
This is a simple binary that watches kubernetes ingress rules, renders your template and calls your script.
You can use this to generate ingress-based configuration for any backend router.
There are multiple kubernetes ingress controller implementations.
Unfortunately they control both router implementation (how router is compiled, built, etc), behavior and configuration.
Its not easy to extend them and add custom logic, e.g. adding custom modules or plugins on the router, custom annotations and routing features, overriding templates, etc.
Different organizations have different traffic handling needs, and having a third-party ingress controller own everything is not possible in many scenarios.
But at the same time, the cost of writing your own ingress controller is also quite high.
This is an attempt to decouple router implementation from configuration and allow anyone to easily create their own ingress controllers.
- Bootstrap
- Poll ingress rules, templating and implementation
- Release v0.1
- Watch endpoint events, templating and implementation
- Release v0.2
- Documentation and examples
We have a special release called v0.0.1-snapshot
which always reflects master build.
Please go ahead and grab it: https://github.com/goeuro/kubernetes-ingressify/releases/tag/v0.0.1-snapshot
Create a configuration file:
# ingress.cfg
kubeconfig: <path to kubeconfig, leave it empty for in-cluster authentication>
in_template: <path to template, context provided to template will be documented, defaults to ingress.cfg.tpl>
out_file: <path to output file, defaults to ingress.cfg>
interval: <time between executions>, for field format refer to https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration
- script 1
- script 2
- ...
- script n
Run it:
kubernetes-ingressify -config ingress.cfg
For more usage details, please refer to the examples
Use docker/docker-compose to develop. You don't need to have golang installed.
docker-compose build
Builds image for development
docker-compose run --rm default /bin/bash
Gives you a terminal inside the container, from where you can run go commands like:
Runs all tests
gofmt -s -w .
Fix code formatting
go run main.go
Compiles and runs main
- Adding dependencies:
- catch-22: godep has issues, dep is alpha (not all libs support it) and glide is deprecated in favor of dep
- We use Godep as the least working option, but it means slightly additional effort when adding dependencies
- SSH into your container (as above) and follow https://github.com/tools/godep#add-a-dependency