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Package go-github-ratelimit
provides an http.RoundTripper implementation that handles secondary rate limit for the GitHub API.
The RoundTripper waits for the secondary rate limit to finish in a blocking mode and then issues/retries requests.
can be used with any HTTP client communicating with GitHub API.
It is meant to complement go-github, but there is no association between this repository and the go-github repository or Google.
go get github.com/gofri/go-github-ratelimit
Usage Example (with go-github and oauth2)
import "github.com/google/go-github/github"
import "golang.org/x/oauth2"
import "github.com/gofri/go-github-ratelimit/github_ratelimit"
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
ts := oauth2.StaticTokenSource(
oauth2.Token{AccessToken: "Your Personal Access Token"},
tc := oauth2.NewClient(ctx, ts)
rateLimiter, err := github_ratelimit.NewRateLimitWaiterClient(tc.Transport)
if err != nil {
client := github.NewClient(rateLimiter)
// now use the client as you please
The RoundTripper accepts a set of options:
- User Context: provide a context.Context to pass to callbacks.
- Single Sleep Limit: limit the sleep time for a single rate limit.
- Total Sleep Limit: limit the accumulated sleep time for all rate limits.
The RoundTripper accepts a set of optional callbacks:
- On Limit Detected: callback for when a rate limit that requires sleeping is detected.
- On Single Limit Exceeded: callback for when a rate limit that exceeds the single sleep limit is detected.
- On Total Limit Exceeded: callback for when a rate limit that exceeds the total sleep limit is detected.
note: to detect secondary rate limits and take a custom action without sleeping, use SingleSleepLimit=0 and OnSingleLimitExceeded().
Per-Request Options
Use WithOverrideConfig() to override the configuration for a specific request using a context.
Per-request overrides may be useful for special-cases of user requests,
as well as fine-grained policy control (e.g., for a sophisticated pagination mechanism).
This package is distributed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
Contribution and feedback is welcome.