
v0.1.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 29, 2024 License: BSD-3-Clause, Unlicense Imports: 4 Imported by: 11




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const (
	Adlam                        = Script(0x61646c6d) // adlm
	Afaka                        = Script(0x6166616b) // afak
	Ahom                         = Script(0x61686f6d) // ahom
	Anatolian_Hieroglyphs        = Script(0x686c7577) // hluw
	Arabic                       = Script(0x61726162) // arab
	Armenian                     = Script(0x61726d6e) // armn
	Avestan                      = Script(0x61767374) // avst
	Balinese                     = Script(0x62616c69) // bali
	Bamum                        = Script(0x62616d75) // bamu
	Bassa_Vah                    = Script(0x62617373) // bass
	Batak                        = Script(0x6261746b) // batk
	Bengali                      = Script(0x62656e67) // beng
	Bhaiksuki                    = Script(0x62686b73) // bhks
	Blissymbols                  = Script(0x626c6973) // blis
	Book_Pahlavi                 = Script(0x70686c76) // phlv
	Bopomofo                     = Script(0x626f706f) // bopo
	Brahmi                       = Script(0x62726168) // brah
	Braille                      = Script(0x62726169) // brai
	Buginese                     = Script(0x62756769) // bugi
	Buhid                        = Script(0x62756864) // buhd
	Canadian_Aboriginal          = Script(0x63616e73) // cans
	Carian                       = Script(0x63617269) // cari
	Caucasian_Albanian           = Script(0x61676862) // aghb
	Chakma                       = Script(0x63616b6d) // cakm
	Cham                         = Script(0x6368616d) // cham
	Cherokee                     = Script(0x63686572) // cher
	Chorasmian                   = Script(0x63687273) // chrs
	Cirth                        = Script(0x63697274) // cirt
	Code_for_unwritten_documents = Script(0x7a787878) // zxxx
	Common                       = Script(0x7a797979) // zyyy
	Coptic                       = Script(0x636f7074) // copt
	Cuneiform                    = Script(0x78737578) // xsux
	Cypriot                      = Script(0x63707274) // cprt
	Cypro_Minoan                 = Script(0x63706d6e) // cpmn
	Cyrillic                     = Script(0x6379726c) // cyrl
	Deseret                      = Script(0x64737274) // dsrt
	Devanagari                   = Script(0x64657661) // deva
	Dives_Akuru                  = Script(0x6469616b) // diak
	Dogra                        = Script(0x646f6772) // dogr
	Duployan                     = Script(0x6475706c) // dupl
	Egyptian_Hieroglyphs         = Script(0x65677970) // egyp
	Egyptian_demotic             = Script(0x65677964) // egyd
	Egyptian_hieratic            = Script(0x65677968) // egyh
	Elbasan                      = Script(0x656c6261) // elba
	Elymaic                      = Script(0x656c796d) // elym
	Ethiopic                     = Script(0x65746869) // ethi
	Georgian                     = Script(0x67656f72) // geor
	Glagolitic                   = Script(0x676c6167) // glag
	Gothic                       = Script(0x676f7468) // goth
	Grantha                      = Script(0x6772616e) // gran
	Greek                        = Script(0x6772656b) // grek
	Gujarati                     = Script(0x67756a72) // gujr
	Gunjala_Gondi                = Script(0x676f6e67) // gong
	Gurmukhi                     = Script(0x67757275) // guru
	Han                          = Script(0x68616e69) // hani
	Hangul                       = Script(0x68616e67) // hang
	Hanifi_Rohingya              = Script(0x726f6867) // rohg
	Hanunoo                      = Script(0x68616e6f) // hano
	Hatran                       = Script(0x68617472) // hatr
	Hebrew                       = Script(0x68656272) // hebr
	Hiragana                     = Script(0x68697261) // hira
	Imperial_Aramaic             = Script(0x61726d69) // armi
	Inherited                    = Script(0x7a696e68) // zinh
	Inscriptional_Pahlavi        = Script(0x70686c69) // phli
	Inscriptional_Parthian       = Script(0x70727469) // prti
	Javanese                     = Script(0x6a617661) // java
	Jurchen                      = Script(0x6a757263) // jurc
	Kaithi                       = Script(0x6b746869) // kthi
	Kannada                      = Script(0x6b6e6461) // knda
	Katakana                     = Script(0x6b616e61) // kana
	Katakana_Or_Hiragana         = Script(0x68726b74) // hrkt
	Kawi                         = Script(0x6b617769) // kawi
	Kayah_Li                     = Script(0x6b616c69) // kali
	Kharoshthi                   = Script(0x6b686172) // khar
	Khitan_Small_Script          = Script(0x6b697473) // kits
	Khitan_large_script          = Script(0x6b69746c) // kitl
	Khmer                        = Script(0x6b686d72) // khmr
	Khojki                       = Script(0x6b686f6a) // khoj
	Khudawadi                    = Script(0x73696e64) // sind
	Kpelle                       = Script(0x6b70656c) // kpel
	Lao                          = Script(0x6c616f6f) // laoo
	Latin                        = Script(0x6c61746e) // latn
	Leke                         = Script(0x6c656b65) // leke
	Lepcha                       = Script(0x6c657063) // lepc
	Limbu                        = Script(0x6c696d62) // limb
	Linear_A                     = Script(0x6c696e61) // lina
	Linear_B                     = Script(0x6c696e62) // linb
	Lisu                         = Script(0x6c697375) // lisu
	Loma                         = Script(0x6c6f6d61) // loma
	Lycian                       = Script(0x6c796369) // lyci
	Lydian                       = Script(0x6c796469) // lydi
	Mahajani                     = Script(0x6d61686a) // mahj
