Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
Package CloudForest implements ensembles of decision trees for machine learning in pure Go (golang). It includes implementations of Breiman and Cutler's Random Forest for classification and regression on heterogeneous numerical/categorical data with missing values and several related algorithms including entropy and cost driven classification, L1 regression and feature selection with artificial contrasts and hooks for modifying the algorithms for your needs.
Command line utilities to grow, apply and analyze forests are provided in sub directories.
CloudForest is being developed in the Shumelivich Lab at the Institute for Systems Biology for use on genomic/biomedical data with partial support from The Cancer Genome Atlas and the Inova Translational Medicine Institute.
Documentation has been generated with godoc and can be viewed live at:
Pull requests and bug reports are welcome; Code Repo and Issue tracker can be found at:
Goals ¶
CloudForest is intended to provide fast, comprehensible building blocks that can be used to implement ensembles of decision trees. CloudForest is written in Go to allow a data scientist to develop and scale new models and analysis quickly instead of having to modify complex legacy code.
Data structures and file formats are chosen with use in multi threaded and cluster environments in mind.
Working with Trees ¶
Go's support for function types is used to provide a interface to run code as data is percolated through a tree. This method is flexible enough that it can extend the tree being analyzed. Growing a decision tree using Breiman and Cutler's method can be done in an anonymous function/closure passed to a tree's root node's Recurse method:
t.Root.Recurse(func(n *Node, innercases []int) { if (2 * leafSize) <= len(innercases) { SampleFirstN(&candidates, mTry) best, impDec := fm.BestSplitter(target, innercases, candidates[:mTry], allocs) if best != nil && impDec > minImp { //not a leaf node so define the splitter and left and right nodes //so recursion will continue n.Splitter = best n.Pred = "" n.Left = new(Node) n.Right = new(Node) return } }
This allows a researcher to include whatever additional analysis they need (importance scores, proximity etc) in tree growth. The same Recurse method can also be used to analyze existing forests to tabulate scores or extract structure. Utilities like leafcount and errorrate use this method to tabulate data about the tree in collection objects.
Alternative Impurities ¶
Decision tree's are grown with the goal of reducing "Impurity" which is usually defined as Gini Impurity for categorical targets or mean squared error for numerical targets. CloudForest grows trees against the Target interface which allows for alternative definitions of impurity. CloudForest includes several alternative targets:
EntropyTarget : For use in entropy minimizing classification RegretTarget : For use in classification driven by differing costs in miscategorization. L1Target : For use in L1 norm error regression (which may be less sensitive to outliers).
Efficient Splitting ¶
Repeatedly splitting the data and searching for the best split at each node of a decision tree are the most computationally intensive parts of decision tree learning and CloudForest includes optimized code to perform these tasks.
Go's slices are used extensively in CloudForest to make it simple to interact with optimized code. Many previous implementations of Random Forest have avoided reallocation by reordering data in place and keeping track of start and end indexes. In go, slices pointing at the same underlying arrays make this sort of optimization transparent. For example a function like:
func(s *Splitter) SplitInPlace(fm *FeatureMatrix, cases []int) (l []int, r []int)
can return left and right slices that point to the same underlying array as the origional slice of cases but these slices should not have their values changed.
Functions used while searching for the best split also accepts pointers to reusable slices and structs to maximize speed by keeping memory allocations to a minimum. BestSplitAllocs contains pointers to these items and its use can be seen in functions like:
func (fm *FeatureMatrix) BestSplitter(target Target, cases []int, candidates []int, allocs *BestSplitAllocs) (s *Splitter, impurityDecrease float64) func (f *Feature) BestSplit(target Target, cases *[]int, parentImp float64, allocs *BestSplitAllocs) (bestNum float64, bestCat int, bestBigCat *big.Int, impurityDecrease float64)
For categorical predictors, BestSplit will also attempt to intelligently choose between 4 different implementations depending on user input and the number of categories. These include exhaustive, random, and iterative searches for the best combination of categories implemented with bitwise operations against int and big.Int. See BestCatSplit, BestCatSplitIter, BestCatSplitBig and BestCatSplitIterBig.
All numerical predictors are handled by BestNumSplit which relies on go's sorting package.
Parallelism and Scaling ¶
Training a Random forest is an inherently parallel process and CloudForest is designed to allow parallel implementations that can tackle large problems while keeping memory usage low by writing and using data structures directly to/from disk.
Trees can be grown in separate go routines. The growforest utility provides an example of this that uses go routines and channels to grow trees in parallel and write trees to disk as the are finished by the "worker" go routines. The few summary statistics like mean impurity decrease per feature (importance) can be calculated using thread safe data structures like RunningMean.
Trees can also be grown on separate machines. The .sf stochastic forest format allows several small forests to be combined by concatenation and the ForestReader and ForestWriter structs allow these forests to be accessed tree by tree (or even node by node) from disk.
For data sets that are too big to fit in memory on a single machine Tree.Grow and FeatureMatrix.BestSplitter can be reimplemented to load candidate features from disk, distributed database etc.
Missing Values ¶
By default cloud forest uses a fast heuristic for missing values. When proposing a split on a feature with missing data the missing cases are removed and the impurity value is corrected to use three way impurity which reduces the bias towards features with lots of missing data:
I(split) = p(l)I(l)+p(r)I(r)+p(m)I(m)
Missing values in the target variable are left out of impurity calculations.
This provided generally good results at a fraction of the computational costs of imputing data.
Optionally, feature.ImputeMissing or featurematrixImputeMissing can be called before forest growth to impute missing values to the feature mean/mode which Brieman [2] suggests as a fast method for imputing values.
This forest could also be analyzed for proximity (using leafcount or tree.GetLeaves) to do the more accurate proximity weighted imputation Brieman describes.
Experimental support is provided for 3 way splitting which splits missing cases onto a third branch. [2] This has so far yielded mixed results in testing.
At some point in the future support may be added for local imputing of missing values during tree growth as described in [3]
Importance and Contrasts ¶
Variable Importance in CloudForest is calculated as the mean decrease in impurity over all of the splits made using a feature.
To provide a baseline for evaluating importance, artificial contrast features can be used by including shuffled copies of existing features.
Main Structures ¶
In CloudForest data is stored using the FeatureMatrix struct which contains Features.
The Feature struct implements storage and methods for both categorical and numerical data and calculations of impurity etc and the search for the best split.
The Target interface abstracts the methods of Feature that are needed for a feature to be predictable. This allows for the implementation of alternative types of regression and classification.
Trees are built from Nodes and Splitters and stored within a Forest. Tree has a Grow implements Brieman and Cutler's method (see extract above) for growing a tree. A GrowForest method is also provided that implements the rest of the method including sampling cases but it may be faster to grow the forest to disk as in the growforest utility.
Prediction and Voting is done using Tree.Vote and CatBallotBox and NumBallotBox which implement the VoteTallyer interface.
Compiling for Speed ¶
When compiled with go1.1 CloudForest achieves running times similar to implementations in other languages. Using gccgo (4.8.0 at least) results in longer running times and is not recommended until full go1.1 support is implemented in gcc 4.8.1.
Roadmap ¶
Development of CloudForest is being driven by our needs as we analyze large biomedical data sets. As such new and modified analysis will be added as needed. The basic functionality has stabilized but we have discussed several possible changes that may require additional abstraction and/or changes in the api. These include:
Allow additional types of candidate features. Some multidimensional data types may not be best served by decomposition into categorical and numerical features. It would be possible to allow arbitrary feature types by adding CanidateFeature (which should expose BestSplit), CodedSplitter and Splitter abstraction.
Allowing data to reside anywhere. This would involve abstracting FeatureMatrix to allow database etc driven implementations.
Growforest Utility ¶
"growforest" trains a forest using the following parameters which can be listed with -h
Usage of growforest: -contrastall=false: Include a shuffled artificial contrast copy of every feature. -cost="": For categorical targets, a json string to float map of the cost of falsely identifying each category. -cpuprofile="": write cpu profile to file -entropy=false: Use entropy minimizing classification (target must be categorical). -importance="": File name to output importance. -impute=false: Impute missing values to feature mean/mode instead of filtering them out when splitting. -l1=false: Use l1 norm regression (target must be numeric). -leafSize=0: The minimum number of cases on a leaf node. If <=0 will be inferred to 1 for classification 4 for regression. -mTry=0: Number of candidate features for each split. Inferred to ceil(swrt(nFeatures)) if <=0. -nContrasts=0: The number of randomized artificial contrast features to include in the feature matrix. -nCores=1: The number of cores to use. -nSamples=0: The number of cases to sample (with replacement) for each tree grow. If <=0 set to total number of cases -nTrees=100: Number of trees to grow in the predictor. -rfpred="rface.sf": File name to output predictor forest in sf format. -splitmissing=false: Split missing values onto a third branch at each node (experimental). -target="": The row header of the target in the feature matrix. -train="featurematrix.afm": AFM formated feature matrix containing training data.
Applyforrest Utility ¶
"applyforest" applies a forest to the specified feature matrix and outputs predictions as a two column (caselabel predictedvalue) tsv.
Usage of applyforest: -fm="featurematrix.afm": AFM formated feature matrix containing test data. -preds="predictions.tsv": The name of a file to write the predictions into. -rfpred="rface.sf": A predictor forest.
Errorrate Utility ¶
errorrate calculates the error of a forest vs a testing data set and reports it to standard out
Usage of errorrate: -fm="featurematrix.afm": AFM formated feature matrix containing test data. -rfpred="rface.sf": A predictor forest.
Leafcount Utility ¶
leafcount outputs counts of case case co-occurrence on leaf nodes (Brieman's proximity) and counts of the number of times a feature is used to split a node containing each case (a measure of relative/local importance).
Usage of leafcount: -branches="branches.tsv": a case by feature sparse matrix of leaf co-occurance in tsv format -fm="featurematrix.afm": AFM formated feature matrix to use. -leaves="leaves.tsv": a case by case sparse matrix of leaf co-occurance in tsv format -rfpred="rface.sf": A predictor forest.
Feature Matrix Files ¶
CloudForest borrows the annotated feature matrix (.afm) and stoicastic forest (.sf) file formats from Timo Erkkila's rf-ace which can be found at
An annotated feature matrix (.afm) file is a tab delineated file with column and row headers. Columns represent cases and rows represent features. A row header/feature id includes a prefix to specify the feature type
"N:" Prefix for numerical feature id. "C:" Prefix for categorical feature id. "B:" Prefix for boolean feature id.
Categorical and boolean features use strings for their category labels. Missing values are represented by "?","nan","na", or "null" (case insensitive). A short example:
featureid case1 case2 case3 N:NumF1 0.0 .1 na C:CatF2 red red green
Stochastic Forest Files ¶
A stochastic forest (.sf) file contains a forest of decision trees. The main advantage of this format as opposed to an established format like json is that an sf file can be written iteratively tree by tree and multiple .sf files can be combined with minimal logic required allowing for massively parallel growth of forests with low memory use.
An .sf file consists of lines each of which is a comma separated list of key value pairs. Lines can designate either a FOREST, TREE, or NODE. Each tree belongs to the preceding forest and each node to the preceding tree. Nodes must be written in order of increasing depth.
CloudForest generates fewer fields then rf-ace but requires the following. Other fields will be ignored
Forest requires forest type (only RF currently), target and ntrees:
Tree requires only an int and the value is ignored though the line is needed to designate a new tree:
Node requires a path encoded so that the root node is specified by "*" and each split left or right as "L" or "R". Leaf nodes should also define PRED such as "PRED=1.5" or "PRED=red". Splitter nodes should define SPLITTER with a feature id inside of double quotes, SPLITTERTYPE=[CATEGORICAL|NUMERICAL] and a LVALUE term which can be either a float inside of double quotes representing the highest value sent left or a ":" separated list of categorical values sent left.
NODE=$path,PRED=[float|string],SPLITTER="$feature_id",SPLITTERTYPE=[CATEGORICAL|NUMERICAL] LVALUES="[float|: separated list"
An example .sf file:
Cloud forest can parse and apply .sf files generated by at least some versions of rf-ace.
References ¶
The idea for (and trademark of the term) Random Forests originated with Leo Brieman and Adele Cuttler. Their code and paper's can be found at:
All code in CloudForest is original but some ideas for methods and optimizations were inspired by Timo Erkilla's rf-ace and Andy Liaw and Matthew Wiener randomForest R package based on Brieman and Cuttler's code:
The idea for Artificial Contrasts was found in: Eugene Tuv, Alexander Borisov, George Runger and Kari Torkkola's paper "Feature Selection with Ensembles, Artificial Variables, and Redundancy Elimination"
The idea for growing trees to minimize categorical entropy comes from Ross Quinlan's ID3:
"The Elements of Statistical Learning" 2nd edition by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman was also consulted during development.
Index ¶
- func NewRunningMeans(size int) *[]*RunningMean
- func SampleFirstN(deck *[]int, n int)
- func SampleWithReplacment(nSamples int, totalCases int) (cases []int)
- type AdaBoostTarget
- type BestSplitAllocs
- type BoostingTarget
- type CatBallot
- type CatBallotBox
- type CatMap
- type EntropyTarget
- type Feature
- func (f *Feature) BestCatSplit(target Target, cases *[]int, parentImp float64, maxEx int, ...) (bestSplit int, impurityDecrease float64)
- func (f *Feature) BestCatSplitBig(target Target, cases *[]int, parentImp float64, maxEx int, ...) (bestSplit *big.Int, impurityDecrease float64)
- func (f *Feature) BestCatSplitIter(target Target, cases *[]int, parentImp float64, allocs *BestSplitAllocs) (bestSplit int, impurityDecrease float64)
- func (f *Feature) BestCatSplitIterBig(target Target, cases *[]int, parentImp float64, allocs *BestSplitAllocs) (bestSplit *big.Int, impurityDecrease float64)
- func (f *Feature) BestNumSplit(target Target, cases *[]int, parentImp float64, allocs *BestSplitAllocs) (bestSplit float64, impurityDecrease float64)
- func (f *Feature) BestSplit(target Target, cases *[]int, parentImp float64, allocs *BestSplitAllocs) (bestNum float64, bestCat int, bestBigCat *big.Int, impurityDecrease float64)
- func (f *Feature) DecodeSplit(num float64, cat int, bigCat *big.Int) (s *Splitter)
- func (f *Feature) FilterMissing(cases *[]int, filtered *[]int)
- func (f *Feature) FindPredicted(cases []int) (pred string)
- func (target *Feature) Gini(cases *[]int) (e float64)
- func (target *Feature) GiniWithoutAlocate(cases *[]int, counts *[]int) (e float64)
- func (target *Feature) Impurity(cases *[]int, counter *[]int) (e float64)
- func (f *Feature) ImputeMissing()
- func (target *Feature) Mean(cases *[]int) (m float64)
- func (target *Feature) MeanSquaredError(cases *[]int, predicted float64) (e float64)
- func (f *Feature) Mode(cases *[]int) (m string)
- func (f *Feature) Modei(cases *[]int) (m int)
- func (target *Feature) NumImp(cases *[]int) (e float64)
- func (f *Feature) ShuffledCopy() (fake *Feature)
- func (target *Feature) SplitImpurity(l []int, r []int, counter *[]int) (impurityDecrease float64)
- type FeatureMatrix
- type Forest
- type ForestReader
- type ForestWriter
- func (fw *ForestWriter) DescribeMap(input map[string]bool) string
- func (fw *ForestWriter) WriteForest(forest *Forest)
- func (fw *ForestWriter) WriteForestHeader(target string, ntrees int)
- func (fw *ForestWriter) WriteNode(n *Node, path string)
- func (fw *ForestWriter) WriteNodeAndChildren(n *Node, path string)
- func (fw *ForestWriter) WriteTree(tree *Tree, ntree int)
- func (fw *ForestWriter) WriteTreeHeader(ntree int, target string, weight float64)
- type GradBoostTarget
- type L1Target
- type Leaf
- type Node
- type NumBallotBox
- type Recursable
- type RegretTarget
- type RunningMean
- type SortableFeature
- type SparseCounter
- type Splitter
- type Target
- type Tree
- func (t *Tree) AddNode(path string, pred string, splitter *Splitter)
- func (t *Tree) GetLeaves(fm *FeatureMatrix, fbycase *SparseCounter) []Leaf
- func (t *Tree) GetSplits(fm *FeatureMatrix, fbycase *SparseCounter, relativeSplitCount *SparseCounter) []Splitter
- func (t *Tree) Grow(fm *FeatureMatrix, target Target, cases []int, candidates []int, mTry int, ...)
- func (t *Tree) Partition(fm *FeatureMatrix) *[][]int
- func (t *Tree) Vote(fm *FeatureMatrix, bb VoteTallyer)
- func (t *Tree) VoteCases(fm *FeatureMatrix, bb VoteTallyer, cases []int)
- type VoteTallyer
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func NewRunningMeans ¶
func NewRunningMeans(size int) *[]*RunningMean
func SampleFirstN ¶
SampleFirstN ensures that the first n entries in the supplied deck are randomly drawn from all entries without replacement for use in selecting candidate features to split on. It accepts a pointer to the deck so that it can be used repeatedly on the same deck avoiding reallocations.
func SampleWithReplacment ¶
SampleWithReplacment samples nSamples random draws from [0,totalCases) with replacement for use in selecting cases to grow a tree from.
Types ¶
type AdaBoostTarget ¶
AdaBoostTarget wraps a numerical feature as a target for us in Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost)
func NewAdaBoostTarget ¶
func NewAdaBoostTarget(f *Feature) (abt *AdaBoostTarget)
func (*AdaBoostTarget) Boost ¶
func (t *AdaBoostTarget) Boost(leaves *[][]int) (weight float64)
func (*AdaBoostTarget) Impurity ¶
func (target *AdaBoostTarget) Impurity(cases *[]int, counter *[]int) (e float64)
AdaBoostTarget.Impurity is an AdaBoosting that uses the weights specified in AdaBoostTarget.weights.
func (*AdaBoostTarget) SplitImpurity ¶
func (target *AdaBoostTarget) SplitImpurity(l []int, r []int, counter *[]int) (impurityDecrease float64)
AdaBoostTarget.SplitImpurity is an AdaBoosting version of SplitImpurity.
type BestSplitAllocs ¶
type BestSplitAllocs struct { Left *[]int Right *[]int NonMissing *[]int Counter *[]int Sorter *SortableFeature }
BestSplitAllocs contains reusable allocations for split searching.
func NewBestSplitAllocs ¶
func NewBestSplitAllocs(nTotalCases int, target Target) (bsa *BestSplitAllocs)
NewBestSplitAllocs initializes all of the reusable allocations for split searching to the appropriate size. nTotalCases should be number of total cases in the feature matrix being analyzed.
type BoostingTarget ¶
type BoostingTarget interface { NCats() (n int) SplitImpurity(l []int, r []int, counter *[]int) (impurityDecrease float64) Impurity(cases *[]int, counter *[]int) (impurity float64) Boost(partition *[][]int) (weight float64) FindPredicted(cases []int) (pred string) }
type CatBallot ¶
Cat ballot is used insideof CatBallotBox to record catagorical votes in a thread safe manner.
func NewCatBallot ¶
func NewCatBallot() (cb *CatBallot)
NewCatBallot returns a pointer to an initalized CatBallot with a 0 size Map.
type CatBallotBox ¶
type CatBallotBox struct { *CatMap // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Keeps track of votes by trees in a thread safe manner.
func NewCatBallotBox ¶
func NewCatBallotBox(size int) *CatBallotBox
Build a new ballot box for the number of cases specified by "size".
func (*CatBallotBox) Tally ¶
func (bb *CatBallotBox) Tally(i int) (predicted string)
TallyCatagorical tallies the votes for the case specified by i as if it is a Categorical or boolean feature. Ie it returns the mode (the most frequent value) of all votes.
func (*CatBallotBox) TallyError ¶
func (bb *CatBallotBox) TallyError(feature *Feature) (e float64)
Tally error returns the balanced classification error for categorical features.
1 - sum((sum(Y(xi)=Y'(xi))/|xi|))
where Y are the labels Y' are the estimated labels xi is the set of samples with the ith actual label
Case for which the true category is not known are ignored.
type CatMap ¶
type CatMap struct { Map map[string]int //map categories from string to Num Back []string // map categories from Num to string }
CatMap is for mapping categorical values to integers. It contains:
Map : a map of ints by the string used for the category Back : a slice of strings by the int that represents them
And is embedded by Feature and CatBallotBox.
type EntropyTarget ¶
type EntropyTarget struct {
EntropyTarget wraps a categorical feature for use in entropy driven classification as in Ross Quinlan's ID3 (Iterative Dichotomizer 3).
func NewEntropyTarget ¶
func NewEntropyTarget(f *Feature) *EntropyTarget
NewEntropyTarget creates a RefretTarget and initializes EntropyTarget.Costs to the proper length.
func (*EntropyTarget) Impurity ¶
func (target *EntropyTarget) Impurity(cases *[]int, counts *[]int) (e float64)
EntropyTarget.Impurity implements categorical entropy as sum(pj*log2(pj)) where pj is the number of cases with the j'th category over the total number of cases.
func (*EntropyTarget) SplitImpurity ¶
func (target *EntropyTarget) SplitImpurity(l []int, r []int, counter *[]int) (impurityDecrease float64)
EntropyTarget.SplitImpurity is a version of Split Impurity that calls EntropyTarget.Impurity
type Feature ¶
type Feature struct { *CatMap NumData []float64 CatData []int Missing []bool Numerical bool Name string RandomSearch bool }
Feature is a structure representing a single feature in a feature matrix. It contains: An embedded CatMap (may only be instantiated for cat data)
NumData : A slice of floates used for numerical data and nil otherwise CatData : A slice of ints for categorical data and nil otherwise Missing : A slice of bools indicating missing values. Measure this for length. Numerical : is the feature numerical Name : the name of the feature
func ParseFeature ¶
ParseFeature parses a Feature from an array of strings and a capacity capacity is the number of cases and will usually be len(record)-1 but but doesn't need to be calculated for every row of a large file. The type of the feature us inferred from the start of the first (header) field in record: "N:"" indicating numerical, anything else (usually "C:" and "B:") for categorical
func (*Feature) BestCatSplit ¶
func (f *Feature) BestCatSplit(target Target, cases *[]int, parentImp float64, maxEx int, allocs *BestSplitAllocs) (bestSplit int, impurityDecrease float64)
BestCatSplit performs an exhaustive search for the split that minimizes impurity in the specified target for categorical features with less then 31 categories. It expects to be provided for cases fir which the feature is not missing.
This implementation follows Brieman's implementation and the R/Matlab implementations based on it use exhaustive search for when there are less than 25/10 categories and random splits above that.
Searching is implemented via bitwise operations vs an incrementing or random int (32 bit) for speed but will currently only work when there are less then 31 categories. Use one of the Big functions above that.
The best split is returned as an int for which the bits corresponding to categories that should be sent left has been flipped. This can be decoded into a splitter using DecodeSplit on the training feature and should not be applied to testing data without doing so as the order of categories may have changed.
allocs contains pointers to reusable structures for use while searching for the best split and should be initialized to the proper size with NewBestSplitAlocs.
func (*Feature) BestCatSplitBig ¶
func (f *Feature) BestCatSplitBig(target Target, cases *[]int, parentImp float64, maxEx int, allocs *BestSplitAllocs) (bestSplit *big.Int, impurityDecrease float64)
BestCatSplitBig performs a random/exhaustive search to find the split that minimizes impurity in the specified target. It expects to be provided for cases fir which the feature is not missing.
Searching is implemented via bitwise on Big.Ints to handle large n categorical features but BestCatSplit should be used for n <31.
The best split is returned as a BigInt for which the bits corresponding to categories that should be sent left has been flipped. This can be decoded into a splitter using DecodeSplit on the training feature and should not be applied to testing data without doing so as the order of categories may have changed.
allocs contains pointers to reusable structures for use while searching for the best split and should be initialized to the proper size with NewBestSplitAlocs.
func (*Feature) BestCatSplitIter ¶
func (f *Feature) BestCatSplitIter(target Target, cases *[]int, parentImp float64, allocs *BestSplitAllocs) (bestSplit int, impurityDecrease float64)
BestCatSplitIter performs an iterative search to find the split that minimizes impurity in the specified target. It expects to be provided for cases fir which the feature is not missing.
Searching is implemented via bitwise ops on ints (32 bit) for speed but will currently only work when there are <31 categories. Use BigInterBestCatSplit above that.
The best split is returned as an int for which the bits corresponding to categories that should be sent left has been flipped. This can be decoded into a splitter using DecodeSplit on the training feature and should not be applied to testing data without doing so as the order of categories may have changed.
allocs contains pointers to reusable structures for use while searching for the best split and should be initialized to the proper size with NewBestSplitAlocs.
func (*Feature) BestCatSplitIterBig ¶
func (f *Feature) BestCatSplitIterBig(target Target, cases *[]int, parentImp float64, allocs *BestSplitAllocs) (bestSplit *big.Int, impurityDecrease float64)
BestCatSplitIterBig performs an iterative search to find the split that minimizes impurity in the specified target. It expects to be provided for cases fir which the feature is not missing.
Searching is implemented via bitwise on integers for speed but will currently only work when there are less categories then the number of bits in an int.
The best split is returned as an int for which the bits corresponding to categories that should be sent left has been flipped. This can be decoded into a splitter using DecodeSplit on the training feature and should not be applied to testing data without doing so as the order of categories may have changed.
allocs contains pointers to reusable structures for use while searching for the best split and should be initialized to the proper size with NewBestSplitAlocs.
func (*Feature) BestNumSplit ¶
func (f *Feature) BestNumSplit(target Target, cases *[]int, parentImp float64, allocs *BestSplitAllocs) (bestSplit float64, impurityDecrease float64)
BestNumSsplit searches over the possible splits of cases that can be made with f and returns the one that minimizes the impurity of the target and the impurity decrease.
It expects to be provided for cases fir which the feature is not missing.
It searches by sorting the cases by the potential splitter and then evaluating each "gap" between cases with non equal value as a potential split.
allocs contains pointers to reusable structures for use while searching for the best split and should be initialized to the proper size with NewBestSplitAlocs.
func (*Feature) BestSplit ¶
func (f *Feature) BestSplit(target Target, cases *[]int, parentImp float64, allocs *BestSplitAllocs) (bestNum float64, bestCat int, bestBigCat *big.Int, impurityDecrease float64)
BestSplit finds the best split of the features that can be achieved using the specified target and cases. It returns a Splitter and the decrease in impurity.
allocs contains pointers to reusable structures for use while searching for the best split and should be initialized to the proper size with NewBestSplitAlocs.
func (*Feature) DecodeSplit ¶
Decode split builds a splitter from the numeric values returned by BestNumSplit or BestCatSplit. Numeric splitters are decoded to send values <= num left. Categorical splitters are decoded to send categorical values for which the bit in cat is 1 left.
func (*Feature) FilterMissing ¶
FilterMissing loops over the cases and appends them into filtered. For most use cases filtered should have zero length before you begin as it is not reset internally
func (*Feature) FindPredicted ¶
Find predicted takes the indexes of a set of cases and returns the predicted value. For categorical features this is a string containing the most common category and for numerical it is the mean of the values.
func (*Feature) Gini ¶
Gini returns the gini impurity for the specified cases in the feature gini impurity is calculated as 1 - Sum(fi^2) where fi is the fraction of cases in the ith catagory.
func (*Feature) GiniWithoutAlocate ¶
giniWithoutAlocate calculates gini impurity using the supplied counter which must be a slice with length equal to the number of cases. This allows you to reduce allocations but the counter will also contain per category counts.
func (*Feature) Impurity ¶
Impurity returns Gini impurity or mean squared error vs the mean for a set of cases depending on weather the feature is categorical or numerical
func (*Feature) ImputeMissing ¶
func (f *Feature) ImputeMissing()
ImputeMissing imputes the missing values in a feature to the mean or mode of the feature.
func (*Feature) MeanSquaredError ¶
MeanSquaredError returns the Mean Squared error of the cases specified vs the predicted value. Only non missing cases are considered.
func (*Feature) NumImp ¶
Numerical Impurity returns the mean squared error vs the mean calculated with a two pass algorythem.
func (*Feature) ShuffledCopy ¶
ShuffledCopy returns a shuffled version of f for use as an artificial contrast in evaluation of importance scores. The new feature will be named featurename:SHUFFLED
func (*Feature) SplitImpurity ¶
SplitImpurity calculates the impurity of a split into the specified left and right groups. This is defined as pLi*(tL)+pR*i(tR) where pL and pR are the probability of case going left or right and i(tl) i(tR) are the left and right impurities.
Counter is only used for categorical targets and should have the same length as the number of categories in the target.
type FeatureMatrix ¶
FeatureMatrix contains a slice of Features and a Map to look of the index of a feature by its string id.
func ParseAFM ¶
func ParseAFM(input io.Reader) *FeatureMatrix
Parse an AFM (annotated feature matrix) out of an io.Reader AFM format is a tsv with row and column headers where the row headers start with N: indicating numerical, C: indicating categorical or B: indicating boolean For this parser features without N: are assumed to be categorical
func (*FeatureMatrix) AddContrasts ¶
func (fm *FeatureMatrix) AddContrasts(n int)
AddContrasts appends n artificial contrast features to a feature matrix. These features are generated by randomly selecting (with replacement) an existing feature and creating a shuffled copy named featurename:SHUFFLED.
These features can be used as a contrast to evaluate the importance score's assigned to actual features.
func (*FeatureMatrix) BestSplitter ¶
func (fm *FeatureMatrix) BestSplitter(target Target, cases []int, candidates []int, allocs *BestSplitAllocs) (s *Splitter, impurityDecrease float64)
BestSplitter finds the best splitter from a number of candidate features to slit on by looping over all features and calling BestSplit.
itter tells the splitter to use iterative (instead of random) searches for large categorical features.
splitmissing tells the splitter to keep missing features in a third branch at each node.
allocs contains pointers to reusable structures for use while searching for the best split and should be initialized to the proper size with NewBestSplitAlocs.
func (*FeatureMatrix) ContrastAll ¶
func (fm *FeatureMatrix) ContrastAll()
ContrastAll adds shuffled copies of every feature to the feature matrix. These features are generated by randomly selecting (with replacement) an existing feature and creating a shuffled copy named featurename:SHUFFLED.
These features can be used as a contrast to evaluate the importance score's assigned to actual features. ContrastAll is particularly useful vs AddContrast when one wishes to identify [pseudo] unique identifiers that might lead to over fitting.
func (*FeatureMatrix) ImputeMissing ¶
func (fm *FeatureMatrix) ImputeMissing()
ImputeMissing imputes missing values in all features to the mean or mode of the feature.
type Forest ¶
Forest represents a collection of decision trees grown to predict Target.
func GrowRandomForest ¶
func GrowRandomForest(fm *FeatureMatrix, target *Feature, nSamples int, mTry int, nTrees int, leafSize int, splitmissing bool, importance *[]*RunningMean) (f *Forest)
type ForestReader ¶
type ForestReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ForestReader wraps an io.Reader to reads a forest. It includes ReadForest for reading an entire forest or ReadTree for reading a forest tree by tree. The forest should be in .sf format see the package doc's in doc.go for full format details. It ignores fields that are not use by CloudForest.
func NewForestReader ¶
func NewForestReader(r io.Reader) *ForestReader
NewForestReader wraps the supplied io.Reader as a ForestReader.
func (*ForestReader) ParseRfAcePredictorLine ¶
func (fr *ForestReader) ParseRfAcePredictorLine(line string) map[string]string
ParseRfAcePredictorLine parses a single line of an rf-ace sf "stochastic forest" and returns a map[string]string of the key value pairs.
func (*ForestReader) ReadForest ¶
func (fr *ForestReader) ReadForest() (forest *Forest, err error)
ForestReader.ReadForest reads the next forest from the underlying reader. If io.EOF or another error is encountered it returns that.
func (*ForestReader) ReadTree ¶
func (fr *ForestReader) ReadTree() (tree *Tree, forest *Forest, err error)
ForestReader.ReadTree reads the next tree from the underlying reader. If the next tree is in a new forest it returns a forest object as well. If an io.EOF or other error is encountered it returns that as well as any partially parsed structs.
type ForestWriter ¶
type ForestWriter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ForestWriter wraps an io writer with functionality to write forests either with one call to WriteForest or incrementally using WriteForestHeader and WriteTree. ForestWriter saves a forest in .sf format; see the package doc's in doc.go for full format details. It won't include fields that are not use by CloudForest.
