
v0.0.0-...-524df1d Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 15, 2019 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 2 Imported by: 0




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const (
	// Authentication
	HeaderAuthorization      = "Authorization"
	HeaderProxyAuthenticate  = "Proxy-Authenticate"
	HeaderProxyAuthorization = "Proxy-Authorization"
	HeaderWWWAuthenticate    = "WWW-Authenticate"

	// Caching
	HeaderAge           = "Age"
	HeaderCacheControl  = "Cache-Control"
	HeaderClearSiteData = "Clear-Site-Data"
	HeaderExpires       = "Expires"
	HeaderPragma        = "Pragma"
	HeaderWarning       = "Warning"

	// Client hints
	HeaderAcceptCH         = "Accept-CH"
	HeaderAcceptCHLifetime = "Accept-CH-Lifetime"
	HeaderContentDPR       = "Content-DPR"
	HeaderDPR              = "DPR"
	HeaderEarlyData        = "Early-Data"
	HeaderSaveData         = "Save-Data"
	HeaderViewportWidth    = "Viewport-Width"
	HeaderWidth            = "Width"

	// Conditionals
	HeaderETag              = "ETag"
	HeaderIfMatch           = "If-Match"
	HeaderIfModifiedSince   = "If-Modified-Since"
	HeaderIfNoneMatch       = "If-None-Match"
	HeaderIfUnmodifiedSince = "If-Unmodified-Since"
	HeaderLastModified      = "Last-Modified"
	HeaderVary              = "Vary"

	// Connection management
	HeaderConnection = "Connection"
	HeaderKeepAlive  = "Keep-Alive"

	// Content negotiation
	HeaderAccept         = "Accept"
	HeaderAcceptCharset  = "Accept-Charset"
	HeaderAcceptEncoding = "Accept-Encoding"
	HeaderAcceptLanguage = "Accept-Language"

	// Controls
	HeaderCookie      = "Cookie"
	HeaderExpect      = "Expect"
	HeaderMaxForwards = "Max-Forwards"
	HeaderSetCookie   = "Set-Cookie"

	// CORS
	HeaderAccessControlAllowCredentials = "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"
	HeaderAccessControlAllowHeaders     = "Access-Control-Allow-Headers"
	HeaderAccessControlAllowMethods     = "Access-Control-Allow-Methods"
	HeaderAccessControlAllowOrigin      = "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"
	HeaderAccessControlExposeHeaders    = "Access-Control-Expose-Headers"
	HeaderAccessControlMaxAge           = "Access-Control-Max-Age"
	HeaderAccessControlRequestHeaders   = "Access-Control-Request-Headers"
	HeaderAccessControlRequestMethod    = "Access-Control-Request-Method"
	HeaderOrigin                        = "Origin"
	HeaderTimingAllowOrigin             = "Timing-Allow-Origin"
	HeaderXPermittedCrossDomainPolicies = "X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies"

	// Do Not Track
	HeaderDNT = "DNT"
	HeaderTk  = "Tk"

	// Downloads
	HeaderContentDisposition = "Content-Disposition"

	// Message body information
	HeaderContentEncoding = "Content-Encoding"
	HeaderContentLanguage = "Content-Language"
	HeaderContentLength   = "Content-Length"
	HeaderContentLocation = "Content-Location"
	HeaderContentType     = "Content-Type"

	// Proxies
	HeaderForwarded       = "Forwarded"
	HeaderVia             = "Via"
	HeaderXForwardedFor   = "X-Forwarded-For"
	HeaderXForwardedHost  = "X-Forwarded-Host"
	HeaderXForwardedProto = "X-Forwarded-Proto"

	// Redirects
	HeaderLocation = "Location"

	// Request context
	HeaderFrom           = "From"
	HeaderHost           = "Host"
	HeaderReferer        = "Referer"
	HeaderReferrerPolicy = "Referrer-Policy"
	HeaderUserAgent      = "User-Agent"

	// Response context
	HeaderAllow  = "Allow"
	HeaderServer = "Server"

