Package gotrino-make/cmd/gotrino-make contains a program to build or serve with hot deployment a gotrino wasm project.
usage and example
# install into ~/go/bin
GO111MODULE=off GOPROXY=direct go get -u
# create a new wasm project
mkdir -p ~/tmp/gotrino-test/cmd/wasm
cd ~/tmp/gotrino-test
go mod init
# by convention, there must be a main package in cmd/wasm as an entry point
cat > cmd/wasm/main.go << EOL
package main
import (
func main() {
// start your actual application, better refactor it into a call to internal/app
// keep wasm alive, e.g. for click listeners
select {}
func run(){
// show error, if run fails with panic
defer dom.GlobalPanicHandler()
// render some component or html
gotrino.RenderBody(button.NewTextButton("hello world",func(){
panic("not yet implemented")
# make nice
gofmt -w cmd/wasm/main.go
# build for productive deployment
gotrino-make -dir=./dist build
# serve and rebuild automatically. Use to be able to connect with your smartphone (security concern).
# Now change your file and note that the browser will automatically reload the page.
gotrino-make -host= -www=. serve
gotrino-make options
gotrino-make -h
Usage gotrino-make:
enable debug logging output for gotrino-make.
-deploy-dst string
the remote folder to upload (default "/")
-deploy-host string
the host to deploy to
-deploy-password string
the host password to deploy to
-deploy-port int
the remote port (e.g. ftp) (default 21)
accept invalid certificates
-deploy-src string
the local folder to upload
-deploy-user string
the host user to deploy to
-dir string
the target output build directory. If empty a temporary folder is picked automatically.
-extra string
filename to a local json file, which contains extra BuildInfo values. Accessible in templates by {{.Extra}}
if set to true, all file hashes are always recalculated for each build instead of relying on ModTime.
if set to true, 'go generate' is invoked everytime before building.
-host string
the host to bind on. (default "localhost")
-port int
the port to bind to for the serve mode. (default 8080)
-templatePatterns string
file extensions which should be processed as text/template with BuildInfo. (default ".gohtml,.gocss,.gojs,.gojson,.goxml")
-www string
the directory which contains the go wasm module to build.
BuildInfo fields for templating
// BuildInfo provides some basic information about a gotrino build.
type BuildInfo struct {
// Time of this build.
Time time.Time
// Version contains a hash or something else which uniquely identifies this build.
Version string
// CompileError is nil or contains a compile error.
CompileError error
// HotReload is true, if the server should be polled at /api/v1/poll/version.
HotReload bool
// Wasm is true, if the web assembly (app.wasm) is available.
Wasm bool
// Commit may be empty, if the project is not contained in a git repository.
Commit string
// Host name.
Host string
// Compiler denotes the compiler which has created the wasm build.
Compiler string
// Extra may be nil or injected by user.
Extra interface{}
simple ftp deployment
To make things easier and have a "just deploy it" experience for your simple web space provider,
there is a trivial ftp implementation. Example:
gotrino-make -deploy-host=$FTP_HOST -deploy-user=$FTP_USER -deploy-password=$FTP_PASSWORD -deploy-src=<your www path> deploy-ftp