
package module
v0.2.4 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 28, 2022 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 29 Imported by: 3


predator / 掠食者

基于 fasthttp 开发的高性能爬虫框架



1 创建一个 Crawler
import ""

func main() {
	crawler := predator.NewCrawler(
		predator.WithUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:90.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/90.0"),
		predator.WithCookies(map[string]string{"JSESSIONID": cookie}),
		predator.WithProxy(ip), // 或者使用代理池 predator.WithProxyPool([]string)


2 发送 Get 请求

对请求和响应的处理参考的是 colly,我觉得 colly 的处理方式非常舒服。

// BeforeRequest 可以在发送请求前,对请求进行一些修补
crawler.BeforeRequest(func(r *predator.Request) {
	headers := map[string]string{
		"Accept":           "*/*",
		"Accept-Language":  "zh-CN",
		"Accept-Encoding":  "gzip, deflate",
		"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
		"Origin":           "",

	// 请求和响应之间的上下文传递,上下文见下面的上下文示例
	r.Ctx.Put("id", 10)
	r.Ctx.Put("name", "tom")

crawler.AfterResponse(func(r *predator.Response) {
	// 从请求发送的上下文中取值
	id := r.Ctx.GetAny("id").(int)
	name := r.Ctx.Get("name")
	// 对于 json 响应,建议使用 gjson 进行处理
	body := gjson.ParseBytes(r.Body)
	amount := body.Get("amount").Int()
	types := body.Get("types").Array()

// 请求语句要在 BeforeRequest 和 AfterResponse 后面调用
3 发送 Post 请求

与 Get 请求有一点不同,通常每个 Post 的请求的参数是不同的,而这些参数都在请求体中,在BeforeRequest中重新解析请求体获取关键参数虽然可以,但绝非最佳选择。所以在构造 Post 请求时,可以直接传入上下文,用以解决与响应的信息传递。

3.1 普通 POST 表单(application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
// BeforeRequest 可以在发送请求前,对请求进行一些修补
crawler.BeforeRequest(func(r *predator.Request) {
	headers := map[string]string{
		"Accept":           "*/*",
		"Accept-Language":  "zh-CN",
		"Accept-Encoding":  "gzip, deflate",
		"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
		"Origin":           "",


crawler.AfterResponse(func(r *predator.Response) {
	// 从请求发送的上下文中取值
	id := r.Ctx.GetAny("id").(int)
	name := r.Ctx.Get("name")
	// 对于 json 响应,建议使用 gjson 进行处理
	body := gjson.ParseBytes(r.Body)
	amount := body.Get("amount").Int()
	types := body.Get("types").Array()

body := map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}

// 在 Post 请求中,应该将关键参数用这种方式放进上下文
ctx, _ := context.AcquireCtx()
ctx.Put("id", 10)
ctx.Put("name", "tom")

crawler.Post("", body, ctx)


crawler.Post("", body, nil)
3.2 复杂 POST 请求(multipart/form-data)



3.3 JSON 请求

JSON 请求也有专门的方法PostJSON来完成,在使用PostJSON时会自动在请求头中添加Content-Type: application/json,无需重复添加。当然,你再重新添加一次也可以,最终将会使用你添加的Content-Type


func main() {
	c := NewCrawler()

	c.AfterResponse(func(r *Response) {

	type User struct {
		Name string `json:"name"`
		Age  int    `json:"age"`

	body := map[string]interface{}{
		"time": 156546535,
		"cid":  "10_18772100220-1625540144276-302919",
		"args": []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
		"dict": map[string]string{
			"mod": "1592215036_002", "extend1": "关注", "t": "1628346994", "eleTop": "778",
		"user": User{"Tom", 13},

	c.PostJSON("", body, nil)
3.4 其他 POST 请求


func (c *Crawler) PostRaw(URL string, body []byte, ctx pctx.Context) error


4 允许重定向



crawler.BeforeRequest(func(r *predator.Request) {
    // 用 GET 请求时可以根据 r.URL 判断,POST 请求时可以根据请求体判断,下面仅是示例
	if r.URL == 情况一 {
		// 允许重定向 1 次
	} else if r.URL == 情况二 {
		// 允许重定向 3 次



5 上下文


  • ReadOp:基于sync.Map实现,适用于读取上下文较多的场景
  • WriteOp:用map实现,适用于读写频率相差不大或写多于读的场景,这是默认采用的上下文


ctx, err := AcquireCtx(context.ReadOp)
6 处理 HTML

爬虫的结果大体可分为两种,一是 HTML 响应,另一种是 JSON 格式的响应。

与 JSON 相比,HTML 需要更多的代码处理。

本框架对 HTML 处理进行了一些函数封装,能方便地通过 css selector 进行元素的查找,可以提取元素中的属性和文本等。

响应头必须是text/html或其扩展类型如text/html; charset=utf-8才能执行此方法。

crawl := NewCrawler()

crawl.ParseHTML("body", func(he *html.HTMLElement) {
	// 元素内部 HTML
	h, err := he.InnerHTML()
	// 元素整体 HTML
	h, err := he.OuterHTML()
	// 元素内的文本(包括子元素的文本)
	// 元素的属性
	// 第一个匹配的子元素
	// 最后一个匹配的子元素
	// 第 2 个匹配的子元素
	he.Child("p", 2)
	// 第一个匹配的子元素的属性
	he.ChildAttr("p", "class")
	// 所有匹配到的子元素的属性切片
	he.ChildrenAttr("p", "class")
7 异步 / 多协程请求
c := NewCrawler(
	// 使用此 option 时自动使用指定数量的协程池发出请求,不使用此 option 则默认使用同步方式请求
	// 设置的数量不宜过少,也不宜过多,请自行测试设置不同数量时的效率

c.AfterResponse(func(r *predator.Response) {
	// handle response

for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
	c.Post(ts.URL+"/post", map[string]string{
		"id": fmt.Sprint(i + 1),
	}, nil)

8 使用缓存



  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • SQLite3

缓存接口中有一个方法Compressed(yes bool)用来压缩响应的,毕竟有时,响应长度非常长,直接保存到数据库中会影响插入和查询时的性能。


// MySQL
c := NewCrawler(
		Host:     "",
		Port:     "3306",
		Database: "predator",
		Username: "root",
		Password: "123456",
	}, false), // false 为关闭压缩,true 为开启压缩,下同

// PostgreSQL
c := NewCrawler(
		Host:     "",
		Port:     "54322",
		Database: "predator",
		Username: "postgres",
		Password: "123456",
	}, false),

// Redis
c := NewCrawler(
		Addr: "localhost:6379",
	}, true),

// SQLite3
c := NewCrawler(
		URI: uri,  // uri 为数据库存放的位置,尽量加上后缀名 .sqlite
	}, true),
// 也可以使用默认值。WithCache 的第一个为 nil 时,
// 默认使用 SQLite 作为缓存,且会将缓存保存在当前
// 目录下的 predator-cache.sqlite 中
c := NewCrawler(WithCache(nil, true))
9 代理

支持 HTTP 代理和 Socks5 代理。


WithProxyPool([]string{"http://ip:port", "socks5://ip:port"})
10 日志




	crawler := predator.NewCrawler(



    logOp := new(predator.LogOp)
    // 设置为 INFO
  • ToConsole:美化输出到终端。

  • ToFile:JSON 格式输出到文件。

  • ToConsoleAndFile:既美化输出到终端,同时以 JSON 格式输出到文件。


import ""

func main() {
	logOp := new(predator.LogOp)

	crawler := predator.NewCrawler(
11 关于 JSON

本来想着封装一个 JSON 包用来快速处理 JSON 响应,但是想了一两天也没想出个好办法来,因为我能想到的,gjson都已经解决了。

对于 JSON 响应,能用gjson处理就不要老想着反序列化了。对于爬虫而言,反序列化是不明智的选择。

当然,如果你确实有反序列化的需求,也不要用标准库,使用封装的 JSON 包中的序列化和反序列化方法比标准库性能高。

import ""