	Makasar                      = Script(0x6d616b61) // maka
	Malayalam                    = Script(0x6d6c796d) // mlym
	Mandaic                      = Script(0x6d616e64) // mand
	Manichaean                   = Script(0x6d616e69) // mani
	Marchen                      = Script(0x6d617263) // marc
	Masaram_Gondi                = Script(0x676f6e6d) // gonm
	Mathematical_notation        = Script(0x7a6d7468) // zmth
	Mayan_hieroglyphs            = Script(0x6d617961) // maya
	Medefaidrin                  = Script(0x6d656466) // medf
	Meetei_Mayek                 = Script(0x6d746569) // mtei
	Mende_Kikakui                = Script(0x6d656e64) // mend
	Meroitic_Cursive             = Script(0x6d657263) // merc
	Meroitic_Hieroglyphs         = Script(0x6d65726f) // mero
	Miao                         = Script(0x706c7264) // plrd
	Modi                         = Script(0x6d6f6469) // modi
	Mongolian                    = Script(0x6d6f6e67) // mong
	Mro                          = Script(0x6d726f6f) // mroo
	Multani                      = Script(0x6d756c74) // mult
	Myanmar                      = Script(0x6d796d72) // mymr
	Nabataean                    = Script(0x6e626174) // nbat
	Nag_Mundari                  = Script(0x6e61676d) // nagm
	Nandinagari                  = Script(0x6e616e64) // nand
	New_Tai_Lue                  = Script(0x74616c75) // talu
	Newa                         = Script(0x6e657761) // newa
	Nko                          = Script(0x6e6b6f6f) // nkoo
	Nushu                        = Script(0x6e736875) // nshu
	Nyiakeng_Puachue_Hmong       = Script(0x686d6e70) // hmnp
	Ogham                        = Script(0x6f67616d) // ogam
	Ol_Chiki                     = Script(0x6f6c636b) // olck
	Old_Hungarian                = Script(0x68756e67) // hung
	Old_Italic                   = Script(0x6974616c) // ital
	Old_North_Arabian            = Script(0x6e617262) // narb
	Old_Permic                   = Script(0x7065726d) // perm
	Old_Persian                  = Script(0x7870656f) // xpeo
	Old_Sogdian                  = Script(0x736f676f) // sogo
	Old_South_Arabian            = Script(0x73617262) // sarb
	Old_Turkic                   = Script(0x6f726b68) // orkh
	Old_Uyghur                   = Script(0x6f756772) // ougr
	Oriya                        = Script(0x6f727961) // orya
	Osage                        = Script(0x6f736765) // osge
	Osmanya                      = Script(0x6f736d61) // osma
	Pahawh_Hmong                 = Script(0x686d6e67) // hmng
	Palmyrene                    = Script(0x70616c6d) // palm
	Pau_Cin_Hau                  = Script(0x70617563) // pauc
	Phags_Pa                     = Script(0x70686167) // phag
	Phoenician                   = Script(0x70686e78) // phnx
	Psalter_Pahlavi              = Script(0x70686c70) // phlp
	Ranjana                      = Script(0x72616e6a) // ranj
	Rejang                       = Script(0x726a6e67) // rjng
	Rongorongo                   = Script(0x726f726f) // roro
	Runic                        = Script(0x72756e72) // runr
	Samaritan                    = Script(0x73616d72) // samr
	Sarati                       = Script(0x73617261) // sara
	Saurashtra                   = Script(0x73617572) // saur
	Sharada                      = Script(0x73687264) // shrd
	Shavian                      = Script(0x73686177) // shaw
	Shuishu                      = Script(0x73687569) // shui
	Siddham                      = Script(0x73696464) // sidd
	SignWriting                  = Script(0x73676e77) // sgnw
	Sinhala                      = Script(0x73696e68) // sinh
	Sogdian                      = Script(0x736f6764) // sogd
	Sora_Sompeng                 = Script(0x736f7261) // sora
	Soyombo                      = Script(0x736f796f) // soyo
	Sundanese                    = Script(0x73756e64) // sund
	Sunuwar                      = Script(0x73756e75) // sunu
	Syloti_Nagri                 = Script(0x73796c6f) // sylo
	Symbols                      = Script(0x7a73796d) // zsym
	Syriac                       = Script(0x73797263) // syrc
	Tagalog                      = Script(0x74676c67) // tglg
	Tagbanwa                     = Script(0x74616762) // tagb
	Tai_Le                       = Script(0x74616c65) // tale
	Tai_Tham                     = Script(0x6c616e61) // lana
	Tai_Viet                     = Script(0x74617674) // tavt
	Takri                        = Script(0x74616b72) // takr
	Tamil                        = Script(0x74616d6c) // taml
	Tangsa                       = Script(0x746e7361) // tnsa
	Tangut                       = Script(0x74616e67) // tang
	Telugu                       = Script(0x74656c75) // telu
	Tengwar                      = Script(0x74656e67) // teng
	Thaana                       = Script(0x74686161) // thaa
	Thai                         = Script(0x74686169) // thai
	Tibetan                      = Script(0x74696274) // tibt
	Tifinagh                     = Script(0x74666e67) // tfng
	Tirhuta                      = Script(0x74697268) // tirh
	Toto                         = Script(0x746f746f) // toto
	Ugaritic                     = Script(0x75676172) // ugar
	Unknown                      = Script(0x7a7a7a7a) // zzzz
	Vai                          = Script(0x76616969) // vaii
	Visible_Speech               = Script(0x76697370) // visp
	Vithkuqi                     = Script(0x76697468) // vith
	Wancho                       = Script(0x7763686f) // wcho
	Warang_Citi                  = Script(0x77617261) // wara
	Woleai                       = Script(0x776f6c65) // wole
	Yezidi                       = Script(0x79657a69) // yezi
	Yi                           = Script(0x79696969) // yiii
	Zanabazar_Square             = Script(0x7a616e62) // zanb


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var ScriptRanges = [...]ScriptRange{}/* 952 elements not displayed */

ScriptRanges is a sorted list of script ranges.


This section is empty.


type Language

type Language string

Language store the canonicalized BCP 47 tag, which has the generic form <lang>-<country>-<other tags>...

func DefaultLanguage

func DefaultLanguage() Language

DefaultLanguage returns the language found in environment variables LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE or LANG (in that order), or the zero value if not found.

func NewLanguage

func NewLanguage(language string) Language

NewLanguage canonicalizes the language input (as a BCP 47 language tag), by converting it to lowercase, mapping '_' to '-', and stripping all characters other than letters, numbers and '-'.

func (Language) Compare

func (l Language) Compare(other Language) LanguageComparison

Compare compares `other` and `l`. Undetermined languages are only compared using the remaining tags, meaning that "und-fr" and "und-be" are compared as LanguagesDiffer, not LanguagePrimaryMatch.

func (Language) IsDerivedFrom

func (l Language) IsDerivedFrom(root Language) bool

IsDerivedFrom returns `true` if `l` has the `root` as primary language.

func (Language) IsUndetermined

func (l Language) IsUndetermined() bool

IsUndetermined returns `true` if its primary language is "und". It is a shortcut for IsDerivedFrom("und").

func (Language) Primary

func (l Language) Primary() Language

Primary returns the root language of l, that is the part before the first '-' separator

func (Language) SimpleInheritance

func (l Language) SimpleInheritance() []Language

SimpleInheritance returns the list of matching language, using simple truncation inheritance. The resulting slice starts with the given whole language. See for more information.

func (Language) SplitExtensionTags

func (l Language) SplitExtensionTags() (prefix, private Language)

SplitExtensionTags splits the language at the extension and private-use subtags, which are marked by a "-<one char>-" pattern. It returns the language before the first pattern, and, if any, the private-use subtag.

(l, "") is returned if the language has no extension or private-use tag.

type LanguageComparison

type LanguageComparison uint8

LanguageComparison is a three state enum resulting from comparing two languages

const (
	LanguagesDiffer      LanguageComparison = iota // the two languages are totally differents
	LanguagesExactMatch                            // the two languages are exactly the same
	LanguagePrimaryMatch                           // the two languages have the same primary language, but differs.

type Script

type Script uint32

Script identifies different writing systems. It is represented as the binary encoding of a script tag of 4 (case sensitive) letters, as specified by ISO 15924. Note that the default value is usually the Unknown script, not the 0 value (which is invalid)

func LookupScript

func LookupScript(r rune) Script

LookupScript looks up the script for a particular character (as defined by Unicode Standard Annex #24), and returns Unknown if not found.

func ParseScript

func ParseScript(script string) (Script, error)

ParseScript simply converts a 4 bytes string into its binary encoding. If [script] is longer, only its 4 first bytes are used.

func (Script) String

func (s Script) String() string

String returns the ISO 4 lower letters code of the script

type ScriptRange

type ScriptRange struct {
	Start, End rune
	Script     Script

ScriptRange is an inclusive range of runes with constant script.

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