Gonitor with WebSocket in Go
Gonitor is fast server monitor service that make monitoring servers easy and simple. Gonitor provides many cool features for monitoring server CPU, Memory, GPU, Disk, Load, Network, etc. If you like or use Gonitor, please star or share it !
- Provides server CPU, Memory, GPU, Disk, Load, Network, Host and Runtime information
- Supports REST API and Swagger UI
- Supports real-time monitoring with Stream or WebSocket
- Supports mutiple-platform build (darwin, windows and linux)
- Supports Docker build and Travis CI
Get the gonitor repository
go get github.com/gonitor/gonitor-websocket
cd echo $GOPATH/src/github.com/gonitor/gonitor-websocket
And install dependencies
go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
dep ensure
Running the tests
Run all tests
go test ./...
Or run all tests with coverage
bash coverage.sh
Build and Run
Run main.go
go run main.go
# serve at localhost:9000
# serve WebSocket API at localhost:9000/websocket/v1
Build and run native binary
bash Build.sh
Build native binary for multiple platforms (darwin, windows and linux)
bash BuildMulti.sh
Environment variables
# enable production mode, default is false
# disable REST API, default is true
env GONI_REST=false
# disable Stream API, default is true
env GONI_STREAM=false
# combine three environment variables
# enable compression, default is true
# set read buffer size, default equals to 1024
env GONI_RBSIZE=2048
# set write buffer size, default equals to 1024
env GONI_WBSIZE=2048
Docker support
Build docker image
bash Dockerbuild.sh
Run docker container
docker run -d --name gonitor-websocket -p 9000:9000 gonitor/gonitor-websocket
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details