func NewForestWriter ¶
func NewForestWriter(w io.Writer) *ForestWriter
NewForestWriter returns a pointer to a new ForestWriter.
func (*ForestWriter) DescribeMap ¶
func (fw *ForestWriter) DescribeMap(input map[string]bool) string
DescribeMap serializes the "left" map of a categorical splitter.
func (*ForestWriter) WriteForest ¶
func (fw *ForestWriter) WriteForest(forest *Forest)
WriteForest writes an entire forest including all headers.
func (*ForestWriter) WriteForestHeader ¶
func (fw *ForestWriter) WriteForestHeader(target string, ntrees int)
WriteForestHeader writes only the header of a forest.
func (*ForestWriter) WriteNode ¶
func (fw *ForestWriter) WriteNode(n *Node, path string)
WriteNode writes a single node but not it's children. WriteTree will be used more often but WriteNode can be used to grow a large tree directly to disk without storing it in memory.
func (*ForestWriter) WriteNodeAndChildren ¶
func (fw *ForestWriter) WriteNodeAndChildren(n *Node, path string)
WriteNodeAndChildren recursively writes out the target node and all of its children. WriteTree is preferred for most use cases.
func (*ForestWriter) WriteTree ¶
func (fw *ForestWriter) WriteTree(tree *Tree, ntree int)
WriteTree writes an entire Tree including the header.
func (*ForestWriter) WriteTreeHeader ¶
func (fw *ForestWriter) WriteTreeHeader(ntree int, target string, weight float64)
WrieTreeHeader writes only the header line for a tree.
type GradBoostTarget ¶
GradBoostTarget wraps a numerical feature as a target for us in Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost)
func (*GradBoostTarget) Boost ¶
func (f *GradBoostTarget) Boost(leaves *[][]int) (weight float64)
func (*GradBoostTarget) Update ¶
func (f *GradBoostTarget) Update(cases *[]int)
Update updates the underlying numeric data by subtracting the mean*weight of the specified cases from the value for those cases.
type L1Target ¶
type L1Target struct {
L1Target wraps a numerical feature as a target for us in l1 norm regression.
func (*L1Target) Impurity ¶
L1Target.Impurity is an L1 version of impurity returning L1 instead of squared error.
func (*L1Target) MeanL1Error ¶
L1Target.MeanL1Error returns the Mean L1 norm error of the cases specified vs the predicted value. Only non missing cases are considered.
type Leaf ¶
Leaf is a struct for storing the index of the cases at a terminal "Leaf" node along with the Numeric predicted value.
type Node ¶
A node of a decision tree. Pred is a string containing either the category or a representation of a float (less then ideal)
func (*Node) Recurse ¶
func (n *Node) Recurse(r Recursable, fm *FeatureMatrix, cases []int, depth int)
Recurse is used to apply a Recursable function at every downstream node as the cases specified by case []int are split using the data in fm *Featurematrix. Recursion down a branch stops when a a node with n.Splitter == nil is reached. Recursion down the Missing branch is only used if n.Missing!=nil. For example votes can be tabulated using code like:
t.Root.Recurse(func(n *Node, cases []int) { if n.Left == nil && n.Right == nil { // I'm in a leaf node for i := 0; i < len(cases); i++ { bb.Vote(cases[i], n.Pred) } } }, fm, cases)
type NumBallotBox ¶
type NumBallotBox struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Keeps track of votes by trees. Voteing is thread safe.
func NewNumBallotBox ¶
func NewNumBallotBox(size int) *NumBallotBox
Build a new ballot box for the number of cases specified by "size".
func (*NumBallotBox) Tally ¶
func (bb *NumBallotBox) Tally(i int) (predicted string)
func (*NumBallotBox) TallyError ¶
func (bb *NumBallotBox) TallyError(feature *Feature) (e float64)
Tally error returns the error of the votes vs the provided feature. For categorical features it returns the error rate For numerical features it returns mean squared error. The provided feature must use the same index as the feature matrix the ballot box was constructed with. Missing values are ignored. Gini impurity is not used so this is not for use in rf implementations.
func (*NumBallotBox) TallyNum ¶
func (bb *NumBallotBox) TallyNum(i int) (predicted float64)
TallyNumerical tallies the votes for the case specified by i as if it is a Numerical feature. Ie it returns the mean of all votes.
type Recursable ¶
Recursable defines a function signature for functions that can be called at every down stream node of a tree as Node.Recurse recurses up the tree. The function should have two parameters, the current node and an array of ints specifying the cases that have not been split away.
type RegretTarget ¶
RegretTarget wraps a categorical feature for use in regret driven classification. The ith entry in costs should contain the cost of misclassifying a case that actually has the ith category.
func NewRegretTarget ¶
func NewRegretTarget(f *Feature) *RegretTarget
NewRegretTarget creates a RefretTarget and initializes RegretTarget.Costs to the proper length.
func (*RegretTarget) Impurity ¶
func (target *RegretTarget) Impurity(cases *[]int, counter *[]int) (e float64)
RegretTarget.Impurity implements a simple regret function that finds the average cost of a set using the misclassification costs in RegretTarget.Costs.
func (*RegretTarget) SetCosts ¶
func (target *RegretTarget) SetCosts(costmap map[string]float64)
RegretTarget.SetCosts puts costs in a map[string]float64 by feature name into the proper entries in RegretTarget.Costs.
func (*RegretTarget) SplitImpurity ¶
func (target *RegretTarget) SplitImpurity(l []int, r []int, counter *[]int) (impurityDecrease float64)
RegretTarget.SplitImpurity is a version of Split Impurity that calls RegretTarget.Impurity
type RunningMean ¶
RunningMean is a thread safe strut for keeping track of running means as used in importance calculations. (TODO: could this be made lock free?)
func (*RunningMean) Add ¶
func (rm *RunningMean) Add(val float64)
RunningMean.Add add's the specified value to the running mean in a thread safe way.
func (*RunningMean) Read ¶
func (rm *RunningMean) Read() (mean float64, count float64)
RunningMean.Read reads the mean and count
func (*RunningMean) WeightedAdd ¶
func (rm *RunningMean) WeightedAdd(val float64, weight float64)
RunningMean.Add add's the specified value to the running mean in a thread safe way.
type SortableFeature ¶
Sortable feature is a wrapper for a feature and set of cases that satisfies the sort.Interface interface so that the case indexes in Cases can be sorted using sort.Sort
func (SortableFeature) Less ¶
func (sf SortableFeature) Less(i int, j int) bool
Less determines if the ith case is less then the jth case.
func (SortableFeature) Swap ¶
func (sf SortableFeature) Swap(i int, j int)
Swap exchanges the ith and jth cases.
type SparseCounter ¶
Sparse counter uses maps to track sparse integer counts in large matrix. The matrix is assumed to contain zero values where nothing has been added.
func (*SparseCounter) Add ¶
func (sc *SparseCounter) Add(i int, j int, val int)
Add increases the count in i,j by val.
func (*SparseCounter) WriteTsv ¶
func (sc *SparseCounter) WriteTsv(writer io.Writer)
Write tsv writes the non zero counts out into a three column tsv containing i, j, and count in the columns.
type Splitter ¶
Splitter contains fields that can be used to cases by a single feature. The split can be either numerical in which case it is defined by the Value field or categorical in which case it is defined by the Left and Right fields.
type Target ¶
type Target interface { NCats() (n int) SplitImpurity(l []int, r []int, counter *[]int) (impurityDecrease float64) Impurity(cases *[]int, counter *[]int) (impurity float64) FindPredicted(cases []int) (pred string) }
Target abstracts the methods needed for a feature to be predictable as either a catagroical or numerical feature in a random forest.
type Tree ¶
Tree represents a single decision tree.
func (*Tree) AddNode ¶
AddNode adds a node a the specified path with the specified pred value and/or Splitter. Paths are specified in the same format as in rf-aces sf files, as a string of 'L' and 'R'. Nodes must be added from the root up as the case where the path specifies a node whose parent does not already exist in the tree is not handled well.
func (*Tree) GetLeaves ¶
func (t *Tree) GetLeaves(fm *FeatureMatrix, fbycase *SparseCounter) []Leaf
GetLeaves is called by the leaf count utility to gather statistics about the nodes of a tree including the sets of cases at "leaf" nodes that aren't split further and the number of times each feature is used to split away each case.
func (*Tree) GetSplits ¶
func (t *Tree) GetSplits(fm *FeatureMatrix, fbycase *SparseCounter, relativeSplitCount *SparseCounter) []Splitter
GetSplits returns the arrays of all Numeric splitters of a tree.
func (*Tree) Grow ¶
func (t *Tree) Grow(fm *FeatureMatrix, target Target, cases []int, candidates []int, mTry int, leafSize int, splitmissing bool, importance *[]*RunningMean, allocs *BestSplitAllocs)
tree.Grow grows the receiver tree through recursion. It uses impurity decrease to select splitters at each node as in Brieman's Random Forest. It should be called on a tree with only a root node defined.
fm is a feature matrix of training data.
target is the feature to predict via regression or classification as determined by feature type.
cases specifies the cases to calculate impurity decrease over and can contain repeated values to allow for sampling of cases with replacement as in RF.
mTry specifies the number of candidate features to evaluate for each split.
leafSize specifies the minimum number of cases at a leafNode.
func (*Tree) Partition ¶
func (t *Tree) Partition(fm *FeatureMatrix) *[][]int
func (*Tree) Vote ¶
func (t *Tree) Vote(fm *FeatureMatrix, bb VoteTallyer)
Tree.Vote casts a vote for the predicted value of each case in fm *FeatureMatrix. into bb *BallotBox. Since BallotBox is not thread safe trees should not vote into the same BallotBox in parallel.
func (*Tree) VoteCases ¶
func (t *Tree) VoteCases(fm *FeatureMatrix, bb VoteTallyer, cases []int)
Tree.VoteCases casts a vote for the predicted value of each case in fm *FeatureMatrix. into bb *BallotBox. Since BallotBox is not thread safe trees should not vote into the same BallotBox in parallel.
type VoteTallyer ¶
type VoteTallyer interface { Vote(casei int, pred string, weight float64) TallyError(feature *Feature) float64 Tally(casei int) string }
VoteTallyer is used to tabulate votes by trees and is implemented by feature type specific structs like NumBallotBox and CatBallotBox. Vote should register a cote that casei should be predicted as pred. TallyError returns the error vs the supplied feature.
Source Files ¶
- adaboosttarget.go
- boostingtarget.go
- catballotbox.go
- catmap.go
- doc.go
- entropytarget.go
- feature.go
- featurematrix.go
- forestreader.go
- forestwriter.go
- forrest.go
- gradboosttarget.go
- l1target.go
- node.go
- numballotbox.go
- regrettarget.go
- sortablefeature.go
- splitallocations.go
- splitter.go
- target.go
- tree.go
- utils.go
- voter.go