对付 JSON 响应,当前足够用了。


  • 完成对失败响应的重新请求,直到重试了传入的重试次数时才算最终请求失败
  • 识别因代理失效而造成的请求失败。当使用代理池时,代理池中剔除此代理;代理池为空时,终止整个爬虫程序
    • 考虑到使用代理必然是因为不想将本地 ip 暴露给目标网站或服务器,所以在使用代理后,当所有代理都失效时,不再继续发出请求
  • HTML 页面解析。方便定位查找元素
  • json 扩展,用来处理、筛选 json 响应的数据,原生 json 库不适合用在爬虫上
    • 暂时没想到如何封装便捷好用的 json ,当前 json 包中只能算是使用示例
  • 协程池,实现在多协程时对每个 goroutine 的复用,避免重复创建
  • 定义缓存接口,并完成一种或多种缓存。因为临时缓存在爬虫中并不实用,所以 predator 采用持久化缓存。
    • 默认使用 sqlite3 进行缓存,可以使用已实现的其他缓存数据库,也可以自己实现缓存接口
    • 可用缓存存储有 SQLite3、MySQL、PostgreSQL、Redis
    • 因为采用持久化缓存,所以不实现以内存作为缓存,如果需要请自行根据缓存接口实现
  • 数据库管理接口,用来保存爬虫数据,并完成一种或多种数据库的管理
    • SQL 数据库接口已实现了,NoSQL 接口与 SQL 差别较大,就不实现了,如果有使用 NoSQL 的需求,请自己实现
    • 数据库接口没有封装在 Crawler 方法中,根据需要使用,一般场景下够用,复杂场景中仍然需要自己重写数据库管理
  • 添加日志
    • 可能还不完善
  • RequestResponse的请求体Body添加池管理,减少 GC 次数
    • body 本身就是[]byte,作为引用类型,只要不删除引用关系,其内存就不会被回收
    • 将原求就不是nil的 body 截断为 body[:0] 即可,不需要使用池来管理
  • 对于链式请求或多种请求,可对POSTGET设置不同的缓存字段
    • 链式请求中可以对每个请求单独设置不同的缓存参数
  • 声明一个代理api处理方法,参数为一个整型,可以请求代理池中代理的数量返回代理切片,形成代理池。后续可以每次请求一个代理,用于实时补全代理池。这个方法需用户自行实现。
  • 增加对 robots.txt 的判断,默认遵守 robots.txt 规则,但可以选择忽略




View Source
const (
	// A key or field from URL query parameters
	QueryParam cacheFieldType = iota
	// A key or field from request body parameters
View Source
const (
	STOPED  = 0

running status


View Source
var (
	ErrNoCacheSet               = errors.New("no cache set")
	ErrRequestFailed            = errors.New("request failed")
	ErrTimeout                  = errors.New("timeout, and it is recommended to try a new proxy if you are using a proxy pool")
	ErrInvalidCacheTypeCode     = errors.New("invalid cache type code")
	ErrNotAllowedCacheFieldType = errors.New("only query parameters are allowed as cached fields in `GET` requests")
View Source
var (
	// return if pool size <= 0
	ErrInvalidPoolCap = errors.New("invalid pool cap")
	// put task but pool already closed
	ErrPoolAlreadyClosed = errors.New("pool already closed")
	// only the error type can be captured and processed
	ErrUnkownType = errors.New("recover only allows error type, but an unknown type is received")


View Source
var (
	ErrIncorrectResponse = errors.New("the response status code is not 20X")


func ReleaseRequest

func ReleaseRequest(req *Request)

ReleaseRequest returns req acquired via AcquireRequest to request pool.

