
v1.13.8 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 18, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 5 Imported by: 94




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const (
	MethodGet     = http.MethodGet
	MethodHead    = http.MethodHead
	MethodPost    = http.MethodPost
	MethodPut     = http.MethodPut
	MethodPatch   = http.MethodPatch
	MethodDelete  = http.MethodDelete
	MethodConnect = http.MethodConnect
	MethodOptions = http.MethodOptions
	MethodTrace   = http.MethodTrace
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const (
	StatusContinue           = http.StatusContinue
	StatusSwitchingProtocols = http.StatusSwitchingProtocols
	StatusProcessing         = http.StatusProcessing
	StatusEarlyHints         = http.StatusEarlyHints

	StatusOK                   = http.StatusOK
	StatusCreated              = http.StatusCreated
	StatusAccepted             = http.StatusAccepted
	StatusNonAuthoritativeInfo = http.StatusNonAuthoritativeInfo
	StatusNoContent            = http.StatusNoContent
	StatusResetContent         = http.StatusResetContent
	StatusPartialContent       = http.StatusPartialContent
	StatusMultiStatus          = http.StatusMultiStatus
	StatusAlreadyReported      = http.StatusAlreadyReported
	StatusIMUsed               = http.StatusIMUsed

	StatusMultipleChoices   = http.StatusMultipleChoices
	StatusMovedPermanently  = http.StatusMovedPermanently
	StatusFound             = http.StatusFound
	StatusSeeOther          = http.StatusSeeOther
	StatusNotModified       = http.StatusNotModified
	StatusUseProxy          = http.StatusUseProxy
	StatusTemporaryRedirect = http.StatusTemporaryRedirect
	StatusPermanentRedirect = http.StatusPermanentRedirect

	StatusBadRequest                   = http.StatusBadRequest
	StatusUnauthorized                 = http.StatusUnauthorized
	StatusPaymentRequired              = http.StatusPaymentRequired
	StatusForbidden                    = http.StatusForbidden
	StatusNotFound                     = http.StatusNotFound
	StatusMethodNotAllowed             = http.StatusMethodNotAllowed
	StatusNotAcceptable                = http.StatusNotAcceptable
	StatusProxyAuthRequired            = http.StatusProxyAuthRequired
	StatusRequestTimeout               = http.StatusRequestTimeout
	StatusConflict                     = http.StatusConflict
	StatusGone                         = http.StatusGone
	StatusLengthRequired               = http.StatusLengthRequired
	StatusPreconditionFailed           = http.StatusPreconditionFailed
	StatusRequestEntityTooLarge        = http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge
	StatusRequestURITooLong            = http.StatusRequestURITooLong
	StatusUnsupportedMediaType         = http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType
	StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
	StatusExpectationFailed            = http.StatusExpectationFailed
	StatusTeapot                       = http.StatusTeapot
	StatusMisdirectedRequest           = http.StatusMisdirectedRequest
	StatusUnprocessableEntity          = http.StatusUnprocessableEntity
	StatusLocked                       = http.StatusLocked
	StatusFailedDependency             = http.StatusFailedDependency
	StatusTooEarly                     = http.StatusTooEarly
	StatusUpgradeRequired              = http.StatusUpgradeRequired
	StatusPreconditionRequired         = http.StatusPreconditionRequired
	StatusTooManyRequests              = http.StatusTooManyRequests
	StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge  = http.StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
	StatusUnavailableForLegalReasons   = http.StatusUnavailableForLegalReasons

	StatusInternalServerError           = http.StatusInternalServerError
	StatusNotImplemented                = http.StatusNotImplemented
	StatusBadGateway                    = http.StatusBadGateway
	StatusServiceUnavailable            = http.StatusServiceUnavailable
	StatusGatewayTimeout                = http.StatusGatewayTimeout
	StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported       = http.StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported
	StatusVariantAlsoNegotiates         = http.StatusVariantAlsoNegotiates
	StatusInsufficientStorage           = http.StatusInsufficientStorage
	StatusLoopDetected                  = http.StatusLoopDetected
	StatusNotExtended                   = http.StatusNotExtended
	StatusNetworkAuthenticationRequired = http.StatusNetworkAuthenticationRequired


This section is empty.


func StatusText added in v1.10.0

func StatusText(code int) string

StatusText returns a text for the HTTP status code. It returns the empty string if the code is unknown.


type Context added in v1.0.1

type Context interface {
	// Context returns the Context
	Context() context.Context
	// WithValue add value associated with key in context
	WithValue(key string, value any)
	// Request returns the ContextRequest
	Request() ContextRequest
	// Response returns the ContextResponse
	Response() ContextResponse

type ContextRequest added in v1.13.1

type ContextRequest interface {
	// Header retrieves the value of the specified HTTP header by its key.
	// If the header is not found, it returns the optional default value (if provided).
	Header(key string, defaultValue ...string) string
	// Headers return all the HTTP headers of the request.
	Headers() http.Header
	// Method retrieves the HTTP request method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT).
	Method() string
	// Path retrieves the current path information for the request.
	Path() string
	// Url retrieves the URL (excluding the query string) for the request.
	Url() string
	// FullUrl retrieves the full URL, including the query string, for the request.
	FullUrl() string
	// Ip retrieves the client's IP address.
	Ip() string
	// Host retrieves the host name.
	Host() string
	// All retrieves data from JSON, form, and query parameters.
	All() map[string]any
	// Bind retrieve json and bind to obj
	Bind(obj any) error
	// Route retrieves a route parameter from the request path (e.g., /users/{id}).
	Route(key string) string
	// RouteInt retrieves a route parameter from the request path and attempts to parse it as an integer.
	RouteInt(key string) int
	// RouteInt64 retrieves a route parameter from the request path and attempts to parse it as a 64-bit integer.
	RouteInt64(key string) int64
	// Query retrieves a query string parameter from the request (e.g., /users?id=1).
	Query(key string, defaultValue ...string) string
	// QueryInt retrieves a query string parameter from the request and attempts to parse it as an integer.
	QueryInt(key string, defaultValue int
	// QueryInt64 retrieves a query string parameter from the request and attempts to parse it as a 64-bit integer.
	QueryInt64(key string, defaultValue ...int64) int64
	// QueryBool retrieves a query string parameter from the request and attempts to parse it as a boolean.
	QueryBool(key string, defaultValue ...bool) bool
	// QueryArray retrieves a query string parameter from the request and returns it as a slice of strings.
	QueryArray(key string) []string
	// QueryMap retrieves a query string parameter from the request and returns it as a map of key-value pairs.
	QueryMap(key string) map[string]string
	// Queries returns all the query string parameters from the request as a map of key-value pairs.
	Queries() map[string]string

	// Input retrieves data from the request in the following order: JSON, form, query, and route parameters.
	Input(key string, defaultValue ...string) string
	InputArray(key string, defaultValue ...[]string) []string
	InputMap(key string, defaultValue[string]string) map[string]string
	InputInt(key string, defaultValue int
	InputInt64(key string, defaultValue ...int64) int64
	InputBool(key string, defaultValue ...bool) bool
	// File retrieves a file by its key from the request.
	File(name string) (filesystem.File, error)

	// AbortWithStatus aborts the request with the specified HTTP status code.
	AbortWithStatus(code int)
	// AbortWithStatusJson aborts the request with the specified HTTP status code
	// and returns a JSON response object.
	AbortWithStatusJson(code int, jsonObj any)
	// Next skips the current request handler, allowing the next middleware or handler to be executed.
	// Origin retrieves the underlying *http.Request object for advanced request handling.
	Origin() *http.Request

	// Validate performs request data validation using specified rules and options.
	Validate(rules map[string]string, options ...validation.Option) (validation.Validator, error)
	// ValidateRequest validates the request data against a pre-defined FormRequest structure
	// and returns validation errors, if any.
	ValidateRequest(request FormRequest) (validation.Errors, error)

type ContextResponse added in v1.13.1

type ContextResponse interface {
	// Data write the given data to the response.
	Data(code int, contentType string, data []byte) Response
	// Download initiates a file download by specifying the file path and the desired filename
	Download(filepath, filename string) Response
	// File serves a file located at the specified file path as the response.
	File(filepath string) Response
	// Header sets an HTTP header field with the given key and value.
	Header(key, value string) ContextResponse
	// Json sends a JSON response with the specified status code and data object.
	Json(code int, obj any) Response
	// Origin returns the ResponseOrigin
	Origin() ResponseOrigin
	// Redirect performs an HTTP redirect to the specified location with the given status code.
	Redirect(code int, location string) Response
	// String writes a string response with the specified status code and format.
	// The 'values' parameter can be used to replace placeholders in the format string.
	String(code int, format string, values ...any) Response
	// Success returns ResponseSuccess
	Success() ResponseSuccess
	// Status sets the HTTP response status code and returns the ResponseStatus.
	Status(code int) ResponseStatus
	// View returns ResponseView
	View() ResponseView
	// Writer returns the underlying http.ResponseWriter associated with the response.
	Writer() http.ResponseWriter
	// Flush flushes any buffered data to the client.

type FormRequest

type FormRequest interface {
	// Authorize determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
	Authorize(ctx Context) error
	// Rules get the validation rules that apply to the request.
	Rules(ctx Context) map[string]string
	// Messages get the validation messages that apply to the request.
	Messages(ctx Context) map[string]string
	// Attributes get custom attributes for validator errors.
	Attributes(ctx Context) map[string]string
	// PrepareForValidation prepare the data for validation.
	PrepareForValidation(ctx Context, data validation.Data) error

type HandlerFunc added in v1.0.0

type HandlerFunc func(Context) Response

type Json added in v1.0.0

type Json map[string]any

type Limit added in v1.10.0

type Limit interface {
	// By set the signature key name for the rate limiter.
	By(key string) Limit
	// Response set the response callback that should be used.
	Response(func(ctx Context)) Limit

type Middleware added in v1.0.0

type Middleware func(Context)

type RateLimiter added in v1.10.0

type RateLimiter interface {
	// For register a new rate limiter.
	For(name string, callback func(ctx Context) Limit)
	// ForWithLimits register a new rate limiter with limits.
	ForWithLimits(name string, callback func(ctx Context) []Limit)
	// Limiter get a rate limiter instance by name.
	Limiter(name string) func(ctx Context) []Limit

type ResourceController added in v1.11.1

type ResourceController interface {
	// Index method for controller
	Index(Context) Response
	// Show method for controller
	Show(Context) Response
	// Store method for controller
	Store(Context) Response
	// Update method for controller
	Update(Context) Response
	// Destroy method for controller
	Destroy(Context) Response

type Response

type Response interface {
	Render() error

type ResponseOrigin added in v1.8.0

type ResponseOrigin interface {
	// Body returns the response's body content as a *bytes.Buffer.
	Body() *bytes.Buffer
	// Header returns the response's HTTP header.
	Header() http.Header
	// Size returns the size, in bytes, of the response's body content.
	Size() int
	// Status returns the HTTP status code of the response.
	Status() int

type ResponseStatus added in v1.12.5

type ResponseStatus interface {
	// Data write the given data to the Response.
	Data(contentType string, data []byte) Response
	// Json sends a JSON Response with the specified data object.
	Json(obj any) Response
	// String writes a string Response with the specified format and values.
	String(format string, values ...any) Response

type ResponseSuccess added in v1.0.0

type ResponseSuccess interface {
	// Data write the given data to the Response.
	Data(contentType string, data []byte) Response
	// Json sends a JSON Response with the specified data object.
	Json(obj any) Response
	// String writes a string Response with the specified format and values.
	String(format string, values ...any) Response

type ResponseView added in v1.13.1

type ResponseView interface {
	// Make generates a Response for the specified view with optional data.
	Make(view string, data ...any) Response
	// First generates a response for the first available view from the provided list.
	First(views []string, data ...any) Response

type View added in v1.13.1

type View interface {
	// Exists checks if a view with the specified name exists.
	Exists(view string) bool
	// Share associates a key-value pair, where the key is a string and the value is of any type,
	// with the current view context. This shared data can be accessed by other parts of the application.
	Share(key string, value any)
	// Shared retrieves the value associated with the given key from the current view context's shared data.
	// If the key does not exist, it returns the optional default value (if provided).
	Shared(key string, def ...any) any
	// GetShared returns a map containing all the shared data associated with the current view context.
	GetShared() map[string]any


Path Synopsis

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL