
package module
v0.63.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 23, 2020 License: MIT Imports: 33 Imported by: 630



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Rod is a High-level Devtools driver directly based on DevTools Protocol. It's designed for web automation and scraping. rod also tries to expose low-level interfaces to users, so that whenever a function is missing users can easily send control requests to the browser directly.


  • Chained context design, intuitive to timeout or cancel the long-running task
  • Debugging friendly, auto input tracing, remote monitoring headless browser
  • Thread-safe for all operations
  • Automatically find or download browser
  • No external dependencies, CI tested on Linux, Mac, and Windows
  • High-level helpers like WaitStable, WaitRequestIdle, HijackRequests, GetDownloadFile, etc
  • Two-step WaitEvent design, never miss an event
  • Correctly handles nested iframes
  • No zombie browser process after the crash (how it works)


Please check the examples_test.go file first, then check the examples folder.

For more detailed examples, please search the unit tests. Such as the usage of method HandleAuth, you can search all the *_test.go files that contain HandleAuth or HandleAuthE, for example, use Github online search in repository. You can also search the GitHub issues, they contain a lot of usage examples too.

Here is a comparison of the examples between rod and chromedp.

If you have questions, please raise an issue or join the chat room.

How it works

Here's the common start process of rod:

  1. Try to connect to a Devtools endpoint (WebSocket), if not found try to launch a local browser, if still not found try to download one, then connect again. The lib to handle it is launcher.

  2. Use the JSON-RPC to talk to the Devtools endpoint to control the browser. The lib handles it is cdp.

  3. The type definitions of the JSON-RPC are in lib proto.

  4. To control a specific page, rod will first inject a js helper script to it. rod uses it to query and manipulate the page content. The js lib is in assets.

Object model:

object model

API Documentation

We use the standard way to doc the project: Go Doc


Q: How to use rod with docker

To let rod work with docker is very easy:

  1. Run the rod image docker run -p 9222:9222 rodorg/rod

  2. Open another terminal and run a go program like this example

The rod image can dynamically launch a browser for each remote driver with customizable browser flags. It's tuned for screenshots and fonts among popular natural languages. You can easily load balance requests to the cluster of this image, each container can create multiple browser instances at the same time.

You can also use it to launch a browser manually:

docker run -p 9222:9222 rodorg/rod chromium-browser --headless --no-sandbox --remote-debugging-port=9222 --remote-debugging-address=
Q: Why there is always an "about:blank" page

It's an issue of the browser itself. If we enable the --no-first-run flag and we don't create a blank page, it will create a hello page which will consume more power.

Q: Does it support other browsers like Firefox or Edge

Rod should work with any browser that supports DevTools Protocol.

  • Microsoft Edge can pass all the unit tests.
  • Firefox is supporting this protocol.
  • Safari doesn't have any plan to support it yet.
  • IE won't support it.
Q: Why is it called rod

Rod is related to puppetry, see rod Puppet. So we are the puppeteer, the browser is the puppet, we use the rod to control the puppet. So in this sense, puppeteer.js sounds strange, we are controlling a puppeteer?

Q: How to contribute

Please check this doc.

Q: How versioning is handled

Semver is used.

Before v1.0.0 whenever the second section changed, such as v0.1.0 to v0.2.0, there must be some public API changes, such as changes of function names or parameter types. If only the last section changed, no public API will be changed.

You can use the Github's release comparison to see the automated changelog, for example, compare v0.44.2 with v0.44.0.

Q: Why another puppeteer like lib

There are a lot of great projects, but no one is perfect, choose the best one that fits your needs is important.

  • chromedp

    For direct code comparison you can check here. If you compare the example called logic between rod and chromedp, you will find out how much simpler rod is.

    With chromedp, you have to use their verbose DSL like tasks to handle the main logic, because chromedp uses several wrappers to handle execution with context and options which makes it very hard to understand their code when bugs happen. The heavily used interfaces also makes the static types useless when tracking issues. In contrast, rod uses classical object model to abstract browser, page, and element.

    The main problem of chromedp is their architecture is based on DOM node id, but puppeteer and rod are based on remote object id. In consequence, it will prevent chromedp's maintainers from adding high-level functions that are coupled with runtime. For example, this ticket had opened for 3 years.

    Rod is more configurable, such as you can even replace the WebSocket lib with the lib you like.

    When a crash happens, chromedp will leave the zombie browser process on Windows and Mac.

    Rod has a simpler code structure and better test coverage, you should find it's easier to contribute code to rod. Therefore compared with chromedp, rod has the potential to have more nice functions from the community in the future.

  • puppeteer

    With puppeteer, you have to handle promise/async/await a lot. End to end tests requires a lot of sync operations to simulate human inputs, because Puppeteer is based on Nodejs all IO operations are async calls, so usually, people end up typing tons of async/await. The overhead grows when your project grows.

    Rod is type-safe by default. It has type bindings with all the API of Devtools protocol.

    Rod will disable domain events whenever possible, puppeteer will always enable all the domains. It will consume a lot of resources when driving a remote browser.

  • selenium

    Selenium is based on webdriver protocol which has much less functions compare to devtools protocol. Such as it can't handle closed shadow DOM. No way to save page as PDF. No support for tools like Profiler or Performance, etc.

    Harder to set up and maintain because of extra dependencies like a browser driver.

    Though selenium sells itself for better cross-browser support, it's usually very hard to make it work for all major browsers.

    There are plenty of articles about "selenium vs puppeteer", you can treat rod as the Golang version of puppeteer.

  • cypress

    Cypress is very limited, for closed shadow dom or cross-domain iframes it's almost unusable. Read their limitation doc for more details.

    If you want to cooperate with us to create a testing focused framework base on rod to overcome the limitation of cypress, please contact us.




This example opens, searches for "git", and then gets the header element which gives the description for Git.

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Launch a new browser with default options, and connect to it.
	browser := rod.New().MustConnect()

	// Even you forget to close, rod will close it after main process ends.
	defer browser.MustClose()

	// Timeout will be passed to all chained function calls.
	// The code will panic out if any chained call is used after the timeout.
	page := browser.Timeout(time.Minute).MustPage("")

	// We use css selector to get the search input element and input "git"

	// Wait until css selector get the element then get the text content of it.
	text := page.MustElement(".codesearch-results p").MustText()


	// Get all input elements. Rod supports query elements by css selector, xpath, and regex.
	// For more detailed usage, check the query_test.go file.
	fmt.Println("Found", len(page.MustElements("input")), "input elements")

	// Eval js on the page
	page.MustEval(`console.log("hello world")`)

	// Pass parameters as json objects to the js function. This one will return 3
	fmt.Println("1 + 2 =", page.MustEval(`(a, b) => a + b`, 1, 2).Int())

	// When eval on an element, you can use "this" to access the DOM element.


Git is the most widely used version control system.
Found 5 input elements
1 + 2 = 3
Search · git · GitHub
Example (Customize_browser_launch)

Shows how we can further customize the browser with the launcher library. Usually you use launcher lib to set the browser's command line flags (switches). Doc for flags:

package main

import (


func main() {
	url := launcher.New().
		Proxy("").     // set flag "--proxy-server="
		Delete("use-mock-keychain"). // delete flag "--use-mock-keychain"

	browser := rod.New().ControlURL(url).MustConnect()
	defer browser.MustClose()

	// So that we don't have to self issue certs for MITM

	// Adding authentication to the proxy, for the next auth request.
	// We use CLI tool "mitmproxy --proxyauth user:pass" as an example.
	browser.MustHandleAuth("user", "pass")

	// mitmproxy needs a cert config to support https. We use http here instead,
	// for example

Example (Customize_retry_strategy)

Shows how to change the retry/polling options that is used to query elements. This is useful when you want to customize the element query retry logic.

package main

import (


func main() {
	browser := rod.New().Timeout(time.Minute).MustConnect()
	defer browser.MustClose()

	page := browser.MustPage("")

	// sleep for 0.5 seconds before every retry
	sleeper := func() utils.Sleeper {
		return func(context.Context) error {
			time.Sleep(time.Second / 2)
			return nil
	el, _ := page.Sleeper(sleeper).Element("input")

	// If sleeper is nil page.ElementE will query without retrying.
	// If nothing found it will return an error.
	el, err := page.Sleeper(nil).Element("input")
	if errors.Is(err, rod.ErrElementNotFound) {
		fmt.Println("element not found")
	} else if err != nil {



Example (Direct_cdp)

When rod doesn't have a feature that you need. You can easily call the cdp to achieve it. List of cdp API:

package main

import (


func main() {
	page := rod.New().MustConnect().MustPage("")

	// Rod doesn't have a method to enable AD blocking,
	// but you can call cdp interface directly to achieve it.
	// Doc:
	_ = proto.PageSetAdBlockingEnabled{
		Enabled: true,

	// You can even use JSON directly to do the same thing above.
	params, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]bool{
		"enabled": true,
	ctx, client, id := page.CallContext()
	_, _ = client.Call(ctx, id, "Page.setAdBlockingEnabled", params)

Example (Disable_headless_to_debug)

Shows how to disable headless mode and debug. Rod provides a lot of debug options, you can set them with setter methods or use environment variables. Doc for environment variables:

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Headless runs the browser on foreground, you can also use env "rod=show"
	// Devtools opens the tab in each new tab opened automatically
	l := launcher.New().

	defer l.Cleanup()

	url := l.MustLaunch()

	// Trace shows verbose debug information for each action executed
	// Slowmotion is a debug related function that waits 2 seconds between
	// each action, making it easier to inspect what your code is doing.
	browser := rod.New().
		Slowmotion(2 * time.Second).

