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Microsoft .xlsx read/write for golang with high performance

Basic Usage


To get the package, execute:

go get github.com/gofika/xlsx

To import this package, add the following line to your code:

import "github.com/gofika/xlsx"
Create spreadsheet

Here is example usage that will create xlsx file.

package main

import (


func main() {
    doc := xlsx.NewFile()

    // open default sheet "Sheet1"
    sheet := doc.OpenSheet("Sheet1")

    // write values
    valueCol := ColumnNumber("B")
    sheet.SetCellValue(xlsx.ColumnNumber("A"), 1, "Name") // A1 = Name
    sheet.SetCellValue(xlsx.ColumnNumber("A"), 2, "Jason") // A2 = Json
    sheet.SetCellValue(xlsx.ColumnNumber("B"), 1, "Score") // B1 = Score
    sheet.SetCellValue(xlsx.ColumnNumber("B"), 2, 100) // B2 = 100
    // get cell style
    style := sheet.GetAxisCellStyle("A1")
    // set border style
    style.Border.BottomBorder = xlsx.BorderStyleThin
    style.Border.BottomBorderColor = xlsx.Color{
        Color: "FF0000",
    // set cell alignment
    style.Alignment.Horizontal = xlsx.HorizontalAlignmentCenter
    style.Alignment.Vertical = xlsx.VerticalAlignmentCenter
    // set font style
    style.Font.Bold = true
    // set cell style
    sheet.SetAxisCellStyle("A1", style)
    sheet.SetAxisCellStyle("B1", style)

    // time value
    sheet.SetAxisCellValue("C1", "Date") // C1 = Date
    sheet.SetAxisCellValue("C2", time.Date(1980, 9, 8, 23, 40, 10, 40, time.UTC)) // C2 = 1980-09-08 23:40

    // duration value
    sheet.SetAxisCellValue("D1", "Duration") // D1 = Duration
    sheet.SetAxisCellValue("D2", 30*time.Second) // D2 = 00:00:30

    // time value with custom format
    sheet.AxisCell("E1").SetStringValue("LastTime") // D1 = LastTime
        SetNumberFormat("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") // D2 = 2022-08-23 20:08:08 (your current time)

    // set formula

    // SetColumnStyle example
    fStyle := sheet.GetColumnStyle(xlsx.ColumnNumber("F"))
    fStyle.Alignment.Horizontal = xlsx.HorizontalAlignmentLeft
    fStyle.Alignment.Vertical = xlsx.VerticalAlignmentCenter
    sheet.SetColumnStyle(xlsx.ColumnNumber("F"), fStyle)

    // set cell border
    sheet.SetAxisCellBorder("F3", xlsx.BorderStyleThin, xlsx.Color{Color: "0000FF"}, true, true, true, true)

    // save to file
    if err := doc.SaveFile("Document1.xlsx"); err != nil {
Reading spreadsheet

The following constitutes the bare to read a spreadsheet document.

package main

import (


func main() {
    // open exists document
    doc, err := xlsx.OpenFile("Document1.xlsx")
    if err != nil {

    // open exists sheet
    sheet := doc.OpenSheet("Sheet2")

    // read cell string
    a1String := sheet.Cell(1, 1).GetStringValue()

    // cell object read
    cell := sheet.AxisCell("B2")
Write spreadsheet as stream

Write document as a stream.

package main

import (


func main() {
    // open file to write
    f, err := os.OpenFile("Document1.xlsx", os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
    if err != nil {
    defer f.Close()

    doc := xlsx.NewFile()

    // do something with doc
    // ...

    // write to file or any io.Writer as stream
NewFile with options

You can specify default configurations when calling xlsx.NewFile.

package main

import (


func main() {
    // set document: default font name, default font size, default sheet name
    doc := xlsx.NewFile(xlsx.WithDefaultFontName("Arial"), xlsx.WithDefaultFontSize(12), xlsx.WithDefaultSheetName("Tab1"))

    // do something with doc
    // ...


  • Basic File Format
  • File: NewFile, OpenFile, SaveFile, Save, Sheets
  • Sheet:
    • NewSheet, OpenSheet
    • Name, SetCellValue, Cell, AxisCell, SetAxisCellValue, SetColumnWidth, GetColumnWidth, MergeCell, SetColumnStyle, GetColumnStyle, MaxRow
  • Cell:
    • Row, Col
    • SetValue, SetIntValue, SetFloatValue, SetFloatValuePrec, SetStringValue, SetBoolValue, SetDefaultValue, SetTimeValue, SetDateValue, SetDurationValue, SetStyle, SetCellBorder, SetFormula
    • GetIntValue, GetStringValue, GetFloatValue, GetBoolValue, GetTimeValue, GetDurationValue, GetStyle, GetFormula
    • SetNumberFormat




View Source
const (
	VariantTypeVariant = "variant"
	VariantTypeVTLPSTR = "lpstr"


View Source
const BuiltInNumFmtMax = 163 // The maximum number of built-in number formats.


View Source
var (
	DefaultSheetName = "Sheet1"
	DefaultFontName  = "Microsoft YaHei"
	DefaultFontSize  = 11


func CellNameToCoordinates

func CellNameToCoordinates(cellName string) (col int, row int)

CellNameToCoordinates convert cell name to [col, row] coordinates


xlsx.CellNameToCoordinates("A1") // returns 1, 1
xlsx.CellNameToCoordinates("B5") // returns 2, 5

func ColumnName

func ColumnName(columnNumber int) (columnName string)

ColumnName convert the column number to column name


xlsx.ColumnName(51) // returns "AY"

func ColumnNumber

func ColumnNumber(columnName string) (columnNumber int)

ColumnNumber convert the column name to column number


xlsx.ColumnNumber("AY") // returns 51

func ColumnRange

func ColumnRange(columnRange string) (min, max int)

ColumnRange parse column range


xlsx.ColumnRange("A:Z") // returns 1, 26
xlsx.ColumnRange("Z:A") // returns 1, 26

func CoordinatesToCellName

func CoordinatesToCellName(col, row int) string

CoordinatesToCellName convert [col, row] coordinates to cell name


xlsx.CoordinatesToCellName(1, 1) // returns "A1"

func ExcelTimeToTime

func ExcelTimeToTime(excelTime decimal.Decimal) time.Time

ExcelTimeToTime convert excel time format to time.Time

func TimeToExcelTime

func TimeToExcelTime(t time.Time) decimal.Decimal

TimeToExcelTime convert time.Time to excel time format


type Alignment

type Alignment struct {
	Horizontal      HorizontalAlignment   // Specifies the type of horizontal alignment in cells.
	Indent          int                   // An integer value, where an increment of 1 represents 3 spaces. Indicates the number of spaces (of the normal style font) of indentation for text in a cell.
	JustifyLastLine bool                  // A boolean value indicating if the cells justified or distributed alignment should be used on the last line of text.
	ReadingOrder    AlignmentReadingOrder // An integer value indicating whether the reading order (bidirectionality) of the cell is left-to-right, right-to-left, or context dependent.
	RelativeIndent  int                   // An integer value (used only in a dxf element) to indicate the additional number of spaces of indentation to adjust for text in a cell.
	ShrinkToFit     bool                  // A boolean value indicating if the displayed text in the cell should be shrunk to fit the cell width. Not applicable when a cell contains multiple lines of text.
	TextRotation    int                   // Text rotation in cells. Expressed in degrees. Values range from 0 to 180. The first letter of the text is considered the center-point of the arc.
	Vertical        VerticalAlignment     // Vertical alignment in cells.
	WrapText        bool                  // A boolean value indicating if the text in a cell should be line-wrapped within the cell.

type AlignmentReadingOrder

type AlignmentReadingOrder int
const (
	AlignmentReadingOrderContextDependent AlignmentReadingOrder = iota

type Axis

type Axis string

func NewAxis

func NewAxis(col, row int) Axis

func (Axis) Add

func (a Axis) Add(col, row int) Axis

func (Axis) C

func (a Axis) C() (col, row int)

func (Axis) Col

func (a Axis) Col() int

func (Axis) Row

func (a Axis) Row() int

func (Axis) String

func (a Axis) String() string

type Border

type Border struct {
	OutsideBorder       BorderStyle
	OutsideBorderColor  Color
	InsideBorder        BorderStyle
	InsideBorderColor   Color
	LeftBorder          BorderStyle
	LeftBorderColor     Color
	RightBorder         BorderStyle
	RightBorderColor    Color
	TopBorder           BorderStyle
	TopBorderColor      Color
	BottomBorder        BorderStyle
	BottomBorderColor   Color
	DiagonalBorder      BorderStyle
	DiagonalBorderColor Color
	DiagonalUp          bool
	DiagonalDown        bool
	Outline             bool

type BorderStyle

type BorderStyle string
const (
	BorderStyleNone             BorderStyle = "none"
	BorderStyleThin             BorderStyle = "thin"
	BorderStyleMedium           BorderStyle = "medium"
	BorderStyleDashed           BorderStyle = "dashed"
	BorderStyleDotted           BorderStyle = "dotted"
	BorderStyleThick            BorderStyle = "thick"
	BorderStyleDouble           BorderStyle = "double"
	BorderStyleHair             BorderStyle = "hair"
	BorderStyleMediumDashed     BorderStyle = "mediumDashed"
	BorderStyleDashDot          BorderStyle = "dashDot"
	BorderStyleMediumDashDot    BorderStyle = "mediumDashDot"
	BorderStyleDashDotDot       BorderStyle = "dashDotDot"
	BorderStyleMediumDashDotDot BorderStyle = "mediumDashDotDot"
	BorderStyleSlantDashDot     BorderStyle = "slantDashDot"

type Cell

type Cell interface {
	// Row cell row number
	Row() int

	// Col cell col number
	Col() int

	// Axis cell axis
	Axis() Axis

	// SetValue provides to set the value of a cell
	// Allow Types:
	//     int
	//     int8
	//     int16
	//     int32
	//     int64
	//     uint
	//     uint8
	//     uint16
	//     uint32
	//     uint64
	//     float32
	//     float64
	//     string
	//     bool
	//     time.Time
	//     time.Duration
	//     []byte
	//     decimal.Decimal
	// Example:
	//     cell.SetValue(100)
	//     cell.SetValue("Hello")
	//     cell.SetValue(3.14)
	SetValue(value any) Cell

	// SetIntValue set cell for int type
	SetIntValue(value int) Cell

	// GetIntValue get cell value with int type
	GetIntValue() int

	// SetFloatValue set cell for decimal.Decimal type
	SetFloatValue(value decimal.Decimal) Cell

	// SetFloatValuePrec set cell for decimal.Decimal type with pres
	SetFloatValuePrec(value decimal.Decimal, prec int) Cell

	// GetFloatValue get cell value with decimal.Decimal type
	GetFloatValue() decimal.Decimal

	// SetStringValue set cell value for string type
	SetStringValue(value string) Cell

	// GetStringValue get cell value with string type
	GetStringValue() string

	// SetBoolValue set cell value for bool type
	SetBoolValue(value bool) Cell

	// GetBoolValue get cell value with bool type
	GetBoolValue() bool

	// SetDefaultValue set cell value without any type
	SetDefaultValue(value string) Cell

	// SetTimeValue set cell value for time.Time type
	// Example:
	//     cell.SetTimeValue(time.Now())
	SetTimeValue(value time.Time) Cell

	// GetTimeValue get cell value with time.Time type
	GetTimeValue() time.Time

	// SetDateValue set cell value for time.Time type with date format
	// Example:
	//     cell.SetDateValue(time.Now())
	SetDateValue(value time.Time) Cell

