moving left" regardless of the query refresh rate.  This setting helps
	// avoid dashboards presenting stale live data
	LiveNow *bool         `json:"liveNow,omitempty"`
	Panels  []interface{} `json:"panels,omitempty"`

	// Refresh rate of dashboard. Represented via interval string, e.g. "5s", "1m", "1h", "1d".
	Refresh *interface{} `json:"refresh,omitempty"`

	// This property should only be used in dashboards defined by plugins.  It is a quick check
	// to see if the version has changed since the last time.  Unclear why using the version property
	// is insufficient.
	Revision *int64 `json:"revision,omitempty"`

	// Version of the JSON schema, incremented each time a Grafana update brings
	// changes to said schema.
	// TODO this is the existing schema numbering system. It will be replaced by Thema's themaVersion
	SchemaVersion int `json:"schemaVersion"`

	// TODO docs
	Snapshot *Snapshot `json:"snapshot,omitempty"`

	// Theme of dashboard.
	Style Style `json:"style"`

	// Tags associated with dashboard.
	Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"`

	// TODO docs
	Templating *struct {
		List []VariableModel `json:"list,omitempty"`
	} `json:"templating,omitempty"`

	// Time range for dashboard, e.g. last 6 hours, last 7 days, etc
	Time *struct {
		From string `json:"from"`
		To   string `json:"to"`
	} `json:"time,omitempty"`

	// TODO docs
	// TODO this appears to be spread all over in the frontend. Concepts will likely need tidying in tandem with schema changes
	Timepicker *struct {
		// Whether timepicker is collapsed or not.
		Collapse bool `json:"collapse"`

		// Whether timepicker is enabled or not.
		Enable bool `json:"enable"`

		// Whether timepicker is visible or not.
		Hidden bool `json:"hidden"`

		// Selectable intervals for auto-refresh.
		RefreshIntervals []string `json:"refresh_intervals"`

		// TODO docs
		TimeOptions []string `json:"time_options"`
	} `json:"timepicker,omitempty"`

	// Timezone of dashboard. Accepts IANA TZDB zone ID or "browser" or "utc".
	Timezone *string `json:"timezone,omitempty"`

	// Title of dashboard.
	Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"`

	// Unique dashboard identifier that can be generated by anyone. string (8-40)
	Uid *string `json:"uid,omitempty"`

	// Version of the dashboard, incremented each time the dashboard is updated.
	Version *int `json:"version,omitempty"`

	// TODO docs
	WeekStart *string `json:"weekStart,omitempty"`

Dashboard defines model for Dashboard.

type DataSourceRef

type DataSourceRef struct {
	// The plugin type-id
	Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

	// Specific datasource instance
	Uid *string `json:"uid,omitempty"`

Ref to a DataSource instance

type DataTransformerConfig

type DataTransformerConfig struct {
	// Disabled transformations are skipped
	Disabled *bool          `json:"disabled,omitempty"`
	Filter   *MatcherConfig `json:"filter,omitempty"`

	// Unique identifier of transformer
	Id string `json:"id"`

	// Options to be passed to the transformer
	// Valid options depend on the transformer id
	Options interface{} `json:"options"`

TODO docs

type DynamicConfigValue

type DynamicConfigValue struct {
	Id    string       `json:"id"`
	Value *interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"`

DynamicConfigValue defines model for DynamicConfigValue.

type FieldColor

type FieldColor struct {
	// Stores the fixed color value if mode is fixed
	FixedColor *string `json:"fixedColor,omitempty"`

	// The main color scheme mode
	Mode string `json:"mode"`

	// TODO docs
	SeriesBy *FieldColorSeriesByMode `json:"seriesBy,omitempty"`

TODO docs

type FieldColorModeId

type FieldColorModeId string

TODO docs

const (
	FieldColorModeIdContinuousGrYlRd FieldColorModeId = "continuous-GrYlRd"
	FieldColorModeIdFixed            FieldColorModeId = "fixed"
	FieldColorModeIdPaletteClassic   FieldColorModeId = "palette-classic"
	FieldColorModeIdPaletteSaturated FieldColorModeId = "palette-saturated"
	FieldColorModeIdThresholds       FieldColorModeId = "thresholds"

Defines values for FieldColorModeId.

type FieldColorSeriesByMode

type FieldColorSeriesByMode string

TODO docs

const (
	FieldColorSeriesByModeLast FieldColorSeriesByMode = "last"
	FieldColorSeriesByModeMax  FieldColorSeriesByMode = "max"
	FieldColorSeriesByModeMin  FieldColorSeriesByMode = "min"

Defines values for FieldColorSeriesByMode.

type FieldConfig

type FieldConfig struct {
	// TODO docs
	Color *FieldColor `json:"color,omitempty"`

	// custom is specified by the PanelFieldConfig field
	// in panel plugin schemas.
	Custom map[string]interface{} `json:"custom,omitempty"`

	// Significant digits (for display)
	Decimals *float32 `json:"decimals,omitempty"`

	// Human readable field metadata
	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`

	// The display value for this field.  This supports template variables blank is auto
	DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`

	// This can be used by data sources that return and explicit naming structure for values and labels
	// When this property is configured, this value is used rather than the default naming strategy.
	DisplayNameFromDS *string `json:"displayNameFromDS,omitempty"`

	// True if data source field supports ad-hoc filters
	Filterable *bool `json:"filterable,omitempty"`

	// The behavior when clicking on a result
	Links []interface{} `json:"links,omitempty"`

	// Convert input values into a display string
	Mappings []interface{} `json:"mappings,omitempty"`
	Max      *float32      `json:"max,omitempty"`
	Min      *float32      `json:"min,omitempty"`

	// Alternative to empty string
	NoValue *string `json:"noValue,omitempty"`

	// An explicit path to the field in the datasource.  When the frame meta includes a path,
	// This will default to `${frame.meta.path}/${field.name}
	// When defined, this value can be used as an identifier within the datasource scope, and
	// may be used to update the results
	Path       *string           `json:"path,omitempty"`
	Thresholds *ThresholdsConfig `json:"thresholds,omitempty"`

	// Numeric Options
	Unit *string `json:"unit,omitempty"`

	// True if data source can write a value to the path.  Auth/authz are supported separately
	Writeable *bool `json:"writeable,omitempty"`

FieldConfig defines model for FieldConfig.

type FieldConfigSource

type FieldConfigSource struct {
	Defaults  FieldConfig `json:"defaults"`
	Overrides []struct {
		Matcher    MatcherConfig        `json:"matcher"`
		Properties []DynamicConfigValue `json:"properties"`
	} `json:"overrides"`

FieldConfigSource defines model for FieldConfigSource.

type GraphPanel

type GraphPanel struct {
	// @deprecated this is part of deprecated graph panel
	Legend *struct {
		Show     bool    `json:"show"`
		Sort     *string `json:"sort,omitempty"`
		SortDesc *bool   `json:"sortDesc,omitempty"`
	} `json:"legend,omitempty"`
	Type GraphPanelType `json:"type"`

Support for legacy graph and heatmap panels.

type GraphPanelType

type GraphPanelType string

GraphPanelType defines model for GraphPanel.Type.

const (
	GraphPanelTypeGraph GraphPanelType = "graph"

Defines values for GraphPanelType.

type GridPos

type GridPos struct {
	// H Panel
	H int `json:"h"`

	// Static true if fixed
	Static *bool `json:"static,omitempty"`

	// W Panel
	W int `json:"w"`

	// Panel x
	X int `json:"x"`

	// Panel y
	Y int `json:"y"`

GridPos defines model for GridPos.

type HeatmapPanel

type HeatmapPanel struct {
	Type HeatmapPanelType `json:"type"`

HeatmapPanel defines model for HeatmapPanel.

type HeatmapPanelType

type HeatmapPanelType string

HeatmapPanelType defines model for HeatmapPanel.Type.

const (
	HeatmapPanelTypeHeatmap HeatmapPanelType = "heatmap"

Defines values for HeatmapPanelType.

type Kind

type Kind struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TODO standard generated docs

func NewKind

func NewKind(rt *thema.Runtime, opts ...thema.BindOption) (*Kind, error)

TODO standard generated docs

func (*Kind) ConvergentLineage

func (k *Kind) ConvergentLineage() thema.ConvergentLineage[*Dashboard]

ConvergentLineage returns the same thema.Lineage as Lineage, but bound (see thema.BindType) to the the Dashboard type generated from the current schema, v0.0.

func (*Kind) JSONValueMux

func (k *Kind) JSONValueMux(b []byte) (*Dashboard, thema.TranslationLacunas, error)

JSONValueMux is a version multiplexer that maps a []byte containing JSON data at any schematized dashboard version to an instance of Dashboard.

Validation and translation errors emitted from this func will identify the input bytes as "dashboard.json".

This is a thin wrapper around Thema's vmux.ValueMux.

type LibraryPanelRef

type LibraryPanelRef struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Uid  string `json:"uid"`

LibraryPanelRef defines model for LibraryPanelRef.

type Link struct {
	AsDropdown  bool     `json:"asDropdown"`
	Icon        string   `json:"icon"`
	IncludeVars bool     `json:"includeVars"`
	KeepTime    bool     `json:"keepTime"`
	Tags        []string `json:"tags"`
	TargetBlank bool     `json:"targetBlank"`
	Title       string   `json:"title"`
	Tooltip     string   `json:"tooltip"`

	// TODO docs
	Type LinkType `json:"type"`
	Url  string   `json:"url"`

FROM public/app/features/dashboard/state/Models.ts - ish TODO docs

type LinkType

type LinkType string

TODO docs

const (
	LinkTypeDashboards LinkType = "dashboards"
	LinkTypeLink       LinkType = "link"

Defines values for LinkType.

type LoadingState

type LoadingState string

LoadingState defines model for LoadingState.

const (
	LoadingStateDone       LoadingState = "Done"
	LoadingStateError      LoadingState = "Error"
	LoadingStateLoading    LoadingState = "Loading"
	LoadingStateNotStarted LoadingState = "NotStarted"
	LoadingStateStreaming  LoadingState = "Streaming"

Defines values for LoadingState.

type MappingType

type MappingType string

TODO docs

const (
	MappingTypeRange   MappingType = "range"
	MappingTypeRegex   MappingType = "regex"
	MappingTypeSpecial MappingType = "special"
	MappingTypeValue   MappingType = "value"

Defines values for MappingType.

type MatcherConfig

type MatcherConfig struct {
	Id      string       `json:"id"`
	Options *interface{} `json:"options,omitempty"`

MatcherConfig defines model for MatcherConfig.

type Panel

type Panel struct {
	// The datasource used in all targets.
	Datasource *struct {
		Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
		Uid  *string `json:"uid,omitempty"`
	} `json:"datasource,omitempty"`

	// Description Description.
	Description *string           `json:"description,omitempty"`
	FieldConfig FieldConfigSource `json:"fieldConfig"`
	GridPos     *GridPos          `json:"gridPos,omitempty"`

	// TODO docs
	Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"`

	// TODO docs
	// TODO tighter constraint
	Interval     *string          `json:"interval,omitempty"`
	LibraryPanel *LibraryPanelRef `json:"libraryPanel,omitempty"`

	// Panel links.
	// TODO fill this out - seems there are a couple variants?
	Links []Link `json:"links,omitempty"`

	// TODO docs
	MaxDataPoints *float32 `json:"maxDataPoints,omitempty"`

	// options is specified by the PanelOptions field in panel
	// plugin schemas.
	Options map[string]interface{} `json:"options"`

	// FIXME this almost certainly has to be changed in favor of scuemata versions
	PluginVersion *string `json:"pluginVersion,omitempty"`

	// Name of template variable to repeat for.
	Repeat *string `json:"repeat,omitempty"`

	// Direction to repeat in if 'repeat' is set.
	// "h" for horizontal, "v" for vertical.
	// TODO this is probably optional
	RepeatDirection PanelRepeatDirection `json:"repeatDirection"`

	// Id of the repeating panel.
	RepeatPanelId *int64 `json:"repeatPanelId,omitempty"`

	// TODO docs
	Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"`

	// TODO docs
	Targets []Target `json:"targets,omitempty"`

	// TODO docs - seems to be an old field from old dashboard alerts?
	Thresholds []interface{} `json:"thresholds,omitempty"`

	// TODO docs
	// TODO tighter constraint
	TimeFrom *string `json:"timeFrom,omitempty"`

	// TODO docs
	TimeRegions []interface{} `json:"timeRegions,omitempty"`

	// TODO docs
	// TODO tighter constraint
	TimeShift *string `json:"timeShift,omitempty"`

	// Panel title.
	Title           *string                 `json:"title,omitempty"`
	Transformations []DataTransformerConfig `json:"transformations"`

	// Whether to display the panel without a background.
	Transparent bool `json:"transparent"`

	// The panel plugin type id. May not be empty.
	Type string `json:"type"`

Dashboard panels. Panels are canonically defined inline because they share a version timeline with the dashboard schema; they do not evolve independently.

type PanelRepeatDirection

type PanelRepeatDirection string

Direction to repeat in if 'repeat' is set. "h" for horizontal, "v" for vertical. TODO this is probably optional

const (
	PanelRepeatDirectionH PanelRepeatDirection = "h"
	PanelRepeatDirectionV PanelRepeatDirection = "v"

Defines values for PanelRepeatDirection.

type RangeMap

type RangeMap struct {
	Options struct {
		// From to and from are `number | null` in current ts, really not sure what to do
		From float64 `json:"from"`

		// TODO docs
		Result ValueMappingResult `json:"result"`
		To     float64            `json:"to"`
	} `json:"options"`
	Type RangeMapType `json:"type"`

TODO docs

type RangeMapType

type RangeMapType string

RangeMapType defines model for RangeMap.Type.

const (
	RangeMapTypeRange   RangeMapType = "range"
	RangeMapTypeRegex   RangeMapType = "regex"
	RangeMapTypeSpecial RangeMapType = "special"
	RangeMapTypeValue   RangeMapType = "value"

Defines values for RangeMapType.

type RegexMap

type RegexMap struct {
	Options struct {
		Pattern string `json:"pattern"`

		// TODO docs
		Result ValueMappingResult `json:"result"`
	} `json:"options"`
	Type RegexMapType `json:"type"`

TODO docs

type RegexMapType

type RegexMapType string

RegexMapType defines model for RegexMap.Type.

const (
	RegexMapTypeRange   RegexMapType = "range"
	RegexMapTypeRegex   RegexMapType = "regex"
	RegexMapTypeSpecial RegexMapType = "special"
	RegexMapTypeValue   RegexMapType = "value"

Defines values for RegexMapType.

type RowPanel

type RowPanel struct {
	Collapsed bool `json:"collapsed"`

	// Name of default datasource.
	Datasource *struct {
		Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
		Uid  *string `json:"uid,omitempty"`
	} `json:"datasource,omitempty"`
	GridPos *GridPos      `json:"gridPos,omitempty"`
	Id      int           `json:"id"`
	Panels  []interface{} `json:"panels"`

	// Name of template variable to repeat for.
	Repeat *string      `json:"repeat,omitempty"`
	Title  *string      `json:"title,omitempty"`
	Type   RowPanelType `json:"type"`

Row panel

type RowPanelType

type RowPanelType string

RowPanelType defines model for RowPanel.Type.

const (
	RowPanelTypeRow RowPanelType = "row"

Defines values for RowPanelType.

type Snapshot

type Snapshot struct {
	// TODO docs
	Created time.Time `json:"created"`

	// TODO docs
	Expires string `json:"expires"`

	// TODO docs
	External bool `json:"external"`

	// TODO docs
	ExternalUrl string `json:"externalUrl"`

	// TODO docs
	Id int `json:"id"`

	// TODO docs
	Key string `json:"key"`

	// TODO docs
	Name string `json:"name"`

	// TODO docs
	OrgId int `json:"orgId"`

	// TODO docs
	Updated time.Time `json:"updated"`

	// TODO docs
	Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"`

	// TODO docs
	UserId int `json:"userId"`

TODO docs

type SpecialValueMap

type SpecialValueMap struct {
	Options struct {
		Match   SpecialValueMapOptionsMatch `json:"match"`
		Pattern string                      `json:"pattern"`

		// TODO docs
		Result ValueMappingResult `json:"result"`
	} `json:"options"`
	Type SpecialValueMapType `json:"type"`

TODO docs

type SpecialValueMapOptionsMatch

type SpecialValueMapOptionsMatch string

SpecialValueMapOptionsMatch defines model for SpecialValueMap.Options.Match.

const (
	SpecialValueMapOptionsMatchFalse SpecialValueMapOptionsMatch = "false"
	SpecialValueMapOptionsMatchTrue  SpecialValueMapOptionsMatch = "true"

Defines values for SpecialValueMapOptionsMatch.

type SpecialValueMapType

type SpecialValueMapType string

SpecialValueMapType defines model for SpecialValueMap.Type.

const (
	SpecialValueMapTypeRange   SpecialValueMapType = "range"
	SpecialValueMapTypeRegex   SpecialValueMapType = "regex"
	SpecialValueMapTypeSpecial SpecialValueMapType = "special"
	SpecialValueMapTypeValue   SpecialValueMapType = "value"

Defines values for SpecialValueMapType.

type SpecialValueMatch

type SpecialValueMatch string

TODO docs

const (
	SpecialValueMatchEmpty   SpecialValueMatch = "empty"
	SpecialValueMatchFalse   SpecialValueMatch = "false"
	SpecialValueMatchNan     SpecialValueMatch = "nan"
	SpecialValueMatchNull    SpecialValueMatch = "null"
	SpecialValueMatchNullNan SpecialValueMatch = "null+nan"
	SpecialValueMatchTrue    SpecialValueMatch = "true"

Defines values for SpecialValueMatch.

type Style

type Style string

Theme of dashboard.

const (
	StyleDark  Style = "dark"
	StyleLight Style = "light"

Defines values for Style.

type Target

type Target = map[string]interface{}

Schema for panel targets is specified by datasource plugins. We use a placeholder definition, which the Go schema loader either left open/as-is with the Base variant of the Dashboard and Panel families, or filled with types derived from plugins in the Instance variant. When working directly from CUE, importers can extend this type directly to achieve the same effect.

type Threshold

type Threshold struct {
	// TODO docs
	Color string `json:"color"`

	// Threshold index, an old property that is not needed an should only appear in older dashboards
	Index *int32 `json:"index,omitempty"`

	// TODO docs
	// TODO are the values here enumerable into a disjunction?
	// Some seem to be listed in typescript comment
	State *string `json:"state,omitempty"`

	// TODO docs
	// FIXME the corresponding typescript field is required/non-optional, but nulls currently appear here when serializing -Infinity to JSON
	Value *float32 `json:"value,omitempty"`

TODO docs

type ThresholdsConfig

type ThresholdsConfig struct {
	Mode ThresholdsMode `json:"mode"`

	// Must be sorted by 'value', first value is always -Infinity
	Steps []Threshold `json:"steps"`

ThresholdsConfig defines model for ThresholdsConfig.

type ThresholdsMode

type ThresholdsMode string

ThresholdsMode defines model for ThresholdsMode.

const (
	ThresholdsModeAbsolute   ThresholdsMode = "absolute"
	ThresholdsModePercentage ThresholdsMode = "percentage"

Defines values for ThresholdsMode.

type ValueMap

type ValueMap struct {
	Options map[string]ValueMappingResult `json:"options"`
	Type    ValueMapType                  `json:"type"`

TODO docs

type ValueMapType

type ValueMapType string

ValueMapType defines model for ValueMap.Type.

const (
	ValueMapTypeRange   ValueMapType = "range"
	ValueMapTypeRegex   ValueMapType = "regex"
	ValueMapTypeSpecial ValueMapType = "special"
	ValueMapTypeValue   ValueMapType = "value"

Defines values for ValueMapType.

type ValueMappingResult

type ValueMappingResult struct {
	Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"`
	Icon  *string `json:"icon,omitempty"`
	Index *int32  `json:"index,omitempty"`
	Text  *string `json:"text,omitempty"`

TODO docs

type VariableHide

type VariableHide int

VariableHide defines model for VariableHide.

const (
	VariableHideN0 VariableHide = 0
	VariableHideN1 VariableHide = 1
	VariableHideN2 VariableHide = 2

Defines values for VariableHide.

type VariableModel

type VariableModel struct {
	// Ref to a DataSource instance
	Datasource  *DataSourceRef         `json:"datasource,omitempty"`
	Description *string                `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Error       map[string]interface{} `json:"error,omitempty"`
	Global      bool                   `json:"global"`
	Hide        VariableHide           `json:"hide"`
	Id          string                 `json:"id"`
	Index       int                    `json:"index"`
	Label       *string                `json:"label,omitempty"`
	Name        string                 `json:"name"`

	// TODO: Move this into a separated QueryVariableModel type
	Query        *interface{} `json:"query,omitempty"`
	RootStateKey *string      `json:"rootStateKey,omitempty"`
	SkipUrlSync  bool         `json:"skipUrlSync"`
	State        LoadingState `json:"state"`

	// FROM: packages/grafana-data/src/types/templateVars.ts
	// TODO docs
	// TODO this implies some wider pattern/discriminated union, probably?
	Type VariableType `json:"type"`

FROM: packages/grafana-data/src/types/templateVars.ts TODO docs TODO what about what's in public/app/features/types.ts? TODO there appear to be a lot of different kinds of [template] vars here? if so need a disjunction

type VariableType

type VariableType string

FROM: packages/grafana-data/src/types/templateVars.ts TODO docs TODO this implies some wider pattern/discriminated union, probably?

const (
	VariableTypeAdhoc      VariableType = "adhoc"
	VariableTypeConstant   VariableType = "constant"
	VariableTypeCustom     VariableType = "custom"
	VariableTypeDatasource VariableType = "datasource"
	VariableTypeInterval   VariableType = "interval"
	VariableTypeQuery      VariableType = "query"
	VariableTypeSystem     VariableType = "system"
	VariableTypeTextbox    VariableType = "textbox"

Defines values for VariableType.


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL