Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- func GetBackend() *py.Object
- func GetCachedir() *py.Object
- func GetConfigdir() *py.Object
- func GetDataPath() *py.Object
- func Interactive(b *py.Object) *py.Object
- func IsInteractive() *py.Object
- func MatplotlibFname() *py.Object
- func Namedtuple(typename *py.Object, fieldNames *py.Object) *py.Object
- func ParseVersion(version *py.Object) *py.Object
- func Rc(group *py.Object) *py.Object
- func RcContext(rc *py.Object, fname *py.Object) *py.Object
- func RcFile(fname *py.Object) *py.Object
- func RcFileDefaults() *py.Object
- func RcParams(failOnError *py.Object) *py.Object
- func RcParamsFromFile(fname *py.Object, failOnError *py.Object, useDefaultTemplate *py.Object) *py.Object
- func Rcdefaults() *py.Object
- func SanitizeSequence(data *py.Object) *py.Object
- func SetLoglevel(level *py.Object) *py.Object
- func Use(backend *py.Object) *py.Object
Constants ¶
const LLGoPackage = "py.matplotlib"
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func GetCachedir ¶
Return the string path of the cache directory.
The procedure used to find the directory is the same as for `get_configdir`, except using “$XDG_CACHE_HOME“/“$HOME/.cache“ instead.
func GetConfigdir ¶
Return the string path of the configuration directory.
The directory is chosen as follows:
- If the MPLCONFIGDIR environment variable is supplied, choose that.
- On Linux, follow the XDG specification and look first in “$XDG_CONFIG_HOME“, if defined, or “$HOME/.config“. On other platforms, choose “$HOME/.matplotlib“.
- If the chosen directory exists and is writable, use that as the configuration directory.
- Else, create a temporary directory, and use it as the configuration directory.
func Interactive ¶
Set whether to redraw after every plotting command (e.g. `.pyplot.xlabel`).
func IsInteractive ¶
Return whether to redraw after every plotting command.
.. note::
This function is only intended for use in backends. End users should use `.pyplot.isinteractive` instead.
func MatplotlibFname ¶
Get the location of the config file.
The file location is determined in the following order ¶
- “$PWD/matplotlibrc“ - “$MATPLOTLIBRC“ if it is not a directory - “$MATPLOTLIBRC/matplotlibrc“ - “$MPLCONFIGDIR/matplotlibrc“ - On Linux,
- “$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/matplotlib/matplotlibrc“ (if “$XDG_CONFIG_HOME“ is defined)
- or “$HOME/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc“ (if “$XDG_CONFIG_HOME“ is not defined)
- On other platforms,
- “$HOME/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc“ if “$HOME“ is defined
- Lastly, it looks in “$MATPLOTLIBDATA/matplotlibrc“, which should always exist.
func Namedtuple ¶
Returns a new subclass of tuple with named fields.
>>> Point = namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y']) >>> Point.__doc__ # docstring for the new class 'Point(x, y)' >>> p = Point(11, y=22) # instantiate with positional args or keywords >>> p[0] + p[1] # indexable like a plain tuple 33 >>> x, y = p # unpack like a regular tuple >>> x, y (11, 22) >>> p.x + p.y # fields also accessible by name 33 >>> d = p._asdict() # convert to a dictionary >>> d['x'] 11 >>> Point(**d) # convert from a dictionary Point(x=11, y=22) >>> p._replace(x=100) # _replace() is like str.replace() but targets named fields Point(x=100, y=22)
func ParseVersion ¶
Parse the given version string.
>>> parse('1.0.dev1') <Version('1.0.dev1')> :param version: The version string to parse. :raises InvalidVersion: When the version string is not a valid version.
func Rc ¶
Set the current `.rcParams`. *group* is the grouping for the rc, e.g., for “lines.linewidth“ the group is “lines“, for “axes.facecolor“, the group is “axes“, and so on. Group may also be a list or tuple of group names, e.g., (*xtick*, *ytick*). *kwargs* is a dictionary attribute name/value pairs, e.g.,::
rc('lines', linewidth=2, color='r')
sets the current `.rcParams` and is equivalent to::
rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2 rcParams['lines.color'] = 'r'
The following aliases are available to save typing for interactive users:
===== ================= Alias Property ===== ================= 'lw' 'linewidth' 'ls' 'linestyle' 'c' 'color' 'fc' 'facecolor' 'ec' 'edgecolor' 'mew' 'markeredgewidth' 'aa' 'antialiased' ===== =================
Thus you could abbreviate the above call as::
rc('lines', lw=2, c='r')
Note you can use python's kwargs dictionary facility to store dictionaries of default parameters. e.g., you can customize the font rc as follows::
font = {'family' : 'monospace', 'weight' : 'bold', 'size' : 'larger'} rc('font', **font) # pass in the font dict as kwargs
This enables you to easily switch between several configurations. Use “'default')“ or :func:`~matplotlib.rcdefaults` to restore the default `.rcParams` after changes.
Notes ----- Similar functionality is available by using the normal dict interface, i.e. “rcParams.update({"lines.linewidth": 2, ...})“ (but “rcParams.update“ does not support abbreviations or grouping).
func RcContext ¶
Return a context manager for temporarily changing rcParams.
The :rc:`backend` will not be reset by the context manager.
rcParams changed both through the context manager invocation and in the body of the context will be reset on context exit.
Parameters ---------- rc : dict
The rcParams to temporarily set.
fname : str or path-like
A file with Matplotlib rc settings. If both *fname* and *rc* are given, settings from *rc* take precedence.
See Also -------- :ref:`customizing-with-matplotlibrc-files`
Examples -------- Passing explicit values via a dict::
with mpl.rc_context({'interactive': False}): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(range(3), range(3)) fig.savefig('example.png') plt.close(fig)
Loading settings from a file::
with mpl.rc_context(fname='print.rc'): plt.plot(x, y) # uses 'print.rc'
Setting in the context body::
with mpl.rc_context(): # will be reset mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 5 plt.plot(x, y)
func RcFile ¶
Update `.rcParams` from file.
Style-blacklisted `.rcParams` (defined in ““) are not updated.
Parameters ---------- fname : str or path-like
A file with Matplotlib rc settings.
use_default_template : bool
If True, initialize with default parameters before updating with those in the given file. If False, the current configuration persists and only the parameters specified in the file are updated.
func RcFileDefaults ¶
Restore the `.rcParams` from the original rc file loaded by Matplotlib.
Style-blacklisted `.rcParams` (defined in ““) are not updated.
func RcParamsFromFile ¶
func RcParamsFromFile(fname *py.Object, failOnError *py.Object, useDefaultTemplate *py.Object) *py.Object
Construct a `RcParams` from file *fname*.
Parameters ---------- fname : str or path-like
A file with Matplotlib rc settings.
fail_on_error : bool
If True, raise an error when the parser fails to convert a parameter.
use_default_template : bool
If True, initialize with default parameters before updating with those in the given file. If False, the configuration class only contains the parameters specified in the file. (Useful for updating dicts.)
func Rcdefaults ¶
Restore the `.rcParams` from Matplotlib's internal default style.
Style-blacklisted `.rcParams` (defined in ““) are not updated.
See Also -------- matplotlib.rc_file_defaults
Restore the `.rcParams` from the rc file originally loaded by Matplotlib.
Use a specific style file. Call ``style.use('default')`` to restore the default style.
func SanitizeSequence ¶
Convert dictview objects to list. Other inputs are returned unchanged.
func SetLoglevel ¶
Configure Matplotlib's logging levels.
Matplotlib uses the standard library `logging` framework under the root logger 'matplotlib'. This is a helper function to:
- set Matplotlib's root logger level
- set the root logger handler's level, creating the handler if it does not exist yet
Typically, one should call “set_loglevel("info")“ or “set_loglevel("debug")“ to get additional debugging information.
Users or applications that are installing their own logging handlers may want to directly manipulate “logging.getLogger('matplotlib')“ rather than use this function.
Parameters ---------- level : {"notset", "debug", "info", "warning", "error", "critical"}
The log level of the handler.
Notes ----- The first time this function is called, an additional handler is attached to Matplotlib's root handler; this handler is reused every time and this function simply manipulates the logger and handler's level.
func Use ¶
Select the backend used for rendering and GUI integration.
If pyplot is already imported, `~matplotlib.pyplot.switch_backend` is used and if the new backend is different than the current backend, all Figures will be closed.
Parameters ---------- backend : str
The backend to switch to. This can either be one of the standard backend names, which are case-insensitive: - interactive backends: GTK3Agg, GTK3Cairo, GTK4Agg, GTK4Cairo, MacOSX, nbAgg, QtAgg, QtCairo, TkAgg, TkCairo, WebAgg, WX, WXAgg, WXCairo, Qt5Agg, Qt5Cairo - non-interactive backends: agg, cairo, pdf, pgf, ps, svg, template or a string of the form: ``module://``. Switching to an interactive backend is not possible if an unrelated event loop has already been started (e.g., switching to GTK3Agg if a TkAgg window has already been opened). Switching to a non-interactive backend is always possible.
force : bool, default: True
If True (the default), raise an `ImportError` if the backend cannot be set up (either because it fails to import, or because an incompatible GUI interactive framework is already running); if False, silently ignore the failure.
See Also -------- :ref:`backends` matplotlib.get_backend matplotlib.pyplot.switch_backend
Types ¶
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