	// ServeMonitor plays screenshots of each tab. This feature is extremely
	// useful when debugging with headless mode.
	// You can also enable it with env rod=monitor

	defer browser.MustClose()

	page := browser.MustPage("")



	// Response gets the binary of the image as a []byte.
	img := page.MustElement(`[alt="Hot Dry Noodles.jpg"]`).MustResource()
	fmt.Println(len(img)) // print the size of the image

	utils.Pause() // pause goroutine

Example (Error_handling)

We use "Must" prefixed functions to write example code. But in production you may want to use the no-prefix version of them. About why we use "Must" as the prefix, it's similar with

package main

import (


func main() {
	page := rod.New().MustConnect().MustPage("")

	// The two code blocks below are basically the same:

	// The block below is better for production code. It follows the standards of golang error handling.
	// Usually, this style will make error handling more consistent and precisely.
		el, err := page.Element("a")
		if err != nil {
		html, err := el.HTML()
		if err != nil {

	// The block below is better for example code or quick scripting. We use panic to short-circuit logics.
	// So that we can code in fluent style:
	// It will reduce the code to type, but it may also catch extra errors (less consistent and precisely).
		err := rod.Try(func() {

	// Catch specified error types
		_, err := page.Timeout(3 * time.Second).Eval(`foo()`)
		if errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) { // timeout error
			fmt.Println("timeout err")
		} else if errors.Is(err, rod.ErrEval) { // eval error
			// print the stack trace
			fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err)

			// print more details
		} else if err != nil {

Example (Handle_events)

Shows how to listen for events.

package main

import (


func main() {
	browser := rod.New().Timeout(time.Minute).MustConnect()
	defer browser.MustClose()

	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	defer cancel()

	page := browser.Context(ctx).MustPage("")

	done := make(chan int)

	// Listen for all events of console output.
	go page.EachEvent(func(e *proto.RuntimeConsoleAPICalled) {
		log := page.MustObjectsToJSON(e.Args).Join(" ")

	wait := page.WaitEvent(&proto.PageLoadEventFired{})

	// EachEvent allows us to achieve the same functionality as above.
	if false {
		// Subscribe events before they happen, run the "wait()" to start consuming
		// the events. We can return an optional stop signal unsubscribe events.
		wait := page.EachEvent(func(e *proto.PageLoadEventFired) (stop bool) {
			return true

	page.MustEval(`console.log("hello", "world")`)



hello world
Example (Hijack_requests)

Shows how to intercept requests and modify both the request and the response. The entire process of hijacking one request:

browser --req-> rod ---> server ---> rod --res-> browser

The --req-> and --res-> are the parts that can be modified.

package main

import (


func main() {
	browser := rod.New().Timeout(time.Minute).MustConnect()
	defer browser.MustClose()

	router := browser.HijackRequests()
	defer router.MustStop()

	router.MustAdd("*.js", func(ctx *rod.Hijack) {
		// Here we update the request's header. Rod gives functionality to
		// change or update all parts of the request. Refer to the documentation
		// for more information.
		ctx.Request.Req().Header.Set("My-Header", "test")

		// LoadResponse runs the default request to the destination of the request.
		// Not calling this will require you to mock the entire response.
		// This can be done with the SetXxx (Status, Header, Body) functions on the
		// ctx.Response struct.

		// Here we append some code to every js file.
		// The code will update the document title to "hi"
		ctx.Response.SetBody(ctx.Response.Body() + "\n document.title = 'hi' ")

	go router.Run()

	browser.MustPage("").MustWait(`document.title === 'hi'`)



Example (Page_pdf)
package main

import (

func main() {
	page := rod.New().MustConnect().MustPage("")

	wait := page.MustWaitNavigation()
	wait() // until the navigation to settle down

	// simple version

	// customization version
	pdf, _ := page.PDF(&proto.PagePrintToPDF{
		PaperWidth:              8.5,
		PaperHeight:             11,
		PageRanges:              "1-3",
		IgnoreInvalidPageRanges: false,
		DisplayHeaderFooter:     true,
	_ = utils.OutputFile("my.pdf", pdf)

Example (Page_screenshot)
package main

import (

func main() {
	page := rod.New().MustConnect().MustPage("")

	wait := page.MustWaitNavigation()
	wait() // until the navigation to settle down

	// simple version

	// customization version
	img, _ := page.Screenshot(true, &proto.PageCaptureScreenshot{
		Format:  proto.PageCaptureScreenshotFormatJpeg,
		Quality: 90,
		Clip: &proto.PageViewport{
			X:      0,
			Y:      0,
			Width:  300,
			Height: 200,
			Scale:  1,
		FromSurface: true,
	_ = utils.OutputFile("my.jpg", img)

Example (Race_selectors)

Show how to handle multiple results of an action. Such as when you login a page, the result can be success or wrong password.

package main

import (


func main() {
	browser := rod.New().MustConnect()
	defer browser.MustClose()

	page := browser.MustPage("")


	// It will keep retrying until one selector has found a match
	page.Race().MustElement("h3.success", func(el *rod.Element) {
		// when successful login
	}).MustElement("h3.error", func(el *rod.Element) {
		// when wrong username or password


Example (States)

Shows how to update the state of the current page. In this example we enable the network domain.

package main

import (


func main() {
	browser := rod.New().Timeout(time.Minute).MustConnect()
	defer browser.MustClose()

	page := browser.MustPage("")

	// LoadState detects whether the network domain is enabled or not.

	_ = proto.NetworkEnable{}.Call(page)

	// Check if the network domain is successfully enabled.


Example (Timeout_handling)

Usage of timeout context

package main

import (


func main() {
	page := rod.New().MustConnect().MustPage("")

		// Set a 5-second timeout for all chained actions
		Timeout(5 * time.Second).

		// The total time for MustWaitLoad and MustElement must be less than 5 seconds

		// Actions after CancelTimeout won't be affected by the 5-second timeout

		// Set a 10-second timeout for all chained actions
		Timeout(10 * time.Second).

		// Panics if it takes more than 10 seconds

	// The two code blocks below are basically the same:
		page.Timeout(5 * time.Second).MustElement("a").CancelTimeout()
		// Use this way you can customize your own way to cancel long-running task
		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)

Example (Wait_for_animation)

Example_wait_for_animation is an example to simulate humans more accurately. If a button is moving too fast, you cannot click it as a human. To more accurately simulate human inputs, actions triggered by Rod can be based on mouse point location, so you can allow Rod to wait for the button to become stable before it tries clicking it.

package main

import (


func main() {
	browser := rod.New().Timeout(time.Minute).MustConnect()
	defer browser.MustClose()

	page := browser.MustPage("")


	saveBtn := page.MustElementR("#exampleModalLive button", "Close")

	// Here, WaitStable will wait until the save button's position becomes
	// stable. The timeout is 5 seconds, after which it times out (or after 1
	// minute since the browser was created). Timeouts from parents are
	// inherited to the children as well.
	saveBtn.Timeout(5 * time.Second).MustWaitStable().MustClick().MustWaitInvisible()



Example (Wait_for_request)

When you want to wait for an ajax request to complete, this example will be useful.

package main

import (


func main() {
	browser := rod.New().Timeout(time.Minute).MustConnect()
	defer browser.MustClose()

	page := browser.MustPage("")

	// Start to analyze request events
	wait := page.MustWaitRequestIdle()

	// This will trigger the search ajax request

	// Wait until there's no active requests

	// We want to make sure that after waiting, there are some autocomplete
	// suggestions available.
	fmt.Println(len(page.MustElements(".search__autocomplete .acp")) > 0)






This section is empty.


