Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
Package proto is a lib to encode/decode the data of the cdp protocol.
Index ¶
- Constants
- func GetType(methodName string) reflect.Type
- func ParseMethodName(method string) (domain, name string)
- func PatternToReg(pattern string) string
- type AccessibilityAXNode
- type AccessibilityAXNodeID
- type AccessibilityAXProperty
- type AccessibilityAXPropertyName
- type AccessibilityAXRelatedNode
- type AccessibilityAXValue
- type AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceType
- type AccessibilityAXValueSource
- type AccessibilityAXValueSourceType
- type AccessibilityAXValueType
- type AccessibilityDisable
- type AccessibilityEnable
- type AccessibilityGetAXNodeAndAncestors
- type AccessibilityGetAXNodeAndAncestorsResult
- type AccessibilityGetChildAXNodes
- type AccessibilityGetChildAXNodesResult
- type AccessibilityGetFullAXTree
- type AccessibilityGetFullAXTreeResult
- type AccessibilityGetPartialAXTree
- type AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeResult
- type AccessibilityGetRootAXNode
- type AccessibilityGetRootAXNodeResult
- type AccessibilityLoadComplete
- type AccessibilityNodesUpdated
- type AccessibilityQueryAXTree
- type AccessibilityQueryAXTreeResult
- type AnimationAnimation
- type AnimationAnimationCanceled
- type AnimationAnimationCreated
- type AnimationAnimationEffect
- type AnimationAnimationStarted
- type AnimationAnimationType
- type AnimationAnimationUpdated
- type AnimationDisable
- type AnimationEnable
- type AnimationGetCurrentTime
- type AnimationGetCurrentTimeResult
- type AnimationGetPlaybackRate
- type AnimationGetPlaybackRateResult
- type AnimationKeyframeStyle
- type AnimationKeyframesRule
- type AnimationReleaseAnimations
- type AnimationResolveAnimation
- type AnimationResolveAnimationResult
- type AnimationSeekAnimations
- type AnimationSetPaused
- type AnimationSetPlaybackRate
- type AnimationSetTiming
- type AnimationViewOrScrollTimeline
- type AuditsAffectedCookie
- type AuditsAffectedFrame
- type AuditsAffectedRequest
- type AuditsAttributionReportingIssueDetails
- type AuditsAttributionReportingIssueType
- type AuditsBlockedByResponseIssueDetails
- type AuditsBlockedByResponseReason
- type AuditsBounceTrackingIssueDetails
- type AuditsCheckContrast
- type AuditsCheckFormsIssues
- type AuditsCheckFormsIssuesResult
- type AuditsClientHintIssueDetails
- type AuditsClientHintIssueReason
- type AuditsContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails
- type AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationType
- type AuditsCookieDeprecationMetadataIssueDetails
- type AuditsCookieExclusionReason
- type AuditsCookieIssueDetails
- type AuditsCookieOperation
- type AuditsCookieWarningReason
- type AuditsCorsIssueDetails
- type AuditsDeprecationIssueDetails
- type AuditsDisable
- type AuditsEnable
- type AuditsFailedRequestInfo
- type AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueDetails
- type AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason
- type AuditsFederatedAuthUserInfoRequestIssueDetails
- type AuditsFederatedAuthUserInfoRequestIssueReason
- type AuditsGenericIssueDetails
- type AuditsGenericIssueErrorType
- type AuditsGetEncodedResponse
- type AuditsGetEncodedResponseEncoding
- type AuditsGetEncodedResponseResult
- type AuditsHeavyAdIssueDetails
- type AuditsHeavyAdReason
- type AuditsHeavyAdResolutionStatus
- type AuditsInspectorIssue
- type AuditsInspectorIssueCode
- type AuditsInspectorIssueDetails
- type AuditsIssueAdded
- type AuditsIssueID
- type AuditsLowTextContrastIssueDetails
- type AuditsMixedContentIssueDetails
- type AuditsMixedContentResolutionStatus
- type AuditsMixedContentResourceType
- type AuditsNavigatorUserAgentIssueDetails
- type AuditsPropertyRuleIssueDetails
- type AuditsPropertyRuleIssueReason
- type AuditsQuirksModeIssueDetails
- type AuditsSharedArrayBufferIssueDetails
- type AuditsSharedArrayBufferIssueType
- type AuditsSharedDictionaryError
- type AuditsSharedDictionaryIssueDetails
- type AuditsSourceCodeLocation
- type AuditsStyleSheetLoadingIssueReason
- type AuditsStylesheetLoadingIssueDetails
- type AutofillAddress
- type AutofillAddressField
- type AutofillAddressFields
- type AutofillAddressFormFilled
- type AutofillAddressUI
- type AutofillCreditCard
- type AutofillDisable
- type AutofillEnable
- type AutofillFilledField
- type AutofillFillingStrategy
- type AutofillSetAddresses
- type AutofillTrigger
- type BackgroundServiceBackgroundServiceEvent
- type BackgroundServiceBackgroundServiceEventReceived
- type BackgroundServiceClearEvents
- type BackgroundServiceEventMetadata
- type BackgroundServiceRecordingStateChanged
- type BackgroundServiceServiceName
- type BackgroundServiceSetRecording
- type BackgroundServiceStartObserving
- type BackgroundServiceStopObserving
- type BrowserAddPrivacySandboxEnrollmentOverride
- type BrowserBounds
- type BrowserBrowserCommandID
- type BrowserBrowserContextID
- type BrowserBucket
- type BrowserCancelDownload
- type BrowserClose
- type BrowserCrash
- type BrowserCrashGpuProcess
- type BrowserDownloadProgress
- type BrowserDownloadProgressState
- type BrowserDownloadWillBegin
- type BrowserExecuteBrowserCommand
- type BrowserGetBrowserCommandLine
- type BrowserGetBrowserCommandLineResult
- type BrowserGetHistogram
- type BrowserGetHistogramResult
- type BrowserGetHistograms
- type BrowserGetHistogramsResult
- type BrowserGetVersion
- type BrowserGetVersionResult
- type BrowserGetWindowBounds
- type BrowserGetWindowBoundsResult
- type BrowserGetWindowForTarget
- type BrowserGetWindowForTargetResult
- type BrowserGrantPermissions
- type BrowserHistogram
- type BrowserPermissionDescriptor
- type BrowserPermissionSetting
- type BrowserPermissionType
- type BrowserResetPermissions
- type BrowserSetDockTile
- type BrowserSetDownloadBehavior
- type BrowserSetDownloadBehaviorBehavior
- type BrowserSetPermission
- type BrowserSetWindowBounds
- type BrowserWindowID
- type BrowserWindowState
- type CSSAddRule
- type CSSAddRuleResult
- type CSSCSSComputedStyleProperty
- type CSSCSSContainerQuery
- type CSSCSSFontPaletteValuesRule
- type CSSCSSKeyframeRule
- type CSSCSSKeyframesRule
- type CSSCSSLayer
- type CSSCSSLayerData
- type CSSCSSMedia
- type CSSCSSMediaSource
- type CSSCSSPositionFallbackRule
- type CSSCSSPositionTryRule
- type CSSCSSProperty
- type CSSCSSPropertyRegistration
- type CSSCSSPropertyRule
- type CSSCSSRule
- type CSSCSSRuleType
- type CSSCSSScope
- type CSSCSSStyle
- type CSSCSSStyleSheetHeader
- type CSSCSSSupports
- type CSSCSSTryRule
- type CSSCollectClassNames
- type CSSCollectClassNamesResult
- type CSSCreateStyleSheet
- type CSSCreateStyleSheetResult
- type CSSDisable
- type CSSEnable
- type CSSFontFace
- type CSSFontVariationAxis
- type CSSFontsUpdated
- type CSSForcePseudoState
- type CSSGetBackgroundColors
- type CSSGetBackgroundColorsResult
- type CSSGetComputedStyleForNode
- type CSSGetComputedStyleForNodeResult
- type CSSGetInlineStylesForNode
- type CSSGetInlineStylesForNodeResult
- type CSSGetLayersForNode
- type CSSGetLayersForNodeResult
- type CSSGetLocationForSelector
- type CSSGetLocationForSelectorResult
- type CSSGetMatchedStylesForNode
- type CSSGetMatchedStylesForNodeResult
- type CSSGetMediaQueries
- type CSSGetMediaQueriesResult
- type CSSGetPlatformFontsForNode
- type CSSGetPlatformFontsForNodeResult
- type CSSGetStyleSheetText
- type CSSGetStyleSheetTextResult
- type CSSInheritedPseudoElementMatches
- type CSSInheritedStyleEntry
- type CSSMediaQuery
- type CSSMediaQueryExpression
- type CSSMediaQueryResultChanged
- type CSSPlatformFontUsage
- type CSSPseudoElementMatches
- type CSSRuleMatch
- type CSSRuleUsage
- type CSSSelectorList
- type CSSSetContainerQueryText
- type CSSSetContainerQueryTextResult