It is forbidden accessing req and/or its' members after returning it to request pool.

func ReleaseResponse

func ReleaseResponse(resp *Response, releaseCtx bool)

ReleaseResponse returns resp acquired via AcquireResponse to response pool.

It is forbidden accessing resp and/or its' members after returning it to response pool.


type AcquireProxies

type AcquireProxies func(n int) []string

可以从一些代理网站的 api 中请求指定数量的代理 ip

type Cache added in v0.2.3

type Cache interface {
	// 是否开启压缩。压缩后能减小数据量,但压缩过程会耗时。
	// 如果原数据长度很长,压缩耗时要比查询耗时低得多,此时开启压缩功能是最佳选择。
	// 但如果原数据长度较短,压缩或不压缩,整体耗时区别不大。
	// 是否开启压缩,需要自行测试抉择。
	Compressed(yes bool)
	// 初始化,用来迁移数据库 / 表,和一些与数据库有关的前期准备工作
	Init() error
	// 当前请求是否已缓存过,如果缓存过,则返回缓存中的响应
	IsCached(key string) ([]byte, bool)
	// 将没有缓存过的请求保存到缓存中
	Cache(key string, val []byte) error
	// 清除全部缓存
	Clear() error

type CacheCondition added in v0.2.0

type CacheCondition func(r Response) bool

type CacheField added in v0.2.4

type CacheField struct {
	Field string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewQueryParamField added in v0.2.4

func NewQueryParamField(field string) CacheField

func NewRequestBodyParamField added in v0.2.4

func NewRequestBodyParamField(field string) CacheField

func (CacheField) String added in v0.2.4

func (cf CacheField) String() string

type CacheModel added in v0.2.3

type CacheModel struct {
	Key   string `gorm:"primaryKey"`
	Value []byte

func (CacheModel) TableName added in v0.2.3

func (CacheModel) TableName() string

type ComplementProxyPool added in v0.2.0

type ComplementProxyPool func() []string

type Crawler

type Crawler struct {

	// UserAgent is the User-Agent string used by HTTP requests
	UserAgent string

	// 在多协程中这个上下文管理可以用来退出或取消多个协程
	Context context.Context
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Crawler is the provider of crawlers

func NewCrawler

func NewCrawler(opts ...CrawlerOption) *Crawler

NewCrawler creates a new Crawler instance with some CrawlerOptions

func (*Crawler) AddProxy added in v0.2.0

func (c *Crawler) AddProxy(newProxy string)

func (*Crawler) AfterResponse

func (c *Crawler) AfterResponse(f HandleResponse)

AfterResponse is used to process the response, this method should be used for the response body in non-html format

func (*Crawler) BeforeRequest

func (c *Crawler) BeforeRequest(f HandleRequest)

BeforeRequest used to process requests, such as setting headers, passing context, etc.

func (*Crawler) ClearCache

func (c *Crawler) ClearCache() error

ClearCache will clear all cache

func (*Crawler) Clone

func (c *Crawler) Clone() *Crawler

Clone creates an exact copy of a Crawler without callbacks.

func (*Crawler) Debug added in v0.2.0

func (c *Crawler) Debug(msg string, args ...log.Arg)

func (*Crawler) Error

func (c *Crawler) Error(err error, args ...log.Arg)

func (*Crawler) Fatal added in v0.2.0

func (c *Crawler) Fatal(err error, args ...log.Arg)

func (*Crawler) FatalOrPanic added in v0.2.0

func (c *Crawler) FatalOrPanic(err error)

func (*Crawler) Get

func (c *Crawler) Get(URL string) error

Get is used to send GET requests

func (*Crawler) GetWithCtx added in v0.2.0

func (c *Crawler) GetWithCtx(URL string, ctx pctx.Context) error

GetWithCtx is used to send GET requests with a context

func (*Crawler) Info added in v0.2.0

func (c *Crawler) Info(msg string, args ...log.Arg)

func (*Crawler) ParseHTML

func (c *Crawler) ParseHTML(selector string, f HandleHTML)

ParseHTML can parse html to find the data you need, and process the data

func (*Crawler) ParseJSON added in v0.2.4

func (c *Crawler) ParseJSON(strict bool, f HandleJSON)

ParseJSON can parse json to find the data you need, and process the data.

