Index ¶
- type Expression
- type Mysql
- func (r *Mysql) CompileAdd(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileColumns(schema, table string) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileComment(_ schema.Blueprint, _ *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileCreate(blueprint schema.Blueprint) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileDisableForeignKeyConstraints() string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileDrop(blueprint schema.Blueprint) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileDropAllDomains(_ []string) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileDropAllTables(tables []string) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileDropAllTypes(_ []string) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileDropAllViews(views []string) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileDropColumn(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) []string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileDropForeign(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileDropFullText(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileDropIfExists(blueprint schema.Blueprint) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileDropIndex(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileDropPrimary(blueprint schema.Blueprint, _ *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileDropUnique(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileEnableForeignKeyConstraints() string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileForeign(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileForeignKeys(schema, table string) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileFullText(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileIndex(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileIndexes(schema, table string) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompilePrimary(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileRename(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileRenameIndex(_ schema.Schema, blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) []string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileTables(database string) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileTypes() string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileUnique(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Mysql) CompileViews(database string) string
- func (r *Mysql) GetAttributeCommands() []string
- func (r *Mysql) ModifyComment(_ schema.Blueprint, column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) ModifyDefault(_ schema.Blueprint, column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) ModifyIncrement(blueprint schema.Blueprint, column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) ModifyNullable(_ schema.Blueprint, column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) ModifyOnUpdate(_ schema.Blueprint, column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) ModifyUnsigned(_ schema.Blueprint, column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeBigInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeBoolean(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeChar(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeDate(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeDateTime(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeDateTimeTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeDecimal(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeDouble(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeEnum(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeFloat(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeJson(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeJsonb(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeLongText(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeMediumInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeMediumText(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeSmallInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeString(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeText(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeTime(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeTimeTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeTimestamp(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeTimestampTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeTinyInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Mysql) TypeTinyText(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- type Postgres
- func (r *Postgres) CompileAdd(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileColumns(schema, table string) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileComment(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileCreate(blueprint schema.Blueprint) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileDrop(blueprint schema.Blueprint) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileDropAllDomains(domains []string) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileDropAllTables(tables []string) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileDropAllTypes(types []string) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileDropAllViews(views []string) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileDropColumn(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) []string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileDropForeign(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileDropFullText(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileDropIfExists(blueprint schema.Blueprint) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileDropIndex(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileDropPrimary(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileDropUnique(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileForeign(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileForeignKeys(schema, table string) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileFullText(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileIndex(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileIndexes(schema, table string) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompilePrimary(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileRename(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileRenameIndex(_ schema.Schema, _ schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) []string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileTables(_ string) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileTypes() string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileUnique(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Postgres) CompileViews(database string) string
- func (r *Postgres) EscapeNames(names []string) []string
- func (r *Postgres) GetAttributeCommands() []string
- func (r *Postgres) ModifyDefault(blueprint schema.Blueprint, column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) ModifyIncrement(blueprint schema.Blueprint, column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) ModifyNullable(blueprint schema.Blueprint, column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeBigInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeBoolean(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeChar(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeDate(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeDateTime(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeDateTimeTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeDecimal(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeDouble(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeEnum(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeFloat(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeJson(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeJsonb(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeLongText(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeMediumInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeMediumText(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeSmallInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeString(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeText(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeTime(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeTimeTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeTimestamp(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeTimestampTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeTinyInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Postgres) TypeTinyText(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- type Sqlite
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileAdd(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileColumns(schema, table string) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileComment(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileCreate(blueprint schema.Blueprint) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileDisableWriteableSchema() string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileDrop(blueprint schema.Blueprint) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileDropAllDomains(domains []string) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileDropAllTables(tables []string) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileDropAllTypes(types []string) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileDropAllViews(views []string) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileDropColumn(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) []string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileDropForeign(_ schema.Blueprint, _ *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileDropFullText(_ schema.Blueprint, _ *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileDropIfExists(blueprint schema.Blueprint) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileDropIndex(_ schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileDropPrimary(_ schema.Blueprint, _ *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileDropUnique(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileEnableWriteableSchema() string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileForeign(_ schema.Blueprint, _ *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileForeignKeys(_, table string) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileFullText(_ schema.Blueprint, _ *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileIndex(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileIndexes(_, table string) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompilePrimary(_ schema.Blueprint, _ *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileRebuild() string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileRename(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileRenameIndex(s schema.Schema, blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) []string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileTables(database string) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileTypes() string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileUnique(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlite) CompileViews(database string) string
- func (r *Sqlite) GetAttributeCommands() []string
- func (r *Sqlite) GetModifiers() []func(blueprint schema.Blueprint, column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) ModifyDefault(blueprint schema.Blueprint, column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) ModifyIncrement(blueprint schema.Blueprint, column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) ModifyNullable(blueprint schema.Blueprint, column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeBigInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeBoolean(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeChar(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeDate(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeDateTime(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeDateTimeTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeDecimal(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeDouble(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeEnum(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeFloat(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeJson(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeJsonb(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeLongText(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeMediumInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeMediumText(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeSmallInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeString(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeText(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeTime(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeTimeTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeTimestamp(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeTimestampTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeTinyInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlite) TypeTinyText(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- type Sqlserver
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileAdd(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileColumns(schema, table string) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileComment(_ schema.Blueprint, _ *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileCreate(blueprint schema.Blueprint) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileDrop(blueprint schema.Blueprint) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileDropAllDomains(_ []string) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileDropAllForeignKeys() string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileDropAllTables(_ []string) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileDropAllTypes(_ []string) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileDropAllViews(_ []string) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileDropColumn(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) []string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileDropDefaultConstraint(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileDropForeign(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileDropFullText(_ schema.Blueprint, _ *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileDropIfExists(blueprint schema.Blueprint) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileDropIndex(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileDropPrimary(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileDropUnique(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileForeign(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileForeignKeys(schema, table string) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileFullText(_ schema.Blueprint, _ *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileIndex(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileIndexes(schema, table string) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompilePrimary(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileRename(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileRenameIndex(_ schema.Schema, blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) []string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileTables(_ string) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileTypes() string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileUnique(blueprint schema.Blueprint, command *schema.Command) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) CompileViews(_ string) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) GetAttributeCommands() []string
- func (r *Sqlserver) ModifyDefault(_ schema.Blueprint, column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) ModifyIncrement(blueprint schema.Blueprint, column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) ModifyNullable(_ schema.Blueprint, column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeBigInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeBoolean(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeChar(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeDate(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeDateTime(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeDateTimeTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeDecimal(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeDouble(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeEnum(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeFloat(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeJson(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeJsonb(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeLongText(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeMediumInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeMediumText(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeSmallInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeString(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeText(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeTime(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeTimeTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeTimestamp(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeTimestampTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeTinyInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- func (r *Sqlserver) TypeTinyText(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
- type Wrap
- func (r *Wrap) Column(column string) string
- func (r *Wrap) Columnize(columns []string) string
- func (r *Wrap) Columns(columns []string) []string
- func (r *Wrap) GetPrefix() string
- func (r *Wrap) PrefixArray(prefix string, values []string) []string
- func (r *Wrap) Quote(value string) string
- func (r *Wrap) Quotes(value []string) []string
- func (r *Wrap) Segments(segments []string) string
- func (r *Wrap) Table(table string) string
- func (r *Wrap) Value(value string) string
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Expression ¶
type Expression string
type Mysql ¶
type Mysql struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Mysql) CompileAdd ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileColumns ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileComment ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileDisableForeignKeyConstraints ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileDropAllDomains ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileDropAllTables ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileDropAllTypes ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileDropAllViews ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileDropColumn ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileDropForeign ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileDropFullText ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileDropIfExists ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileDropIndex ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileDropPrimary ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileDropUnique ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileEnableForeignKeyConstraints ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileForeign ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileForeignKeys ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileFullText ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileIndex ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileIndexes ¶
func (*Mysql) CompilePrimary ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileRename ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileRenameIndex ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileTables ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileTypes ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileUnique ¶
func (*Mysql) CompileViews ¶
func (*Mysql) GetAttributeCommands ¶
func (*Mysql) ModifyComment ¶
func (*Mysql) ModifyDefault ¶
func (*Mysql) ModifyIncrement ¶
func (*Mysql) ModifyNullable ¶
func (*Mysql) ModifyOnUpdate ¶
func (*Mysql) ModifyUnsigned ¶
func (*Mysql) TypeBigInteger ¶
func (r *Mysql) TypeBigInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Mysql) TypeBoolean ¶ added in v1.15.3
func (r *Mysql) TypeBoolean(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Mysql) TypeDateTime ¶
func (r *Mysql) TypeDateTime(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Mysql) TypeDateTimeTz ¶
func (r *Mysql) TypeDateTimeTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Mysql) TypeDecimal ¶
func (r *Mysql) TypeDecimal(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Mysql) TypeDouble ¶
func (r *Mysql) TypeDouble(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Mysql) TypeInteger ¶
func (r *Mysql) TypeInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Mysql) TypeLongText ¶
func (r *Mysql) TypeLongText(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Mysql) TypeMediumInteger ¶
func (r *Mysql) TypeMediumInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Mysql) TypeMediumText ¶
func (r *Mysql) TypeMediumText(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Mysql) TypeSmallInteger ¶
func (r *Mysql) TypeSmallInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Mysql) TypeString ¶
func (r *Mysql) TypeString(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Mysql) TypeTimeTz ¶
func (r *Mysql) TypeTimeTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Mysql) TypeTimestamp ¶
func (r *Mysql) TypeTimestamp(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Mysql) TypeTimestampTz ¶
func (r *Mysql) TypeTimestampTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Mysql) TypeTinyInteger ¶
func (r *Mysql) TypeTinyInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Mysql) TypeTinyText ¶
func (r *Mysql) TypeTinyText(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
type Postgres ¶
type Postgres struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPostgres ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileAdd ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileColumns ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileComment ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileCreate ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileDropAllDomains ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileDropAllTables ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileDropAllTypes ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileDropAllViews ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileDropColumn ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileDropForeign ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileDropFullText ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileDropIfExists ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileDropIndex ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileDropPrimary ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileDropUnique ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileForeign ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileForeignKeys ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileFullText ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileIndex ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileIndexes ¶
func (*Postgres) CompilePrimary ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileRename ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileRenameIndex ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileTables ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileTypes ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileUnique ¶
func (*Postgres) CompileViews ¶
func (*Postgres) EscapeNames ¶
func (*Postgres) GetAttributeCommands ¶
func (*Postgres) ModifyDefault ¶
func (*Postgres) ModifyIncrement ¶
func (*Postgres) ModifyNullable ¶
func (*Postgres) TypeBigInteger ¶
func (r *Postgres) TypeBigInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Postgres) TypeBoolean ¶ added in v1.15.3
func (r *Postgres) TypeBoolean(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Postgres) TypeDateTime ¶
func (r *Postgres) TypeDateTime(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Postgres) TypeDateTimeTz ¶
func (r *Postgres) TypeDateTimeTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Postgres) TypeDecimal ¶
func (r *Postgres) TypeDecimal(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Postgres) TypeDouble ¶
func (r *Postgres) TypeDouble(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Postgres) TypeInteger ¶
func (r *Postgres) TypeInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Postgres) TypeLongText ¶
func (r *Postgres) TypeLongText(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Postgres) TypeMediumInteger ¶
func (r *Postgres) TypeMediumInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Postgres) TypeMediumText ¶
func (r *Postgres) TypeMediumText(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Postgres) TypeSmallInteger ¶
func (r *Postgres) TypeSmallInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Postgres) TypeString ¶
func (r *Postgres) TypeString(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Postgres) TypeTimeTz ¶
func (r *Postgres) TypeTimeTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Postgres) TypeTimestamp ¶
func (r *Postgres) TypeTimestamp(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Postgres) TypeTimestampTz ¶
func (r *Postgres) TypeTimestampTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Postgres) TypeTinyInteger ¶
func (r *Postgres) TypeTinyInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Postgres) TypeTinyText ¶
func (r *Postgres) TypeTinyText(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
type Sqlite ¶
type Sqlite struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Sqlite) CompileAdd ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileColumns ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileComment ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileDisableWriteableSchema ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileDropAllDomains ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileDropAllTables ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileDropAllTypes ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileDropAllViews ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileDropColumn ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileDropForeign ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileDropFullText ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileDropIfExists ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileDropIndex ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileDropPrimary ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileDropUnique ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileEnableWriteableSchema ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileForeign ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileForeignKeys ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileFullText ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileIndex ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileIndexes ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompilePrimary ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileRebuild ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileRename ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileRenameIndex ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileTables ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileTypes ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileUnique ¶
func (*Sqlite) CompileViews ¶
func (*Sqlite) GetAttributeCommands ¶
func (*Sqlite) GetModifiers ¶
func (*Sqlite) ModifyDefault ¶
func (*Sqlite) ModifyIncrement ¶
func (*Sqlite) ModifyNullable ¶
func (*Sqlite) TypeBigInteger ¶
func (r *Sqlite) TypeBigInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlite) TypeBoolean ¶ added in v1.15.3
func (r *Sqlite) TypeBoolean(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlite) TypeDateTime ¶
func (r *Sqlite) TypeDateTime(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlite) TypeDateTimeTz ¶
func (r *Sqlite) TypeDateTimeTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlite) TypeDecimal ¶
func (r *Sqlite) TypeDecimal(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlite) TypeDouble ¶
func (r *Sqlite) TypeDouble(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlite) TypeInteger ¶
func (r *Sqlite) TypeInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlite) TypeLongText ¶
func (r *Sqlite) TypeLongText(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlite) TypeMediumInteger ¶
func (r *Sqlite) TypeMediumInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlite) TypeMediumText ¶
func (r *Sqlite) TypeMediumText(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlite) TypeSmallInteger ¶
func (r *Sqlite) TypeSmallInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlite) TypeString ¶
func (r *Sqlite) TypeString(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlite) TypeTimeTz ¶
func (r *Sqlite) TypeTimeTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlite) TypeTimestamp ¶
func (r *Sqlite) TypeTimestamp(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlite) TypeTimestampTz ¶
func (r *Sqlite) TypeTimestampTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlite) TypeTinyInteger ¶
func (r *Sqlite) TypeTinyInteger(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlite) TypeTinyText ¶
func (r *Sqlite) TypeTinyText(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
type Sqlserver ¶
type Sqlserver struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSqlserver ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileAdd ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileColumns ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileComment ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileCreate ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileDropAllDomains ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileDropAllForeignKeys ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileDropAllTables ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileDropAllTypes ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileDropAllViews ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileDropColumn ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileDropDefaultConstraint ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileDropForeign ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileDropFullText ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileDropIfExists ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileDropIndex ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileDropPrimary ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileDropUnique ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileForeign ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileForeignKeys ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileFullText ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileIndex ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileIndexes ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompilePrimary ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileRename ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileRenameIndex ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileTables ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileTypes ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileUnique ¶
func (*Sqlserver) CompileViews ¶
func (*Sqlserver) GetAttributeCommands ¶
func (*Sqlserver) ModifyDefault ¶
func (*Sqlserver) ModifyIncrement ¶
func (*Sqlserver) ModifyNullable ¶
func (*Sqlserver) TypeBigInteger ¶
func (r *Sqlserver) TypeBigInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlserver) TypeBoolean ¶ added in v1.15.3
func (r *Sqlserver) TypeBoolean(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlserver) TypeDateTime ¶
func (r *Sqlserver) TypeDateTime(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlserver) TypeDateTimeTz ¶
func (r *Sqlserver) TypeDateTimeTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlserver) TypeDecimal ¶
func (r *Sqlserver) TypeDecimal(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlserver) TypeDouble ¶
func (r *Sqlserver) TypeDouble(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlserver) TypeInteger ¶
func (r *Sqlserver) TypeInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlserver) TypeLongText ¶
func (r *Sqlserver) TypeLongText(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlserver) TypeMediumInteger ¶
func (r *Sqlserver) TypeMediumInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlserver) TypeMediumText ¶
func (r *Sqlserver) TypeMediumText(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlserver) TypeSmallInteger ¶
func (r *Sqlserver) TypeSmallInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlserver) TypeString ¶
func (r *Sqlserver) TypeString(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlserver) TypeTimeTz ¶
func (r *Sqlserver) TypeTimeTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlserver) TypeTimestamp ¶
func (r *Sqlserver) TypeTimestamp(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlserver) TypeTimestampTz ¶
func (r *Sqlserver) TypeTimestampTz(column schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlserver) TypeTinyInteger ¶
func (r *Sqlserver) TypeTinyInteger(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
func (*Sqlserver) TypeTinyText ¶
func (r *Sqlserver) TypeTinyText(_ schema.ColumnDefinition) string
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