- type CSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNode
- type CSSSetKeyframeKey
- type CSSSetKeyframeKeyResult
- type CSSSetLocalFontsEnabled
- type CSSSetMediaText
- type CSSSetMediaTextResult
- type CSSSetPropertyRulePropertyName
- type CSSSetPropertyRulePropertyNameResult
- type CSSSetRuleSelector
- type CSSSetRuleSelectorResult
- type CSSSetScopeText
- type CSSSetScopeTextResult
- type CSSSetStyleSheetText
- type CSSSetStyleSheetTextResult
- type CSSSetStyleTexts
- type CSSSetStyleTextsResult
- type CSSSetSupportsText
- type CSSSetSupportsTextResult
- type CSSShorthandEntry
- type CSSSourceRange
- type CSSSpecificity
- type CSSStartRuleUsageTracking
- type CSSStopRuleUsageTracking
- type CSSStopRuleUsageTrackingResult
- type CSSStyleDeclarationEdit
- type CSSStyleSheetAdded
- type CSSStyleSheetChanged
- type CSSStyleSheetID
- type CSSStyleSheetOrigin
- type CSSStyleSheetRemoved
- type CSSTakeComputedStyleUpdates
- type CSSTakeComputedStyleUpdatesResult
- type CSSTakeCoverageDelta
- type CSSTakeCoverageDeltaResult
- type CSSTrackComputedStyleUpdates
- type CSSValue
- type CacheStorageCache
- type CacheStorageCacheID
- type CacheStorageCachedResponse
- type CacheStorageCachedResponseType
- type CacheStorageDataEntry
- type CacheStorageDeleteCache
- type CacheStorageDeleteEntry
- type CacheStorageHeader
- type CacheStorageRequestCacheNames
- type CacheStorageRequestCacheNamesResult
- type CacheStorageRequestCachedResponse
- type CacheStorageRequestCachedResponseResult
- type CacheStorageRequestEntries
- type CacheStorageRequestEntriesResult
- type CastDisable
- type CastEnable
- type CastIssueUpdated
- type CastSetSinkToUse
- type CastSink
- type CastSinksUpdated
- type CastStartDesktopMirroring
- type CastStartTabMirroring
- type CastStopCasting
- type Client
- type ConsoleClearMessages
- type ConsoleConsoleMessage
- type ConsoleConsoleMessageLevel
- type ConsoleConsoleMessageSource
- type ConsoleDisable
- type ConsoleEnable
- type ConsoleMessageAdded
- type Contextable
- type DOMAttributeModified
- type DOMAttributeRemoved
- type DOMBackendNode
- type DOMBackendNodeID
- type DOMBoxModel
- type DOMCSSComputedStyleProperty
- type DOMCharacterDataModified
- type DOMChildNodeCountUpdated
- type DOMChildNodeInserted
- type DOMChildNodeRemoved
- type DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtree
- type DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeResult
- type DOMCompatibilityMode
- type DOMCopyTo
- type DOMCopyToResult
- type DOMDebuggerCSPViolationType
- type DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointType
- type DOMDebuggerEventListener
- type DOMDebuggerGetEventListeners
- type DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersResult
- type DOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpoint
- type DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpoint
- type DOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint
- type DOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpoint
- type DOMDebuggerSetBreakOnCSPViolation
- type DOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpoint
- type DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpoint
- type DOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint
- type DOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpoint
- type DOMDescribeNode
- type DOMDescribeNodeResult
- type DOMDisable
- type DOMDiscardSearchResults
- type DOMDistributedNodesUpdated
- type DOMDocumentUpdated
- type DOMEnable
- type DOMEnableIncludeWhitespace
- type DOMFocus
- type DOMGetAnchorElement
- type DOMGetAnchorElementResult
- type DOMGetAttributes
- type DOMGetAttributesResult
- type DOMGetBoxModel
- type DOMGetBoxModelResult
- type DOMGetContainerForNode
- type DOMGetContainerForNodeResult
- type DOMGetContentQuads
- type DOMGetContentQuadsResult
- type DOMGetDocument
- type DOMGetDocumentResult
- type DOMGetElementByRelation
- type DOMGetElementByRelationRelation
- type DOMGetElementByRelationResult
- type DOMGetFileInfo
- type DOMGetFileInfoResult
- type DOMGetFlattenedDocument
- type DOMGetFlattenedDocumentResult
- type DOMGetFrameOwner
- type DOMGetFrameOwnerResult
- type DOMGetNodeForLocation
- type DOMGetNodeForLocationResult
- type DOMGetNodeStackTraces
- type DOMGetNodeStackTracesResult
- type DOMGetNodesForSubtreeByStyle
- type DOMGetNodesForSubtreeByStyleResult
- type DOMGetOuterHTML
- type DOMGetOuterHTMLResult
- type DOMGetQueryingDescendantsForContainer
- type DOMGetQueryingDescendantsForContainerResult
- type DOMGetRelayoutBoundary
- type DOMGetRelayoutBoundaryResult
- type DOMGetSearchResults
- type DOMGetSearchResultsResult
- type DOMGetTopLayerElements
- type DOMGetTopLayerElementsResult
- type DOMHideHighlight
- type DOMHighlightNode
- type DOMHighlightRect
- type DOMInlineStyleInvalidated
- type DOMLogicalAxes
- type DOMMarkUndoableState
- type DOMMoveTo
- type DOMMoveToResult
- type DOMNode
- type DOMNodeID
- type DOMPerformSearch
- type DOMPerformSearchResult
- type DOMPhysicalAxes
- type DOMPseudoElementAdded
- type DOMPseudoElementRemoved
- type DOMPseudoType
- type DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontend
- type DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendResult
- type DOMPushNodesByBackendIDsToFrontend
- type DOMPushNodesByBackendIDsToFrontendResult
- type DOMQuad
- type DOMQuerySelector
- type DOMQuerySelectorAll
- type DOMQuerySelectorAllResult
- type DOMQuerySelectorResult
- type DOMRGBA
- type DOMRect
- type DOMRedo
- type DOMRemoveAttribute
- type DOMRemoveNode
- type DOMRequestChildNodes
- type DOMRequestNode
- type DOMRequestNodeResult
- type DOMResolveNode
- type DOMResolveNodeResult
- type DOMScrollIntoViewIfNeeded
- type DOMScrollOrientation
- type DOMSetAttributeValue
- type DOMSetAttributesAsText
- type DOMSetChildNodes
- type DOMSetFileInputFiles
- type DOMSetInspectedNode
- type DOMSetNodeName
- type DOMSetNodeNameResult
- type DOMSetNodeStackTracesEnabled
- type DOMSetNodeValue
- type DOMSetOuterHTML
- type DOMShadowRootPopped
- type DOMShadowRootPushed
- type DOMShadowRootType
- type DOMShapeOutsideInfo
- type DOMSnapshotArrayOfStrings
- type DOMSnapshotCaptureSnapshot
- type DOMSnapshotCaptureSnapshotResult
- type DOMSnapshotComputedStyle
- type DOMSnapshotDOMNode
- type DOMSnapshotDisable
- type DOMSnapshotDocumentSnapshot
- type DOMSnapshotEnable
- type DOMSnapshotGetSnapshot
- type DOMSnapshotGetSnapshotResult
- type DOMSnapshotInlineTextBox
- type DOMSnapshotLayoutTreeNode
- type DOMSnapshotLayoutTreeSnapshot
- type DOMSnapshotNameValue
- type DOMSnapshotNodeTreeSnapshot
- type DOMSnapshotRareBooleanData
- type DOMSnapshotRareIntegerData
- type DOMSnapshotRareStringData
- type DOMSnapshotRectangle
- type DOMSnapshotStringIndex
- type DOMSnapshotTextBoxSnapshot
- type DOMStorageClear
- type DOMStorageDisable
- type DOMStorageDomStorageItemAdded
- type DOMStorageDomStorageItemRemoved
- type DOMStorageDomStorageItemUpdated
- type DOMStorageDomStorageItemsCleared
- type DOMStorageEnable
- type DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItems
- type DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsResult
- type DOMStorageItem
- type DOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItem
- type DOMStorageSerializedStorageKey
- type DOMStorageSetDOMStorageItem
- type DOMStorageStorageID
- type DOMTopLayerElementsUpdated
- type DOMUndo
- type DatabaseAddDatabase
- type DatabaseDatabase
- type DatabaseDatabaseID
- type DatabaseDisable
- type DatabaseEnable
- type DatabaseError
- type DatabaseExecuteSQL
- type DatabaseExecuteSQLResult
- type DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNames
- type DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesResult
- type DebuggerBreakLocation
- type DebuggerBreakLocationType
- type DebuggerBreakpointID
- type DebuggerBreakpointResolved
- type DebuggerCallFrame
- type DebuggerCallFrameID
- type DebuggerContinueToLocation
- type DebuggerContinueToLocationTargetCallFrames
- type DebuggerDebugSymbols
- type DebuggerDebugSymbolsType
- type DebuggerDisable
- type DebuggerDisassembleWasmModule
- type DebuggerDisassembleWasmModuleResult
- type DebuggerEnable
- type DebuggerEnableResult
- type DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrame
- type DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameResult
- type DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpoints
- type DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsResult
- type DebuggerGetScriptSource
- type DebuggerGetScriptSourceResult
- type DebuggerGetStackTrace
- type DebuggerGetStackTraceResult
- type DebuggerGetWasmBytecode
- type DebuggerGetWasmBytecodeResult
- type DebuggerLocation
- type DebuggerLocationRange
- type DebuggerNextWasmDisassemblyChunk
- type DebuggerNextWasmDisassemblyChunkResult
- type DebuggerPause
- type DebuggerPauseOnAsyncCall
- type DebuggerPaused
- type DebuggerPausedReason
- type DebuggerRemoveBreakpoint
- type DebuggerRestartFrame
- type DebuggerRestartFrameMode
- type DebuggerRestartFrameResult
- type DebuggerResume
- type DebuggerResumed
- type DebuggerScope
- type DebuggerScopeType
- type DebuggerScriptFailedToParse
- type DebuggerScriptLanguage
- type DebuggerScriptParsed
- type DebuggerScriptPosition
- type DebuggerSearchInContent
- type DebuggerSearchInContentResult
- type DebuggerSearchMatch
- type DebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepth
- type DebuggerSetBlackboxPatterns
- type DebuggerSetBlackboxedRanges
- type DebuggerSetBreakpoint
- type DebuggerSetBreakpointByURL
- type DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLResult
- type DebuggerSetBreakpointOnFunctionCall
- type DebuggerSetBreakpointOnFunctionCallResult
- type DebuggerSetBreakpointResult
- type DebuggerSetBreakpointsActive
- type DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint
- type DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointInstrumentation
- type DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointResult
- type DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptions
- type DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsState
- type DebuggerSetReturnValue
- type DebuggerSetScriptSource
- type DebuggerSetScriptSourceResult
- type DebuggerSetScriptSourceResultStatus
- type DebuggerSetSkipAllPauses
- type DebuggerSetVariableValue
- type DebuggerStepInto
- type DebuggerStepOut
- type DebuggerStepOver
- type DebuggerWasmDisassemblyChunk
- type DeviceAccessCancelPrompt
- type DeviceAccessDeviceID
- type DeviceAccessDeviceRequestPrompted
- type DeviceAccessDisable
- type DeviceAccessEnable
- type DeviceAccessPromptDevice
- type DeviceAccessRequestID
- type DeviceAccessSelectPrompt
- type DeviceOrientationClearDeviceOrientationOverride
- type DeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverride
- type EmulationCanEmulate
- type EmulationCanEmulateResult
- type EmulationClearDeviceMetricsOverride
- type EmulationClearDevicePostureOverride
- type EmulationClearGeolocationOverride
- type EmulationClearIdleOverride
- type EmulationDevicePosture
- type EmulationDevicePostureType
- type EmulationDisabledImageType
- type EmulationDisplayFeature
- type EmulationDisplayFeatureOrientation
- type EmulationGetOverriddenSensorInformation
- type EmulationGetOverriddenSensorInformationResult
- type EmulationMediaFeature
- type EmulationResetPageScaleFactor
- type EmulationScreenOrientation
- type EmulationScreenOrientationType
- type EmulationSensorMetadata
- type EmulationSensorReading
- type EmulationSensorReadingQuaternion
- type EmulationSensorReadingSingle
- type EmulationSensorReadingXYZ
- type EmulationSensorType
- type EmulationSetAutoDarkModeOverride
- type EmulationSetAutomationOverride
- type EmulationSetCPUThrottlingRate
- type EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverride
- type EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverride
- type EmulationSetDevicePostureOverride
- type EmulationSetDisabledImageTypes
- type EmulationSetDocumentCookieDisabled
- type EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouse
- type EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouseConfiguration
- type EmulationSetEmulatedMedia
- type EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiency
- type EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyType
- type EmulationSetFocusEmulationEnabled
- type EmulationSetGeolocationOverride
- type EmulationSetHardwareConcurrencyOverride
- type EmulationSetIdleOverride
- type EmulationSetLocaleOverride
- type EmulationSetNavigatorOverrides
- type EmulationSetPageScaleFactor
- type EmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabled
- type EmulationSetScrollbarsHidden
- type EmulationSetSensorOverrideEnabled
- type EmulationSetSensorOverrideReadings
- type EmulationSetTimezoneOverride
- type EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabled
- type EmulationSetUserAgentOverride
- type EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicy
- type EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicyResult
- type EmulationSetVisibleSize
- type EmulationUserAgentBrandVersion
- type EmulationUserAgentMetadata
- type EmulationVirtualTimeBudgetExpired
- type EmulationVirtualTimePolicy
- type Event
- type EventBreakpointsDisable
- type EventBreakpointsRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint
- type EventBreakpointsSetInstrumentationBreakpoint
- type ExtensionsLoadUnpacked
- type ExtensionsLoadUnpackedResult
- type FedCmAccount
- type FedCmAccountURLType
- type FedCmClickDialogButton
- type FedCmDialogButton
- type FedCmDialogClosed
- type FedCmDialogShown
- type FedCmDialogType
- type FedCmDisable
- type FedCmDismissDialog
- type FedCmEnable
- type FedCmLoginState
- type FedCmOpenURL
- type FedCmResetCooldown
- type FedCmSelectAccount
- type FetchAuthChallenge
- type FetchAuthChallengeResponse
- type FetchAuthChallengeResponseResponse
- type FetchAuthChallengeSource
- type FetchAuthRequired
- type FetchContinueRequest
- type FetchContinueResponse
- type FetchContinueWithAuth
- type FetchDisable
- type FetchEnable
- type FetchFailRequest
- type FetchFulfillRequest
- type FetchGetResponseBody
- type FetchGetResponseBodyResult
- type FetchHeaderEntry
- type FetchRequestID
- type FetchRequestPattern
- type FetchRequestPaused
- type FetchRequestStage
- type FetchTakeResponseBodyAsStream
- type FetchTakeResponseBodyAsStreamResult
- type HeadlessExperimentalBeginFrame
- type HeadlessExperimentalBeginFrameResult
- type HeadlessExperimentalDisable
- type HeadlessExperimentalEnable
- type HeadlessExperimentalScreenshotParams
- type HeadlessExperimentalScreenshotParamsFormat
- type HeapProfilerAddHeapSnapshotChunk
- type HeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObject
- type HeapProfilerCollectGarbage
- type HeapProfilerDisable
- type HeapProfilerEnable
- type HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectID
- type HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDResult
- type HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectID
- type HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDResult
- type HeapProfilerGetSamplingProfile
- type HeapProfilerGetSamplingProfileResult
- type HeapProfilerHeapSnapshotObjectID
- type HeapProfilerHeapStatsUpdate
- type HeapProfilerLastSeenObjectID
- type HeapProfilerReportHeapSnapshotProgress
- type HeapProfilerResetProfiles
- type HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfile
- type HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfileNode
- type HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfileSample
- type HeapProfilerStartSampling