k6 extension that allows you to aggregate the results of HTTP requests and view them one by one using a generated .html
report. Until now it was only possible to analyze them using WDP (Web Debugging Proxy). Implemented using the xk6 system.
xk6 build --with github.com/gpiechnik2/xk6-httpagg@latest
import { check } from 'k6';
import http from 'k6/http';
import httpagg from 'k6/x/httpagg';
export default function () {
const response = http.get('http://httpbin.test.k6.io/endpointThatWillReturn404Error');
const status = check(
'response code was 200': (res) => res.status == 200
); // the status variable will be false because the assertion inside does not match
fileName: "myFilenameWithRequestsAggregated.json",
aggregateLevel: "onSuccess" // response with the request above will not be
// aggregated because we set the aggregation level to "onSuccess".
// The default level is "onError", which is when any of the assertions from
// the k6 "check" function fails and the entire function returns false
// or (without the optional fields)
httpagg.checkRequest(response, status); // this request & response will be aggregated because
// we have not set the aggregation level and the default "onError" will be used. Additionally,
// a file will be created with the default name "httpagg.json"
// or
// IMPORTANT: We can use the "all" aggregation level to aggregate all requests regardless of
// the check result
httpagg.checkRequest(response, status, {
aggregateLevel: "all"
export function teardown(data) {
httpagg.generateRaport("myFilenameWithRequestsAggregated.json", "myHtmlReport.html")
// or (without the optional fields)
httpagg.generateRaport() // the default name of the html report that will be created
// is "httpaggReport.html". In turn, the name of the request results file that will
// be checked is "httpagg.json"
Report view
Run sample script
./k6 run ./script.js