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Published: Feb 26, 2025 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 3 Imported by: 0


gopjrt (Installing)

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gopjrt leverages OpenXLA to compile, optimize and accelerate numeric computations (with large data) from Go using various backends supported by OpenXLA: CPU, GPUs (NVidia, Intel*, Apple Metal*) and TPU*. It can be used to power Machine Learning frameworks (e.g. GoMLX), image processing, scientific computation, game AIs, etc.

And because Jax, TensorFlow and optionally PyTorch run on XLA, it is possible to run Jax functions in Go with gopjrt, and probably TensorFlow and PyTorch as well. See example 2 below.

(*) Not tested or partially supported by the hardware vendor.

gopjrt aims to be minimalist and robust: it provides well maintained, extensible Go wrappers for OpenXLA PJRT and OpenXLA XlaBuilder libraries.

gopjrt is not very ergonomic (error handling everywhere), but it's expected to be a stable building block for other projects to create a friendlier API on top. The same way Jax is a friendlier API on top of XLA/PJRT.

One such friendlier API is GoMLX, a Go machine learning framework, but gopjrt may be used as a standalone, for lower level access to XLA and other accelerator use cases -- like running Jax functions in Go.

It provides 2 independent packages (often used together, but not necessarily): loading and using PJRT plugins

"PjRt" stands for "Pretty much Just another RunTime".

It is the heart of the OpenXLA project: it takes an IR (intermediate representation) of a "computation graph", JIT (Just-In-Time) compiles it (once) and executes it (many times). See the Google's "PJRT: Simplifying ML Hardware and Framework Integration" blog post.

A "computation graph" is the part of your program (usually vectorial math/machine learning related) that one wants to "accelerate".

A "PJRT Plugin" is a dynamically linked library (.so file in Linux or .dylib in Darwin) that is able to JIT-compile an IR of your computation graph (it is generated by xlabuilder, see the next section, so you don't need to worry about it), and executes it for a particular hardware. So there are PJRT plugins for CPUs (Linux/Darwin amd64/arm64, and likely it could be compiled for other CPUs -- SIMD/AVX is well-supported), for TPUs (Google's accelerator), GPUs (Nvidia is well-supported; there are AMD and Intel's PJRT plugins, but not tested) and others may come.

The package loads PJRT plugins dynamically (using dlopen) in the form of a dynamic linked library -- and provides an API to compile and execute "programs".

[!NOTE] The IR (intermediary representation) that PJRT plugin accepts are "HLO" or "StableHLO". They not usually written directly by humans (except for debugging/developing the insides of PJRT), and instead are generated by the xlabuilder package described below, or in Python, by a Jax/PyTorch/Tensorflow program.

The pjrt package includes the following main concepts:

  • Client: first thing created after loading a plugin. It seems one can create a singleton Client per plugin, it's not very clear to me why one would create more than one Client.
  • LoadedExecutable: Created when one calls Client.Compile an HLO program. It's the compiled/optimized/accelerated code ready to run.
  • Buffer: Represents a buffer with the input/output data for the computations in the accelerators. There are methods to transfer it to/from the host memory. They are the inputs and outputs of LoadedExecutable.Execute.

PJRT plugins by default are loaded after the program is started (using dlopen). But there is also the option to pre-link the CPU PJRT plugin in your program. For that, just import (as _) one of the following packages:

  • pre-link the CPU PJRT statically, so you don't need to distribute a CPU PJRT with your program. But it's slower to build, potentially taking a few extra (annoying) seconds (static libraries are much slower to link).
  • pre-link the CPU PJRT dynamically (as opposed to load it after the Go program starts). It is fast to build, but it still requires deploying the PJRT plugin along with your program. Not many reasons to use this, but a possibility.

While it uses CGO to dynamically load the plugin and call its C API, pjrt doesn't require anything other than the plugin to be installed.

The project release includes pre-built CPU released for Linux/amd64, Darwin/arm64 (M1, M2, ... CPUs) and Darwin/amd64 (old i86_64 Macs). For Macs for now it only works by statically linking the CPU PJRT plugin (the default there).

It also includes a install script (see section Installing bellow) for Linux/CUDA PJRT, for Nvidia GPU support: it uses the one from the Jax distributed binaries, extracted from Jax pip packages.

. But if one imports one of the packages or, the CPU plugin is linked directly (statically or dynamically). This is slower to build, but in particular the static version allows for a more convenient self-contained binary (except to the libc and libstdc++ libraries, but those are usually present everywhere).

This provides a Go API for build accelerated computation using the XLA Operations. The output of building the computation using xlabuilder is an IR (intermediate representation, more specifically "HLO", but it doesn't matter here) that can be directly used with PJRT (and the pjrt package above).

Again it aims to be minimalist, robust and well maintained, albeit not very ergonomic necessarily.

Main concepts:

  • XlaBuilder: builder object, used to keep track of the operations being added.
  • XlaComputation: created with XlaBuilder.Build(...) and represents the finished program, ready to be used by PJRT (or saved to disk). It is also used to represent sub-routines/functions -- see XlaBuilder.CreateSubBuilder and Call method.
  • Literal: represents constants in the program. Some similarities with a pjrt.Buffer, but Literal is only used during the creation of the program. Usually, better to avoid large constants in a program, rather feed them as pjrt.Buffer, as inputs to the program during its execution.

See examples below.

The xlabuilder package includes a separate C project that generates a dynamic library (~13Mb for linux/x86-64) and associated *.h files, that need to be installed -- see Installing section below. A tar.gz is included in the release for linux/amd64, darwin/arm64 and darwin/amd64 os/architectures. But one can also build it from scratch for different platforms -- it uses Bazel due to its dependencies to OpenXLA/XLA.

Notice that there are alternatives to using XlaBuilder:

  • JAX/TensorFlow can output the HLO of JIT compiled functions, that can be fed directly to PJRT (see example 2).
  • Use GoMLX.
  • One can use XlaBuilder during development, and then save the output (see . And then during production only use the pjrt package to execute it.


Example 1: Create function with XlaBuilder and execute it:
  • This is a trivial example. XLA/PJRT really shines when doing large number crunching tasks.
  • The package simply converts errors to panics.
  builder := xlabuilder.New("x*x+1")
  x := must.M1(xlabuilder.Parameter(builder, "x", 0, xlabuilder.MakeShape(dtypes.F32))) // Scalar float32.
  fX := must.M1(xlabuilder.Mul(x, x))
  one := must.M1(xlabuilder.ScalarOne(builder, dtypes.Float32))
  fX = must.M1(xlabuilder.Add(fX, one))

  // Get computation created.
  comp := must.M1(builder.Build(fX))
  //fmt.Printf("HloModule proto:\n%s\n\n", comp.TextHLO())

  // PJRT plugin and create a client.
  plugin := must.M1(pjrt.GetPlugin(*flagPluginName))
  fmt.Printf("Loaded %s\n", plugin)
  client := must.M1(plugin.NewClient(nil))

  // Compile program.
  loadedExec := must.M1(client.Compile().WithComputation(comp).Done())
  fmt.Printf("Compiled program: name=%s, #outputs=%d\n", loadedExec.Name, loadedExec.NumOutputs)
  // Test values:
  inputs := []float32{0.1, 1, 3, 4, 5}
  fmt.Printf("f(x) = x^2 + 1:\n")
  for _, input := range inputs {
    inputBuffer := must.M1(pjrt.ScalarToBuffer(client, input))
    outputBuffers := must.M1(loadedExec.Execute(inputBuffer).Done())
    output := must.M1(pjrt.BufferToScalar[float32](outputBuffers[0]))
    fmt.Printf("\tf(x=%g) = %g\n", input, output)

  // Destroy the client and leave -- alternatively it is automatically destroyed when garbage collected.
Example 2: Execute Jax function in Go with pjrt:

First we create the HLO program in Jax/Python (see Jax documentation)

(You can do this with Google's Colab without having to install anything)

import os
import jax

def f(x): 
  return x*x+1

comp = jax.xla_computation(f)(3.)
hlo_proto = comp.as_hlo_module()

with open('hlo.pb', 'wb') as file:

Then download the hlo.pb file and do:

  hloBlob := must.M1(os.ReadFile("hlo.pb"))

  // PJRT plugin and create a client.
  plugin := must.M1(pjrt.GetPlugin(*flagPluginName))
  fmt.Printf("Loaded %s\n", plugin)
  client := must.M1(plugin.NewClient(nil))
  loadedExec := must.M1(client.Compile().WithHLO(hloBlob).Done())

  // Test values:
  inputs := []float32{0.1, 1, 3, 4, 5}
  fmt.Printf("f(x) = x^2 + 1:\n")
  for _, input := range inputs {
    inputBuffer := must.M1(pjrt.ScalarToBuffer(client, input))
    outputBuffers := must.M1(loadedExec.Execute(inputBuffer).Done())
    output := must.M1(pjrt.BufferToScalar[float32](outputBuffers[0]))
    fmt.Printf("\tf(x=%g) = %g\n", input, output)
Example 3: Mandelbrot Set Notebook

The notebook includes both the "regular" Go implementation and the corresponding implementation using XlaBuilder and execution with PJRT for comparison, with some benchmarks.


gopjrt requires a C library installed and a "PJRT plugin" module (the thing that actually does the JIT compilation of your computation graph). The following scripts install the required files under /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include by default (but they can be changed, see the scripts for all options).

TLDR; Linux/amd64 (or Windows+WSL)

For Linux or Windows+WSL, run the following script (see source) to install under /usr/local/{lib,include}:

curl -sSf | bash

To add CUDA (NVidia GPU) support, in addition run (see source):

curl -sSf | bash
TLDR; Darwin/arm64 (M1, M2, ... chips)

Currently, Darwin (MacOS) 🚧🛠 it only works with statically linked PJR CPU plugin 🛠🚧️ so that is the default (see issue in XLA's issue #19152 and on XLA's discord channels). Experimental.

It's slower to build (it adds a couple of seconds) but your program is statically linked and can more easily be distributed (without needing to install the PJRT plugin).

To install run (see source)):

curl -sSf | bash
TLDR; Darwin/amd64 (older i86_64 machines)

[!WARNING] The Darwin pre-built binary versions is at least 2 versions behind the current one -- I don't have easily available mac box to update it. Some ops will not work. Since I can't test, there may be other things not working.

If you use Mac and are familiar with building Go and C/C++ programs, a contribution where would be very welcome! 😃 Both for GoMLX and Gopjrt.

Currently, Darwin (MacOS) 🚧🛠 it only works with statically linked PJR CPU plugin 🛠🚧️ so that is the default (see issue in XLA's issue #19152 and on XLA's discord channels). Experimental.

It's slower to build (it adds some seconds) but your program is statically linked and can more easily be distributed (without needing to install the PJRT plugin).

To install run (see source)):

curl -sSf | bash
More details on installation scripts and PJRT plugins

The installation scripts cmd/, cmd/, cmd/ and cmd/ can be controlled to install in any arbitrary directory (by setting GOPJRT_INSTALL_DIR) and not to use sudo (by setting GOPJRT_NOSUDO).

You many need to set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH if the installation directory is not standard, and the PJRT_PLUGIN_LIBRARY_PATH to tell gopjrt where to find the plugins -- if not using static linking.

There are two parts that needs installing: (1) XLA Builder library (it's a C++ wrapper) to write computation graphs; (2) PJRT plugins to execute graphs for the accelerator devices you want to support.

The releases come with prebuilt:

  1. XLA Builder library for linux/amd64 (or Windows WSL), darwin/arm64 and darwin/amd64. Both MacOS/Darwin releases are EXPERIMENTAL and have somewhat limited functionality (on the PJRT side), see
  2. The PJRT for CPU as a standalone plugin (can be preloaded/pre-linked or loaded on the fly with dlopen; and as a static library, that can be pre-linked: slower but more convenient for deployment.

There is also the CUDA PJRT plugin downloader script, and the cmd/ script can download the Apple/Metal PJRT Plugin if the environment variable GOPJRT_METAL=1 (EXPERIMENTAL and not fully working, see notes in installation script).

The gopjrt/pjrt package if asked to load a PJRT plugin (see pjrt.GetPlugin(name string)) and it's not already loaded (or pre-linked), then it will search for PJRT plugins in /usr/local/lib/gomlx/pjrt and all standard library locations (configured in /etc/ in Linux). Alternatively, one can set the directory(ies) to search for plugins setting the environment variable PJRT_PLUGIN_LIBRARY_PATH.

There is always the option to pre-link (statically or dynamically) the CPU PJRT when building the Go program. See above.

Building C/C++ dependencies

If you want to build from scratch (both xlabuilder and pjrt dependencies), simply go to the c/ subdirectory and run It uses Bazel due to its dependencies to OpenXLA/XLA. If not in one of the supported platforms, you will need to create a xla_configure.OS_ARCH.bazelrc file.

PJRT Plugins for other devices or platforms.

See docs/ on hints on how to compile a plugin from OpenXLA/XLA sources.

Also, see this blog post with the link and references to the Intel and Apple hardware plugins.


  • When is feature X from PJRT or XlaBuilder going to be supported ? Yes, gopjrt doesn't wrap everything -- although it does cover the most common operations. The simple ops and structs are auto-generated. But many require hand-writing. Please if it is useful to your project, create an issue, I'm happy to add it. I focused on the needs of GoMLX, but the idea is that it can serve other purposes, and I'm happy to support it.
  • Why not split in smaller packages ? Because of : C API's cannot be exported across packages, even within the same repo. Even a function as simple as func Add(a, b in one package cannot be called from another. So we need to wrap everything, and more than that, one cannot create separate sub-packages to handle separate concerns. This is also the reason the library chelper.go is copied in both pjrt and xlabuilder packages.
  • Why does PJRT spits out so much logging ? Can we disable it ? This is a great question ... imagine if every library we use decided they also want to clutter our stderr? I have an open question in Abseil about it. It may be some issue with Abseil Logging which also has this other issue of not allowing two different linked programs/libraries to call its initialization (see Issue #1656). A hacky work around is duplicating fd 2 and assign to Go's os.Stderr, and then close fd 2, so PJRT plugins won't have where to log. This hack is encoded in the function pjrt.SuppressAbseilLoggingHack(): just call it before calling pjrt.GetPlugin. But it may have unintended consequences, if some other library is depending on the fd 2 to work, or if a real exceptional situation needs to be reported and is not.

Environment Variables

That help control or debug how gopjrt work:

  • PJRT_PLUGIN_LIBRARY_PATH: Path to search for PJRT plugins. gopjrt also searches in /usr/local/lib/gomlx/pjrt, the standard library paths for the system and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
  • XLA_DEBUG_OPTIONS: If set, it is parsed as a DebugOptions proto that is passed during the JIT-compilation (Client.Compile()) of a computation graph. It is not documented how it works in PJRT (e.g. I observed a great slow down when this is set, even if set to the default values), but the proto has some documentation.
  • GOPJRT_INSTALL_DIR and GOPJRT_NOSUDO: used by the install scripts, see "Installing" section above.

Running Tests

All tests support the following build tags to pre-link the CPU plugin (as opposed to dlopen the plugin) -- select at most one of them:

  • --tags pjrt_cpu_static: link (preload) the CPU PJRT plugin from the static library (.a) version. Slowest to build (but executes the same speed).
  • --tags pjrt_cpu_dynamic: link (preload) the CPU PJRT plugin from the dynamic library (.so) version. Faster to build, but deployments require deploying the file along.

For Darwin (MacOS), for the time being it's hardcoded with static linking, so avoid using these tags.


This project utilizes the following components from the OpenXLA project:

  • This project includes a (slightly modified) copy of the OpenXLA's pjrt_c_api.h file.

  • OpenXLA PJRT CPU Plugin: This plugin enables execution of XLA computations on the CPU.

  • OpenXLA PJRT CUDA Plugin: This plugin enables execution of XLA computations on NVIDIA GPUs.

  • We gratefully acknowledge the OpenXLA team for their valuable work in developing and maintaining these plugins.


gopjrt is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

The OpenXLA project, including pjrt_c_api.h file, the CPU and CUDA plugins, is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

The CUDA plugin also utilizes the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit, which is subject to NVIDIA's licensing terms and must be installed by the user.

For more information about OpenXLA, please visit their website at, or the github page at


The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis
Package cbuffer provides a wrapper for a C/C++ buffer that can be used to transfer data in-between pjrt, xlabuilder and the user of the library.
Package cbuffer provides a wrapper for a C/C++ buffer that can be used to transfer data in-between pjrt, xlabuilder and the user of the library.
codegen parses the pjrt_c_api.h and generates boilerplate code for creating the various C structures.
codegen parses the pjrt_c_api.h and generates boilerplate code for creating the various C structures.
pjrt_codegen copies prjt_c_api.h from source (pointed by XLA_SRC env variable), parses it and generates boilerplate code for creating the various C structures.
pjrt_codegen copies prjt_c_api.h from source (pointed by XLA_SRC env variable), parses it and generates boilerplate code for creating the various C structures.
protoc_xla_protos compiles the .proto from the OpenXLA/XLA sources to subpackages of "".
protoc_xla_protos compiles the .proto from the OpenXLA/XLA sources to subpackages of "".
codegen parses the node_types.txt and generates boilerplate code both C and Go.
codegen parses the node_types.txt and generates boilerplate code both C and Go.
Package bfloat16 is a trivial implementation for the bfloat16 type, based on and the pending issue in
Package bfloat16 is a trivial implementation for the bfloat16 type, based on and the pending issue in
Package pjrt implements a Go wrapper for the PJRT_C_API.
Package pjrt implements a Go wrapper for the PJRT_C_API.
Package dynamic will link (preload) a dynamically loaded library `libpjrt_c_api_cpu_dynamic`, that is used if the user requests a "cpu" plugin.
Package dynamic will link (preload) a dynamically loaded library `libpjrt_c_api_cpu_dynamic`, that is used if the user requests a "cpu" plugin.
Package static statically links a CPU PJRT plugin, and registers with the name "cpu".
Package static statically links a CPU PJRT plugin, and registers with the name "cpu".
Package cpudynamictest is just a hack around Go's limitation to use CGO in tests and to avoid cyclic dependency.
Package cpudynamictest is just a hack around Go's limitation to use CGO in tests and to avoid cyclic dependency.
Package cpustatictest is just a hack around Go's limitation to use CGO in tests and to avoid cyclic dependency.
Package cpustatictest is just a hack around Go's limitation to use CGO in tests and to avoid cyclic dependency.
Package protos is empty, it simply include a rule to generate all the sub-packages: one sub-package per XLA proto used in gopjrt.
Package protos is empty, it simply include a rule to generate all the sub-packages: one sub-package per XLA proto used in gopjrt.

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