View Source
var (
	// ErrValue error
	ErrValue = errors.New("error value")
	// ErrExpectElement error
	ErrExpectElement = errors.New("expect js to return an element")
	// ErrExpectElements error
	ErrExpectElements = errors.New("expect js to return an array of elements")
	// ErrElementNotFound error
	ErrElementNotFound = errors.New("cannot find element")
	// ErrSrcNotFound error
	ErrSrcNotFound = errors.New("element doesn't have src attribute")
	// ErrEval error
	ErrEval = errors.New("eval error")
	// ErrNavigation error
	ErrNavigation = errors.New("navigation failed")
	// ErrPageCloseCanceled error
	ErrPageCloseCanceled = errors.New("page close canceled")
	// ErrNotClickable error
	ErrNotClickable = errors.New("element is not clickable")
View Source
var DefaultSleeper = func() utils.Sleeper {
	return utils.BackoffSleeper(100*time.Millisecond, time.Second, nil)

DefaultSleeper generates the default sleeper for retry, it uses backoff to grow the interval. The growth looks like: A(0) = 100ms, A(n) = A(n-1) * random[1.9, 2.1), A(n) < 1s


func Event

func Event(msg *cdp.Event, evt proto.Payload) bool

Event helps to convert a cdp.Event to proto.Payload. Returns false if the conversion fails

func SprintFnThis

func SprintFnThis(js string) string

SprintFnThis wrap js with this, wrap function call if it's js expression

func Try added in v0.46.0

func Try(fn func()) (err error)

Try try fn with recover, return the panic as value


type Browser

type Browser struct {

	// BrowserContextID is the id for incognito window
	BrowserContextID proto.BrowserBrowserContextID
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Browser represents the browser. It doesn't depends on file system, it should work with remote browser seamlessly. To check the env var you can use to quickly enable options from CLI, check here:

func New

func New() *Browser

New creates a controller

func (*Browser) Call

func (b *Browser) Call(ctx context.Context, sessionID, methodName string, params json.RawMessage) (res []byte, err error)

Call raw cdp interface directly

func (*Browser) CallContext

func (b *Browser) CallContext() (context.Context, proto.Client, string)

CallContext parameters for proto

func (*Browser) CancelTimeout

func (b *Browser) CancelTimeout() *Browser

CancelTimeout context and reset the context to previous one

func (*Browser) Client

func (b *Browser) Client(c Client) *Browser

Client set the cdp client

func (*Browser) Close

func (b *Browser) Close() error

Close doc is similar to the method MustClose

func (*Browser) Connect

func (b *Browser) Connect() error

Connect doc is similar to the method MustConnect

func (*Browser) Context

func (b *Browser) Context(ctx context.Context) *Browser

Context creates a clone with a context that inherits the previous one

func (*Browser) ControlURL

func (b *Browser) ControlURL(url string) *Browser

ControlURL set the url to remote control browser.

func (*Browser) DefaultViewport added in v0.49.3

func (b *Browser) DefaultViewport(viewport *proto.EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverride) *Browser

DefaultViewport sets the default viewport for new page in the future. Default size is 1200x900. Set it to nil to disable it.

func (*Browser) DisableDomain

func (b *Browser) DisableDomain(sessionID proto.TargetSessionID, method proto.Payload) (recover func())

DisableDomain and returns a recover function to restore previous state

func (*Browser) EachEvent

func (b *Browser) EachEvent(callbacks ...interface{}) (wait func())

EachEvent of the specified event type, if any callback returns true the event loop will stop.

func (*Browser) EnableDomain

func (b *Browser) EnableDomain(sessionID proto.TargetSessionID, method proto.Payload) (recover func())

EnableDomain and returns a recover function to restore previous state

func (*Browser) Event

func (b *Browser) Event() *goob.Observable

Event returns the observable for browser events

func (*Browser) HandleAuth

func (b *Browser) HandleAuth(username, password string) func() error

HandleAuth for the next basic HTTP authentication. It will prevent the popup that requires user to input user name and password. Ref:

func (*Browser) Headless added in v0.63.0

func (b *Browser) Headless() bool

Headless mode or not

func (*Browser) HijackRequests

func (b *Browser) HijackRequests() *HijackRouter

HijackRequests creates a new router instance for requests hijacking. When use Fetch domain outside the router should be stopped. Enabling hijacking disables page caching, but such as 304 Not Modified will still work as expected.

func (*Browser) IgnoreCertErrors added in v0.61.3

func (b *Browser) IgnoreCertErrors(enable bool) error

IgnoreCertErrors switch. If enabled, all certificate errors will be ignored.

func (*Browser) Incognito

func (b *Browser) Incognito() (*Browser, error)

Incognito creates a new incognito browser

func (*Browser) LoadState

func (b *Browser) LoadState(sessionID proto.TargetSessionID, method proto.Payload) (has bool)

LoadState into the method, seesionID can be empty.

func (*Browser) MustClose added in v0.50.0

func (b *Browser) MustClose()

MustClose the browser and release related resources

func (*Browser) MustConnect added in v0.50.0

func (b *Browser) MustConnect() *Browser

MustConnect to the browser and start to control it. If fails to connect, try to run a local browser, if local browser not found try to download one.

func (*Browser) MustHandleAuth added in v0.50.0

func (b *Browser) MustHandleAuth(username, password string)

MustHandleAuth for the next basic HTTP authentication. It will prevent the popup that requires user to input user name and password. Ref:

func (*Browser) MustIgnoreCertErrors added in v0.61.3

func (b *Browser) MustIgnoreCertErrors(enable bool) *Browser

MustIgnoreCertErrors switch. If enabled, all certificate errors will be ignored.

func (*Browser) MustIncognito added in v0.50.0

func (b *Browser) MustIncognito() *Browser

MustIncognito creates a new incognito browser

func (*Browser) MustPage added in v0.50.0

func (b *Browser) MustPage(url string) *Page

MustPage creates a new tab If url is empty, the default target will be "about:blank".

func (*Browser) MustPageFromTargetID added in v0.50.0

func (b *Browser) MustPageFromTargetID(targetID proto.TargetTargetID) *Page

MustPageFromTargetID creates a Page instance from a targetID

func (*Browser) MustPages added in v0.50.0

func (b *Browser) MustPages() Pages

MustPages returns all visible pages

func (*Browser) Page

func (b *Browser) Page(url string) (p *Page, err error)

Page doc is similar to the method MustPage If url is empty, the default target will be "about:blank".

func (*Browser) PageFromTarget added in v0.50.0

func (b *Browser) PageFromTarget(targetID proto.TargetTargetID) (*Page, error)

PageFromTarget creates a Page instance from a targetID

func (*Browser) Pages

func (b *Browser) Pages() (Pages, error)

Pages doc is similar to the method MustPages

func (*Browser) ServeMonitor

func (b *Browser) ServeMonitor(host string) string

ServeMonitor starts the monitor server. The reason why not to use "chrome://inspect/#devices" is one target cannot be driven by multiple controllers.

func (*Browser) Sleeper added in v0.50.0

func (b *Browser) Sleeper(sleeper func() utils.Sleeper) *Browser

Sleeper for chained sub-operations

func (*Browser) Slowmotion

func (b *Browser) Slowmotion(delay time.Duration) *Browser

Slowmotion set the delay for each control action, such as the simulation of the human inputs

func (*Browser) Timeout

func (b *Browser) Timeout(d time.Duration) *Browser

Timeout for chained sub-operations

func (*Browser) Trace

func (b *Browser) Trace(enable bool) *Browser

Trace enables/disables the visual tracing of the input actions on the page

func (*Browser) TraceLog added in v0.46.5

func (b *Browser) TraceLog(l TraceLog) *Browser

TraceLog overrides the default log functions for tracing

func (*Browser) WaitEvent

func (b *Browser) WaitEvent(e proto.Payload) (wait func())

WaitEvent waits for the next event for one time. It will also load the data into the event object.

type Client added in v0.54.0

type Client interface {
	Connect(ctx context.Context) error
	Event() <-chan *cdp.Event
	Call(ctx context.Context, sessionID, method string, params interface{}) ([]byte, error)

Client interface

type Element

type Element struct {
	ObjectID proto.RuntimeRemoteObjectID
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Element represents the DOM element

func (*Element) Attribute

func (el *Element) Attribute(name string) (*string, error)

Attribute is similar to the method Attribute

func (*Element) Blur

func (el *Element) Blur() error

Blur is similar to the method Blur

func (*Element) Box

func (el *Element) Box() (*proto.DOMRect, error)

Box returns the size of an element and its position relative to the main frame.

func (*Element) CallContext

func (el *Element) CallContext() (context.Context, proto.Client, string)

CallContext parameters for proto

func (*Element) CancelTimeout

func (el *Element) CancelTimeout() *Element

CancelTimeout context and reset the context to previous one

func (*Element) CanvasToImage added in v0.45.1

func (el *Element) CanvasToImage(format string, quality float64) ([]byte, error)

CanvasToImage get image data of a canvas. The default format is image/png. The default quality is 0.92. doc:

func (*Element) Click

func (el *Element) Click(button proto.InputMouseButton) error

Click will press then release the button just like a human.

func (*Element) Clickable added in v0.48.0

func (el *Element) Clickable() (bool, error)

Clickable checks if the element is behind another element, such as when invisible or covered by a modal.

func (*Element) ContainsElement added in v0.48.0

func (el *Element) ContainsElement(target *Element) (bool, error)

ContainsElement check if the target is equal or inside the element.

func (*Element) Context

func (el *Element) Context(ctx context.Context) *Element

Context creates a clone with a context that inherits the previous one

func (*Element) Describe

func (el *Element) Describe(depth int, pierce bool) (*proto.DOMNode, error)

Describe doc is similar to the method MustDescribe please see

func (*Element) Element

func (el *Element) Element(selectors ...string) (*Element, error)

Element doc is similar to the method MustElement

func (*Element) ElementByJS

func (el *Element) ElementByJS(opts *EvalOptions) (*Element, error)

ElementByJS doc is similar to the method MustElementByJS

func (*Element) ElementR added in v0.57.0

func (el *Element) ElementR(pairs ...string) (*Element, error)

ElementR doc is similar to the method MustElementR

func (*Element) ElementX

func (el *Element) ElementX(xPaths ...string) (*Element, error)

