GCSBeat is an Elastic Beat to read logs/data from Google Cloud Storage (GCS) buckets.
The beat reads JSON objects or raw text from files in a bucket and forwards them to a beats output.
Example use-cases:
- Read Stackdriver logs from a GCS bucket into Elastic.
- Read gzipped logs from cold-storage into Elastic.
- Restore data from an Elastic dump.
- Watch files on a local path (possibly a mounted GCS bucket) and upload them.
- Parse JSON logs and upload them.
Note: While this project is partially maintained by Google, this is not an official Google product.
Configuration Options
See the _meta/beat.yml file for a list of configuration options.
Make sure your user has permissions to read files on the bucket and write metadata.
GCSBeat marks objects as being processed using metadata keys.
Example Configurations
Read archived redis logs from the local filesystem hourly and delete them after upload:
interval: 60m
bucket_id: "file:///var/log/redis"
delete: true
file_matches: "*.log.gz"
codec: "text"
unpack_gzip: true
Read Stackdriver logs from a bucket:
bucket_id: my_log_bucket
json_key_file: /path/to/key.json
file_matches: "*.json"
codec: "json-stream"
Read files into two separate Elastic clusters:
# Cluster 1 beat
bucket_id: my_log_bucket
json_key_file: /region-one-key.json
metadata_key: "region-one-beat"
# Cluster 2 beat
bucket_id: my_log_bucket
json_key_file: /disaster-recovery-key.json
file_matches: "*.log"
metadata_key: "disaster-recovery-beat"
Read data from a read-only bucket:
bucket_id: read_only_log_bucket
json_key_file: /path/to/key.json
file_matches: "*.log"
processed_db_path: "processed_file_list.db"
Getting Started with GCSBeat
You can either download GCSBeat compiled binaries or build them yourself.
- Download a binary for your system on the releases page.
- Extract the archive and edit
for your environment. See above for examples.
- Run it. For testing use:
./gcsbeat -e -v -c gcsbeat.yml
You can mock publishing for testing purposes using the -N
- (Optional) Run
./gcsbeat setup
to install predefined indexes.
Build it Yourself
You can build GCSBeat yourself using the instructions in the DEVELOPING.md
To run gcsbeat
with info level logging configured:
./gcsbeat -c gcsbeat.yml -e -v
Normal Mode:
./gcsbeat -c gcsbeat.yml
It can sometimes be difficult to figure out why the plugin is or isn't picking up particular files.
You can enable explain mode by running the beat with the -d "Explain"
./gcsbeat -d "Explain" -e
Here's an example and how to read it:
The bucket gcsbeat-test has five files it can process.
Note that Cloud Storage lists directories as files.
INFO [Explain] storage/explain.go:55 Source "gs://gcsbeat-test" found 5 files
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:58 - "bak-backup-log.log"
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:58 - "new.log"
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:58 - "old.log"
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:58 - "test-folder/"
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:58 - "test-folder/test.log"
Two of the files have already been marked as processed using the x-gcsbeat-processed metadata key.
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:32 Test: has key "x-gcsbeat-processed"?
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:43 - "bak-backup-log.log" (pass)
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:43 - "new.log" (pass)
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:46 - "old.log" (fail)
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:43 - "test-folder/" (pass)
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:46 - "test-folder/test.log" (fail)
INFO [Explain] storage/explain.go:50 Test: has key "x-gcsbeat-processed"? passed 3 of 5 files
None of the remaining files are already in the pending queue.
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:32 Test: already pending?
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:43 - "bak-backup-log.log" (pass)
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:43 - "new.log" (pass)
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:43 - "test-folder/" (pass)
INFO [Explain] storage/explain.go:50 Test: already pending? passed 3 of 3 files
Two of the files match the include filter.
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:32 Test: matches "*.log"?
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:43 - "bak-backup-log.log" (pass)
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:43 - "new.log" (pass)
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:46 - "test-folder/" (fail)
INFO [Explain] storage/explain.go:50 Test: matches "*.log"? passed 2 of 3 files
The backup file matches the exclusion filter so it is skipped.
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:32 Test: does not match "bak-*"?
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:46 - "bak-backup-log.log" (fail)
DEBUG [Explain] storage/explain.go:43 - "new.log" (pass)
INFO [Explain] storage/explain.go:50 Test: does not match "bak-*"? passed 1 of 2 files
Exactly one file remained.
INFO [GCS:gcsone] beater/gcsbeat.go:131 Added 1 files to queue
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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.