Golib Message Bus
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. Please consider updating.
Message Bus solutions for Golang project. Kafka is now supported.
Setup instruction
Base setup, see GoLib Instruction
Both go get
and go mod
are supported.
go get github.com/golibs-starter/golib-message-bus
Using fx.Option
to include dependencies for injection.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Required
// When you want to create topics if it doesn't exist.
// When you want to produce message to Kafka.
// When you want to consume message from Kafka.
// When you want all consumers are ready before application started.
// Helpful in the integration test, see example here:
// https://github.com/golibs-starter/golib-sample/blob/develop/src/worker/testing/handler/send_order_to_delivery_provider_test.go
// When you want to enable graceful shutdown.
// OnStop hooks will run in reverse order.
// When you want to register a consumer.
// Consumer has to implement core.ConsumerHandler
// ==================== TEST UTILS =================
// This useful in test when you want to
// reset (remove) kafka consumer group every test run.
// Eg: https://github.com/golibs-starter/golib-sample/-/tree/develop/src/worker/testing/test_suite.go
// This useful when you want to collect messages during test.
// This option needs to come with some configuration:
// app.kafka.consumer:
// handlerMappings:
// MessageCollectorHandler:
// topics: # List of topics that messages will be collected.
// - c1.http.request-completed.test
// - c1.order.order-created.test
// groupId: c1.MessageCollectorHandler.test
// enable: true
// Eg: https://github.com/golibs-starter/golib-sample/-/tree/develop/src/worker/testing/test_suite.go
// CustomConsumer is implementation of core.ConsumerHandler
type CustomConsumer struct {
func NewCustomConsumer() core.ConsumerHandler {
return &CustomConsumer{}
func (c CustomConsumer) HandlerFunc(message *core.ConsumerMessage) {
// Will run when a message arrived
func (c CustomConsumer) Close() {
// Will run when application stop
# Configuration for KafkaCommonOpt()
# This is global configuration for all admin/producer/consumer if it is not configured.
# ========================================
# ======== START GLOBAL CONFIG ===========
# ========================================
# Kafka brokers to connect to.
# Separate with commas. By default, localhost:9092 is used.
bootstrapServers: kafka1:9092,kafka2:9092
# Whether to use TLS when connecting to the broker.
# By default, unsecured connection is used (leave empty).
securityProtocol: TLS
# A user-provided string sent with every request to the brokers for logging, debugging, and auditing purposes.
clientId: golib
# TLS configuration when securityProtocol=TLS
# A file contains public key from a pair of files.
# The file must contain PEM encoded data.
certFileLocation: "config/certs/test.dev-cert.pem"
# A file contains private key from a pair of files.
# The file must contain PEM encoded data.
keyFileLocation: "config/certs/test.dev-key.pem"
# A file contains root certificate authorities
# that clients use when verifying server certificates.
caFileLocation: "config/certs/test.dev-ca.pem"
# Controls whether a client verifies
# the server's certificate chain and host name.
insecureSkipVerify: false
# ========================================
# ========= END GLOBAL CONFIG ============
# ========================================
# Configuration for KafkaAdminOpt()
# These fields which existing in global config
# can be overridden as bellow.
bootstrapServers: kafka1:9092,kafka2:9092
securityProtocol: TLS
clientId: golib
certFileLocation: "config/certs/test.dev-cert.pem"
keyFileLocation: "config/certs/test.dev-key.pem"
caFileLocation: "config/certs/test.dev-ca.pem"
insecureSkipVerify: false
- name: c1.http-request # Topic name when auto create topics is enabled
partitions: 1 # The number of partitions when topic is created. Default: 1.
replicaFactor: 1 # The number of copies of a topic in a Kafka cluster. Default: 1
retention: 72h # The period of time the topic will retain old log segments before deleting or compacting them. Default 72h.
- name: c1.order.order-created
partitions: 1
replicaFactor: 1
retention: 72h
# Configuration for KafkaProducerOpt()
# These fields which existing in global config
# can be overridden as bellow.
bootstrapServers: kafka1:9092,kafka2:9092
securityProtocol: TLS
clientId: golib
certFileLocation: "config/certs/test.dev-cert.pem"
keyFileLocation: "config/certs/test.dev-key.pem"
caFileLocation: "config/certs/test.dev-ca.pem"
insecureSkipVerify: false
flushMessages: 1
flushFrequency: 1s
topicName: c1.http-request # Defines the topic that event will be sent to.
transactional: false # Enable/disable transactional when sending event message.
disable: false # Enable/disable send event message
topicName: c1.order.order-created
transactional: false
disable: true
# Configuration for KafkaConsumerOpt()
# These fields which existing in global config
# can be overridden as bellow.
bootstrapServers: kafka1:9092,kafka2:9092
securityProtocol: TLS
clientId: golib
certFileLocation: "config/certs/test.dev-cert.pem"
keyFileLocation: "config/certs/test.dev-key.pem"
caFileLocation: "config/certs/test.dev-ca.pem"
insecureSkipVerify: false
PushRequestCompletedToElasticSearchHandler: # It has to equal to the struct name of consumer
topic: c1.http-request # The topic that consumed by consumer
groupId: c1.http-request.PushRequestCompletedEsHandler.local # The group that consumed by consumer
enable: true # Enable/disable consumer
topic: c1.order.order-created
groupId: c1.order.order-created.PushRequestCompletedEsHandler.local
enable: true
topics: # When you want to consume multiple topics
- c1.http.request-completed.test
- c1.order.order-created.test
groupId: c1.MessageCollectorHandler.test
enable: true