If you set `strict` to true, responses that do not contain `application/json` in the content-type of the response header will not be processed.

It is recommended to do full processing of the json response in one call to `ParseJSON` instead of multiple calls to `ParseJSON`.

func (*Crawler) Post

func (c *Crawler) Post(URL string, requestData map[string]string, ctx pctx.Context) error

Post is used to send POST requests

func (*Crawler) PostJSON

func (c *Crawler) PostJSON(URL string, requestData map[string]interface{}, ctx pctx.Context) error

PostJSON is used to send a POST request body in json format

func (*Crawler) PostMultipart

func (c *Crawler) PostMultipart(URL string, form *MultipartForm, ctx pctx.Context) error


func (*Crawler) PostRaw

func (c *Crawler) PostRaw(URL string, body []byte, ctx pctx.Context) error

PostRaw 发送非 form、multipart、json 的原始的 post 请求

func (*Crawler) ProxyDialerWithTimeout added in v0.2.0

func (c *Crawler) ProxyDialerWithTimeout(proxyAddr string, timeout time.Duration) fasthttp.DialFunc

func (Crawler) ProxyInUse added in v0.2.2

func (c Crawler) ProxyInUse() string

func (Crawler) ProxyPoolAmount

func (c Crawler) ProxyPoolAmount() int

ProxyPoolAmount returns the number of proxies in the proxy pool

func (*Crawler) SetCache added in v0.2.4

func (c *Crawler) SetCache(cc Cache, compressed bool, cacheCondition CacheCondition, cacheFileds ...CacheField)

func (*Crawler) SetConcurrency added in v0.2.2

func (c *Crawler) SetConcurrency(count uint64, blockPanic bool)

SetConcurrency 使用并发,参数为要创建的协程池数量

func (*Crawler) SetProxyInvalidCondition added in v0.2.0

func (c *Crawler) SetProxyInvalidCondition(condition ProxyInvalidCondition)

func (*Crawler) SetRetry added in v0.2.2

func (c *Crawler) SetRetry(count uint32, cond RetryConditions)

func (*Crawler) Wait

func (c *Crawler) Wait()

Wait waits for the end of all concurrent tasks

func (*Crawler) Warning added in v0.2.0

func (c *Crawler) Warning(msg string, args ...log.Arg)

type CrawlerOption

type CrawlerOption func(*Crawler)

func EnableIPv6 added in v0.2.0

func EnableIPv6() CrawlerOption

func SkipVerification

func SkipVerification() CrawlerOption

SkipVerification will skip verifying the certificate when you access the `https` protocol

func WithCache

func WithCache(cc Cache, compressed bool, cacheCondition CacheCondition, cacheFileds ...CacheField) CrawlerOption

WithCache 使用缓存,可以选择是否压缩缓存的响应。 使用缓存时,如果发出的是 POST 请求,最好传入能 代表请求体的唯一性的缓存字段,可以是零个、一个或多个。

注意:当不传入缓存字段时,将会默认采用整个请求体作为 缓存标识,但由于 map 无序,同一个请求体生成的 key 很 难保证相同,所以可能会有同一个请求缓存多次,或者无法 从缓存中读取已请求过的请求的响应的情况出现。

