is a Go package that provides utility functions and types for working with iterators in Go (since go1.23).
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Iterator utilities are provided in several packages, each of which serves a different purpose.
and bufioscanner
, which offer convenient ways to iterate over buffered I/O operations.
provides iterators for the os.Signal event loop.
provides iterators for the time.Ticker event loop.
provides functions transforming iterators.
The bufioreader
package provides a wrapper around bufio.Reader
with additional iteration capabilities.
- Iterate over bytes, slices, or strings delimited by a specified byte
- Error handling through
, GetErrorBuffer()
and GetErrorBufferString()
Example usage:
import ""
r := bufioreader.NewReader(strings.NewReader("hello\nworld"))
for i, s := range r.ReadString('\n') {
fmt.Printf("[%d] %q\n", i, s)
if err := r.Err(); err != nil {
// r.Err never returns io.EOF.
// Under normal circumstances, bufio.Reader will return io.EOF at the end,
// but this is to indicate the end of the data and is not an error.
fmt.Printf("error: %v (remain:%q)\n", err, bufioreader.GetErrorBufferString(err))
The bufioscanner
package provides a wrapper around bufio.Scanner
with iteration capabilities.
- Iterate over bytes or strings using a
- Compatible with different
Example usage:
import ""
s := bufioscanner.NewScanner(bytes.NewBufferString("Where are you going\nfor your next vacation?"))
for i, word := range s.Text() {
fmt.Printf("[%d] %q\n", i, word)
if err := s.Err(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
The signals
package provides an iterator for receiving signals.
Example usage:
import ""
for i, si := range signals.Wait(context.TODO(), syscall.SIGHUP, syscall.SIGINT) {
// When a signal is received, control passes to the loop body.
// In this example, the loop body will be entered upon receiving either a SIGHUP or a SIGINT.
fmt.Println(i, si) // Outputs the loop index and the received signal.
if si == syscall.SIGINT {
break // The loop continues until break.
for ctx, i := range signals.Context(ctx, syscall.SIGUSR1, syscall.SIGUSR2) {
// Control passes immediately to the loop body.
fmt.Printf("%d enter body.\n", i)
// When a signal is received, ctx is cancelled.
// In this example, receiving either SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2 will cancel the context.
fmt.Printf("%d leave body. signal:%v\n", i, signals.Get(ctx))
if signals.Get(ctx) == syscall.SIGUSR1 {
break // The loop continues until break.
The ticker
package provides iterators for timed loops using Go's iter package.
It offers two main functions: After and Before, which allow you to create
timed loops with different behaviors.
- After: Creates an iterator that executes the loop body after waiting for a specified duration.
- Before: Creates an iterator that executes the loop body before waiting for a specified duration.
- Both functions support context cancellation for immediate loop termination.
Example usage:
import ""
// This is a ticker event loop.
// The ticker event received, enter the loop body.
// Ticker events occur `after` a specified duration.
start := time.Now()
for i, now := range ticker.After(ctx, time.Second) {
// Entering the loop body after waiting a specified duration.
elapse := now.Sub(start)
fmt.Println(i, elapse.String())
if i >= 9 { // Since i starts from 0, this means to break after looping 10 times.
import ""
// This is a ticker event loop.
// The ticker event received, enter the loop body.
// Ticker events occur `before` a specified duration.
start := time.Now()
for i, now := range ticker.Before(ctx, time.Second) {
// Entering the loop body before waiting a specified duration at first.
elapse := now.Sub(start)
fmt.Println(i, elapse.String())
if i >= 9 { // Since i starts from 0, this means to break after looping 10 times.
The transform
package provides functions transforming iterators.
func Concat[T any](iterators ...iter.Seq[T]) iter.Seq[T]
func Concat2[S, T any](iterators ...iter.Seq2[S, T]) iter.Seq2[S, T]
func Keys[K, V any](iterator iter.Seq2[K, V]) iter.Seq[K]
func Map[S, T any](iterator iter.Seq[S], f func(S) T) iter.Seq[T]
func Map2[S, T, U, V any](iterator iter.Seq2[S, T], f func(S, T) (U, V)) iter.Seq2[U, V]
func MapIn[S, T, U any](iterator iter.Seq2[S, T], f func(S, T) U) iter.Seq[U]
func MapOut[S, T, U any](iterator iter.Seq[S], f func(S) (T, U)) iter.Seq2[T, U]
func Resize[T any](iterator iter.Seq[T], size int) iter.Seq[T]
func Resize2[S, T any](iterator iter.Seq2[S, T], size int) iter.Seq2[S, T]
func Select[T any](iterator iter.Seq[T], f func(T) bool) iter.Seq[T]
func Select2[K, V any](iterator iter.Seq2[K, V], f func(K, V) bool) iter.Seq2[K, V]
func SelectMap[S, T any](iterator iter.Seq[S], f func(S) (T, bool)) iter.Seq[T]
func SelectMap2[S, T, U, V any](iterator iter.Seq2[S, T], f func(S, T) (U, V, bool)) iter.Seq2[U, V]
func SelectMapIn[S, T, U any](iterator iter.Seq2[S, T], f func(S, T) (U, bool)) iter.Seq[U]
func SelectMapOut[S, T, U any](iterator iter.Seq[S], f func(S) (T, U, bool)) iter.Seq2[T, U]
func Skip[T any](iterator iter.Seq[T], skip int) iter.Seq[T]
func Skip2[S, T any](iterator iter.Seq2[S, T], skip int) iter.Seq2[S, T]
func Swap[S, T any](iterator iter.Seq2[S, T]) iter.Seq2[T, S]
func Values[K, V any](iterator iter.Seq2[K, V]) iter.Seq[V]
func Zip[S, T any](lhs iter.Seq[S], rhs iter.Seq[T]) iter.Seq2[S, T]
func ZipAll[S, T any](lhs iter.Seq[S], rhs iter.Seq[T]) iter.Seq2[S, T]
func ZipIndex[T any](iterator iter.Seq[T]) iter.Seq2[int, T]
func ZipLeft[S, T any](lhs iter.Seq[S], rhs iter.Seq[T]) iter.Seq2[S, T]
func ZipRight[S, T any](lhs iter.Seq[S], rhs iter.Seq[T]) iter.Seq2[S, T]