ElementX doc is similar to the method MustElementX

func (*Element) Elements

func (el *Element) Elements(selector string) (Elements, error)

Elements doc is similar to the method MustElements

func (*Element) ElementsByJS

func (el *Element) ElementsByJS(opts *EvalOptions) (Elements, error)

ElementsByJS doc is similar to the method MustElementsByJS

func (*Element) ElementsX

func (el *Element) ElementsX(xpath string) (Elements, error)

ElementsX doc is similar to the method MustElementsX

func (*Element) Eval

func (el *Element) Eval(js string, params ...interface{}) (*proto.RuntimeRemoteObject, error)

Eval doc is similar to the method MustEval

func (*Element) EvalWithOptions added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) EvalWithOptions(opts *EvalOptions) (*proto.RuntimeRemoteObject, error)

EvalWithOptions of Eval

func (*Element) Focus

func (el *Element) Focus() error

Focus doc is similar to the method MustFocus

func (*Element) Frame

func (el *Element) Frame() (*Page, error)

Frame creates a page instance that represents the iframe

func (*Element) HTML

func (el *Element) HTML() (string, error)

HTML doc is similar to the method MustHTML

func (*Element) Has

func (el *Element) Has(selector string) (bool, *Element, error)

Has doc is similar to the method MustHas

func (*Element) HasR added in v0.61.0

func (el *Element) HasR(selector, regex string) (bool, *Element, error)

HasR doc is similar to the method MustHasMatches

func (*Element) HasX

func (el *Element) HasX(selector string) (bool, *Element, error)

HasX doc is similar to the method MustHasX

func (*Element) Hover added in v0.49.1

func (el *Element) Hover() error

Hover the mouse over the center of the element.

func (*Element) Input

func (el *Element) Input(text string) error

Input doc is similar to the method MustInput

func (*Element) Matches added in v0.45.0

func (el *Element) Matches(selector string) (bool, error)

Matches checks if the element can be selected by the css selector

func (*Element) MustAttribute added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustAttribute(name string) *string

MustAttribute returns the value of a specified attribute on the element. Please check the Property function before you use it, usually you don't want to use MustAttribute.

func (*Element) MustBlur added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustBlur() *Element

MustBlur will call the blur function on the element. On inputs, this will deselect the element.

func (*Element) MustBox added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustBox() *proto.DOMRect

MustBox returns the size of an element and its position relative to the main frame.

func (*Element) MustCanvasToImage added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustCanvasToImage(format string, quality float64) []byte

MustCanvasToImage get image data of a canvas. The default format is image/png. The default quality is 0.92. doc:

func (*Element) MustClick added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustClick() *Element

MustClick the element

func (*Element) MustClickable added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustClickable() bool

MustClickable checks if the element is behind another element, such as when covered by a modal.

func (*Element) MustContainsElement added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustContainsElement(target *Element) bool

MustContainsElement check if the target is equal or inside the element.

func (*Element) MustDescribe added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustDescribe() *proto.DOMNode

MustDescribe returns the element info Returned json:

func (*Element) MustElement added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustElement(selector string) *Element

MustElement returns the first child that matches the css selector

func (*Element) MustElementByJS added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustElementByJS(js string, params ...interface{}) *Element

MustElementByJS returns the element from the return value of the js

func (*Element) MustElementR added in v0.57.0

func (el *Element) MustElementR(selector, regex string) *Element

MustElementR returns the first element in the page that matches the CSS selector and its text matches the regex. The regex is the js regex, not golang's.

func (*Element) MustElementX added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustElementX(xpath string) *Element

MustElementX returns the first child that matches the XPath selector

func (*Element) MustElements added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustElements(selector string) Elements

MustElements returns all elements that match the css selector

func (*Element) MustElementsByJS added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustElementsByJS(js string, params ...interface{}) Elements

MustElementsByJS returns the elements from the return value of the js

func (*Element) MustElementsX added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustElementsX(xpath string) Elements

MustElementsX returns all elements that match the XPath selector

func (*Element) MustEval added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustEval(js string, params ...interface{}) proto.JSON

MustEval evaluates js function on the element, the first param must be a js function definition For example: el.MustEval(`name => this.getAttribute(name)`, "value")

func (*Element) MustFocus added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustFocus() *Element

MustFocus sets focus on the specified element

func (*Element) MustFrame added in v0.55.1

func (el *Element) MustFrame() *Page

MustFrame creates a page instance that represents the iframe

func (*Element) MustHTML added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustHTML() string

MustHTML gets the outerHTML of the element

func (*Element) MustHas added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustHas(selector string) bool

MustHas an element that matches the css selector

func (*Element) MustHasR added in v0.61.0

func (el *Element) MustHasR(selector, regex string) bool

MustHasR an element that matches the css selector and its text matches the regex.

func (*Element) MustHasX added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustHasX(selector string) bool

MustHasX an element that matches the XPath selector

func (*Element) MustHover added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustHover() *Element

MustHover the mouse over the center of the element.

func (*Element) MustInput added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustInput(text string) *Element

MustInput wll click the element and input the text. To empty the input you can use something like el.SelectAllText().MustInput("")

func (*Element) MustMatches added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustMatches(selector string) bool

MustMatches checks if the element can be selected by the css selector

func (*Element) MustNext added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustNext() *Element

MustNext returns the next sibling element

func (*Element) MustNodeID added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustNodeID() proto.DOMNodeID

MustNodeID of the node

func (*Element) MustParent added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustParent() *Element

MustParent returns the parent element

func (*Element) MustParents added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustParents(selector string) Elements

MustParents that match the selector

func (*Element) MustPress added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustPress(key rune) *Element

MustPress a key

func (*Element) MustPrevious added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustPrevious() *Element

MustPrevious returns the previous sibling element

func (*Element) MustProperty added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustProperty(name string) proto.JSON

MustProperty returns the value of a specified property on the element. It's similar to Attribute but attributes can only be string, properties can be types like bool, float, etc.

func (*Element) MustRelease added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustRelease()

MustRelease remote object on browser

func (*Element) MustResource added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustResource() []byte

MustResource returns the binary of the "src" properly, such as the image or audio file.

func (*Element) MustScreenshot added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustScreenshot(toFile ...string) []byte

MustScreenshot of the area of the element

func (*Element) MustScrollIntoView added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustScrollIntoView() *Element

MustScrollIntoView scrolls the current element into the visible area of the browser window if it's not already within the visible area.

func (*Element) MustSelect added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustSelect(selectors ...string) *Element

MustSelect the option elements that match the selectors, the selector can be text content or css selector

func (*Element) MustSelectAllText added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustSelectAllText() *Element

MustSelectAllText selects all text

func (*Element) MustSelectText added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustSelectText(regex string) *Element

MustSelectText selects the text that matches the regular expression

func (*Element) MustSetFiles added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustSetFiles(paths ...string) *Element

MustSetFiles sets files for the given file input element

func (*Element) MustShadowRoot added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustShadowRoot() *Element

MustShadowRoot returns the shadow root of this element

func (*Element) MustTap added in v0.61.4

func (el *Element) MustTap() *Element

MustTap the element

func (*Element) MustText added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustText() string

MustText gets the innerText of the element

func (*Element) MustVisible added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustVisible() bool

MustVisible returns true if the element is visible on the page

func (*Element) MustWait added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustWait(js string, params ...interface{}) *Element

MustWait until the js returns true

func (*Element) MustWaitInvisible added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustWaitInvisible() *Element

MustWaitInvisible until the element is not visible or removed

func (*Element) MustWaitLoad added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustWaitLoad() *Element

MustWaitLoad for element like <img />

func (*Element) MustWaitStable added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustWaitStable() *Element

MustWaitStable waits until the size and position are stable. Useful when waiting for the animation of modal or button to complete so that we can simulate the mouse to move to it and click on it.

func (*Element) MustWaitVisible added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) MustWaitVisible() *Element

MustWaitVisible until the element is visible

func (*Element) Next

func (el *Element) Next() (*Element, error)

Next doc is similar to the method MustNext

func (*Element) NodeID added in v0.49.0

func (el *Element) NodeID() (proto.DOMNodeID, error)

NodeID of the node

func (*Element) Parent

func (el *Element) Parent() (*Element, error)

Parent doc is similar to the method MustParent

func (*Element) Parents

func (el *Element) Parents(selector string) (Elements, error)

Parents that match the selector

func (*Element) Press

func (el *Element) Press(key rune) error

Press doc is similar to the method MustPress

func (*Element) Previous

func (el *Element) Previous() (*Element, error)

Previous doc is similar to the method MustPrevious

func (*Element) Property

func (el *Element) Property(name string) (proto.JSON, error)

Property is similar to the method Property

func (*Element) Release

func (el *Element) Release() error

Release doc is similar to the method MustRelease

func (*Element) Resource

func (el *Element) Resource() ([]byte, error)

Resource doc is similar to the method MustResource

func (*Element) Screenshot

func (el *Element) Screenshot(format proto.PageCaptureScreenshotFormat, quality int) ([]byte, error)

Screenshot of the area of the element

func (*Element) ScrollIntoView

func (el *Element) ScrollIntoView() error

ScrollIntoView doc is similar to the method MustScrollIntoViewIfNeeded

func (*Element) Select

func (el *Element) Select(selectors []string) error

Select doc is similar to the method MustSelect

func (*Element) SelectAllText

func (el *Element) SelectAllText() error

SelectAllText doc is similar to the method MustSelectAllText

func (*Element) SelectText

func (el *Element) SelectText(regex string) error

SelectText doc is similar to the method MustSelectText

func (*Element) SetFiles

func (el *Element) SetFiles(paths []string) error

SetFiles doc is similar to the method MustSetFiles

func (*Element) ShadowRoot

func (el *Element) ShadowRoot() (*Element, error)

ShadowRoot returns the shadow root of this element

func (*Element) Sleeper added in v0.50.0

func (el *Element) Sleeper(sleeper func() utils.Sleeper) *Element

Sleeper for chained sub-operations

func (*Element) Tap added in v0.61.4

func (el *Element) Tap() error

Tap the button just like a human.

func (*Element) Text

func (el *Element) Text() (string, error)

Text doc is similar to the method MustText

func (*Element) Timeout

func (el *Element) Timeout(d time.Duration) *Element

Timeout for chained sub-operations

func (*Element) Trace

func (el *Element) Trace(msg string) (removeOverlay func())

Trace with an overlay on the element

func (*Element) Visible

func (el *Element) Visible() (bool, error)

Visible doc is similar to the method MustVisible

func (*Element) Wait

func (el *Element) Wait(js string, params ...interface{}) error

Wait doc is similar to the method MustWait

func (*Element) WaitInvisible

func (el *Element) WaitInvisible() error

WaitInvisible doc is similar to the method MustWaitInvisible

func (*Element) WaitLoad added in v0.49.0

func (el *Element) WaitLoad() error

WaitLoad for element like <img />

func (*Element) WaitStable

func (el *Element) WaitStable(interval time.Duration) error

WaitStable not using requestAnimation here because it can trigger to many checks, or miss checks for jQuery css animation.

func (*Element) WaitVisible

func (el *Element) WaitVisible() error

WaitVisible doc is similar to the method MustWaitVisible

type Elements

type Elements []*Element

Elements provides some helpers to deal with element list

func (Elements) Empty

func (els Elements) Empty() bool

Empty returns true if the list is empty

func (Elements) First

func (els Elements) First() *Element

First returns the first element, if the list is empty returns nil

func (Elements) Last

func (els Elements) Last() *Element

Last returns the last element, if the list is empty returns nil

type Error

type Error struct {
	// Code is used to tell error types
	Code error

	// Details is a JSON object
	Details interface{}

Error type for rod

func AsError added in v0.61.2

func AsError(err error) (e *Error)

AsError of *rod.Error

func (*Error) Error

func (e *Error) Error() string

Error interface

func (*Error) Unwrap

func (e *Error) Unwrap() error

Unwrap interface

type EvalOptions added in v0.50.0

type EvalOptions struct {
	// If enabled the eval will return an reference id for the
	// remote object. If disabled the remote object will be return as json.
	ByValue bool

	// ThisID is the this object when eval the js
	ThisID proto.RuntimeRemoteObjectID

	// JS function code to eval
	JS string

	// JSArgs of the js function
	JSArgs JSArgs

EvalOptions object

func NewEvalOptions added in v0.50.0

func NewEvalOptions(js string, args JSArgs) *EvalOptions

NewEvalOptions creates a new EvalPayload

func (*EvalOptions) ByObject added in v0.50.0

func (e *EvalOptions) ByObject() *EvalOptions

ByObject disables ByValue.

func (*EvalOptions) This added in v0.50.0

This set the ThisID

type Hijack

type Hijack struct {
	Request  *HijackRequest
	Response *HijackResponse
	OnError  func(error)

	// Skip to next handler
	Skip bool
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Hijack context

func (*Hijack) ContinueRequest added in v0.42.0

func (h *Hijack) ContinueRequest(cq *proto.FetchContinueRequest)

ContinueRequest without hijacking

func (*Hijack) LoadResponse

func (h *Hijack) LoadResponse(client *http.Client, loadBody bool) error

LoadResponse will send request to the real destination and load the response as default response to override.

func (*Hijack) MustLoadResponse added in v0.50.0

func (h *Hijack) MustLoadResponse()

MustLoadResponse will send request to the real destination and load the response as default response to override.

type HijackRequest

type HijackRequest struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

HijackRequest context

func (*HijackRequest) Body

func (ctx *HijackRequest) Body() string

Body of the request, devtools API doesn't support binary data yet, only string can be captured.

func (*HijackRequest) Header

func (ctx *HijackRequest) Header(key string) string

Header via a key

func (*HijackRequest) Headers

func (ctx *HijackRequest) Headers() proto.NetworkHeaders

Headers of request

func (*HijackRequest) JSONBody

func (ctx *HijackRequest) JSONBody() gjson.Result

JSONBody of the request

func (*HijackRequest) Method

func (ctx *HijackRequest) Method() string

Method of the request

func (*HijackRequest) Req added in v0.52.0

func (ctx *HijackRequest) Req() *http.Request

Req returns the underlaying http.Request instance that will be used to send the request.

func (*HijackRequest) SetBody

func (ctx *HijackRequest) SetBody(obj interface{}) *HijackRequest

SetBody of the request, if obj is []byte or string, raw body will be used, else it will be encoded as json.

func (*HijackRequest) SetContext added in v0.57.1

func (ctx *HijackRequest) SetContext(c context.Context) *HijackRequest

SetContext of the underlaying http.Request instance

func (*HijackRequest) Type added in v0.49.1

Type of the resource

func (*HijackRequest) URL

func (ctx *HijackRequest) URL() *url.URL

URL of the request

type HijackResponse

type HijackResponse struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

HijackResponse context

func (*HijackResponse) Body

func (ctx *HijackResponse) Body() string

Body of the payload

func (*HijackResponse) Fail added in v0.48.1

Fail request

func (*HijackResponse) Headers

func (ctx *HijackResponse) Headers() http.Header

Headers of the payload

func (*HijackResponse) Payload added in v0.52.0

func (ctx *HijackResponse) Payload() *proto.FetchFulfillRequest

Payload to respond the request from the browser.

func (*HijackResponse) SetBody

func (ctx *HijackResponse) SetBody(obj interface{}) *HijackResponse

SetBody of the payload, if obj is []byte or string, raw body will be used, else it will be encoded as json.

func (*HijackResponse) SetHeader

func (ctx *HijackResponse) SetHeader(pairs ...string) *HijackResponse

SetHeader of the payload via key-value pairs

type HijackRouter

type HijackRouter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

HijackRouter context

func (*HijackRouter) Add

func (r *HijackRouter) Add(pattern string, resourceType proto.NetworkResourceType, handler func(*Hijack)) error

Add a hijack handler to router, the doc of the pattern is the same as "proto.FetchRequestPattern.URLPattern". You can add new handler even after the "Run" is called.

func (*HijackRouter) MustAdd added in v0.50.0

func (r *HijackRouter) MustAdd(pattern string, handler func(*Hijack)) *HijackRouter

MustAdd a hijack handler to router, the doc of the pattern is the same as "proto.FetchRequestPattern.URLPattern". You can add new handler even after the "Run" is called.

func (*HijackRouter) MustRemove added in v0.50.0

func (r *HijackRouter) MustRemove(pattern string) *HijackRouter

MustRemove handler via the pattern

func (*HijackRouter) MustStop added in v0.50.0

func (r *HijackRouter) MustStop()

MustStop the router

func (*HijackRouter) Remove

func (r *HijackRouter) Remove(pattern string) error

Remove handler via the pattern

func (*HijackRouter) Run

func (r *HijackRouter) Run()

Run the router, after you call it, you shouldn't add new handler to it.

func (*HijackRouter) Stop

func (r *HijackRouter) Stop() error

Stop the router

type JSArgs added in v0.57.0

type JSArgs []interface{}

JSArgs for eval

func JSArgsFromString added in v0.57.0

func JSArgsFromString(list []string) JSArgs

JSArgsFromString converts a string list into Array type

type Keyboard

type Keyboard struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Keyboard represents the keyboard on a page, it's always related the main frame

func (*Keyboard) Down

func (k *Keyboard) Down(key rune) error

Down doc is similar to the method MustDown

func (*Keyboard) InsertText

func (k *Keyboard) InsertText(text string) error

InsertText doc is similar to the method MustInsertText

func (*Keyboard) MustDown added in v0.50.0

func (k *Keyboard) MustDown(key rune) *Keyboard

MustDown holds key down

func (*Keyboard) MustInsertText added in v0.50.0

func (k *Keyboard) MustInsertText(text string) *Keyboard

MustInsertText like paste text into the page

func (*Keyboard) MustPress added in v0.50.0

func (k *Keyboard) MustPress(key rune) *Keyboard

MustPress a key

func (*Keyboard) MustUp added in v0.50.0

func (k *Keyboard) MustUp(key rune) *Keyboard

MustUp releases the key

func (*Keyboard) Press

func (k *Keyboard) Press(key rune) error

Press doc is similar to the method MustPress

func (*Keyboard) Up

func (k *Keyboard) Up(key rune) error

Up doc is similar to the method MustUp

type Mouse

type Mouse struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Mouse represents the mouse on a page, it's always related the main frame

func (*Mouse) Click

func (m *Mouse) Click(button proto.InputMouseButton) error

Click doc is similar to the method MustClick

func (*Mouse) Down

func (m *Mouse) Down(button proto.InputMouseButton, clicks int64) error

Down doc is similar to the method MustDown

func (*Mouse) Move

func (m *Mouse) Move(x, y float64, steps int) error

Move to the absolute position with specified steps

func (*Mouse) MustClick added in v0.50.0

func (m *Mouse) MustClick(button proto.InputMouseButton) *Mouse

MustClick will press then release the button

func (*Mouse) MustDown added in v0.50.0

func (m *Mouse) MustDown(button proto.InputMouseButton) *Mouse

MustDown holds the button down

func (*Mouse) MustMove added in v0.50.0

func (m *Mouse) MustMove(x, y float64) *Mouse

MustMove to the absolute position

func (*Mouse) MustScroll added in v0.50.0

func (m *Mouse) MustScroll(x, y float64) *Mouse

MustScroll with the relative offset

func (*Mouse) MustUp added in v0.50.0

func (m *Mouse) MustUp(button proto.InputMouseButton) *Mouse

MustUp release the button

func (*Mouse) Scroll

func (m *Mouse) Scroll(offsetX, offsetY float64, steps int) error

Scroll the relative offset with specified steps

func (*Mouse) Up

func (m *Mouse) Up(button proto.InputMouseButton, clicks int64) error

Up doc is similar to the method MustUp

type Page

type Page struct {
	TargetID  proto.TargetTargetID
	SessionID proto.TargetSessionID
	FrameID   proto.PageFrameID

	// devices
	Mouse    *Mouse
	Keyboard *Keyboard
	Touch    *Touch
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Page represents the webpage We try to hold as less states as possible

func (*Page) AddScriptTag

func (p *Page) AddScriptTag(url, content string) error

AddScriptTag to page. If url is empty, content will be used.

func (*Page) AddStyleTag

func (p *Page) AddStyleTag(url, content string) error

AddStyleTag to page. If url is empty, content will be used.

func (*Page) CallContext

func (p *Page) CallContext() (context.Context, proto.Client, string)

CallContext parameters for proto

func (*Page) CancelTimeout

func (p *Page) CancelTimeout() *Page

CancelTimeout context and reset the context to previous one

func (*Page) Close

func (p *Page) Close() error

Close tries to close page, running its beforeunload hooks, if any.

func (*Page) Context

func (p *Page) Context(ctx context.Context) *Page

Context creates a clone with a context that inherits the previous one

func (*Page) Cookies

func (p *Page) Cookies(urls []string) ([]*proto.NetworkCookie, error)

Cookies returns the page cookies. By default it will return the cookies for current page. The urls is the list of URLs for which applicable cookies will be fetched.

func (*Page) DisableDomain

func (p *Page) DisableDomain(method proto.Payload) (recover func())

DisableDomain and returns a recover function to restore previous state

func (*Page) EachEvent

func (p *Page) EachEvent(callbacks ...interface{}) (wait func())

EachEvent of the specified event type, if any callback returns true the event loop will stop.

func (*Page) Element

func (p *Page) Element(selectors ...string) (*Element, error)

Element doc is similar to the method MustElement

func (*Page) ElementByJS

func (p *Page) ElementByJS(opts *EvalOptions) (*Element, error)

ElementByJS returns the element from the return value of the js function. If sleeper is nil, no retry will be performed. thisID is the this value of the js function, when thisID is "", the this context will be the "window". If the js function returns "null", ElementByJS will retry, you can use custom sleeper to make it only retry once.

func (*Page) ElementFromNode added in v0.47.0

func (p *Page) ElementFromNode(id proto.DOMNodeID) (*Element, error)

ElementFromNode creates an Element from the node id

func (*Page) ElementFromObject added in v0.47.0

func (p *Page) ElementFromObject(id proto.RuntimeRemoteObjectID) *Element

ElementFromObject creates an Element from the remote object id.

func (*Page) ElementFromPoint added in v0.48.0

func (p *Page) ElementFromPoint(x, y int64) (*Element, error)

ElementFromPoint creates an Element from the absolute point on the page. The point should include the window scroll offset.

func (*Page) ElementR added in v0.57.0

func (p *Page) ElementR(pairs ...string) (*Element, error)

ElementR doc is similar to the method MustElementR

func (*Page) ElementX

func (p *Page) ElementX(xPaths ...string) (*Element, error)

ElementX finds elements by XPath

func (*Page) Elements

func (p *Page) Elements(selector string) (Elements, error)

Elements doc is similar to the method MustElements

func (*Page) ElementsByJS

func (p *Page) ElementsByJS(opts *EvalOptions) (Elements, error)

ElementsByJS is different from ElementByJSE, it doesn't do retry

func (*Page) ElementsX

func (p *Page) ElementsX(xpath string) (Elements, error)

ElementsX doc is similar to the method MustElementsX

func (*Page) Emulate added in v0.42.1

func (p *Page) Emulate(device devices.Device, landscape bool) error

Emulate the device, such as iPhone9. If device is devices.Clear, it will clear the override.

func (*Page) EnableDomain

func (p *Page) EnableDomain(method proto.Payload) (recover func())

EnableDomain and returns a recover function to restore previous state

func (*Page) Eval

func (p *Page) Eval(js string, jsArgs ...interface{}) (*proto.RuntimeRemoteObject, error)

Eval evalutes javascript on the page.

func (*Page) EvalOnNewDocument added in v0.44.0

func (p *Page) EvalOnNewDocument(js string) (proto.PageScriptIdentifier, error)

EvalOnNewDocument Evaluates given script in every frame upon creation (before loading frame's scripts).

func (*Page) EvalWithOptions added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) EvalWithOptions(opts *EvalOptions) (*proto.RuntimeRemoteObject, error)

EvalWithOptions thisID is the remote objectID that will be the this of the js function, if it's empty "window" will be used. Set the byValue to true to reduce memory occupation. If the item in jsArgs is proto.RuntimeRemoteObjectID, the remote object will be used, else the item will be treated as JSON value.

func (*Page) Expose added in v0.49.1

func (p *Page) Expose(name string) (callback chan string, stop func(), err error)

Expose function to the page's window object. Must bind before navigate to the page. Bindings survive reloads. Binding function takes exactly one argument, this argument should be string.

func (*Page) ExposeJSHelper added in v0.45.0

func (p *Page) ExposeJSHelper() *Page

ExposeJSHelper to page's window object, so you can debug helper.js in the browser console. Such as run `rod.elementR("div", "ok")` in the browser console to test the Page.ElementR.

func (*Page) GetDownloadFile

func (p *Page) GetDownloadFile(pattern string, resourceType proto.NetworkResourceType, client *http.Client) func() (http.Header, []byte, error)

GetDownloadFile of the next download url that matches the pattern, returns the file content. The handler will be used once and removed.

func (*Page) GetWindow

func (p *Page) GetWindow() (*proto.BrowserBounds, error)

GetWindow doc is similar to the method MustGetWindow

func (*Page) HandleDialog

func (p *Page) HandleDialog(accept bool, promptText string) func() error

HandleDialog doc is similar to the method MustHandleDialog. Because the js will be paused, you should put the code that triggers in a goroutine.

func (*Page) Has

func (p *Page) Has(selectors ...string) (bool, *Element, error)

Has doc is similar to the method MustHas

func (*Page) HasR added in v0.61.0

func (p *Page) HasR(selector, regex string) (bool, *Element, error)

HasR doc is similar to the method MustHasMatches

func (*Page) HasX

func (p *Page) HasX(selectors ...string) (bool, *Element, error)

HasX doc is similar to the method MustHasX

func (*Page) HijackRequests

func (p *Page) HijackRequests() *HijackRouter

HijackRequests same as Browser.HijackRequests, but scoped with the page

func (*Page) Info added in v0.42.1

func (p *Page) Info() (*proto.TargetTargetInfo, error)

Info of the page, such as the URL or title of the page

func (*Page) IsIframe

func (p *Page) IsIframe() bool

IsIframe tells if it's iframe

func (*Page) LoadState

func (p *Page) LoadState(method proto.Payload) (has bool)

LoadState into the method.

func (*Page) MustAddScriptTag added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustAddScriptTag(url string) *Page

MustAddScriptTag to page. If url is empty, content will be used.

func (*Page) MustAddStyleTag added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustAddStyleTag(url string) *Page

MustAddStyleTag to page. If url is empty, content will be used.

func (*Page) MustClose added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustClose()

MustClose page

func (*Page) MustCookies added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustCookies(urls ...string) []*proto.NetworkCookie

MustCookies returns the page cookies. By default it will return the cookies for current page. The urls is the list of URLs for which applicable cookies will be fetched.

func (*Page) MustElement added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustElement(selectors ...string) *Element

MustElement retries until an element in the page that matches one of the CSS selectors

func (*Page) MustElementByJS added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustElementByJS(js string, params ...interface{}) *Element

MustElementByJS retries until returns the element from the return value of the js function

func (*Page) MustElementFromNode added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustElementFromNode(id proto.DOMNodeID) *Element

MustElementFromNode creates an Element from the node id

func (*Page) MustElementFromPoint added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustElementFromPoint(left, top int) *Element

MustElementFromPoint creates an Element from the absolute point on the page. The point should include the window scroll offset.

func (*Page) MustElementR added in v0.57.0

func (p *Page) MustElementR(pairs ...string) *Element

MustElementR retries until an element in the page that matches one of the pairs. Each pairs is a css selector and a regex. A sample call will look like page.MustElementR("div", "click me"). The regex is the js regex, not golang's.

func (*Page) MustElementX added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustElementX(xPaths ...string) *Element

MustElementX retries until an element in the page that matches one of the XPath selectors

func (*Page) MustElements added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustElements(selector string) Elements

MustElements returns all elements that match the css selector

func (*Page) MustElementsByJS added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustElementsByJS(js string, params ...interface{}) Elements

MustElementsByJS returns the elements from the return value of the js

func (*Page) MustElementsX added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustElementsX(xpath string) Elements

MustElementsX returns all elements that match the XPath selector

func (*Page) MustEmulate added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustEmulate(device devices.Device) *Page

MustEmulate the device, such as iPhone9. If device is empty, it will clear the override.

func (*Page) MustEval added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustEval(js string, params ...interface{}) proto.JSON

MustEval js on the page. The first param must be a js function definition. For example page.MustEval(`n => n + 1`, 1) will return 2

func (*Page) MustEvalOnNewDocument added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustEvalOnNewDocument(js string)

MustEvalOnNewDocument Evaluates given script in every frame upon creation (before loading frame's scripts).

func (*Page) MustExpose added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustExpose(name string) (callback chan string, stop func())

MustExpose function to the page's window object. Must bind before navigate to the page. Bindings survive reloads. Binding function takes exactly one argument, this argument should be string.

func (*Page) MustGetDownloadFile added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustGetDownloadFile(pattern string) func() []byte

MustGetDownloadFile of the next download url that matches the pattern, returns the file content.

func (*Page) MustGetWindow added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustGetWindow() *proto.BrowserBounds

MustGetWindow get window bounds

func (*Page) MustHandleDialog added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustHandleDialog(accept bool, promptText string) (wait func())

MustHandleDialog accepts or dismisses next JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload) Because alert will block js, usually you have to run the wait function inside a goroutine. Check the unit test for it for more information.

func (*Page) MustHas added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustHas(selector string) bool

MustHas an element that matches the css selector

func (*Page) MustHasR added in v0.61.0

func (p *Page) MustHasR(selector, regex string) bool

MustHasR an element that matches the css selector and its text matches the regex.

func (*Page) MustHasX added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustHasX(selector string) bool

MustHasX an element that matches the XPath selector

func (*Page) MustInfo added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustInfo() *proto.TargetTargetInfo

MustInfo of the page, such as the URL or title of the page

func (*Page) MustNavigate added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustNavigate(url string) *Page

MustNavigate to url If url is empty, it will navigate to "about:blank".

func (*Page) MustNavigateBack added in v0.61.4

func (p *Page) MustNavigateBack() *Page

MustNavigateBack history

func (*Page) MustNavigateForward added in v0.61.4

func (p *Page) MustNavigateForward() *Page

MustNavigateForward history

func (*Page) MustObjectToJSON added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustObjectToJSON(obj *proto.RuntimeRemoteObject) proto.JSON

MustObjectToJSON by remote object

func (*Page) MustObjectsToJSON added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustObjectsToJSON(list []*proto.RuntimeRemoteObject) proto.JSON

MustObjectsToJSON by remote objects

func (*Page) MustPDF added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustPDF(toFile ...string) []byte

MustPDF prints page as MustPDF

func (*Page) MustRelease added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustRelease(objectID proto.RuntimeRemoteObjectID) *Page

MustRelease remote object

func (*Page) MustReload added in v0.61.4

func (p *Page) MustReload() *Page

MustReload page.

func (*Page) MustScreenshot added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustScreenshot(toFile ...string) []byte

MustScreenshot the page and returns the binary of the image If the toFile is "", it will save output to "tmp/screenshots" folder, time as the file name.

func (*Page) MustScreenshotFullPage added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustScreenshotFullPage(toFile ...string) []byte

MustScreenshotFullPage including all scrollable content and returns the binary of the image.

func (*Page) MustSearch added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustSearch(queries ...string) *Element

MustSearch for each given query in the DOM tree until find one, before that it will keep retrying. The query can be plain text or css selector or xpath. It will search nested iframes and shadow doms too.

func (*Page) MustSetCookies added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustSetCookies(cookies ...*proto.NetworkCookieParam) *Page

MustSetCookies of the page. Cookie format:

func (*Page) MustSetExtraHeaders added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustSetExtraHeaders(dict ...string) (cleanup func())

MustSetExtraHeaders whether to always send extra HTTP headers with the requests from this page. The arguments are key-value pairs, you can set multiple key-value pairs at the same time.

func (*Page) MustSetUserAgent added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustSetUserAgent(req *proto.NetworkSetUserAgentOverride) *Page

MustSetUserAgent Allows overriding user agent with the given string. If req is nil, the default user agent will be the same as a mac chrome.

func (*Page) MustStopLoading added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustStopLoading() *Page

MustStopLoading forces the page stop all navigations and pending resource fetches.

func (*Page) MustViewport added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustViewport(width, height int64, deviceScaleFactor float64, mobile bool) *Page

MustViewport overrides the values of device screen dimensions.

func (*Page) MustWait added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustWait(js string, params ...interface{})

MustWait js function until it returns true

func (*Page) MustWaitIdle added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustWaitIdle() *Page

MustWaitIdle wait until the next window.requestIdleCallback is called.

func (*Page) MustWaitLoad added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustWaitLoad() *Page

MustWaitLoad wait until the `window.onload` is complete, resolve immediately if already fired.

func (*Page) MustWaitNavigation added in v0.63.2

func (p *Page) MustWaitNavigation() func()

MustWaitNavigation wait for lifecycle event "networkAlmostIdle" when navigating.

func (*Page) MustWaitOpen added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustWaitOpen() (wait func() (newPage *Page))

MustWaitOpen waits for a new page opened by the current one

func (*Page) MustWaitPauseOpen added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustWaitPauseOpen() (wait func() *Page, resume func())

MustWaitPauseOpen waits for a page opened by the current page, before opening pause the js execution. Because the js will be paused, you should put the code that triggers it in a goroutine, such as the click.

func (*Page) MustWaitRequestIdle added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustWaitRequestIdle(excludes ...string) (wait func())

MustWaitRequestIdle returns a wait function that waits until the page doesn't send request for 300ms. You can pass regular expressions to exclude the requests by their url.

func (*Page) MustWindow added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustWindow(left, top, width, height int64) *Page

MustWindow set the window location and size

func (*Page) MustWindowFullscreen added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustWindowFullscreen() *Page

MustWindowFullscreen the window

func (*Page) MustWindowMaximize added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustWindowMaximize() *Page

MustWindowMaximize the window

func (*Page) MustWindowMinimize added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustWindowMinimize() *Page

MustWindowMinimize the window

func (*Page) MustWindowNormal added in v0.50.0

func (p *Page) MustWindowNormal() *Page

MustWindowNormal the window size

func (*Page) Navigate

func (p *Page) Navigate(url string) error

Navigate doc is similar to the method MustNavigate If url is empty, it will navigate to "about:blank".

func (*Page) NavigateBack added in v0.61.4

func (p *Page) NavigateBack() error

NavigateBack history.

func (*Page) NavigateForward added in v0.61.4

func (p *Page) NavigateForward() error

NavigateForward history.

func (*Page) ObjectToJSON

func (p *Page) ObjectToJSON(obj *proto.RuntimeRemoteObject) (proto.JSON, error)

ObjectToJSON by object id

func (*Page) Overlay

func (p *Page) Overlay(left, top, width, height float64, msg string) (remove func())

Overlay a rectangle on the main frame with specified message

func (*Page) PDF

func (p *Page) PDF(req *proto.PagePrintToPDF) (*StreamReader, error)

PDF prints page as PDF

func (*Page) Race added in v0.57.0

func (p *Page) Race() *RaceContext

Race creates a context to race selectors

func (*Page) Release

func (p *Page) Release(objectID proto.RuntimeRemoteObjectID) error

Release doc is similar to the method MustRelease

func (*Page) Reload added in v0.61.4

func (p *Page) Reload() error

Reload page.

func (*Page) Root

func (p *Page) Root() *Page

Root page of the iframe, if it's not a iframe returns itself

func (*Page) Search added in v0.47.0

func (p *Page) Search(from, to int, queries ...string) (Elements, error)

Search for each given query in the DOM tree until the result count is not zero, before that it will keep retrying. The query can be plain text or css selector or xpath. It will search nested iframes and shadow doms too.

func (*Page) SetCookies

func (p *Page) SetCookies(cookies []*proto.NetworkCookieParam) error

SetCookies of the page. Cookie format:

func (*Page) SetExtraHeaders

func (p *Page) SetExtraHeaders(dict []string) (func(), error)

SetExtraHeaders whether to always send extra HTTP headers with the requests from this page.

func (*Page) SetUserAgent

func (p *Page) SetUserAgent(req *proto.NetworkSetUserAgentOverride) error

SetUserAgent Allows overriding user agent with the given string. If req is nil, the default user agent will be the same as a mac chrome.

func (*Page) SetViewport added in v0.62.0

func (p *Page) SetViewport(params *proto.EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverride) error

SetViewport doc is similar to the method MustViewport. If params is nil, it will clear the override.

func (*Page) SetWindow added in v0.62.0

func (p *Page) SetWindow(bounds *proto.BrowserBounds) error


func (*Page) Sleeper

func (p *Page) Sleeper(sleeper func() utils.Sleeper) *Page

Sleeper for chained sub-operations

func (*Page) StopLoading

func (p *Page) StopLoading() error

StopLoading forces the page stop navigation and pending resource fetches.

func (*Page) Timeout

func (p *Page) Timeout(d time.Duration) *Page

Timeout for chained sub-operations

func (*Page) Wait

func (p *Page) Wait(thisID proto.RuntimeRemoteObjectID, js string, params JSArgs) error

Wait js function until it returns true

func (*Page) WaitEvent

func (p *Page) WaitEvent(e proto.Payload) (wait func())

WaitEvent waits for the next event for one time. It will also load the data into the event object.

func (*Page) WaitIdle

func (p *Page) WaitIdle(timeout time.Duration) (err error)

WaitIdle doc is similar to the method MustWaitIdle

func (*Page) WaitLoad

func (p *Page) WaitLoad() error

WaitLoad doc is similar to the method MustWaitLoad

func (*Page) WaitNavigation added in v0.63.2

func (p *Page) WaitNavigation(name proto.PageLifecycleEventName) func()

WaitNavigation wait for a page lifecycle event when navigating. Usually you will wait for proto.PageLifecycleEventNameNetworkAlmostIdle

func (*Page) WaitOpen

func (p *Page) WaitOpen() func() (*Page, error)

WaitOpen doc is similar to the method MustWaitPage

func (*Page) WaitPauseOpen added in v0.49.3

func (p *Page) WaitPauseOpen() (func() (*Page, error), func() error, error)

WaitPauseOpen waits for a page opened by the current page, before opening pause the js execution. Because the js will be paused, you should put the code that triggers it in a goroutine.

func (*Page) WaitRequestIdle

func (p *Page) WaitRequestIdle(d time.Duration, includes, excludes []string) func()

WaitRequestIdle returns a wait function that waits until no request for d duration. Be careful, d is not the max wait timeout, it's the least idle time. If you want to set a timeout you can use the "Page.Timeout" function. Use the includes and excludes regexp list to filter the requests by their url.

type Pages

type Pages []*Page

Pages provides some helpers to deal with page list

func (Pages) Empty added in v0.53.0

func (ps Pages) Empty() bool

Empty returns true if the list is empty

func (Pages) Find

func (ps Pages) Find(selector string) (*Page, error)

Find the page that has the specified element with the css selector

func (Pages) FindByURL

func (ps Pages) FindByURL(regex string) (*Page, error)

FindByURL returns the page that has the url that matches the regex

func (Pages) First added in v0.53.0

func (ps Pages) First() *Page

First returns the first page, if the list is empty returns nil

func (Pages) Last added in v0.53.0

func (ps Pages) Last() *Page

Last returns the last page, if the list is empty returns nil

func (Pages) MustFind added in v0.50.3

func (ps Pages) MustFind(selector string) *Page

MustFind the page that has the specified element with the css selector

func (Pages) MustFindByURL added in v0.50.0

func (ps Pages) MustFindByURL(regex string) *Page

MustFindByURL returns the page that has the url that matches the regex

type RaceContext added in v0.57.0

type RaceContext struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RaceContext stores the branches to race

func (*RaceContext) Do added in v0.57.0

func (rc *RaceContext) Do() error

Do the race

func (*RaceContext) Element added in v0.57.0

func (rc *RaceContext) Element(selector string, callback func(*Element) error) *RaceContext

Element the doc is similar with MustElement but has a callback when a match is found

func (*RaceContext) ElementByJS added in v0.57.0

func (rc *RaceContext) ElementByJS(opts *EvalOptions, callback func(*Element) error) *RaceContext

ElementByJS the doc is similar with MustElementByJS but has a callback when a match is found

func (*RaceContext) ElementR added in v0.57.0

func (rc *RaceContext) ElementR(selector, regex string, callback func(*Element) error) *RaceContext

ElementR the doc is similar with ElementR but has a callback when a match is found

func (*RaceContext) ElementX added in v0.57.0

func (rc *RaceContext) ElementX(selector string, callback func(*Element) error) *RaceContext

ElementX the doc is similar with ElementX but has a callback when a match is found

func (*RaceContext) MustDo added in v0.57.0

func (rc *RaceContext) MustDo() *Page

MustDo the race

func (*RaceContext) MustElement added in v0.57.0

func (rc *RaceContext) MustElement(selector string, callback func(*Element)) *RaceContext

MustElement the doc is similar with MustElement but has a callback when a match is found

func (*RaceContext) MustElementByJS added in v0.57.0

func (rc *RaceContext) MustElementByJS(js string, params JSArgs, callback func(*Element) error) *RaceContext

MustElementByJS the doc is similar with MustElementByJS but has a callback when a match is found

func (*RaceContext) MustElementR added in v0.57.0

func (rc *RaceContext) MustElementR(selector, regex string, callback func(*Element)) *RaceContext

MustElementR the doc is similar with MustElement but has a callback when a match is found

func (*RaceContext) MustElementX added in v0.57.0

func (rc *RaceContext) MustElementX(selector string, callback func(*Element)) *RaceContext

MustElementX the doc is similar with MustElement but has a callback when a match is found

type StreamReader added in v0.63.0

type StreamReader struct {
	Offset int64
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

StreamReader for browser data stream

func NewStreamReader added in v0.63.0

func NewStreamReader(c proto.Caller, h proto.IOStreamHandle) *StreamReader

NewStreamReader instance

func (*StreamReader) Read added in v0.63.0

func (sr *StreamReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)

type Touch added in v0.61.1

type Touch struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Touch presents a touch device, such as a hand with fingers, each finger is a proto.InputTouchPoint. Touch events is stateless, we use the struct here only as a namespace to make the API style unified.

func (*Touch) Cancel added in v0.61.1

func (t *Touch) Cancel() error

Cancel touch action

func (*Touch) End added in v0.61.1

func (t *Touch) End() error

End touch action

func (*Touch) Move added in v0.61.1

func (t *Touch) Move(points ...*proto.InputTouchPoint) error

Move touch points. Use the InputTouchPoint.ID (Touch.identifier) to track points. Doc:

func (*Touch) MustCancel added in v0.61.1

func (t *Touch) MustCancel() *Touch

MustCancel touch action

func (*Touch) MustEnd added in v0.61.1

func (t *Touch) MustEnd() *Touch

MustEnd touch action

func (*Touch) MustMove added in v0.61.1

func (t *Touch) MustMove(points ...*proto.InputTouchPoint) *Touch

MustMove touch points. Use the InputTouchPoint.ID (Touch.identifier) to track points. Doc:

func (*Touch) MustStart added in v0.61.1

func (t *Touch) MustStart(points ...*proto.InputTouchPoint) *Touch

MustStart a touch action

func (*Touch) MustTap added in v0.61.1

func (t *Touch) MustTap(x, y float64) *Touch

MustTap dispatches a touchstart and touchend event.

func (*Touch) Start added in v0.61.1

func (t *Touch) Start(points ...*proto.InputTouchPoint) error

Start a touch action

func (*Touch) Tap added in v0.61.1

func (t *Touch) Tap(x, y float64) error

Tap dispatches a touchstart and touchend event.

type TraceLog added in v0.59.0

type TraceLog func(*TraceMsg)

TraceLog handler

type TraceMsg added in v0.59.0

type TraceMsg struct {
	// Type of the message
	Type TraceType

	// Details is a json object
	Details interface{}

TraceMsg for logger

func (*TraceMsg) String added in v0.59.0

func (msg *TraceMsg) String() string

type TraceType added in v0.59.0

type TraceType string

TraceType for logger

const (
	// TraceTypeWaitRequestsIdle type
	TraceTypeWaitRequestsIdle TraceType = "wait requests idle"

	// TraceTypeWaitRequests type
	TraceTypeWaitRequests TraceType = "wait requests"

	// TraceTypeEval type
	TraceTypeEval TraceType = "eval"

	// TraceTypeAction type
	TraceTypeAction TraceType = "act"

	// TraceTypeInput type
	TraceTypeInput TraceType = "input"

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL