Vuln feeds
This searches a NVD CVE JSON feed for relevant packages and creates
vulnerability entries in the same easy-to-consume format that OSV uses.
See the relevant subdirectories for more details specific to that package
Package name matching
CVE entries do not provide an easy mapping to the exact package name used in a
package manager, so we dump and compare reference URLs for the package against
reference URLs used in the CVE, in addition to some other heuristics to avoid
false positives.
Extracting affected versions and commits
Where possible, we try to extract affected version ranges from
descriptions (pattern matching) and other fields. We also extract
commit hashes from e.g. GitHub links.
Extracted version numbers are cross referenced against the list of actual
versions released in the package manager to ensure accuracy.
Scraping existing feeds
The intended workflow is for a human to periodically run the tools here against
the latest NVD CVE feeds.
(See the PyPI directory for details on how to generate the required pypi
input files (pypi_links.json, pypi_versions.json)).
export VULNS_REPO=/path/to/vulns/repo
go run ./cmd/pypi -false_positives $VULNS_REPO/triage/false_positives.yaml \
-nvd_json /path/to/nvdcve-1.1-2021.json \
-pypi_links pypi/pypi_links.json \
-pypi_versions pypi/pypi_versions.json \
-out_dir $VULNS_REPO/vulns
This auto-generates matching <ID>.yaml
files into $VULNS_REPO/vulns
However, human intervention will always be required in some cases, when versions
cannot be reliably extracted automatically from CVE data. In these cases a
comment block will be appended to the <ID>.yaml
to indicate that a human
should look at this.
An example notes block will look like:
# <Vulnfeeds Notes>
# Warning: 2017.5.0 is not a valid introduced version
# Warning: 2018.2.0 is not a valid introduced version
# Warning: 3000.0 is not a valid introduced version
These files will have the placeholder ID format <PREFIX>-0000-....
is the database ID prefix, e.g. PYSEC
Merging manual pull requests
Entries can also be manually contributed via a pull request. These entries
should use a placeholder ID of the format <PREFIX>-0000-<anything>
to indicate
that an ID needs to be assigned.
ID generation
Once vulnerabilities are scraped (or pull requests are merged), we need to
assign IDs. Do this by running:
export VULNS_REPO=/path/to/vulns/repo
go run ./cmd/ids -dir $VULNS_REPO -prefix $PREFIX
This will replace previous placeholder IDs with IDs of the form
TODO: GitHub Action to do this.
False positives
False positives (i.e. CVEs that are incorrectly matched to a package) can be
added into a false_positives.yaml
file and commited as part of the
vulnerability repo for future runs.
The format of this file is newline delimited CVE IDs.
- CVE-2021-1337 # justification
- CVE-2021-1338 # justification
- blah # justification