This Go script fetches the latest image tags from an AWS ECR repository based on specified criteria such as a grep string and optional semantic version constraints. It sorts and filters the tags and returns a specified number of the latest ones (according to semantic versioning).
go run main.go <repository_name> <grep_string> <count> [<semver_constraints>]
go run main.go 'my-repo' '^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$' 5 '>=1.0.0, <2.0.0'
Command Line Arguments
<repository_name>: The name of the ECR repository.
<grep_string>: A regex string to filter the tags.
<count>: The number of latest tags to return.
[<semver_constraints>]: Optional semantic version constraints to filter tags further.
The script prints the specified number of latest image tags from the repository that match the given criteria, formatted as repository_name:tag, e.g.hyperledger/besu:24.3,hyperledger/besu:24.2.
If the number of matching tags is less than the requested count, a warning is printed to stderr, and the available tags are returned.
Error Handling
The script will panic and display error messages in the following scenarios:
Insufficient command line arguments.
Empty or invalid repository_name, grep_string, or count.
Invalid regex for grep_string.
Invalid integer value for count.
Invalid semantic version constraints.
Errors in fetching or parsing the image details from AWS ECR.
Detailed Steps
Argument Parsing and Validation:
The script checks that at least 4 command line arguments are provided.
Validates the format and values of repository_name, grep_string, and count.
Optionally validates semantic version constraints if provided.
Fetch Image Details:
Constructs and executes an AWS CLI command to describe images in the specified ECR repository.
Parses the JSON output to extract image tags.
Filter and Sort Tags:
Filters tags based on the grep_string regex.
Optionally filters tags based on semantic version constraints.
Sorts the tags in descending order.
Return Latest Tags:
Constructs the output of the latest tags formatted as repository_name:tag.
Prints the result to stdout.
Ensure AWS CLI is configured and you have the necessary permissions to access the ECR repository.
The environment variable AWS_REGION must be set to the appropriate AWS region.
Semantic version constraints are optional and can be used to further filter the tags.