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Published: Nov 23, 2017 License: MIT Imports: 14 Imported by: 0




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const (
	POLONIEX_WEBSOCKET_ADDRESS  = "wss://api.poloniex.com"


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func PoloniexOnDepthOrTrade

func PoloniexOnDepthOrTrade(args []interface{}, kwargs map[string]interface{})

func PoloniexOnTicker

func PoloniexOnTicker(args []interface{}, kwargs map[string]interface{})

func PoloniexOnTrollbox

func PoloniexOnTrollbox(args []interface{}, kwargs map[string]interface{})


type Poloniex

type Poloniex struct {

Poloniex is the overarching type across the poloniex package

func (*Poloniex) CancelLoanOffer

func (p *Poloniex) CancelLoanOffer(orderNumber int64) (bool, error)

func (*Poloniex) CancelOrder

func (p *Poloniex) CancelOrder(orderID int64) (bool, error)

func (*Poloniex) CloseMarginPosition

func (p *Poloniex) CloseMarginPosition(currency string) (bool, error)

func (*Poloniex) CreateLoanOffer

func (p *Poloniex) CreateLoanOffer(currency string, amount, rate float64, duration int, autoRenew bool) (int64, error)

func (*Poloniex) GenerateNewAddress

func (p *Poloniex) GenerateNewAddress(currency string) (string, error)

func (*Poloniex) GetActiveLoans

func (p *Poloniex) GetActiveLoans() (PoloniexActiveLoans, error)

func (*Poloniex) GetAuthenticatedTradeHistory

func (p *Poloniex) GetAuthenticatedTradeHistory(currency, start, end string) (interface{}, error)

func (*Poloniex) GetBalances

func (p *Poloniex) GetBalances() (PoloniexBalance, error)

func (*Poloniex) GetChartData

func (p *Poloniex) GetChartData(currencyPair, start, end, period string) ([]PoloniexChartData, error)

GetChartData returns chart data for a specific currency pair

func (*Poloniex) GetCompleteBalances

func (p *Poloniex) GetCompleteBalances() (PoloniexCompleteBalances, error)

func (*Poloniex) GetCurrencies

func (p *Poloniex) GetCurrencies() (map[string]PoloniexCurrencies, error)

GetCurrencies returns information about currencies

func (*Poloniex) GetDepositAddresses

func (p *Poloniex) GetDepositAddresses() (PoloniexDepositAddresses, error)

func (*Poloniex) GetDepositsWithdrawals

func (p *Poloniex) GetDepositsWithdrawals(start, end string) (PoloniexDepositsWithdrawals, error)

func (*Poloniex) GetExchangeAccountInfo

func (p *Poloniex) GetExchangeAccountInfo() (exchange.AccountInfo, error)

GetExchangeAccountInfo retrieves balances for all enabled currencies for the Poloniex exchange

func (*Poloniex) GetFee

func (p *Poloniex) GetFee() float64

GetFee returns the fee for poloniex

func (*Poloniex) GetFeeInfo

func (p *Poloniex) GetFeeInfo() (PoloniexFee, error)

func (*Poloniex) GetLendingHistory

func (p *Poloniex) GetLendingHistory(start, end string) ([]PoloniexLendingHistory, error)

func (*Poloniex) GetLoanOrders

func (p *Poloniex) GetLoanOrders(currency string) (PoloniexLoanOrders, error)

GetLoanOrders returns the list of loan offers and demands for a given currency, specified by the "currency" GET parameter.

func (*Poloniex) GetMarginAccountSummary

func (p *Poloniex) GetMarginAccountSummary() (PoloniexMargin, error)

func (*Poloniex) GetMarginPosition

func (p *Poloniex) GetMarginPosition(currency string) (interface{}, error)

func (*Poloniex) GetOpenLoanOffers

func (p *Poloniex) GetOpenLoanOffers() (map[string][]PoloniexLoanOffer, error)

func (*Poloniex) GetOpenOrders

func (p *Poloniex) GetOpenOrders(currency string) (interface{}, error)

func (*Poloniex) GetOrderbook

func (p *Poloniex) GetOrderbook(currencyPair string, depth int) (PoloniexOrderbook, error)

GetOrderbook returns the full orderbook from poloniex

func (*Poloniex) GetOrderbookEx

func (p *Poloniex) GetOrderbookEx(currencyPair pair.CurrencyPair, assetType string) (orderbook.Base, error)

GetOrderbookEx returns orderbook base on the currency pair

func (*Poloniex) GetTicker

func (p *Poloniex) GetTicker() (map[string]PoloniexTicker, error)

GetTicker returns current ticker information

func (*Poloniex) GetTickerPrice

func (p *Poloniex) GetTickerPrice(currencyPair pair.CurrencyPair, assetType string) (ticker.Price, error)

GetTickerPrice returns the ticker for a currency pair

func (*Poloniex) GetTradableBalances

func (p *Poloniex) GetTradableBalances() (map[string]map[string]float64, error)

func (*Poloniex) GetTradeHistory

func (p *Poloniex) GetTradeHistory(currencyPair, start, end string) ([]PoloniexTradeHistory, error)

GetTradeHistory returns trades history from poloniex

func (*Poloniex) GetVolume

func (p *Poloniex) GetVolume() (interface{}, error)

GetVolume returns a list of currencies with associated volume

func (*Poloniex) MoveOrder

func (p *Poloniex) MoveOrder(orderID int64, rate, amount float64) (PoloniexMoveOrderResponse, error)

func (*Poloniex) PlaceMarginOrder

func (p *Poloniex) PlaceMarginOrder(currency string, rate, amount, lendingRate float64, buy bool) (PoloniexOrderResponse, error)

func (*Poloniex) PlaceOrder

func (p *Poloniex) PlaceOrder(currency string, rate, amount float64, immediate, fillOrKill, buy bool) (PoloniexOrderResponse, error)

func (*Poloniex) Run

func (p *Poloniex) Run()

Run implements the Poloniex wrapper

func (*Poloniex) SendAuthenticatedHTTPRequest

func (p *Poloniex) SendAuthenticatedHTTPRequest(method, endpoint string, values url.Values, result interface{}) error

func (*Poloniex) SetDefaults

func (p *Poloniex) SetDefaults()

SetDefaults sets default settings for poloniex

func (*Poloniex) Setup

func (p *Poloniex) Setup(exch config.ExchangeConfig)

Setup sets user exchange configuration settings

func (*Poloniex) Start

func (p *Poloniex) Start()

Start starts the Poloniex go routine

func (*Poloniex) ToggleAutoRenew

func (p *Poloniex) ToggleAutoRenew(orderNumber int64) (bool, error)

func (*Poloniex) TransferBalance

func (p *Poloniex) TransferBalance(currency, from, to string, amount float64) (bool, error)

func (*Poloniex) UpdateOrderbook

func (p *Poloniex) UpdateOrderbook(currencyPair pair.CurrencyPair, assetType string) (orderbook.Base, error)

UpdateOrderbook updates and returns the orderbook for a currency pair

func (*Poloniex) UpdateTicker

func (p *Poloniex) UpdateTicker(currencyPair pair.CurrencyPair, assetType string) (ticker.Price, error)

UpdateTicker updates and returns the ticker for a currency pair

func (*Poloniex) WebsocketClient

func (p *Poloniex) WebsocketClient()

func (*Poloniex) Withdraw

func (p *Poloniex) Withdraw(currency, address string, amount float64) (bool, error)

type PoloniexActiveLoans

type PoloniexActiveLoans struct {
	Provided []PoloniexLoanOffer `json:"provided"`
	Used     []PoloniexLoanOffer `json:"used"`

type PoloniexAuthenticatedTradeHistoryAll

type PoloniexAuthenticatedTradeHistoryAll struct {
	Data map[string][]PoloniexAuthentictedTradeHistory

type PoloniexAuthenticatedTradeHistoryResponse

type PoloniexAuthenticatedTradeHistoryResponse struct {
	Data []PoloniexAuthentictedTradeHistory

type PoloniexAuthentictedTradeHistory

type PoloniexAuthentictedTradeHistory struct {
	GlobalTradeID int64   `json:"globalTradeID"`
	TradeID       int64   `json:"tradeID,string"`
	Date          string  `json:"date"`
	Rate          float64 `json:"rate,string"`
	Amount        float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	Total         float64 `json:"total,string"`
	Fee           float64 `json:"fee,string"`
	OrderNumber   int64   `json:"orderNumber,string"`
	Type          string  `json:"type"`
	Category      string  `json:"category"`

type PoloniexBalance

type PoloniexBalance struct {
	Currency map[string]float64

type PoloniexChartData

type PoloniexChartData struct {
	Date            int     `json:"date"`
	High            float64 `json:"high"`
	Low             float64 `json:"low"`
	Open            float64 `json:"open"`
	Close           float64 `json:"close"`
	Volume          float64 `json:"volume"`
	QuoteVolume     float64 `json:"quoteVolume"`
	WeightedAverage float64 `json:"weightedAverage"`
	Error           string  `json:"error"`

type PoloniexCompleteBalance

type PoloniexCompleteBalance struct {
	Available float64
	OnOrders  float64
	BTCValue  float64

type PoloniexCompleteBalances

type PoloniexCompleteBalances struct {
	Currency map[string]PoloniexCompleteBalance

type PoloniexCurrencies

type PoloniexCurrencies struct {
	Name               string      `json:"name"`
	MaxDailyWithdrawal string      `json:"maxDailyWithdrawal"`
	TxFee              float64     `json:"txFee,string"`
	MinConfirmations   int         `json:"minConf"`
	DepositAddresses   interface{} `json:"depositAddress"`
	Disabled           int         `json:"disabled"`
	Delisted           int         `json:"delisted"`
	Frozen             int         `json:"frozen"`

type PoloniexDepositAddresses

type PoloniexDepositAddresses struct {
	Addresses map[string]string

type PoloniexDepositsWithdrawals

type PoloniexDepositsWithdrawals struct {
	Deposits []struct {
		Currency      string  `json:"currency"`
		Address       string  `json:"address"`
		Amount        float64 `json:"amount,string"`
		Confirmations int     `json:"confirmations"`
		TransactionID string  `json:"txid"`
		Timestamp     int64   `json:"timestamp"`
		Status        string  `json:"status"`
	} `json:"deposits"`
	Withdrawals []struct {
		WithdrawalNumber int64   `json:"withdrawalNumber"`
		Currency         string  `json:"currency"`
		Address          string  `json:"address"`
		Amount           float64 `json:"amount,string"`
		Confirmations    int     `json:"confirmations"`
		TransactionID    string  `json:"txid"`
		Timestamp        int64   `json:"timestamp"`
		Status           string  `json:"status"`
		IPAddress        string  `json:"ipAddress"`
	} `json:"withdrawals"`

type PoloniexFee

type PoloniexFee struct {
	MakerFee        float64 `json:"makerFee,string"`
	TakerFee        float64 `json:"takerFee,string"`
	ThirtyDayVolume float64 `json:"thirtyDayVolume,string"`
	NextTier        float64 `json:"nextTier,string"`

type PoloniexGenericResponse

type PoloniexGenericResponse struct {
	Success int    `json:"success"`
	Error   string `json:"error"`

type PoloniexLendingHistory

type PoloniexLendingHistory struct {
	ID       int64   `json:"id"`
	Currency string  `json:"currency"`
	Rate     float64 `json:"rate,string"`
	Amount   float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	Duration float64 `json:"duration,string"`
	Interest float64 `json:"interest,string"`
	Fee      float64 `json:"fee,string"`
	Earned   float64 `json:"earned,string"`
	Open     string  `json:"open"`
	Close    string  `json:"close"`

type PoloniexLoanOffer

type PoloniexLoanOffer struct {
	ID        int64   `json:"id"`
	Rate      float64 `json:"rate,string"`
	Amount    float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	Duration  int     `json:"duration"`
	AutoRenew bool    `json:"autoRenew,int"`
	Date      string  `json:"date"`

type PoloniexLoanOrder

type PoloniexLoanOrder struct {
	Rate     float64 `json:"rate,string"`
	Amount   float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	RangeMin int     `json:"rangeMin"`
	RangeMax int     `json:"rangeMax"`

type PoloniexLoanOrders

type PoloniexLoanOrders struct {
	Offers  []PoloniexLoanOrder `json:"offers"`
	Demands []PoloniexLoanOrder `json:"demands"`

type PoloniexMargin

type PoloniexMargin struct {
	TotalValue    float64 `json:"totalValue,string"`
	ProfitLoss    float64 `json:"pl,string"`
	LendingFees   float64 `json:"lendingFees,string"`
	NetValue      float64 `json:"netValue,string"`
	BorrowedValue float64 `json:"totalBorrowedValue,string"`
	CurrentMargin float64 `json:"currentMargin,string"`

type PoloniexMarginPosition

type PoloniexMarginPosition struct {
	Amount            float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	Total             float64 `json:"total,string"`
	BasePrice         float64 `json:"basePrice,string"`
	LiquidiationPrice float64 `json:"liquidiationPrice"`
	ProfitLoss        float64 `json:"pl,string"`
	LendingFees       float64 `json:"lendingFees,string"`
	Type              string  `json:"type"`

type PoloniexMoveOrderResponse

type PoloniexMoveOrderResponse struct {
	Success     int                                  `json:"success"`
	Error       string                               `json:"error"`
	OrderNumber int64                                `json:"orderNumber,string"`
	Trades      map[string][]PoloniexResultingTrades `json:"resultingTrades"`

type PoloniexOpenOrdersResponse

type PoloniexOpenOrdersResponse struct {
	Data []PoloniexOrder

type PoloniexOpenOrdersResponseAll

type PoloniexOpenOrdersResponseAll struct {
	Data map[string][]PoloniexOrder

type PoloniexOrder

type PoloniexOrder struct {
	OrderNumber int64   `json:"orderNumber,string"`
	Type        string  `json:"type"`
	Rate        float64 `json:"rate,string"`
	Amount      float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	Total       float64 `json:"total,string"`
	Date        string  `json:"date"`
	Margin      float64 `json:"margin"`

type PoloniexOrderResponse

type PoloniexOrderResponse struct {
	OrderNumber int64                     `json:"orderNumber,string"`
	Trades      []PoloniexResultingTrades `json:"resultingTrades"`

type PoloniexOrderbook

type PoloniexOrderbook struct {
	Asks []PoloniexOrderbookItem `json:"asks"`
	Bids []PoloniexOrderbookItem `json:"bids"`

type PoloniexOrderbookItem

type PoloniexOrderbookItem struct {
	Price  float64
	Amount float64

type PoloniexOrderbookResponse

type PoloniexOrderbookResponse struct {
	Asks     [][]interface{} `json:"asks"`
	Bids     [][]interface{} `json:"bids"`
	IsFrozen string          `json:"isFrozen"`
	Error    string          `json:"error"`

type PoloniexResultingTrades

type PoloniexResultingTrades struct {
	Amount  float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	Date    string  `json:"date"`
	Rate    float64 `json:"rate,string"`
	Total   float64 `json:"total,string"`
	TradeID int64   `json:"tradeID,string"`
	Type    string  `json:"type"`

type PoloniexTicker

type PoloniexTicker struct {
	Last          float64 `json:"last,string"`
	LowestAsk     float64 `json:"lowestAsk,string"`
	HighestBid    float64 `json:"highestBid,string"`
	PercentChange float64 `json:"percentChange,string"`
	BaseVolume    float64 `json:"baseVolume,string"`
	QuoteVolume   float64 `json:"quoteVolume,string"`
	IsFrozen      int     `json:"isFrozen,string"`
	High24Hr      float64 `json:"high24hr,string"`
	Low24Hr       float64 `json:"low24hr,string"`

type PoloniexTradeHistory

type PoloniexTradeHistory struct {
	GlobalTradeID int64   `json:"globalTradeID"`
	TradeID       int64   `json:"tradeID"`
	Date          string  `json:"date"`
	Type          string  `json:"type"`
	Rate          float64 `json:"rate,string"`
	Amount        float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	Total         float64 `json:"total,string"`

type PoloniexWebsocketTicker

type PoloniexWebsocketTicker struct {
	CurrencyPair  string
	Last          float64
	LowestAsk     float64
	HighestBid    float64
	PercentChange float64
	BaseVolume    float64
	QuoteVolume   float64
	IsFrozen      bool
	High          float64
	Low           float64

type PoloniexWebsocketTrollboxMessage

type PoloniexWebsocketTrollboxMessage struct {
	MessageNumber float64
	Username      string
	Message       string
	Reputation    float64

type PoloniexWithdraw

type PoloniexWithdraw struct {
	Response string `json:"response"`
	Error    string `json:"error"`

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