func WithComplementProxyPool added in v0.2.0

func WithComplementProxyPool(f ComplementProxyPool) CrawlerOption

func WithConcurrency

func WithConcurrency(count uint64, blockPanic bool) CrawlerOption

WithConcurrency 使用并发,参数为要创建的协程池数量

func WithCookies

func WithCookies(cookies map[string]string) CrawlerOption

func WithDefaultCache added in v0.2.0

func WithDefaultCache() CrawlerOption

WithDefaultCache 默认缓存为 sqlite3,不压缩

func WithDefaultLogger added in v0.2.0

func WithDefaultLogger() CrawlerOption

func WithLogger

func WithLogger(logger *log.Logger) CrawlerOption

func WithProxy

func WithProxy(proxyURL string) CrawlerOption

WithProxy 使用一个代理

func WithProxyPool

func WithProxyPool(proxyURLs []string) CrawlerOption

WithProxyPool 使用一个代理池

func WithRawCookie

func WithRawCookie(cookie string) CrawlerOption

func WithRetry

func WithRetry(count uint32, cond RetryConditions) CrawlerOption

WithRetry 请求失败时重试多少次,什么条件的响应是请求失败

func WithUserAgent

func WithUserAgent(ua string) CrawlerOption

type CustomRandomBoundary

type CustomRandomBoundary func() string

CustomRandomBoundary generates a custom boundary

type HTMLParser

type HTMLParser struct {
	Selector string
	Handle   HandleHTML

HTMLParser is used to parse html

type HandleHTML

type HandleHTML func(he *html.HTMLElement, r *Response)

HandleHTML is used to process html

type HandleJSON added in v0.2.4

type HandleJSON func(j json.JSONResult)

type HandleRequest

type HandleRequest func(r *Request)

HandleRequest is used to patch the request

type HandleResponse

type HandleResponse func(r *Response)

HandleResponse is used to handle the response

type JSONParser added in v0.2.4

type JSONParser struct {
	Handle HandleJSON
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

JSONParser is used to parse json

type MultipartForm

type MultipartForm struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MultipartForm 请求体的构造

func NewMultipartForm

func NewMultipartForm(dash string, f CustomRandomBoundary) *MultipartForm

func (*MultipartForm) AppendFile

func (mf *MultipartForm) AppendFile(name, filePath string) error

func (*MultipartForm) AppendString

func (mf *MultipartForm) AppendString(name, value string)

func (*MultipartForm) Boundary

func (mf *MultipartForm) Boundary() string

Boundary returns the Writer's boundary.

func (*MultipartForm) Bytes

func (mf *MultipartForm) Bytes() []byte

func (*MultipartForm) FormDataContentType

func (mf *MultipartForm) FormDataContentType() string

FormDataContentType returns the Content-Type for an HTTP multipart/form-data with this Writer's Boundary.

type Pool

type Pool struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Pool task pool

func NewPool

func NewPool(capacity uint64) (*Pool, error)

NewPool init pool

func (*Pool) Close

func (p *Pool) Close()

Close close pool graceful

func (*Pool) GetCap

func (p *Pool) GetCap() uint64

GetCap get capacity

func (*Pool) GetRunningWorkers

func (p *Pool) GetRunningWorkers() uint64

GetRunningWorkers get running workers

func (*Pool) Put

func (p *Pool) Put(task *Task) error

Put put a task to pool

type ProxyInvalidCondition added in v0.2.0

type ProxyInvalidCondition func(r Response) error

type Request

type Request struct {
	// 访问的链接
	URL string
	// 请求方法
	Method string
	// 请求头
	Headers *fasthttp.RequestHeader
	// 请求和响应之间共享的上下文
	Ctx pctx.Context
	// 请求体
	Body []byte

	// 唯一标识
	ID uint32
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func AcquireRequest

func AcquireRequest() *Request

AcquireRequest returns an empty Request instance from request pool.

The returned Request instance may be passed to ReleaseRequest when it is no longer needed. This allows Request recycling, reduces GC pressure and usually improves performance.

func (*Request) Abort

func (r *Request) Abort()

func (Request) AbsoluteURL

func (r Request) AbsoluteURL(src string) string

AbsoluteURL returns with the resolved absolute URL of an URL chunk. AbsoluteURL returns empty string if the URL chunk is a fragment or could not be parsed

func (*Request) AllowRedirect

func (r *Request) AllowRedirect(maxRedirectsCount uint)

AllowRedirect allows up to `maxRedirectsCount` times to be redirected.

func (Request) Get

func (r Request) Get(u string) error

func (Request) GetWithCache added in v0.2.0

func (r Request) GetWithCache(URL string, cacheFields ...CacheField) error

func (Request) Hash

func (r Request) Hash() (string, error)

func (*Request) New

func (r *Request) New(method, URL string, body []byte) *Request

New 使用原始请求的上下文创建一个新的请求

func (Request) NumberOfRetries

func (r Request) NumberOfRetries() uint32

func (Request) Post

func (r Request) Post(URL string, requestData map[string]string) error

func (Request) PostJSON added in v0.2.0

func (r Request) PostJSON(URL string, requestData map[string]interface{}) error

func (Request) PostJSONWithCache added in v0.2.0

func (r Request) PostJSONWithCache(URL string, requestData map[string]interface{}, cacheFields ...CacheField) error

func (Request) PostMultipart added in v0.2.0

func (r Request) PostMultipart(URL string, form *MultipartForm) error

func (Request) PostMultipartWithCache added in v0.2.0

func (r Request) PostMultipartWithCache(URL string, form *MultipartForm, cacheFields ...CacheField) error

func (Request) PostWithCache added in v0.2.0

func (r Request) PostWithCache(URL string, requestData map[string]string, cacheFields ...CacheField) error

func (Request) Request added in v0.2.0

func (r Request) Request(method, URL string, cachedMap map[string]string, body []byte) error

func (*Request) Reset

func (r *Request) Reset()

func (*Request) SetContentType

func (r *Request) SetContentType(contentType string)

func (*Request) SetHeaders

func (r *Request) SetHeaders(headers map[string]string)

func (*Request) SetTimeout added in v0.1.9

func (r *Request) SetTimeout(t time.Duration)

SetTimeout sets the waiting time for each request before the remote end returns a response.

The function doesn't follow redirects.

type Response

type Response struct {
	// 响应状态码
	StatusCode int
	// 二进制请求体
	Body []byte
	// 请求和响应之间共享的上下文
	Ctx ctx.Context `json:"-"`
	// 响应对应的请求
	Request *Request `json:"-"`
	// 响应头
	Headers fasthttp.ResponseHeader
	// 是否从缓存中取得的响应
	FromCache bool
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func AcquireResponse

func AcquireResponse() *Response

AcquireResponse returns an empty Response instance from response pool.

The returned Response instance may be passed to ReleaseResponse when it is no longer needed. This allows Response recycling, reduces GC pressure and usually improves performance.

func (*Response) BodyGunzip added in v0.2.4

func (r *Response) BodyGunzip() ([]byte, error)

BodyGunzip returns un-gzipped body data.

This method may be used if the response header contains 'Content-Encoding: gzip' for reading un-gzipped body. Use Body for reading gzipped response body.

func (Response) ClientIP added in v0.2.0

func (r Response) ClientIP() string

func (*Response) ContentType

func (r *Response) ContentType() string

func (*Response) GetSetCookie

func (r *Response) GetSetCookie() string

func (*Response) Invalidate added in v0.2.4

func (r *Response) Invalidate()

Invalidate marks the current response as invalid and skips the html parsing process

func (Response) IsTimeout added in v0.2.2

func (r Response) IsTimeout() bool

func (Response) LocalIP added in v0.2.0

func (r Response) LocalIP() string

func (Response) Marshal

func (r Response) Marshal() ([]byte, error)

func (*Response) Reset

func (r *Response) Reset(releaseCtx bool)

func (*Response) Save

func (r *Response) Save(fileName string) error

Save writes response body to disk

func (*Response) String

func (r *Response) String() string

func (*Response) Unmarshal added in v0.2.4

func (r *Response) Unmarshal(cachedBody []byte) error

type RetryConditions

type RetryConditions func(r Response) bool

type Task

type Task struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Task task to-do


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL