
package module
v1.2.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 8, 2025 License: MIT Imports: 11 Imported by: 0


id: paseto


Release Discord Test Security Linter

PASETO returns a Web Token (PASETO) auth middleware.

  • For valid token, it sets the payload data in Ctx.Locals and calls next handler.
  • For invalid token, it returns "401 - Unauthorized" error.
  • For missing token, it returns "400 - BadRequest" error.

Note: Requires Go 1.18 and above


This middleware supports Fiber v2.

go get -u
go get -u
go get -u


pasetoware.New(config ...pasetoware.Config) func(*fiber.Ctx) error


Property Type Description Default
Next func(*Ctx) bool Defines a function to skip middleware nil
SuccessHandler func(*fiber.Ctx) error SuccessHandler defines a function which is executed for a valid token. c.Next()
ErrorHandler func(*fiber.Ctx, error) error ErrorHandler defines a function which is executed for an invalid token. 401 Invalid or expired PASETO
Validate PayloadValidator Defines a function to validate if payload is valid. Optional. In case payload used is created using CreateToken function. If token is created using another function, this function must be provided. nil
SymmetricKey []byte Secret key to encrypt token. If present the middleware will generate local tokens. nil
PrivateKey ed25519.PrivateKey Secret key to sign the tokens. If present (along with its PublicKey) the middleware will generate public tokens. nil
PublicKey crypto.PublicKey Public key to verify the tokens. If present (along with PrivateKey) the middleware will generate public tokens. nil
ContextKey string Context key to store user information from the token into context. "auth-token"
TokenLookup [2]string TokenLookup is a string slice with size 2, that is used to extract token from the request ["header","Authorization"]


When using this middleware, and creating a token for authentication, you can use the function pasetoware.CreateToken, that will create a token, encrypt or sign it and returns the PASETO token.

Passing a SymmetricKey in the Config results in a local (encrypted) token, while passing a PublicKey and PrivateKey results in a public (signed) token.

In case you want to use your own data structure, is needed to provide the Validate function in paseware.Config, that will return the data stored in the token, and a error.


Below have a list of some examples that can help you start to use this middleware. In case of any additional example that doesn't show here, please take a look at the test file.


package main

import (


	pasetoware ""

const secretSymmetricKey = "symmetric-secret-key (size = 32)"

func main() {

	app := fiber.New()

	// Login route
	app.Post("/login", login)

	// Unauthenticated route
	app.Get("/", accessible)

	// Paseto Middleware with local (encrypted) token
	apiGroup := app.Group("api", pasetoware.New(pasetoware.Config{
		SymmetricKey: []byte(secretSymmetricKey),
		TokenPrefix:  "Bearer",

	// Restricted Routes
	apiGroup.Get("/restricted", restricted)

	err := app.Listen(":8088")
	if err != nil {

func login(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
	user := c.FormValue("user")
	pass := c.FormValue("pass")

	// Throws Unauthorized error
	if user != "john" || pass != "doe" {
		return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusUnauthorized)

	// Create token and encrypt it
	encryptedToken, err := pasetoware.CreateToken([]byte(secretSymmetricKey), user, 12*time.Hour, pasetoware.PurposeLocal)
	if err != nil {
		return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusInternalServerError)

	return c.JSON(fiber.Map{"token": encryptedToken})

func accessible(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
	return c.SendString("Accessible")

func restricted(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
	payload := c.Locals(pasetoware.DefaultContextKey).(string)
	return c.SendString("Welcome " + payload)

Test it

Login using username and password to retrieve a token.

curl --data "user=john&pass=doe" http://localhost:8088/login


  "token": "v2.local.eY7o9YAJ7Uqyo0JdyfHXKVARj3HgBhqIHckPgNIJOU6u489CXYL6bpOXbEtTB_nNM7nTFpcRVi7YAtJToxbxkkraHmE39pqjnBgkca-URgE-jhZGuhGu7ablmK-8tVoe5iY8mQqWFuJHAznTASUHh4AG55AMUcIALi6pEG28lAgVfw2azvnvbg4JOVZnjutcOVswd-ErsAuGtuEZkTmX7BfaLaO9ZvEX9cHahYPajuRjwU2TQrcpqITg-eYMNA1NuO8OVdnGf0mkUk6ElJUTZqhx4CSSylNXr7IlOwzTbUotEDAQTcNP7IRZI3VfpnRgnmtnZ5s.bnVsbAY"

Request a restricted resource using the token in Authorization request header.

curl localhost:8088/api/restricted -H "Authorization: Bearer v2.local.eY7o9YAJ7Uqyo0JdyfHXKVARj3HgBhqIHckPgNIJOU6u489CXYL6bpOXbEtTB_nNM7nTFpcRVi7YAtJToxbxkkraHmE39pqjnBgkca-URgE-jhZGuhGu7ablmK-8tVoe5iY8mQqWFuJHAznTASUHh4AG55AMUcIALi6pEG28lAgVfw2azvnvbg4JOVZnjutcOVswd-ErsAuGtuEZkTmX7BfaLaO9ZvEX9cHahYPajuRjwU2TQrcpqITg-eYMNA1NuO8OVdnGf0mkUk6ElJUTZqhx4CSSylNXr7IlOwzTbUotEDAQTcNP7IRZI3VfpnRgnmtnZ5s.bnVsbA"


Welcome john

SymmetricKey + Custom Validator callback

package main

import (


	pasetoware ""

const secretSymmetricKey = "symmetric-secret-key (size = 32)"

type customPayloadStruct struct {
	Name      string    `json:"name"`
	ExpiresAt time.Time `json:"expiresAt"`

func main() {

	app := fiber.New()

	// Login route
	app.Post("/login", login)

	// Unauthenticated route
	app.Get("/", accessible)

	// Paseto Middleware with local (encrypted) token
	apiGroup := app.Group("api", pasetoware.New(pasetoware.Config{
		SymmetricKey: []byte(secretSymmetricKey),
		TokenPrefix:  "Bearer",
		Validate: func(decrypted []byte) (any, error) {
			var payload customPayloadStruct
			err := json.Unmarshal(decrypted, &payload)
			return payload, err

	// Restricted Routes
	apiGroup.Get("/restricted", restricted)

	err := app.Listen(":8088")
	if err != nil {

func login(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
	user := c.FormValue("user")
	pass := c.FormValue("pass")

	// Throws Unauthorized error
	if user != "john" || pass != "doe" {
		return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusUnauthorized)

	// Create the payload
	payload := customPayloadStruct{
		Name:      "John Doe",
		ExpiresAt: time.Now().Add(12 * time.Hour),

	// Create token and encrypt it
	encryptedToken, err := paseto.NewV2().Encrypt([]byte(secretSymmetricKey), payload, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusInternalServerError)

	return c.JSON(fiber.Map{"token": encryptedToken})

func accessible(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
	return c.SendString("Accessible")

func restricted(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
	payload := c.Locals(pasetoware.DefaultContextKey).(customPayloadStruct)
	return c.SendString("Welcome " + payload.Name)

Test it

Login using username and password to retrieve a token.

curl --data "user=john&pass=doe" http://localhost:8088/login


  "token": "v2.local.OSnDEMUndq8JpRdCD8yX-mr-Z0-Mi85Jw0ftxseiNLCbRc44Mxl5dnn-SV9Qew1n9Y44wXZwm_FG279cILJk7lYc_B_IoMCRBudJE7qMgctkD9UBM-ZRZgCX9ekJh3S1Oo6Erp7bO-omPra5.bnVsbA"

Request a restricted resource using the token in Authorization request header.

curl localhost:8088/api/restricted -H "Authorization: Bearer v2.local.OSnDEMUndq8JpRdCD8yX-mr-Z0-Mi85Jw0ftxseiNLCbRc44Mxl5dnn-SV9Qew1n9Y44wXZwm_FG279cILJk7lYc_B_IoMCRBudJE7qMgctkD9UBM-ZRZgCX9ekJh3S1Oo6Erp7bO-omPra5.bnVsbA"


Welcome John Doe

PublicPrivate Key

package main

import (


	pasetoware ""

const privateKeySeed = "e9c67fe2433aa4110caf029eba70df2c822cad226b6300ead3dcae443ac3810f"

var seed, _ = hex.DecodeString(privateKeySeed)
var privateKey = ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed(seed)

type customPayloadStruct struct {
	Name      string    `json:"name"`
	ExpiresAt time.Time `json:"expiresAt"`

func main() {

	app := fiber.New()

	// Login route
	app.Post("/login", login)

	// Unauthenticated route
	app.Get("/", accessible)

	// Paseto Middleware with local (encrypted) token
	apiGroup := app.Group("api", pasetoware.New(pasetoware.Config{
		TokenPrefix: "Bearer",
		PrivateKey:  privateKey,
		PublicKey:   privateKey.Public(),

	// Restricted Routes
	apiGroup.Get("/restricted", restricted)

	err := app.Listen(":8088")
	if err != nil {

func login(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
	user := c.FormValue("user")
	pass := c.FormValue("pass")

	// Throws Unauthorized error
	if user != "john" || pass != "doe" {
		return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusUnauthorized)

	// Create token and encrypt it
	encryptedToken, err := pasetoware.CreateToken(privateKey, user, 12*time.Hour, pasetoware.PurposePublic)
	if err != nil {
		return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusInternalServerError)

	return c.JSON(fiber.Map{"token": encryptedToken})

func accessible(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
	return c.SendString("Accessible")

func restricted(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
	payload := c.Locals(pasetoware.DefaultContextKey).(string)
	return c.SendString("Welcome " + payload)

Test it

Login using username and password to retrieve a token.

curl --data "user=john&pass=doe" http://localhost:8088/login


  "token": "v2.public.eyJhdWQiOiJnb2ZpYmVyLmdvcGhlcnMiLCJkYXRhIjoiam9obiIsImV4cCI6IjIwMjMtMDctMTNUMDg6NDk6MzctMDM6MDAiLCJpYXQiOiIyMDIzLTA3LTEyVDIwOjQ5OjM3LTAzOjAwIiwianRpIjoiMjIzYjM0MjQtNWNkZS00NDFhLWJiZWEtZjBjYWFhYTdiYWFlIiwibmJmIjoiMjAyMy0wNy0xMlQyMDo0OTozNy0wMzowMCIsInN1YiI6InVzZXItdG9rZW4ifWiqK_yg0eJbIs2hnup4NuBYg7v4lxh33zEhEljsH7QUaZXAdtbCPK7cN-NSfSxrw68owwgo-dOlPrD7lc5M_AU.bnVsbA"

Request a restricted resource using the token in Authorization request header.

curl localhost:8088/api/restricted -H "Authorization: Bearer v2.public.eyJhdWQiOiJnb2ZpYmVyLmdvcGhlcnMiLCJkYXRhIjoiam9obiIsImV4cCI6IjIwMjMtMDctMTNUMDg6NDk6MzctMDM6MDAiLCJpYXQiOiIyMDIzLTA3LTEyVDIwOjQ5OjM3LTAzOjAwIiwianRpIjoiMjIzYjM0MjQtNWNkZS00NDFhLWJiZWEtZjBjYWFhYTdiYWFlIiwibmJmIjoiMjAyMy0wNy0xMlQyMDo0OTozNy0wMzowMCIsInN1YiI6InVzZXItdG9rZW4ifWiqK_yg0eJbIs2hnup4NuBYg7v4lxh33zEhEljsH7QUaZXAdtbCPK7cN-NSfSxrw68owwgo-dOlPrD7lc5M_AU.bnVsbA"


Welcome John Doe




View Source
const (
	LookupHeader = "header"
	LookupCookie = "cookie"
	LookupQuery  = "query"
	LookupParam  = "param"

	// DefaultContextKey is the Default key used by this middleware to store decrypted token
	DefaultContextKey = "auth-token"


View Source
var (
	ErrExpiredToken         = errors.New("token has expired")
	ErrMissingToken         = errors.New("missing PASETO token")
	ErrIncorrectTokenPrefix = errors.New("missing prefix for PASETO token")
	ErrDataUnmarshal        = errors.New("can't unmarshal token data to Payload type")
View Source
var ConfigDefault = Config{
	Next:           nil,
	SuccessHandler: nil,
	ErrorHandler:   nil,
	Validate:       nil,
	SymmetricKey:   nil,
	ContextKey:     DefaultContextKey,
	TokenLookup:    [2]string{LookupHeader, fiber.HeaderAuthorization},

ConfigDefault is the default config


func CreateToken

func CreateToken(key []byte, dataInfo string, duration time.Duration, purpose TokenPurpose) (string, error)

CreateToken Create a new Token Payload that will be stored in PASETO

func New

func New(authConfigs ...Config) fiber.Handler

New PASETO middleware, returns a handler that takes a token in selected lookup param and in case token is valid it saves the decrypted token on ctx.Locals, take a look on Config to know more configuration options

func NewPayload

func NewPayload(userToken string, duration time.Duration) (*paseto.JSONToken, error)

NewPayload generates a new paseto.JSONToken and returns it and a error that can be caused by uuid


type Config

type Config struct {
	// Filter defines a function to skip middleware.
	// Optional. Default: nil
	Next func(*fiber.Ctx) bool

	// SuccessHandler defines a function which is executed for a valid token.
	// Optional. Default: c.Next()
	SuccessHandler fiber.Handler

	// ErrorHandler defines a function which is executed for an invalid token.
	// It may be used to define a custom PASETO error.
	// Optional. Default: 401 Invalid or expired PASETO
	ErrorHandler fiber.ErrorHandler

	// Validate defines a function to validate if payload is valid
	// Optional. In case payload used is created using CreateToken function
	// If token is created using another function, this function must be provided
	Validate PayloadValidator

	// SymmetricKey to validate local tokens.
	// If it's set the middleware will use local tokens
	// Required if PrivateKey and PublicKey are not set
	SymmetricKey []byte

	// PrivateKey to sign public tokens
	// If it's set the middleware will use public tokens
	// Required if SymmetricKey is not set
	PrivateKey ed25519.PrivateKey

	// PublicKey to verify public tokens
	// If it's set the middleware will use public tokens
	// Required if SymmetricKey is not set
	PublicKey crypto.PublicKey

	// ContextKey to store user information from the token into context.
	// Optional. Default: DefaultContextKey.
	ContextKey string

	// TokenLookup is a string slice with size 2, that is used to extract token from the request.
	// Optional. Default value ["header","Authorization"].
	// Possible values:
	// - ["header","<name>"]
	// - ["query","<name>"]
	// - ["param","<name>"]
	// - ["cookie","<name>"]
	TokenLookup [2]string

	// TokenPrefix is a string that holds the prefix for the token lookup.
	// Generally it'cs used the "Bearer" prefix.
	// Optional. Default value ""
	// Recommended value: "Bearer"
	TokenPrefix string

Config defines the config for PASETO middleware

type PayloadCreator

type PayloadCreator func(key []byte, dataInfo string, duration time.Duration, purpose TokenPurpose) (string, error)

PayloadCreator Signature of a function that generates a payload token

type PayloadValidator

type PayloadValidator func(decrypted []byte) (interface{}, error)

PayloadValidator Function that receives the decrypted payload and returns an interface and an error that's a result of validation logic

type TokenPurpose

type TokenPurpose int
const (
	PurposeLocal TokenPurpose = iota

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