Hospital CMS - Golang
A hospital content management system built with Go, featuring role-based access control and modern authentication.
Technology Stack
- Language: Go 1.19+
- Web Framework: Fiber - Fast, flexible HTTP web framework
- Database: MySQL 8.0+ - Primary data store
- Cache: Redis - For session management and caching
- Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
- Migration: golang-migrate - Database versioning
- Version Control: Git
- API Testing: Postman
- Mocking: gomock - For unit testing
- SQL Mocking: sqlmock - For database testing
- Testing: Go testing package with testify
Project Structure
├── cmd/ # Application entry points
│ └── main.go # Main application file
├── config/ # Configuration files
│ ├── config.go # Configuration structures
│ └── env-local.yaml # Environment-specific config
├── database/ # Database related files
│ └── migrations/ # SQL migration files
├── internal/ # Private application code
│ ├── dependency/ # Dependency injection
│ ├── middleware/ # HTTP middlewares
│ ├── module/ # Feature modules
│ │ ├── auth/ # Authentication module
│ │ │ ├── domain/ # Domain models and interfaces
│ │ │ ├── handler/ # HTTP handlers
│ │ │ ├── repository/ # Data access layer
│ │ │ └── usecase/ # Business logic
│ │ └── [other modules]
│ ├── response/ # Common HTTP responses
│ └── utils/ # Utility functions
├── postman/ # Postman collections
├── scripts/ # Utility scripts
├── .gitignore
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
The project follows Clean Architecture principles with the following layers:
Domain Layer (domain/
- Contains business logic interfaces
- Defines domain models and entities
- Houses repository and usecase interfaces
Repository Layer (repository/
- Implements data access logic
- Handles database operations
- Manages data persistence
Usecase Layer (usecase/
- Implements business logic
- Orchestrates data flow between layers
- Handles business rules and validations
Handler Layer (handler/
- Manages HTTP requests and responses
- Handles input validation
- Routes requests to appropriate usecases
- Go 1.19 or higher
- MySQL 8.0 or higher
- golang-migrate for database migrations
- Install golang-migrate:
# For macOS using Homebrew
brew install golang-migrate
# For other platforms, visit:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd hospital-cms-golang
- Install dependencies:
go mod download
Database Setup
- Create a MySQL database:
- Configure your database connection in
driverName: "mysql"
user: "root"
password: "your_password"
dbname: "apexa"
network: "tcp"
address: "localhost:3308" # Adjust port if needed
- Run database migrations:
# Apply all migrations
migrate -path database/migrations -database "mysql://root:password@tcp(localhost:3308)/apexa" up
# Rollback all migrations
migrate -path database/migrations -database "mysql://root:password@tcp(localhost:3308)/apexa" down
# Rollback specific number of migrations
migrate -path database/migrations -database "mysql://root:password@tcp(localhost:3308)/apexa" down N
# Force a specific version
migrate -path database/migrations -database "mysql://root:password@tcp(localhost:3308)/apexa" force VERSION
# Create a new migration
migrate create -ext sql -dir database/migrations -seq migration_name
Migration Files
The project uses SQL migrations located in database/migrations/
: Creates core authentication tables
: Stores user information
: Defines available roles
: Maps users to roles
: Seeds initial role data
- Adds default roles like admin, doctor, etc.
: Creates authentication token table
- Manages user sessions and authentication tokens
Each migration has a corresponding .down.sql
file for rollback operations.
Running the Application
- Start the server:
go run main.go serve-rest-api
- The API will be available at
API Documentation
Import the Postman collection from postman/Auth_API_Tests.postman_collection.json
for API documentation and testing.
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature
- Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature'
- Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/amazing-feature
- Open a Pull Request
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.