$ gguf-packer --help
Pack the GGUF format model.
gguf-packer [command]
# Serve as BuildKit frontend
gguf-packer llb-frontend
# Dump the BuildKit LLB of the current directory
gguf-packer llb-dump
# Pull the model from the registry
gguf-packer pull gpustack/qwen2:0.5b-instruct
# Inspect the model
gguf-packer inspect gpustack/qwen2:0.5b-instruct
# Estimate the model memory usage
gguf-packer estimate gpustack/qwen2:0.5b-instruct
# List all local models
gguf-packer list
# Remove a local model
gguf-packer remove gpustack/qwen2:0.5b-instruct
# Run a model by container container: ghcr.io/ggerganov/llama.cpp:server
gguf-packer run gpustack/qwen2:0.5b-instruct
Available Commands:
estimate Estimate the model memory usage.
help Help about any command
inspect Get the low-level information of a model.
list List all local models.
llb-dump Dump the BuildKit LLB of the GGUFPackerfile.
llb-frontend Serve as BuildKit frontend.
pull Download a model from a registry.
remove Remove one or more local models.
run Run a model by specific process, like container image or executable binary.
-h, --help help for gguf-packer
-v, --version version for gguf-packer
Use "gguf-packer [command] --help" for more information about a command.