	// SetDurationValue set cell value for time.Duration type
	// Example:
	//     cell.SetDurationValue(10 * time.Second)
	SetDurationValue(value time.Duration) Cell

	// GetDurationValue get cell value with time.Duration type
	GetDurationValue() time.Duration

	// SetFormula set cell formula
	// Example:
	//     cell.SetFormula("SUM(A1:A10)")
	SetFormula(formula string) Cell

	// GetFormula get cell formula
	GetFormula() string

	// SetNumberFormat set cell number format with format code
	// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/documentformat.openxml.spreadsheet.numberingformat?view=openxml-2.8.1
	// Example:
	//     cell.SetNumberFormat("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss")
	SetNumberFormat(formatCode string) Cell

	// GetStyle get cell style
	GetStyle() Style

	// SetStyle set cell style
	SetStyle(style Style) Cell

	// SetCellBorder set cell border
	// Example:
	//     cell.SetCellBorder(BorderStyleThin, Color{Color: "00FF00"}, false, true, false, true)
	SetCellBorder(borderStyle BorderStyle, borderColor Color, top, right, bottom, left bool) Cell

Cell cell operator

type Color

type Color struct {
	ThemeColor ThemeColor
	Indexed    int
	Tint       decimal.Decimal
	Color      string

func (Color) IsZero

func (c Color) IsZero() bool

type File

type File interface {
	// SaveFile save xlsx file
	SaveFile(name string) error

	// Save save to steam
	Save(w io.Writer) error

	// OpenSheet open a exist Sheet by name
	// Example:
	//     sheet := file.OpenSheet("Sheet1")
	// return nil if sheet not exist
	OpenSheet(name string) Sheet

	// NewSheet create a new Sheet with sheet name
	// Example:
	//     sheet := file.NewSheet("Sheet2")
	NewSheet(name string) Sheet

	// Sheets return all sheet for operator
	Sheets() []Sheet

File define for operation xlsx file

func NewFile

func NewFile(opts ...Option) File

NewFile create a xlsx File

func OpenFile

func OpenFile(name string) (File, error)

OpenFile open a xlsx file for operator

func OpenFileReader

func OpenFileReader(r io.ReaderAt, size int64) (File, error)

OpenFileReader open a stream for operator

type Fill

type Fill struct {
	BackgroundColor Color
	PatternColor    Color
	PatternType     FillPattern

type FillPattern

type FillPattern string
const (
	FillPatternNone            FillPattern = "none"
	FillPatternSolid           FillPattern = "solid"
	FillPatternMediumGray      FillPattern = "mediumGray"
	FillPatternDarkGray        FillPattern = "darkGray"
	FillPatternLightGray       FillPattern = "lightGray"
	FillPatternDarkHorizontal  FillPattern = "darkHorizontal"
	FillPatternDarkVertical    FillPattern = "darkVertical"
	FillPatternDarkDown        FillPattern = "darkDown"
	FillPatternDarkUp          FillPattern = "darkUp"
	FillPatternDarkGrid        FillPattern = "darkGrid"
	FillPatternDarkTrellis     FillPattern = "darkTrellis"
	FillPatternLightHorizontal FillPattern = "lightHorizontal"
	FillPatternLightVertical   FillPattern = "lightVertical"
	FillPatternLightDown       FillPattern = "lightDown"
	FillPatternLightUp         FillPattern = "lightUp"
	FillPatternLightGrid       FillPattern = "lightGrid"
	FillPatternLightTrellis    FillPattern = "lightTrellis"
	FillPatternGray125         FillPattern = "gray125"
	FillPatternGray0625        FillPattern = "gray0625"

type Font

type Font struct {
	Bold                bool
	Italic              bool
	Underline           FontUnderline
	Strikethrough       bool
	VerticalAlignment   FontVerticalTextAlignment
	Shadow              bool
	FontSize            int
	FontColor           Color
	FontName            string
	FontFamilyNumbering FontFamilyNumbering
	FontCharSet         FontCharSet
	FontScheme          FontScheme
	Condense            bool
	Extend              bool
	Outline             bool

type FontCharSet

type FontCharSet int
const (
	FontCharSetAnsi        FontCharSet = 0   // ASCII character set.
	FontCharSetDefault     FontCharSet = 1   // System default character set.
	FontCharSetSymbol      FontCharSet = 2   // Symbol character set.
	FontCharSetMac         FontCharSet = 77  // Characters used by Macintosh.
	FontCharSetShiftJIS    FontCharSet = 128 // Japanese character set.
	FontCharSetHangul      FontCharSet = 129 // Korean character set.
	FontCharSetHangeul     FontCharSet = 129 // Another common spelling of the Korean character set.
	FontCharSetJohab       FontCharSet = 130 // Korean character set.
	FontCharSetGB2312      FontCharSet = 134 // Chinese character set used in mainland China.
	FontCharSetChineseBig5 FontCharSet = 136 // Chinese character set used mostly in Hong Kong SAR and Taiwan.
	FontCharSetGreek       FontCharSet = 161 // Greek character set.
	FontCharSetTurkish     FontCharSet = 162 // Turkish character set.
	FontCharSetVietnamese  FontCharSet = 163 // Vietnamese character set.
	FontCharSetHebrew      FontCharSet = 177 // Hebrew character set.
	FontCharSetArabic      FontCharSet = 178 // Arabic character set.
	FontCharSetBaltic      FontCharSet = 186 // Baltic character set.
	FontCharSetRussian     FontCharSet = 204 // Russian character set.
	FontCharSetThai        FontCharSet = 222 // Thai character set.
	FontCharSetEastEurope  FontCharSet = 238 // Eastern European character set.
	FontCharSetOEM         FontCharSet = 255 // Extended ASCII character set used with disk operating system (DOS) and some Microsoft Windows fonts.

type FontFamilyNumbering

type FontFamilyNumbering int
const (
	FontFamilyNumberingNotApplicable FontFamilyNumbering = iota

type FontScheme

type FontScheme string
const (
	FontSchemeNone  FontScheme = "none" // Not a part of theme scheme.
	FontSchemeMajor                     // A major font of a theme, generally used for headings.
	FontSchemeMinor                     // A minor font of a theme, generally used to body and paragraphs.

type FontUnderline

type FontUnderline string
const (
	FontUnderlineDouble           FontUnderline = "double"
	FontUnderlineDoubleAccounting FontUnderline = "doubleAccounting"
	FontUnderlineNone             FontUnderline = "none"
	FontUnderlineSingle           FontUnderline = "single"
	FontUnderlineSingleAccounting FontUnderline = "singleAccounting"

type FontVerticalTextAlignment

type FontVerticalTextAlignment string
const (
	FontVerticalTextAlignmentBaseline    FontVerticalTextAlignment = "baseline"
	FontVerticalTextAlignmentSubscript   FontVerticalTextAlignment = "subscript"
	FontVerticalTextAlignmentSuperscript FontVerticalTextAlignment = "superscript"

type HorizontalAlignment

type HorizontalAlignment string
const (
	HorizontalAlignmentGeneral          HorizontalAlignment = "general"
	HorizontalAlignmentCenter           HorizontalAlignment = "center"
	HorizontalAlignmentLeft             HorizontalAlignment = "left"
	HorizontalAlignmentRight            HorizontalAlignment = "right"
	HorizontalAlignmentFill             HorizontalAlignment = "fill"
	HorizontalAlignmentJustify          HorizontalAlignment = "justify"
	HorizontalAlignmentCenterContinuous HorizontalAlignment = "centerContinuous"
	HorizontalAlignmentDistributed      HorizontalAlignment = "distributed"

type NumberFormat

type NumberFormat struct {
	NumberFormatID int
	Format         string

type Option

type Option interface {

func WithDefaultFontName

func WithDefaultFontName(name string) Option

func WithDefaultFontSize

func WithDefaultFontSize(size int) Option

func WithDefaultSheetName

func WithDefaultSheetName(sheetName string) Option

type Sheet

type Sheet interface {
	// Name sheet name
	Name() string

	// SetCellValue set cell value
	// Example:
	//     sheet.SetCellValue(1, 1, "val") // A1 => "val"
	//     sheet.SetCellValue(2, 3, 98.01) // B3 => 98.01
	//     sheet.SetCellValue(3, 1, 1000) // C1 => 1000
	//     sheet.SetCellValue(4, 4, time.Now()) // D4 => "2021-03-11 05:19"
	SetCellValue(col, row int, value any) Cell

	// SetAxisCellValue set cell value
	// Example:
	//     sheet.SetAxisCellValue("A1", "val") // A1 => "val"
	//     sheet.SetAxisCellValue("B3", 98.01) // B3 => 98.01
	//     sheet.SetAxisCellValue("C1", 1000) // C1 => 1000
	//     sheet.SetAxisCellValue("D4", time.Now()) // D4 => "2021-03-11 05:19"
	SetAxisCellValue(axis Axis, value any) Cell

	// Cell get cell by cell col and row
	Cell(col, row int) Cell

	// AxisCell get cell by cell name
	AxisCell(axis Axis) Cell

	// SetColumnWidth set column width
	// Example:
	//     sheet.SetColumnWidth("A:B", 20)
	SetColumnWidth(columnRange string, width decimal.Decimal) Sheet

	// GetColumnWidth get column width
	// Example:
	//	sheet.GetColumnWidth("A") // returns 20
	GetColumnWidth(columnName string) decimal.Decimal

	// MergeCell merge cell
	// Example:
	//     sheet.MergeCell("A1", "B1")
	MergeCell(start Axis, end Axis) Sheet

	// GetCellStyle get cell style
	GetCellStyle(col, row int) Style

	// GetAxisCellStyle get cell style
	GetAxisCellStyle(axis Axis) Style

	// SetCellStyle set cell style
	SetCellStyle(col, row int, style Style) Sheet

	// SetAxisCellStyle set cell style
	SetAxisCellStyle(axis Axis, style Style) Sheet

	// GetColumnStyle get column style
	GetColumnStyle(col int) Style

	// SetColumnStyle set column style
	SetColumnStyle(col int, style Style) Sheet

	// SetCellBorder set cell border
	// Example:
	//     sheet.SetCellBorder(1, 1, BorderStyleThin, Color{Color: "FF0000"}, false, true, false, true)
	SetCellBorder(col, row int, borderStyle BorderStyle, borderColor Color, top, right, bottom, left bool) Sheet

	// SetAxisCellBorder set cell border
	// Example:
	//     sheet.SetAxisCellBorder("A1", BorderStyleThin, Color{Color: "FF0000"}, false, true, false, true)
	SetAxisCellBorder(axis Axis, borderStyle BorderStyle, borderColor Color, top, right, bottom, left bool) Sheet

	// MaxRow get max row
	MaxRow() int

Sheet sheet operator

type Style

type Style struct {
	Font               Font
	Alignment          Alignment
	Border             Border
	Fill               Fill
	IncludeQuotePrefix bool
	NumberFormat       NumberFormat

type ThemeColor

type ThemeColor int


const (
	ThemeColorDark1 ThemeColor = iota

type VerticalAlignment

type VerticalAlignment string
const (
	VerticalAlignmentGeneral     VerticalAlignment = "bottom"
	VerticalAlignmentTop         VerticalAlignment = "top"
	VerticalAlignmentBottom      VerticalAlignment = "bottom"
	VerticalAlignmentCenter      VerticalAlignment = "center"
	VerticalAlignmentJustify     VerticalAlignment = "justify"
	VerticalAlignmentDistributed VerticalAlignment = "distributed"


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL