Optimus plugin that supports variety of load methods to execute SQL transformations.
Automatic dependency resolution
Append to a partition
Replace table partition
Merge statements
BQ Scripts
Load Method
The way data loaded to destination table depends on the partition configuration of the destination tables
Load Method
No Partition
Partitioned Table
Append new records to destination table
Append new records to destination table per partition based on localised start_time
Load the data using DML Merge statement, all of the load logic lies on DML merge statement
Load the data using DML Merge statement, all of the load logic lies on DML merge statement
Truncate/Clean the table before insert new records
Clean records in destination partition before insert new record to new partition
Doesn't work for non partitioned tables and partitioned tables with ingestion time
Same as REPLACE but uses Merge query to emulate replace
Truncate/Clean the table before insert new records, use this instead of REPLACE for aggregation
Clean records in destination partition before insert new record to new partition
Note: if REPLACE load method is used and window size greater than the partition delta,
it is assumed the table is partitioned with DAY at the moment.
This will split the query into multiple queries executing for each partition one by one.
Note: REPLACE_MERGE is experimental and might not work properly for deeply
nested structs, it is advised to test it before using in production