Helps with creating and restoring Bigtable backups. Backups are exported to and imported from GCS in Sequence file format. Links can be found down below to read more on it.
Getting started
$ go get -u
$ bigtable-backup --help
usage: bigtable-backup [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]
A command-line for creating and restoring backups from bigtable.
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
help [<command>...]
Show help.
create --bigtable-project-id=BIGTABLE-PROJECT-ID --bigtable-instance-id=BIGTABLE-INSTANCE-ID --bigtable-table-id-prefix=BIGTABLE-TABLE-ID-PREFIX --destination-path=DESTINATION-PATH --temp-prefix=TEMP-PREFIX
Create backups for specific table or all the tables for given prefix
list-backups --backup-path=BACKUP-PATH
Restore backups of all or specific bigtableTableId created for specific timestamp
restore --backup-path=BACKUP-PATH --bigtable-project-id=BIGTABLE-PROJECT-ID --bigtable-instance-id=BIGTABLE-INSTANCE-ID --bigtable-table-id=BIGTABLE-TABLE-ID --temp-prefix=TEMP-PREFIX [<flags>]
Restore backups of specific bigtableTableId created at a timestamp
delete-backup --bigtable-table-id=BIGTABLE-TABLE-ID --backup-path=BACKUP-PATH --backup-timestamp=BACKUP-TIMESTAMP
Delete backup of a table with timestamp
- While restoring from a backup, table should already exist in Bigtable.
Using a service account is recommended here with permission to read and write to Dataflow, GCS and Bigtable.
More information on Authentication can be found here
Further Reading about Google Cloud Dataflow, which is used for creating and restoring backups
Cloud Bigtable to Cloud Storage SequenceFile
Cloud Storage SequenceFile to Cloud Bigtable