Harbor Operator
Harbor is a CNCF hosted open source trusted cloud-native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content. Harbor is composed on numerous stateful and stateless components and dependencies that may be deployed, updated, healed, backuped or scaled respecting some constraints.
The Harbor Operator provides an easy and solid solution to deploy and manage a full Harbor service stack including both the harbor service components and its relevant dependent services such as database, cache and storage services to the target Kubernetes clusters in a scalable and high-available way. The Harbor Operator defines a set of Harbor-related custom resources on top of Kubernetes Custom Resources. The Kubernetes API can then be used in a declarative way to manage Harbor deployment stack and ensure its scalability and high-availability operation, thanks to the Kubernetes control loop. The project harbor-operator aims to cover both Day1
and Day2
operations of an enterprise-grade Harbor deployment.
Harbor deployment stack is controlled by a custom Harbor resource HarborCluster
. HarborCluster owns the custom resource Harbor
that represents the Harbor own service stack, and the custom resources of the related dependent services (PostgreSQL, Redis and MinIO) that are required when deploying the full Harbor deployment stack.
- Provides strong flexibility to deploy different stacks of Harbor cluster (identified by
- Minimal stack: only required Harbor components
, Registry
, Registry Controller
, Job Service
and Portal
are provisioned.
- Standard stack: the optional Harbor components
, Trivy
, ChartMuseum
and Metrics Exporter
can be selected to enable.
- Full stack: both the Harbor components (required+optional) and also the related dependent services including the database (PostgreSQL), cache (Redis) and storage (MinIO) can be deployed into the Kubernetes cluster together with a scalable and high-available way.
- Supports configuring either external or in-cluster deployed dependent services
- Supports a variety of backend storage configurations
- filesystem: A storage driver configured to use a directory tree in the a kubernetes volume.
- s3: A driver storing objects in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket.
- swift: A driver storing objects in Openstack Swift.
- Supports updating the deployed Harbor cluster
- Adjust replicas of components
- Add the optional Harbor components
- Support upgrading the managed Harbor registry version
- Deletes all the linked resources when deleting the Harbor cluster
- Configures Harbor system settings with ConfigMap in a declarative way
- Support services exposed with ingress (
, gce
and ncp
Future features
- Auto-scaling for each component.
- Backup/restore data (registry layer, chartmuseum data, databases content).
- More backend storage configurations supported
- azure: A driver storing objects in Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.
- oss: A driver storing objects in Aliyun OSS.
- gcs: A driver storing objects in a Google Cloud Storage bucket.
- Supports updating the deployed Harbor cluster
- Remove the optional Harbor components
- CRD based day2 configuration
- Support services exposed with LoadBalancer
- More day2 operations (see PoC project)
- Auto mapping Kubernetes namespaces and Harbor project
- Pull secrets injections
- Container image path rewriting
- Transparent proxy cache settings
Getting started
For a quick first try follow the instructions of this tutorial.
Versions of the underlying components are listed below:
Components |
Harbor |
MinIO operator |
PostgreSQL operator |
Redis operator |
Versions |
2.2.1 [1] |
4.0.6 |
1.5.0 |
1.0.0 |
[1] Only one given Harbor version is supported in one operator version
Applicative Kubernetes versions
Harbor operator supports two extra Kubernetes versions besides the current latest version (n-2
Versions |
1.18 |
1.19 |
1.20 |
1.21 |
Compatibility |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
⭕ |
Cert manager versions
Harbor operator relies on cert manager to manage kinds of certificates used by Harbor cluster components. Table shown below lists the compatibilities of cert manager versions:
Versions |
<0.16 |
1.0.4 |
1.2.0 |
1.3.0 |
Compatibility |
✖ |
✔ |
✔ |
⭕ |
Ingress controller types
Harbor operator exposes the frontend service with ingress (CRD version: v1beta1
). Table shown below lists the ingress controller types supported.
Ingress Controller |
default |
gce |
ncp |
Compatibility |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Description |
Default ingress controller like NGINX |
Google Cloud Engine ingress controller |
NSX-T Container plugin ingress controller |
✔ : support
✖ : not support
⭕ : not verified (probably support)
Harbor operator project is developed and maintained by the Harbor operator workgroup. If you're willing to join the group and do contributions to operator project, welcome to contact us. Follow the Development guide to start on the project.
Special thanks to the contributors who did significant contributions.
Additional references
The operator was initially developed by OVHcloud and donated to the Harbor community as one of its governing projects in March 2020, becoming the basis of the official Harbor Operator.
OVHcloud uses the operator at scale to operate part of its private registry service. But the operator was designed in an agnostic way and it's continuing to evolve into a more pervasive architecture to bring values to any companies in search of deploying and managing one or multiple Harbor.
See LICENSE for licensing details.