	// Range requests
	HeaderAcceptRanges = "Accept-Ranges"
	HeaderContentRange = "Content-Range"
	HeaderIfRange      = "If-Range"
	HeaderRange        = "Range"

	// Security
	HeaderContentSecurityPolicy           = "Content-Security-Policy"
	HeaderContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly = "Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only"
	HeaderCrossOriginResourcePolicy       = "Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy"
	HeaderExpectCT                        = "Expect-CT"
	HeaderFeaturePolicy                   = "Feature-Policy"
	HeaderPublicKeyPins                   = "Public-Key-Pins"
	HeaderPublicKeyPinsReportOnly         = "Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only"
	HeaderStrictTransportSecurity         = "Strict-Transport-Security"
	HeaderUpgradeInsecureRequests         = "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests"
	HeaderXContentTypeOptions             = "X-Content-Type-Options"
	HeaderXDownloadOptions                = "X-Download-Options"
	HeaderXFrameOptions                   = "X-Frame-Options"
	HeaderXPoweredBy                      = "X-Powered-By"
	HeaderXXSSProtection                  = "X-XSS-Protection"

	// Server-sent event
	HeaderLastEventID = "Last-Event-ID"
	HeaderNEL         = "NEL"
	HeaderPingFrom    = "Ping-From"
	HeaderPingTo      = "Ping-To"
	HeaderReportTo    = "Report-To"

	// Transfer coding
	HeaderTE               = "TE"
	HeaderTrailer          = "Trailer"
	HeaderTransferEncoding = "Transfer-Encoding"

	// WebSockets
	HeaderSecWebSocketAccept     = "Sec-WebSocket-Accept"
	HeaderSecWebSocketExtensions = "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"
	HeaderSecWebSocketKey        = "Sec-WebSocket-Key"
	HeaderSecWebSocketProtocol   = "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"
	HeaderSecWebSocketVersion    = "Sec-WebSocket-Version"

	// Other
	HeaderAcceptPatch         = "Accept-Patch"
	HeaderAcceptPushPolicy    = "Accept-Push-Policy"
	HeaderAcceptSignature     = "Accept-Signature"
	HeaderAltSvc              = "Alt-Svc"
	HeaderDate                = "Date"
	HeaderIndex               = "Index"
	HeaderLargeAllocation     = "Large-Allocation"
	HeaderLink                = "Link"
	HeaderPushPolicy          = "Push-Policy"
	HeaderRetryAfter          = "Retry-After"
	HeaderServerTiming        = "Server-Timing"
	HeaderSignature           = "Signature"
	HeaderSignedHeaders       = "Signed-Headers"
	HeaderSourceMap           = "SourceMap"
	HeaderUpgrade             = "Upgrade"
	HeaderXDNSPrefetchControl = "X-DNS-Prefetch-Control"
	HeaderXPingback           = "X-Pingback"
	HeaderXRequestedWith      = "X-RequestedWith"
	HeaderXRobotsTag          = "X-Robots-Tag"
	HeaderXUACompatible       = "X-UA-Compatible"


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const (
	MethodGet     = "GET"     // RFC 7231, 4.3.1
	MethodHead    = "HEAD"    // RFC 7231, 4.3.2
	MethodPost    = "POST"    // RFC 7231, 4.3.3
	MethodPut     = "PUT"     // RFC 7231, 4.3.4
	MethodPatch   = "PATCH"   // RFC 5789
	MethodDelete  = "DELETE"  // RFC 7231, 4.3.5
	MethodConnect = "CONNECT" // RFC 7231, 4.3.6
	MethodOptions = "OPTIONS" // RFC 7231, 4.3.7
	MethodTrace   = "TRACE"   // RFC 7231, 4.3.8

HTTP methods were copied from net/http.

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const (
	StatusContinue           = 100 // RFC 7231, 6.2.1
	StatusSwitchingProtocols = 101 // RFC 7231, 6.2.2
	StatusProcessing         = 102 // RFC 2518, 10.1

	StatusOK                   = 200 // RFC 7231, 6.3.1
	StatusCreated              = 201 // RFC 7231, 6.3.2
	StatusAccepted             = 202 // RFC 7231, 6.3.3
	StatusNonAuthoritativeInfo = 203 // RFC 7231, 6.3.4
	StatusNoContent            = 204 // RFC 7231, 6.3.5
	StatusResetContent         = 205 // RFC 7231, 6.3.6
	StatusPartialContent       = 206 // RFC 7233, 4.1
	StatusMultiStatus          = 207 // RFC 4918, 11.1
	StatusAlreadyReported      = 208 // RFC 5842, 7.1
	StatusIMUsed               = 226 // RFC 3229, 10.4.1

	StatusMultipleChoices  = 300 // RFC 7231, 6.4.1
	StatusMovedPermanently = 301 // RFC 7231, 6.4.2
	StatusFound            = 302 // RFC 7231, 6.4.3
	StatusSeeOther         = 303 // RFC 7231, 6.4.4
	StatusNotModified      = 304 // RFC 7232, 4.1
	StatusUseProxy         = 305 // RFC 7231, 6.4.5

	StatusTemporaryRedirect = 307 // RFC 7231, 6.4.7
	StatusPermanentRedirect = 308 // RFC 7538, 3

	StatusBadRequest                   = 400 // RFC 7231, 6.5.1
	StatusUnauthorized                 = 401 // RFC 7235, 3.1
	StatusPaymentRequired              = 402 // RFC 7231, 6.5.2
	StatusForbidden                    = 403 // RFC 7231, 6.5.3
	StatusNotFound                     = 404 // RFC 7231, 6.5.4
	StatusMethodNotAllowed             = 405 // RFC 7231, 6.5.5
	StatusNotAcceptable                = 406 // RFC 7231, 6.5.6
	StatusProxyAuthRequired            = 407 // RFC 7235, 3.2
	StatusRequestTimeout               = 408 // RFC 7231, 6.5.7
	StatusConflict                     = 409 // RFC 7231, 6.5.8
	StatusGone                         = 410 // RFC 7231, 6.5.9
	StatusLengthRequired               = 411 // RFC 7231, 6.5.10
	StatusPreconditionFailed           = 412 // RFC 7232, 4.2
	StatusRequestEntityTooLarge        = 413 // RFC 7231, 6.5.11
	StatusRequestURITooLong            = 414 // RFC 7231, 6.5.12
	StatusUnsupportedMediaType         = 415 // RFC 7231, 6.5.13
	StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416 // RFC 7233, 4.4
	StatusExpectationFailed            = 417 // RFC 7231, 6.5.14
	StatusTeapot                       = 418 // RFC 7168, 2.3.3
	StatusUnprocessableEntity          = 422 // RFC 4918, 11.2
	StatusLocked                       = 423 // RFC 4918, 11.3
	StatusFailedDependency             = 424 // RFC 4918, 11.4
	StatusUpgradeRequired              = 426 // RFC 7231, 6.5.15
	StatusPreconditionRequired         = 428 // RFC 6585, 3
	StatusTooManyRequests              = 429 // RFC 6585, 4
	StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge  = 431 // RFC 6585, 5
	StatusUnavailableForLegalReasons   = 451 // RFC 7725, 3

	StatusInternalServerError           = 500 // RFC 7231, 6.6.1
	StatusNotImplemented                = 501 // RFC 7231, 6.6.2
	StatusBadGateway                    = 502 // RFC 7231, 6.6.3
	StatusServiceUnavailable            = 503 // RFC 7231, 6.6.4
	StatusGatewayTimeout                = 504 // RFC 7231, 6.6.5
	StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported       = 505 // RFC 7231, 6.6.6
	StatusVariantAlsoNegotiates         = 506 // RFC 2295, 8.1
	StatusInsufficientStorage           = 507 // RFC 4918, 11.5
	StatusLoopDetected                  = 508 // RFC 5842, 7.2
	StatusNotExtended                   = 510 // RFC 2774, 7
	StatusNetworkAuthenticationRequired = 511 // RFC 6585, 6

HTTP status codes were stolen from net/http.

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const (
	MaxSmallFileSize = 2 * 4096


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var (
	DefaultServerName  = []byte("simo-http")
	DefaultUserAgent   = []byte("simo-http")
	DefaultContentType = []byte("text/plain; charset=utf-8")
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var (
	StrSlash            = []byte("/")
	StrSlashSlash       = []byte("//")
	StrSlashDotDot      = []byte("/..")
	StrSlashDotSlash    = []byte("/./")
	StrSlashDotDotSlash = []byte("/../")
	StrCRLF             = []byte("\r\n")
	StrHTTP             = []byte("http")
	StrHTTPS            = []byte("https")
	StrHTTP11           = []byte("HTTP/1.1")
	StrColon            = []byte(":")
	StrColonSlashSlash  = []byte("://")
	StrColonSpace       = []byte(": ")
	StrGMT              = []byte("GMT")
	StrAt               = []byte("@")

	StrResponseContinue = []byte("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n")

	StrGet     = []byte(MethodGet)
	StrHead    = []byte(MethodHead)
	StrPost    = []byte(MethodPost)
	StrPut     = []byte(MethodPut)
	StrDelete  = []byte(MethodDelete)
	StrConnect = []byte(MethodConnect)
	StrOptions = []byte(MethodOptions)
	StrTrace   = []byte(MethodTrace)
	StrPatch   = []byte(MethodPatch)

	StrExpect           = []byte(HeaderExpect)
	StrConnection       = []byte(HeaderConnection)
	StrContentLength    = []byte(HeaderContentLength)
	StrContentType      = []byte(HeaderContentType)
	StrDate             = []byte(HeaderDate)
	StrHost             = []byte(HeaderHost)
	StrReferer          = []byte(HeaderReferer)
	StrServer           = []byte(HeaderServer)
	StrTransferEncoding = []byte(HeaderTransferEncoding)
	StrContentEncoding  = []byte(HeaderContentEncoding)
	StrAcceptEncoding   = []byte(HeaderAcceptEncoding)
	StrUserAgent        = []byte(HeaderUserAgent)
	StrCookie           = []byte(HeaderCookie)
	StrSetCookie        = []byte(HeaderSetCookie)
	StrLocation         = []byte(HeaderLocation)
	StrIfModifiedSince  = []byte(HeaderIfModifiedSince)
	StrLastModified     = []byte(HeaderLastModified)
	StrAcceptRanges     = []byte(HeaderAcceptRanges)
	StrRange            = []byte(HeaderRange)
	StrContentRange     = []byte(HeaderContentRange)
	StrAuthorization    = []byte(HeaderAuthorization)

	StrCookieExpires        = []byte("expires")
	StrCookieDomain         = []byte("domain")
	StrCookiePath           = []byte("path")
	StrCookieHTTPOnly       = []byte("HttpOnly")
	StrCookieSecure         = []byte("secure")
	StrCookieMaxAge         = []byte("max-age")
	StrCookieSameSite       = []byte("SameSite")
	StrCookieSameSiteLax    = []byte("Lax")
	StrCookieSameSiteStrict = []byte("Strict")
	StrCookieSameSiteNone   = []byte("None")

	StrClose               = []byte("close")
	StrGzip                = []byte("gzip")
	StrDeflate             = []byte("deflate")
	StrKeepAlive           = []byte("keep-alive")
	StrUpgrade             = []byte("Upgrade")
	StrChunked             = []byte("chunked")
	StrIdentity            = []byte("identity")
	Str100Continue         = []byte("100-continue")
	StrPostArgsContentType = []byte("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
	StrMultipartFormData   = []byte("multipart/form-data")
	StrBoundary            = []byte("boundary")
	StrBytes               = []byte("bytes")
	StrTextSlash           = []byte("text/")
	StrApplicationSlash    = []byte("application/")
	StrBasicSpace          = []byte("Basic ")


func StatusLine

func StatusLine(statusCode int) []byte

func StatusMessage

func StatusMessage(statusCode int) string

StatusMessage returns HTTP status message for the given status code.


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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL