
v0.120.3 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Oct 22, 2019 License: MIT Imports: 6 Imported by: 35



Package config contains the model and loader of the goreleaser configuration file.



This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type Archive

type Archive struct {
	ID              string            `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Builds          []string          `yaml:",omitempty"`
	NameTemplate    string            `yaml:"name_template,omitempty"`
	Replacements    map[string]string `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Format          string            `yaml:",omitempty"`
	FormatOverrides []FormatOverride  `yaml:"format_overrides,omitempty"`
	WrapInDirectory string            `yaml:"wrap_in_directory,omitempty"`
	Files           []string          `yaml:",omitempty"`

Archive config used for the archive

type Before

type Before struct {
	Hooks []string `yaml:",omitempty"`

Before config

type Blob added in v0.109.0

type Blob struct {
	Bucket   string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Provider string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Folder   string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	KMSKey   string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	IDs      []string `yaml:"ids,omitempty"`

Blob contains config for GO CDK blob

type Build

type Build struct {
	ID       string         `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Goos     []string       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Goarch   []string       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Goarm    []string       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Targets  []string       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Ignore   []IgnoredBuild `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Main     string         `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Ldflags  StringArray    `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Flags    FlagArray      `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Binary   string         `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Hooks    Hooks          `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Env      []string       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Lang     string         `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Asmflags StringArray    `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Gcflags  StringArray    `yaml:",omitempty"`

Build contains the build configuration section

type Changelog

type Changelog struct {
	Filters Filters `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Sort    string  `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Skip    bool    `yaml:",omitempty"`

Changelog Config

type Checksum

type Checksum struct {
	NameTemplate string `yaml:"name_template,omitempty"`
	Algorithm    string `yaml:"algorithm,omitempty"`

Checksum config

type CommitAuthor

type CommitAuthor struct {
	Name  string `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Email string `yaml:",omitempty"`

CommitAuthor is the author of a Git commit

type Docker

type Docker struct {
	Binaries           []string `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Goos               string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Goarch             string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Goarm              string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Dockerfile         string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	ImageTemplates     []string `yaml:"image_templates,omitempty"`
	SkipPush           string   `yaml:"skip_push,omitempty"`
	Files              []string `yaml:"extra_files,omitempty"`
	BuildFlagTemplates []string `yaml:"build_flag_templates,omitempty"`

Docker image config

type EnvFiles

type EnvFiles struct {
	GitHubToken string `yaml:"github_token,omitempty"`
	GitLabToken string `yaml:"gitlab_token,omitempty"`
	GiteaToken  string `yaml:"gitea_token,omitempty"`

EnvFiles holds paths to files that contains environment variables values like the github token for example

type Filters

type Filters struct {
	Exclude []string `yaml:",omitempty"`

Filters config

type FlagArray

type FlagArray []string

FlagArray is a wrapper for an array of strings

func (*FlagArray) UnmarshalYAML

func (a *FlagArray) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error

UnmarshalYAML is a custom unmarshaler that wraps strings in arrays

type FormatOverride

type FormatOverride struct {
	Goos   string `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Format string `yaml:",omitempty"`

FormatOverride is used to specify a custom format for a specific GOOS.

type GitHubURLs

type GitHubURLs struct {
	API           string `yaml:"api,omitempty"`
	Upload        string `yaml:"upload,omitempty"`
	Download      string `yaml:"download,omitempty"`
	SkipTLSVerify bool   `yaml:"skip_tls_verify,omitempty"`

GitHubURLs holds the URLs to be used when using github enterprise

type GitLabURLs added in v0.112.0

type GitLabURLs struct {
	API           string `yaml:"api,omitempty"`
	Download      string `yaml:"download,omitempty"`
	SkipTLSVerify bool   `yaml:"skip_tls_verify,omitempty"`

GitLabURLs holds the URLs to be used when using gitlab ce/enterprise

type GiteaURLs added in v0.117.0

type GiteaURLs struct {
	API           string `yaml:"api,omitempty"`
	SkipTLSVerify bool   `yaml:"skip_tls_verify,omitempty"`

GiteaURLs holds the URLs to be used when using gitea

type Homebrew

type Homebrew struct {
	Name             string       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	GitHub           Repo         `yaml:",omitempty"`
	GitLab           Repo         `yaml:",omitempty"`
	CommitAuthor     CommitAuthor `yaml:"commit_author,omitempty"`
	Folder           string       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Caveats          string       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Plist            string       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Install          string       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Dependencies     []string     `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Test             string       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Conflicts        []string     `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Description      string       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Homepage         string       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	SkipUpload       string       `yaml:"skip_upload,omitempty"`
	DownloadStrategy string       `yaml:"download_strategy,omitempty"`
	URLTemplate      string       `yaml:"url_template,omitempty"`
	CustomRequire    string       `yaml:"custom_require,omitempty"`
	CustomBlock      string       `yaml:"custom_block,omitempty"`
	IDs              []string     `yaml:"ids,omitempty"`
	Goarm            string       `yaml:"goarm,omitempty"`

Homebrew contains the brew section

type Hooks

type Hooks struct {
	Pre  string `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Post string `yaml:",omitempty"`

Hooks define actions to run before and/or after something

type IgnoredBuild

type IgnoredBuild struct {
	Goos, Goarch, Goarm string

IgnoredBuild represents a build ignored by the user

type NFPM

type NFPM struct {
	NFPMOverridables `yaml:",inline"`
	Overrides        map[string]NFPMOverridables `yaml:"overrides,omitempty"`

	ID          string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Builds      []string `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Formats     []string `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Vendor      string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Homepage    string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Maintainer  string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Description string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	License     string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Bindir      string   `yaml:",omitempty"`

NFPM config

type NFPMOverridables

type NFPMOverridables struct {
	NameTemplate string            `yaml:"name_template,omitempty"`
	Epoch        string            `yaml:"epoch,omitempty"`
	Replacements map[string]string `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Dependencies []string          `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Recommends   []string          `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Suggests     []string          `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Conflicts    []string          `yaml:",omitempty"`
	EmptyFolders []string          `yaml:"empty_folders,omitempty"`
	Files        map[string]string `yaml:",omitempty"`
	ConfigFiles  map[string]string `yaml:"config_files,omitempty"`
	Scripts      NFPMScripts       `yaml:"scripts,omitempty"`

NFPMOverridables is used to specify per package format settings

type NFPMScripts

type NFPMScripts struct {
	PreInstall  string `yaml:"preinstall,omitempty"`
	PostInstall string `yaml:"postinstall,omitempty"`
	PreRemove   string `yaml:"preremove,omitempty"`
	PostRemove  string `yaml:"postremove,omitempty"`

NFPMScripts is used to specify maintainer scripts

type Project

type Project struct {
	ProjectName   string      `yaml:"project_name,omitempty"`
	Env           []string    `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Release       Release     `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Brew          Homebrew    `yaml:",omitempty"` // TODO: remove this
	Brews         []Homebrew  `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Scoop         Scoop       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Builds        []Build     `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Archive       Archive     `yaml:",omitempty"` // TODO: remove this
	Archives      []Archive   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	NFPM          NFPM        `yaml:",omitempty"` // TODO: remove this
	NFPMs         []NFPM      `yaml:"nfpms,omitempty"`
	Snapcraft     Snapcraft   `yaml:",omitempty"` // TODO: remove this
	Snapcrafts    []Snapcraft `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Snapshot      Snapshot    `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Checksum      Checksum    `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Dockers       []Docker    `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Artifactories []Put       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Puts          []Put       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	S3            []S3        `yaml:"s3,omitempty"`
	Blob          []Blob      `yaml:"blob,omitempty"` // TODO: remove this
	Blobs         []Blob      `yaml:"blobs,omitempty"`
	Changelog     Changelog   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Dist          string      `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Sign          Sign        `yaml:",omitempty"` // TODO: remove this
	Signs         []Sign      `yaml:",omitempty"`
	EnvFiles      EnvFiles    `yaml:"env_files,omitempty"`
	Before        Before      `yaml:",omitempty"`

	// this is a hack ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
	SingleBuild Build `yaml:"build,omitempty"`

	// should be set if using github enterprise
	GitHubURLs GitHubURLs `yaml:"github_urls,omitempty"`

	// should be set if using a private gitlab
	GitLabURLs GitLabURLs `yaml:"gitlab_urls,omitempty"`

	// should be set if using Gitea
	GiteaURLs GiteaURLs `yaml:"gitea_urls,omitempty"`

Project includes all project configuration

func Load

func Load(file string) (config Project, err error)

Load config file

func LoadReader

func LoadReader(fd io.Reader) (config Project, err error)

LoadReader config via io.Reader

type Put

type Put struct {
	Name           string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	IDs            []string `yaml:"ids,omitempty"`
	Target         string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Username       string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Mode           string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	ChecksumHeader string   `yaml:"checksum_header,omitempty"`
	TrustedCerts   string   `yaml:"trusted_certificates,omitempty"`
	Checksum       bool     `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Signature      bool     `yaml:",omitempty"`

Put HTTP upload configuration

type Release

type Release struct {
	GitHub       Repo     `yaml:",omitempty"`
	GitLab       Repo     `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Gitea        Repo     `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Draft        bool     `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Disable      bool     `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Prerelease   string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	NameTemplate string   `yaml:"name_template,omitempty"`
	IDs          []string `yaml:"ids,omitempty"`

Release config used for the GitHub/GitLab release

type Repo

type Repo struct {
	Owner string `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Name  string `yaml:",omitempty"`

Repo represents any kind of repo (github, gitlab, etc)

func (Repo) String

func (r Repo) String() string

String of the repo, e.g. owner/name

type S3

type S3 struct {
	Region   string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Bucket   string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Folder   string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Profile  string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Endpoint string   `yaml:",omitempty"` // used for minio for example
	ACL      string   `yaml:",omitempty"`
	IDs      []string `yaml:"ids,omitempty"`

S3 contains s3 config

type Scoop

type Scoop struct {
	Name         string       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Bucket       Repo         `yaml:",omitempty"`
	CommitAuthor CommitAuthor `yaml:"commit_author,omitempty"`
	Homepage     string       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Description  string       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	License      string       `yaml:",omitempty"`
	URLTemplate  string       `yaml:"url_template,omitempty"`
	Persist      []string     `yaml:"persist,omitempty"`

Scoop contains the section

type Sign

type Sign struct {
	Cmd       string   `yaml:"cmd,omitempty"`
	Args      []string `yaml:"args,omitempty"`
	Signature string   `yaml:"signature,omitempty"`
	Artifacts string   `yaml:"artifacts,omitempty"`

Sign config

type Snapcraft

type Snapcraft struct {
	NameTemplate string            `yaml:"name_template,omitempty"`
	Replacements map[string]string `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Publish      bool              `yaml:",omitempty"`

	ID          string                          `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Builds      []string                        `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Name        string                          `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Summary     string                          `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Description string                          `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Base        string                          `yaml:",omitempty"`
	License     string                          `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Grade       string                          `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Confinement string                          `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Apps        map[string]SnapcraftAppMetadata `yaml:",omitempty"`
	Plugs       map[string]interface{}          `yaml:",omitempty"`

Snapcraft config

type SnapcraftAppMetadata

type SnapcraftAppMetadata struct {
	Plugs     []string
	Daemon    string
	Args      string
	Completer string `yaml:",omitempty"`

SnapcraftAppMetadata for the binaries that will be in the snap package

type Snapshot

type Snapshot struct {
	NameTemplate string `yaml:"name_template,omitempty"`

Snapshot config

type StringArray

type StringArray []string

StringArray is a wrapper for an array of strings

func (*StringArray) UnmarshalYAML

func (a *StringArray) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error

UnmarshalYAML is a custom unmarshaler that wraps strings in arrays

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL