
package module
v4.0.1-rc4 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Oct 15, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 18 Imported by: 63


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Package kivik provides a common interface to CouchDB or CouchDB-like databases.

The kivik package must be used in conjunction with a database driver.

The kivik driver system is modeled after the standard library's sql and sql/driver packages, although the client API is completely different due to the different database models implemented by SQL and NoSQL databases such as CouchDB.


You are browsing the development branch of Kivik. The latest stable version is available here. Please consult the documentation on that page for proper installation of the stable branch.

This branch which will eventually become the Kivik 4.0.0 release. The API is subject to rapid and unannounced changes at this stage of development. For production work, you are encouraged to use the latest 3.x release of Kivik, which is stable. Read a partial list of breaking changes.

Example configuration for common dependency managers follow.

Go Modules

Kivik 3.x and later supports Go modules, which is the recommended way to use it for Go version 1.11 or newer. Kivik 4.x only supports Go 1.17 and later. If your project is already using Go modules, simply fetch the desired version:

go get # Stable release
go get # Development release


Install Kivik as you normally would for any Go package:

go get -u

This will install the main Kivik package and the CouchDB database driver. Three officially supported drivers are shipped with this Go module:

In addition, there are two partial/experimental drivers available:


Consult the CLI README for full details on the kivik CLI tool.

Example Usage

Please consult the the package documentation for all available API methods, and a complete usage documentation. And for additional usage examples, consult the wiki.

package main

import (

    kivik ""
    _ "" // The CouchDB driver

func main() {
    client, err := kivik.New("couch", "http://localhost:5984/")
    if err != nil {

    db := client.DB("animals")

    doc := map[string]interface{}{
        "_id":      "cow",
        "feet":     4,
        "greeting": "moo",

    rev, err := db.Put(context.TODO(), "cow", doc)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Cow inserted with revision %s\n", rev)

Frequently Asked Questions

Nobody has ever asked me any of these questions, so they're probably better called "Never Asked Questions" or possibly "Imagined Questions."

Why another CouchDB client API?

I had a number of specific design goals when creating this package:

  • Provide a generic database API for a variety of CouchDB-like databases. The previously existing drivers for CouchDB had patchy support for different versions of CouchDB, and different subsets of functionality.
  • Work equally well with CouchDB 1.6, 2.x, 3.x, and any future versions, as well as PouchDB.
  • Be as Go-idiomatic as possible.
  • Be unambiguously open-source. Kivik is released under the Apache license, same as CouchDB and PouchDB.
  • Separate out the basic implementation of a database driver (implementing the kivik/driver interfaces) vs the implementation of all the user-level types and convenience methods. It ought to be reasonably easy to create a new driver, for testing, mocking, implementing a new backend data storage system, or talking to other CouchDB-like databases.

What are Kivik's requirements?

Kivik's test suite is automatically run on Linux for every pull request, but should work on all supported Go architectures. If you find it not working for your OS/architecture, please submit a bug report.

Below are the compatibility targets for specific runtime and database versions. If you discover a bug affecting any of these supported environments, please let me know by submitting a bug report via GitHub.

  • Go Kivik 4.x aims for full compatibility with all stable releases of Go from 1.13. For Go 1.7 or 1.8 you can use Kivik 1.x. For Go 1.9 through 1.12, you can use Kivik 3.x.
  • CouchDB The Kivik 4.x CouchDB driver aims for compatibility with all stable releases of CouchDB from 2.x.
  • GopherJS GopherJS always requires the latest stable version of Go, so building Kivik with GopherJS has this same requirement.
  • PouchDB The Kivik 4.x PouchDB driver aims for compatibility with all stable releases of PouchDB from 8.0.0.

What is the development status?

Kivik 4.x is under active development, and subject to radical, and unannounced API changes. For production use, please use Kivik 3.x.

Why the name "Kivik"?

Kivik is a line of sofas (couches) from IKEA. And in the spirit of IKEA, and build-your-own furniture, Kivik aims to allow you to "build your own" CouchDB client, server, and proxy applications.

What license is Kivik released under?

Kivik is Copyright 2017-2023 by the Kivik contributors, and is released under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENCE for the full text of the license.

Changes from 3.x to 4.x

This is a partial list of breaking changes between 3.x and 4.x

  • Options are no longer a simple map[string]interface{}, but are rather functional parameters. In most cases, you can just use kivik.Param(key, value), or kivik.Params(map[string]interface{}{key: value}) as a replacement. Some shortcuts for common params now exist, and driver-specific options may work differently. Consult the GoDoc.
  • The Authenticate method has been removed. Authentication is now handled via option parameters.
  • The CouchDB, PouchDB, and MockDB drivers, and the experimental FilesystemDB and MemoryDB drivers, have been merged with this repo, rather than behing hosted in separate repos. For v3 you would have imported, for example. With v4, you instead use for CouchDB, or for the experimental FilesystemDB driver.
  • The return type for queries has been significantly changed.
    • In 3.x, queries returned a *Rows struct. Now they return a *ResultSet.
    • The Offset(), TotalRows(), UpdateSeq(), Warning() and Bookmark() methods have been removed, and replaced with the ResultMetadata type which is accessed via the Metadata() method. See issue #552.
    • Calling most methods on ResultSet will now work after closing the iterator.
    • The new ResultSet type supports multi-query mode, which is triggered by calling NextResultSet before Next.
    • Key, ID, Rev, Attachments all now return row-specific errors, and ScanKey may successfully decode while also returning a row-specific error.
  • The Changes type has been changed to semantically match the ResultSet type. Specifically, the LastSeq() and Pending() methods have been replaced by the Metadata() method.
  • The DBUpdates() and Changes() methods now defer errors to the iterator, for easier chaining and consistency with other iterators.
  • DB.BulkDocs() no longer returns an iterator, but rather an array of all results.
  • Get now returns a simpler *Result type than before.
  • GetMeta has been replaced with GetRev, and no longer claims to return the document size. The document size was never really the document size, rather it is the Content-Length field of the HTTP response, which can vary depending on query parameters, making its use for determining document size dubious at best.
  • The StatusCode() int method on errors has been renamed to HTTPStatus() int, to be more descriptive. The related package function StatusCode(error) int has also been renamed to HTTPStatus(error) int to match.
  • Client.Close() and DB.Close() now block until any relevant calls have returned.
  • Client.Close() and DB.Close() no longer take a context.Context value. These operations cannot actually be canceled anyway, by the one driver that uses them (PouchDB); it only stops waiting. It makes more senes to make these functions blocking indefinitely, especially now that they wait for client requests to finish, and let the caller stop waiting if it wants to.
CouchDB specific changes
  • The SetTransport authentication method has been removed, as a duplicate of couchdb.OptionHTTPClient.
  • Options passed to Kivik functions are now functional options, rather than a map of string to empty interface. As such, many of the options have changed. Consult the relevant GoDoc.
New features and additions
  • Kivik now ships with the kivik command line tool (previously part of the repository).
  • The new Replicate function allows replication between arbitrary databases, such as between CouchDB and a directory structure using the FilesystemDB.

What projects currently use Kivik?

If your project uses Kivik, and you'd like to be added to this list, create an issue or submit a pull request.

  • Cayley is an open-source graph database. It uses Kivik for the CouchDB and PouchDB storage backends.



Package kivik provides a generic interface to CouchDB or CouchDB-like databases.

The kivik package must be used in conjunction with a database driver. The officially supported drivers are:

The Filesystem and Memory drivers are also available, but in early stages of development, and so many features do not yet work:

The kivik driver system is modeled after the standard library's `sql` and `sql/driver` packages, although the client API is completely different due to the different database models implemented by SQL and NoSQL databases such as CouchDB.

Working with JSON

CouchDB stores JSON, so Kivik translates Go data structures to and from JSON as necessary. The conversion from Go data types to JSON, and vice versa, is handled automatically according to the rules and behavior described in the documentation for the standard library's encoding/json package.

One would be well-advised to become familiar with using `json` struct field tags encoding/json.Marshal when working with JSON documents.

Using contexts

Most Kivik methods take `context.Context` as their first argument. This allows the cancellation of blocking operations in the case that the result is no longer needed. A typical use case for a web application would be to cancel a Kivik request if the remote HTTP client ahs disconnected, rednering the results of the query irrelevant.

To learn more about Go's contexts, read the context package documentation and read the Go blog post [Go Concurrency Patterns: Context] for example code.

If in doubt, you can pass context.TODO as the context variable. Example:

row := db.Get(context.TODO(), "some_doc_id")


Most client and database methods take optional arguments of the type Option. Multiple options may be passed, and latter options take precidence over earlier ones, in case of a conflict.

Params and Param can be used to set options that are generally converted to URL query parameters. Different backend drivers may also provide their own unique options with driver-specific effects. Consult your driver's documentation for specifics.

Error Handling

Kivik returns errors that embed an HTTP status code. In most cases, this is the HTTP status code returned by the server. The embedded HTTP status code may be accessed easily using the HTTPStatus() method, or with a type assertion to `interface { HTTPStatus() int }`. Example:

if statusErr, ok := err.(interface{ HTTPStatus() int }); ok {
	status = statusErr.HTTPStatus()

Any error that does not conform to this interface will be assumed to represent a http.StatusInternalServerError status code.


For common usage, authentication should be as simple as including the authentication credentials in the connection DSN. For example:

client, err := kivik.New("couch", "http://admin:abc123@localhost:5984/")

This will connect to `localhost` on port 5984, using the username `admin` and the password `abc123`. When connecting to CouchDB (as in the above example), this will use [cookie auth].

Depending on which driver you use, there may be other ways to authenticate, as well. At the moment, the CouchDB driver is the only official driver which offers additional authentication methods. Please refer to the [CouchDB package documentation] for details.

[Go Concurrency Patterns: Context]: [cookie auth]: [CouchDB package documentation]:

Example (Connecting)

With a client handle in hand, you can create a database handle with the DB() method to interact with a specific database.

package main

import (

	kivik ""

func main() {
	client, err := kivik.New("couch", "")
	if err != nil {
	db := client.DB("_users")
	fmt.Println("Database handle for " + db.Name())

Database handle for _users




View Source
const (
	// ErrClientClosed is returned by any client operations after [Client.Close]
	// has been called.
	ErrClientClosed = internal.CompositeError("\x67client closed")
	// ErrDatabaseClosed is returned by any database operations after [DB.Close]
	// has been called.
	ErrDatabaseClosed = internal.CompositeError("\x67database closed")
View Source
const EndKeySuffix = string(rune(0xfff0))

EndKeySuffix is a high Unicode character (0xfff0) useful for appending to an endkey argument, when doing a ranged search, as described here.

For example, to return all results with keys beginning with "foo":

rows, err := db.Query(context.TODO(), "ddoc", "view", kivik.Params(map[string]interface{}{
    "startkey": "foo",
    "endkey":   "foo" + kivik.EndKeySuffix,
View Source
const SessionCookieName = "AuthSession"

SessionCookieName is the name of the CouchDB session cookie.

View Source
const UserPrefix = "org.couchdb.user:"

UserPrefix is the mandatory CouchDB user prefix.

View Source
const (
	// Version is the version of the Kivik library.
	Version = "4.0.1-rc4"


This section is empty.


func HTTPStatus

func HTTPStatus(err error) int

HTTPStatus returns the HTTP status code embedded in the error, or 500 (internal server error), if there was no specified status code. If err is nil, HTTPStatus returns 0. This provides a convenient way to determine the precise nature of a Kivik-returned error.

For example, to panic for all but NotFound errors:

err := db.Get(context.TODO(), "docID").ScanDoc(&doc)
if kivik.HTTPStatus(err) == http.StatusNotFound {
if err != nil {

This method uses the statusCoder interface, which is not exported by this package, but is considered part of the stable public API. Driver implementations are expected to return errors which conform to this interface.

type statusCoder interface {
    HTTPStatus() int
client, err := kivik.New("couch", "")
if err != nil {
row := client.DB("foo").Get(context.Background(), "my_doc_id")
switch kivik.HTTPStatus(row.Err()) {
case http.StatusNotFound:
case http.StatusUnauthorized:
	panic("Authentication required")
case http.StatusForbidden:
	panic("You are not authorized")
	panic("Unexpected error: " + err.Error())

func Register

func Register(name string, driver driver.Driver)

Register makes a database driver available by the provided name. If Register is called twice with the same name or if driver is nil, it panics.

func ScanAllDocs

func ScanAllDocs(r *ResultSet, dest interface{}) error

ScanAllDocs loops through the remaining documents in the resultset, and scans them into dest which must be a pointer to a slice or an array. Passing any other type will result in an error. If dest is an array, scanning will stop once the array is filled. The iterator is closed by this method. It is possible that an error will be returned, and that one or more documents were successfully scanned.

func ScanAllValues

func ScanAllValues(r *ResultSet, dest interface{}) error

ScanAllValues works like ScanAllDocs, but scans the values rather than docs.


type Attachment

type Attachment struct {
	// Filename is the name of the attachment.
	Filename string `json:"-"`

	// ContentType is the Content-Type type of the attachment.
	ContentType string `json:"content_type"`

	// Stub will be true if the data structure only represents file metadata,
	// and contains no actual content. Stub will be true when returned by
	// [DB.GetAttachmentMeta], or when included in a document without the
	// 'include_docs' option.
	Stub bool `json:"stub"`

	// Follows will be true when reading attachments in multipart/related
	// format.
	Follows bool `json:"follows"`

	// Content represents the attachment's content.
	// Kivik will always return a non-nil Content, even for 0-byte attachments
	// or when Stub is true. It is the caller's responsibility to close
	// Content.
	Content io.ReadCloser `json:"-"`

	// Size records the uncompressed size of the attachment. The value -1
	// indicates that the length is unknown. Unless [Attachment.Stub] is true,
	// values >= 0 indicate that the given number of bytes may be read from
	// [Attachment.Content].
	Size int64 `json:"length"`

	// Used compression codec, if any. Will be the empty string if the
	// attachment is uncompressed.
	ContentEncoding string `json:"encoding"`

	// EncodedLength records the compressed attachment size in bytes. Only
	// meaningful when [Attachment.ContentEncoding] is defined.
	EncodedLength int64 `json:"encoded_length"`

	// RevPos is the revision number when attachment was added.
	RevPos int64 `json:"revpos"`

	// Digest is the content hash digest.
	Digest string `json:"digest"`

Attachment represents a file attachment on a CouchDB document.

func (*Attachment) MarshalJSON

func (a *Attachment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON satisfies the encoding/json.Marshaler interface.

func (*Attachment) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *Attachment) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the encoding/json.Unmarshaler interface.

type Attachments

type Attachments map[string]*Attachment

Attachments is a collection of one or more file attachments.

func (*Attachments) Delete

func (a *Attachments) Delete(filename string)

Delete removes the specified file from the collection.

func (*Attachments) Get

func (a *Attachments) Get(filename string) *Attachment

Get fetches the requested attachment, or returns nil if it does not exist.

func (*Attachments) Set

func (a *Attachments) Set(filename string, att *Attachment)

Set sets the attachment associated with filename in the collection, replacing it if it already exists.

func (*Attachments) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *Attachments) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the encoding/json.Unmarshaler interface.

type AttachmentsIterator

type AttachmentsIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AttachmentsIterator allows reading streamed attachments from a multi-part DB.Get request.

func (*AttachmentsIterator) Close

func (i *AttachmentsIterator) Close() error

Close closes the AttachmentsIterator. It is automatically called when AttachmentsIterator.Next returns io.EOF.

func (*AttachmentsIterator) Next

func (i *AttachmentsIterator) Next() (*Attachment, error)

Next returns the next attachment in the stream. io.EOF will be returned when there are no more attachments.

The returned attachment is only valid until the next call to [Next], or a call to [Close].

type BulkGetReference

type BulkGetReference struct {
	ID        string `json:"id"`
	Rev       string `json:"rev,omitempty"`
	AttsSince string `json:"atts_since,omitempty"`

BulkGetReference is a reference to a document given to pass to DB.BulkGet.

type BulkResult

type BulkResult struct {
	ID    string `json:"id"`
	Rev   string `json:"rev"`
	Error error

BulkResult is the result of a single BulkDoc update.

type Changes

type Changes struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Changes is an iterator over the database changes feed.

func (*Changes) Changes

func (c *Changes) Changes() []string

Changes returns a list of changed revs.

func (Changes) Close

func (i Changes) Close() error

Close closes the iterator, preventing further enumeration, and freeing any resources (such as the http request body) of the underlying feed. If [Next] is called and there are no further results, the iterator is closed automatically and it will suffice to check the result of [Err]. Close is idempotent and does not affect the result of [Err].

func (*Changes) Deleted

func (c *Changes) Deleted() bool

Deleted returns true if the change relates to a deleted document.

func (*Changes) ETag

func (c *Changes) ETag() string

ETag returns the unquoted ETag header, if any.

func (Changes) Err

func (i Changes) Err() error

Err returns the error, if any, that was encountered during iteration. Err may be called after an explicit or implicit [Close].

func (*Changes) ID

func (c *Changes) ID() string

ID returns the ID of the current result.

func (*Changes) Metadata

func (c *Changes) Metadata() (*ChangesMetadata, error)

Metadata returns the result metadata for the changes feed. It must be called after Changes.Next returns false. Otherwise it will return an error.

func (Changes) Next

func (i Changes) Next() bool

Next prepares the next iterator result value for reading. It returns true on success, or false if there is no next result or an error occurs while preparing it. [Err] should be consulted to distinguish between the two.

func (*Changes) ScanDoc

func (c *Changes) ScanDoc(dest interface{}) error

ScanDoc works the same as [Changes.ScanValue], but on the doc field of the result. It is only valid for results that include documents.

func (*Changes) Seq

func (c *Changes) Seq() string

Seq returns the Seq of the current result.

type ChangesMetadata

type ChangesMetadata struct {
	// LastSeq is the last update sequence id present in the change set, if
	// returned by the server.
	LastSeq string
	// Pending is the count of remaining items in the change feed.
	Pending int64

ChangesMetadata contains metadata about a changes feed.

type Client

type Client struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Client is a client connection handle to a CouchDB-like server.

func New

func New(driverName, dataSourceName string, options ...Option) (*Client, error)

New creates a new client object specified by its database driver name and a driver-specific data source name.

The use of options is driver-specific, so consult with the documentation for your driver for supported options.


New is used to create a client handle. `driver` specifies the name of the registered database driver and `dataSourceName` specifies the database-specific connection information, such as a URL.

package main

import (

	kivik ""

func main() {
	client, err := kivik.New("driver", "")
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Connected to", client.DSN())

Connected to

func (*Client) AllDBs

func (c *Client) AllDBs(ctx context.Context, options ...Option) ([]string, error)

AllDBs returns a list of all databases.

func (*Client) Close

func (c *Client) Close() error

Close cleans up any resources used by the client. Close is safe to call concurrently with other operations and will block until all other operations finish. After calling Close, any other client operations will return ErrClientClosed.

func (*Client) ClusterSetup

func (c *Client) ClusterSetup(ctx context.Context, action interface{}) error

ClusterSetup performs the requested cluster action. action should be an object understood by the driver. For the CouchDB driver, this means an object which is marshalable to a JSON object of the expected format.

func (*Client) ClusterStatus

func (c *Client) ClusterStatus(ctx context.Context, options ...Option) (string, error)

ClusterStatus returns the current cluster status.

func (*Client) Config

func (c *Client) Config(ctx context.Context, node string) (Config, error)

Config returns the entire server config, for the specified node.

func (*Client) ConfigSection

func (c *Client) ConfigSection(ctx context.Context, node, section string) (ConfigSection, error)

ConfigSection returns the requested server [config section] for the specified node.

func (*Client) ConfigValue

func (c *Client) ConfigValue(ctx context.Context, node, section, key string) (string, error)

ConfigValue returns a single config value for the specified node.

func (*Client) CreateDB

func (c *Client) CreateDB(ctx context.Context, dbName string, options ...Option) error

CreateDB creates a DB of the requested name.

func (*Client) DB

func (c *Client) DB(dbName string, options ...Option) *DB

DB returns a handle to the requested database. Any errors encountered during initiation of the DB object is deferred until the first method call, or may be checked directly with DB.Err.

func (*Client) DBExists

func (c *Client) DBExists(ctx context.Context, dbName string, options ...Option) (bool, error)

DBExists returns true if the specified database exists.

func (*Client) DBUpdates

func (c *Client) DBUpdates(ctx context.Context, options ...Option) *DBUpdates

DBUpdates begins polling for database updates.

func (*Client) DBsStats

func (c *Client) DBsStats(ctx context.Context, dbnames []string) ([]*DBStats, error)

DBsStats returns database statistics about one or more databases.

func (*Client) DSN

func (c *Client) DSN() string

DSN returns the data source name used to connect this client.

func (*Client) DeleteConfigKey

func (c *Client) DeleteConfigKey(ctx context.Context, node, section, key string) (string, error)

DeleteConfigKey deletes the configuration key and associated value from the specified node. It returns the old value.

func (*Client) DestroyDB

func (c *Client) DestroyDB(ctx context.Context, dbName string, options ...Option) error

DestroyDB deletes the requested DB.

func (*Client) Driver

func (c *Client) Driver() string

Driver returns the name of the driver string used to connect this client.

func (*Client) GetReplications

func (c *Client) GetReplications(ctx context.Context, options ...Option) ([]*Replication, error)

GetReplications returns a list of defined replications in the _replicator database. Options are in the same format as to DB.AllDocs, except that "conflicts" and "update_seq" are ignored.

func (*Client) Membership

func (c *Client) Membership(ctx context.Context) (*ClusterMembership, error)

Membership returns a list of known CouchDB nodes in the cluster.

func (*Client) Ping

func (c *Client) Ping(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)

Ping returns true if the database is online and available for requests.

func (*Client) Replicate

func (c *Client) Replicate(ctx context.Context, targetDSN, sourceDSN string, options ...Option) (*Replication, error)

Replicate initiates a replication from source to target.

To use an object for either "source" or "target", pass the desired object in options. This will override targetDSN and sourceDSN function parameters.

func (*Client) Session

func (c *Client) Session(ctx context.Context) (*Session, error)

Session returns information about the currently authenticated user.

func (*Client) SetConfigValue

func (c *Client) SetConfigValue(ctx context.Context, node, section, key, value string) (string, error)

SetConfigValue sets the server's config value on the specified node, creating the key if it doesn't exist. It returns the old value.

func (*Client) Version

func (c *Client) Version(ctx context.Context) (*ServerVersion, error)

Version returns version and vendor info about the backend.

type ClusterConfig

type ClusterConfig struct {
	Replicas    int `json:"n"`
	Shards      int `json:"q"`
	ReadQuorum  int `json:"r"`
	WriteQuorum int `json:"w"`

ClusterConfig contains the cluster configuration for the database.

type ClusterMembership

type ClusterMembership struct {
	AllNodes     []string `json:"all_nodes"`
	ClusterNodes []string `json:"cluster_nodes"`

ClusterMembership contains the list of known nodes, and cluster nodes, as returned by Client.Membership.

type Config

type Config map[string]ConfigSection

Config represents all the config sections.

type ConfigSection

type ConfigSection map[string]string

ConfigSection represents all key/value pairs for a section of configuration.

type DB

type DB struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DB is a handle to a specific database.

Example (Delete)

As with updating a document, deletion depends on the proper _rev parameter.

package main

import (

	kivik ""

var db = &kivik.DB{}

func main() {
	newRev, err := db.Delete(context.TODO(), "cow", "2-9c65296036141e575d32ba9c034dd3ee")
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("The tombstone document has revision %s\n", newRev)

Example (Fetch)

When fetching a document, the document will be unmarshaled from JSON into your structure by the row.ScanDoc method.

package main

import (

	kivik ""

var db = &kivik.DB{}

func main() {
	type Animal struct {
		ID       string `json:"_id"`
		Rev      string `json:"_rev,omitempty"`
		Feet     int    `json:"feet"`
		Greeting string `json:"greeting"`

	var cow Animal
	err := db.Get(context.TODO(), "cow").ScanDoc(&cow)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("The cow says '%s'\n", cow.Greeting)

Example (MapReduce)
package main

import (

	kivik ""

var db = &kivik.DB{}

func main() {
	opts := kivik.Param("group", true)
	rows := db.Query(context.TODO(), "_design/foo", "_view/bar", opts)
	if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
	for rows.Next() {
		/* ... */

Example (Query)
package main

import (

	kivik ""

var db = &kivik.DB{}

func main() {
	rows := db.Query(context.TODO(), "_design/foo", "_view/bar", kivik.Params(map[string]interface{}{
		"startkey": `"foo"`,                           // Quotes are necessary so the
		"endkey":   `"foo` + kivik.EndKeySuffix + `"`, // key is a valid JSON object
	if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
	for rows.Next() {
		var doc interface{}
		if err := rows.ScanDoc(&doc); err != nil {
		/* do something with doc */
	if rows.Err() != nil {

Example (Store)

Storing a document is done with Put or Create, which correspond to `PUT /{db}/{doc}` and `POST /{db}` respectively. In most cases, you should use Put.

package main

import (

	kivik ""

var db = &kivik.DB{}

func main() {
	type Animal struct {
		ID       string `json:"_id"`
		Rev      string `json:"_rev,omitempty"`
		Feet     int    `json:"feet"`
		Greeting string `json:"greeting"`

	cow := Animal{ID: "cow", Feet: 4, Greeting: "moo"}
	rev, err := db.Put(context.TODO(), "cow", cow)
	if err != nil {
	cow.Rev = rev

Example (Update)

Updating a document is the same as storing one, except that the `_rev` parameter must match that stored on the server.

package main

import (

	kivik ""

var db = &kivik.DB{}

var cow struct {
	Rev      string
	Greeting string

func main() {
	cow.Rev = "1-6e609020e0371257432797b4319c5829" // Must be set
	cow.Greeting = "Moo!"
	newRev, err := db.Put(context.TODO(), "cow", cow)
	if err != nil {
	cow.Rev = newRev

Example (UpdateView)

Design documents are treated identically to normal documents by both CouchDB and Kivik. The only difference is the document ID.

Store your document normally, formatted with your views (or other functions).

package main

import (

	kivik ""

var db = &kivik.DB{}

func main() {
	_, err := db.Put(context.TODO(), "_design/foo", map[string]interface{}{
		"_id": "_design/foo",
		"views": map[string]interface{}{
			"foo_view": map[string]interface{}{
				"map": "function(doc) { emit(doc._id) }",
	if err != nil {

func (*DB) AllDocs

func (db *DB) AllDocs(ctx context.Context, options ...Option) *ResultSet

AllDocs returns a list of all documents in the database.

func (*DB) BulkDocs

func (db *DB) BulkDocs(ctx context.Context, docs []interface{}, options ...Option) ([]BulkResult, error)

BulkDocs allows you to create and update multiple documents at the same time within a single request. This function returns an iterator over the results of the bulk operation.

See the CouchDB documentation.

As with DB.Put, each individual document may be a JSON-marshable object, or a raw JSON string in a encoding/json.RawMessage, or io.Reader.

func (*DB) BulkGet

func (db *DB) BulkGet(ctx context.Context, docs []BulkGetReference, options ...Option) *ResultSet

BulkGet can be called to query several documents in bulk. It is well suited for fetching a specific revision of documents, as replicators do for example, or for getting revision history.

See the CouchDB documentation.

func (*DB) Changes

func (db *DB) Changes(ctx context.Context, options ...Option) *Changes

Changes returns an iterator over the real-time changes feed. The feed remains open until explicitly closed, or an error is encountered.

func (*DB) Client

func (db *DB) Client() *Client

Client returns the client used to connect to the database.

func (*DB) Close

func (db *DB) Close() error

Close cleans up any resources used by the DB. Close is safe to call concurrently with other DB operations and will block until all other DB operations finish. After calling Close, any other DB operations will return ErrDatabaseClosed.

func (*DB) Compact

func (db *DB) Compact(ctx context.Context) error

Compact begins compaction of the database. Check the CompactRunning field returned by [DB.Info] to see if the compaction has completed.

See the CouchDB documentation.

This method may return immediately, or may wait for the compaction to complete before returning, depending on the backend implementation. In particular, CouchDB triggers the compaction and returns immediately, whereas PouchDB waits until compaction has completed, before returning.

func (*DB) CompactView

func (db *DB) CompactView(ctx context.Context, ddocID string) error

CompactView compats the view indexes associated with the specified design document.

See the CouchDB documentation.

This method may return immediately, or may wait for the compaction to complete before returning, depending on the backend implementation. In particular, CouchDB triggers the compaction and returns immediately, whereas PouchDB waits until compaction has completed, before returning.

func (*DB) Copy

func (db *DB) Copy(ctx context.Context, targetID, sourceID string, options ...Option) (targetRev string, err error)

Copy copies the source document to a new document with an ID of targetID. If the database backend does not support COPY directly, the operation will be emulated with a Get followed by Put. The target will be an exact copy of the source, with only the ID and revision changed.

See the CouchDB documentation:

func (*DB) CreateDoc

func (db *DB) CreateDoc(ctx context.Context, doc interface{}, options ...Option) (docID, rev string, err error)

CreateDoc creates a new doc with an auto-generated unique ID. The generated docID and new rev are returned.

func (*DB) CreateIndex

func (db *DB) CreateIndex(ctx context.Context, ddoc, name string, index interface{}, options ...Option) error

CreateIndex creates an index if it doesn't already exist. ddoc and name may be empty, in which case they will be auto-generated. index must be marshalable to a valid index object, as described in the CouchDB documentation.

func (*DB) Delete

func (db *DB) Delete(ctx context.Context, docID, rev string, options ...Option) (newRev string, err error)

Delete marks the specified document as deleted. The revision may be provided via options, which takes priority over the rev argument.

func (*DB) DeleteAttachment

func (db *DB) DeleteAttachment(ctx context.Context, docID, rev, filename string, options ...Option) (newRev string, err error)

DeleteAttachment deletes an attachment from a document, returning the document's new revision. The revision may be provided via options, which takes priority over the rev argument.

func (*DB) DeleteIndex

func (db *DB) DeleteIndex(ctx context.Context, ddoc, name string, options ...Option) error

DeleteIndex deletes the requested index.

func (*DB) DesignDocs

func (db *DB) DesignDocs(ctx context.Context, options ...Option) *ResultSet

DesignDocs returns a list of all documents in the database.

func (*DB) Err

func (db *DB) Err() error

Err returns the error, if any, that occurred while connecting to or creating the database. This error will be deferred until the next call, normally, so using this method is only necessary if you need to directly check the error, and intend to do nothing else with the DB object.

func (*DB) Explain

func (db *DB) Explain(ctx context.Context, query interface{}, options ...Option) (*QueryPlan, error)

Explain returns the query plan for a given query. Explain takes the same arguments as DB.Find.

func (*DB) Find

func (db *DB) Find(ctx context.Context, query interface{}, options ...Option) *ResultSet

Find executes a query using the new /_find interface. The query must be JSON-marshalable to a valid query.

See the CouchDB documentation.

func (*DB) Flush

func (db *DB) Flush(ctx context.Context) error

Flush requests a flush of disk cache to disk or other permanent storage.

See the CouchDB documentation.

func (*DB) Get

func (db *DB) Get(ctx context.Context, docID string, options ...Option) *Document

Get fetches the requested document. Any errors are deferred until the first call to ResultSet.ScanDoc or any other result set method.

func (*DB) GetAttachment

func (db *DB) GetAttachment(ctx context.Context, docID, filename string, options ...Option) (*Attachment, error)

GetAttachment returns a file attachment associated with the document.

func (*DB) GetAttachmentMeta

func (db *DB) GetAttachmentMeta(ctx context.Context, docID, filename string, options ...Option) (*Attachment, error)

GetAttachmentMeta returns meta data about an attachment. The attachment content returned will be empty.

func (*DB) GetIndexes

func (db *DB) GetIndexes(ctx context.Context, options ...Option) ([]Index, error)

GetIndexes returns the indexes defined on the current database.

func (*DB) GetRev

func (db *DB) GetRev(ctx context.Context, docID string, options ...Option) (rev string, err error)

GetRev returns the active rev of the specified document. GetRev accepts the same options as DB.Get.

func (*DB) LocalDocs

func (db *DB) LocalDocs(ctx context.Context, options ...Option) *ResultSet

LocalDocs returns a list of all documents in the database.

func (*DB) Name

func (db *DB) Name() string

Name returns the database name as passed when creating the DB connection.

func (*DB) OpenRevs

func (db *DB) OpenRevs(ctx context.Context, docID string, revs []string, options ...Option) *ResultSet

OpenRevs returns documents of specified leaf revisions. Additionally, it accepts a revs value of "all" to return all leaf revisions.

func (*DB) PartitionStats

func (db *DB) PartitionStats(ctx context.Context, name string) (*PartitionStats, error)

PartitionStats returns statistics about the named partition.

See the CouchDB documentation.

func (*DB) Purge

func (db *DB) Purge(ctx context.Context, docRevMap map[string][]string) (*PurgeResult, error)

Purge permanently removes the reference to deleted documents from the database. Normal deletion only marks the document with the key/value pair `_deleted=true`, to ensure proper replication of deleted documents. By using Purge, the document can be completely removed. But note that this operation is not replication safe, so great care must be taken when using Purge, and this should only be used as a last resort.

Purge expects as input a map with document ID as key, and slice of revisions as value.

func (*DB) Put

func (db *DB) Put(ctx context.Context, docID string, doc interface{}, options ...Option) (rev string, err error)

Put creates a new doc or updates an existing one, with the specified docID. If the document already exists, the current revision must be included in doc, with JSON key '_rev', otherwise a conflict will occur. The new rev is returned.

doc may be one of:

  • A value to be marshaled to JSON. The resulting JSON structure must conform to CouchDB standards.
  • An encoding/json.RawMessage value containing a valid JSON document
  • An io.Reader, from which a valid JSON document may be read.

func (*DB) PutAttachment

func (db *DB) PutAttachment(ctx context.Context, docID string, att *Attachment, options ...Option) (newRev string, err error)

PutAttachment uploads the supplied content as an attachment to the specified document.

func (*DB) Query

func (db *DB) Query(ctx context.Context, ddoc, view string, options ...Option) *ResultSet

Query executes the specified view function from the specified design document. ddoc and view may or may not be be prefixed with '_design/' and '_view/' respectively.

See views in the CouchDB documentation.

If supported by the backend and database (i.e. CouchDB 2.2+), you may pass multiple queries to a single view by passing an option called `queries` with a multi-query object as a value.

See multiple queries in the CouchDB documentation.

func (*DB) RevsDiff

func (db *DB) RevsDiff(ctx context.Context, revMap interface{}) *ResultSet

RevsDiff returns the subset of document/revision IDs that do not correspond to revisions stored in the database. This is used by the replication protocol, and is normally never needed otherwise. revMap must marshal to the expected format.

Use ResultSet.ID to return the current document ID, and ResultSet.ScanValue to access the full JSON value. The [RevsDiff] type matches this format and is provided as a convenience for unmarshaling.

    "missing": ["rev1",...],
    "possible_ancestors": ["revA",...]

func (*DB) Security

func (db *DB) Security(ctx context.Context) (*Security, error)

Security returns the database's security document.

See the CouchDB documentation.

func (*DB) SetSecurity

func (db *DB) SetSecurity(ctx context.Context, security *Security) error

SetSecurity sets the database's security document.

See the CouchDB documentation.

func (*DB) Stats

func (db *DB) Stats(ctx context.Context) (*DBStats, error)

Stats returns database statistics. See the CouchDB documentation.

func (*DB) ViewCleanup

func (db *DB) ViewCleanup(ctx context.Context) error

ViewCleanup removes view index files that are no longer required as a result of changed views within design documents.

See the CouchDB documentation.

type DBStats

type DBStats struct {
	// Name is the name of the database.
	Name string `json:"db_name"`
	// CompactRunning is true if the database is currently being compacted.
	CompactRunning bool `json:"compact_running"`
	// DocCount is the number of documents are currently stored in the database.
	DocCount int64 `json:"doc_count"`
	// DeletedCount is a count of documents which have been deleted from the
	// database.
	DeletedCount int64 `json:"doc_del_count"`
	// UpdateSeq is the current update sequence for the database.
	UpdateSeq string `json:"update_seq"`
	// DiskSize is the number of bytes used on-disk to store the database.
	DiskSize int64 `json:"disk_size"`
	// ActiveSize is the number of bytes used on-disk to store active documents.
	// If this number is lower than [DBStats.DiskSize], then compaction would
	// free disk space.
	ActiveSize int64 `json:"data_size"`
	// ExternalSize is the size of the documents in the database, as represented
	// as JSON, before compression.
	ExternalSize int64 `json:"-"`
	// Cluster reports the cluster replication configuration variables.
	Cluster *ClusterConfig `json:"cluster,omitempty"`
	// RawResponse is the raw response body returned by the server, useful if
	// you need additional backend-specific information.
	// For the format of this document, see the [CouchDB documentation].
	// [CouchDB documentation]:
	RawResponse json.RawMessage `json:"-"`

DBStats contains database statistics..

type DBUpdates

type DBUpdates struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DBUpdates is an iterator for database updates.

func (DBUpdates) Close

func (i DBUpdates) Close() error

Close closes the iterator, preventing further enumeration, and freeing any resources (such as the http request body) of the underlying feed. If [Next] is called and there are no further results, the iterator is closed automatically and it will suffice to check the result of [Err]. Close is idempotent and does not affect the result of [Err].

func (*DBUpdates) DBName

func (f *DBUpdates) DBName() string

DBName returns the database name for the current update.

func (DBUpdates) Err

func (i DBUpdates) Err() error

Err returns the error, if any, that was encountered during iteration. Err may be called after an explicit or implicit [Close].

func (DBUpdates) Next

func (i DBUpdates) Next() bool

Next prepares the next iterator result value for reading. It returns true on success, or false if there is no next result or an error occurs while preparing it. [Err] should be consulted to distinguish between the two.

func (*DBUpdates) Seq

func (f *DBUpdates) Seq() string

Seq returns the update sequence of the current update.

func (*DBUpdates) Type

func (f *DBUpdates) Type() string

Type returns the type of the current update.

type Diffs

type Diffs map[string]RevDiff

Diffs is a collection of [RevDiff]s as returned by DB.RevsDiff. The map key is the document ID.

type Document

type Document struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Document is a single document result returned by DB.Get.

func (*Document) Attachments

func (r *Document) Attachments() (*AttachmentsIterator, error)

Attachments returns an attachments iterator if the document includes attachments and they are not inline.

func (*Document) Close

func (r *Document) Close() error

Close closes the document resources.

func (*Document) Err

func (r *Document) Err() error

Err returns the error, if any, that was encountered fetching the document.

func (*Document) Rev

func (r *Document) Rev() (string, error)

Rev returns the document revision.

func (*Document) ScanDoc

func (r *Document) ScanDoc(i interface{}) error

ScanDoc unmarshals the document into i.

type Index

type Index struct {
	DesignDoc  string      `json:"ddoc,omitempty"`
	Name       string      `json:"name"`
	Type       string      `json:"type"`
	Definition interface{} `json:"def"`

Index is a MonboDB-style index definition.

type Members

type Members struct {
	Names []string `json:"names,omitempty"`
	Roles []string `json:"roles,omitempty"`

Members represents the members of a database security document.

type Option

type Option interface {
	// Apply applies the option to target, if target is of the expected type.
	// Unexpected/recognized target types should be ignored.
	Apply(target interface{})

Option is a Kivik or driver option.

Most methods/endpoints take query parameters which are passed as part of the query URL, as documented in the official CouchDB documentation. You can use Params or Param to set arbitrary query parameters. Backend drivers may provide their own special-purpose options as well.

func Duration

func Duration(key string, dur time.Duration) Option

Duration is a convenience function for setting query parameters from time.Duration values. The duration will be converted to milliseconds when passed as a query parameter.

For example, Duration("heartbeat", 15 * time.Second) will result in appending ?heartbeat=15000 to the query.

func IncludeDocs

func IncludeDocs() Option

IncludeDocs instructs the query to include documents. A less verbose alternative to Param("include_docs", true).

func Param

func Param(key string, value interface{}) Option

Param sets a single key/value pair as a query parameter.

func Params

func Params(p map[string]interface{}) Option

Params allows passing a collection of key/value pairs as query parameter options.

func ReplicateCallback

func ReplicateCallback(callback func(ReplicationEvent)) Option

ReplicateCallback sets a callback function to be called on every replication event that takes place.

func ReplicateCopySecurity

func ReplicateCopySecurity() Option

ReplicateCopySecurity will read the security object from source, and copy it to the target, before the replication. Use with caution! The security object is not versioned, and it will be unconditionally overwritten on the target!

func Rev

func Rev(rev string) Option

Rev is a convenience function to set the revision. A less verbose alternative to Param("rev", rev).

type PartitionStats

type PartitionStats struct {
	DBName          string
	DocCount        int64
	DeletedDocCount int64
	Partition       string
	ActiveSize      int64
	ExternalSize    int64
	RawResponse     json.RawMessage

PartitionStats contains partition statistics.

type PurgeResult

type PurgeResult struct {
	// Seq is the purge sequence number.
	Seq int64 `json:"purge_seq"`
	// Purged is a map of document ids to revisions, indicated the
	// document/revision pairs that were successfully purged.
	Purged map[string][]string `json:"purged"`

PurgeResult is the result of a purge request.

type QueryPlan

type QueryPlan struct {
	DBName   string                 `json:"dbname"`
	Index    map[string]interface{} `json:"index"`
	Selector map[string]interface{} `json:"selector"`
	Options  map[string]interface{} `json:"opts"`
	Limit    int64                  `json:"limit"`
	Skip     int64                  `json:"skip"`

	// Fields is the list of fields to be returned in the result set, or
	// an empty list if all fields are to be returned.
	Fields []interface{}          `json:"fields"`
	Range  map[string]interface{} `json:"range"`

QueryPlan is the query execution plan for a query, as returned by DB.Explain.

type Replication

type Replication struct {
	Source string
	Target string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Replication represents a CouchDB replication process.

func (*Replication) Delete

func (r *Replication) Delete(ctx context.Context) error

Delete deletes a replication. If it is currently running, it will be cancelled.

func (*Replication) DocWriteFailures

func (r *Replication) DocWriteFailures() int64

DocWriteFailures returns the number of doc write failures, if known.

func (*Replication) DocsRead

func (r *Replication) DocsRead() int64

DocsRead returns the number of documents read, if known.

func (*Replication) DocsWritten

func (r *Replication) DocsWritten() int64

DocsWritten returns the number of documents written, if known.

func (*Replication) EndTime

func (r *Replication) EndTime() time.Time

EndTime returns the replication end time, once the replication has terminated.

func (*Replication) Err

func (r *Replication) Err() error

Err returns the error, if any, that caused the replication to abort.

func (*Replication) IsActive

func (r *Replication) IsActive() bool

IsActive returns true if the replication has not yet completed or errored.

func (*Replication) Progress

func (r *Replication) Progress() float64

Progress returns the current replication progress, if known.

func (*Replication) ReplicationID

func (r *Replication) ReplicationID() string

ReplicationID returns the _replication_id field of the replicator document.

func (*Replication) StartTime

func (r *Replication) StartTime() time.Time

StartTime returns the replication start time, once the replication has been triggered.

func (*Replication) State

func (r *Replication) State() ReplicationState

State returns the current replication state

func (*Replication) Update

func (r *Replication) Update(ctx context.Context) error

Update requests a replication state update from the server. If there is an error retrieving the update, it is returned and the replication state is unaltered.

type ReplicationEvent

type ReplicationEvent struct {
	// Type is the event type. Options are:
	// - "security" -- Relates to the _security document.
	// - "changes"  -- Relates to the changes feed.
	// - "change"   -- Relates to a single change.
	// - "revsdiff" -- Relates to reading the revs diff.
	// - "document" -- Relates to a specific document.
	Type string
	// Read is true if the event relates to a read operation.
	Read bool
	// DocID is the relevant document ID, if any.
	DocID string
	// Error is the error associated with the event, if any.
	Error error
	// Changes is the list of changed revs, for a "change" event.
	Changes []string

ReplicationEvent is an event emitted by the Replicate function, which represents a single read or write event, and its status.

type ReplicationInfo

type ReplicationInfo struct {
	DocWriteFailures int64
	DocsRead         int64
	DocsWritten      int64
	Progress         float64

ReplicationInfo represents a snapshot of the status of a replication.

type ReplicationResult

type ReplicationResult struct {
	DocWriteFailures int       `json:"doc_write_failures"`
	DocsRead         int       `json:"docs_read"`
	DocsWritten      int       `json:"docs_written"`
	EndTime          time.Time `json:"end_time"`
	MissingChecked   int       `json:"missing_checked"`
	MissingFound     int       `json:"missing_found"`
	StartTime        time.Time `json:"start_time"`

ReplicationResult represents the result of a replication.

func Replicate

func Replicate(ctx context.Context, target, source *DB, options ...Option) (*ReplicationResult, error)

Replicate performs a replication from source to target, using a limited version of the CouchDB replication protocol.

This function supports the ReplicateCopySecurity and ReplicateCallback options. Additionally, the following standard options are passed along to the source when querying the changes feed, for server-side filtering, where supported:

filter (string)           - The name of a filter function.
doc_ids (array of string) - Array of document IDs to be synchronized.

type ReplicationState

type ReplicationState string

ReplicationState represents a replication's state

const (
	ReplicationNotStarted ReplicationState = ""
	ReplicationStarted    ReplicationState = "triggered"
	ReplicationError      ReplicationState = "error"
	ReplicationComplete   ReplicationState = "completed"

The possible values for the _replication_state field in _replicator documents plus a blank value for unstarted replications.

const (
	ReplicationInitializing ReplicationState = "initializing"
	ReplicationRunning      ReplicationState = "running"
	ReplicationPending      ReplicationState = "pending"
	ReplicationCrashing     ReplicationState = "crashing"
	ReplicationFailed       ReplicationState = "failed"

The additional possible values for the state field in the _scheduler docs.

type ResultMetadata

type ResultMetadata struct {
	// Offset is the starting offset where the result set started.
	Offset int64

	// TotalRows is the total number of rows in the view which would have been
	// returned if no limiting were used.
	TotalRows int64

	// UpdateSeq is the sequence id of the underlying database the view
	// reflects, if requested in the query.
	UpdateSeq string

	// Warning is a warning generated by the query, if any.
	Warning string

	// Bookmark is the paging bookmark, if one was provided with the result
	// set. This is intended for use with the Mango /_find interface, with
	// CouchDB 2.1.1 and later. Consult the [CouchDB documentation] for
	// detailed usage instructions.
	// [CouchDB documentation]:
	Bookmark string

ResultMetadata contains metadata about certain queries.

type ResultSet

type ResultSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ResultSet is an iterator over a multi-value query result set.

Call ResultSet.Next to advance the iterator to the next item in the result set.

The Scan* methods are expected to be called only once per iteration, as they may consume data from the network, rendering them unusable a second time.

func (*ResultSet) Attachments

func (r *ResultSet) Attachments() (*AttachmentsIterator, error)

Attachments returns an attachments iterator if the document includes attachments.

func (*ResultSet) Close

func (r *ResultSet) Close() error

Close closes the result set, preventing further iteration, and freeing any resources (such as the HTTP request body) of the underlying query. Close is idempotent and does not affect the result of ResultSet.Err. Close is safe to call concurrently with other ResultSet operations and will block until all other ResultSet operations finish.

func (*ResultSet) Err

func (r *ResultSet) Err() error

Err returns the error, if any, that was encountered during iteration. ResultSet.Err may be called after an explicit or implicit call to ResultSet.Close.

func (*ResultSet) ID

func (r *ResultSet) ID() (string, error)

ID returns the ID of the most recent result.

func (*ResultSet) Key

func (r *ResultSet) Key() (string, error)

Key returns the Key of the most recent result as a raw JSON string. For compound keys, ResultSet.ScanKey may be more convenient.

func (*ResultSet) Metadata

func (r *ResultSet) Metadata() (*ResultMetadata, error)

Metadata returns the result metadata for the current query. It must be called after ResultSet.Next returns false. Otherwise it will return an error.

func (*ResultSet) Next

func (r *ResultSet) Next() bool

Next prepares the next result value for reading. It returns true on success or false if there are no more results or an error occurs while preparing it. ResultSet.Err should be consulted to distinguish between the two.

When Next returns false, and there are no more results/result sets to be read, the ResultSet.Close is called implicitly, negating the need to call it explicitly.

func (*ResultSet) NextResultSet

func (r *ResultSet) NextResultSet() bool

NextResultSet prepares the next result set for reading. It returns false if there is no further result set or if there is an error advancing to it. ResultSet.Err should be consulted to distinguish between the two cases.

After calling NextResultSet, ResultSet.Next must be called to advance to the first result in the resultset before scanning.

func (*ResultSet) Rev

func (r *ResultSet) Rev() (string, error)

Rev returns the document revision, when known. Not all result sets (such as those from views) include revision IDs, so this will return an empty string in such cases.

func (*ResultSet) ScanDoc

func (r *ResultSet) ScanDoc(dest interface{}) error

ScanDoc works the same as ResultSet.ScanValue, but on the doc field of the result. It will return an error if the query does not include documents.

If the row returned an error, it will be returned rather than unmarshaling the doc, as error rows do not include docs.

func (*ResultSet) ScanKey

func (r *ResultSet) ScanKey(dest interface{}) error

ScanKey works the same as ResultSet.ScanValue, but on the key field of the result. For simple keys, which are just strings, ResultSet.Key may be easier to use.

Unlike ResultSet.ScanValue and ResultSet.ScanDoc, this may successfully scan the key, and also return an error, if the row itself represents an error.

func (*ResultSet) ScanValue

func (r *ResultSet) ScanValue(dest interface{}) error

ScanValue copies the data from the result value into dest, which must be a pointer. This acts as a wrapper around encoding/json.Unmarshal.

If the row returned an error, it will be returned rather than unmarshaling the value, as error rows do not include values.

Refer to the documentation for encoding/json.Unmarshal for unmarshaling details.

type RevDiff

type RevDiff struct {
	Missing           []string `json:"missing,omitempty"`
	PossibleAncestors []string `json:"possible_ancestors,omitempty"`

RevDiff represents a rev diff for a single document, as returned by the DB.RevsDiff method.

type Security

type Security struct {
	Admins  Members `json:"admins,omitempty"`
	Members Members `json:"members,omitempty"`

	// Database permissions for Cloudant users and/or API keys. This field is
	// only used or populated by IBM Cloudant. See the [Cloudant documentation]
	// for details.
	// [Cloudant documentation]:
	Cloudant map[string][]string `json:"cloudant,omitempty"`

	// Manage permissions using the `_users` database only. This field is only
	// used or populated by IBM Cloudant. See the [Cloudant documentation] for
	// details.
	// [Cloudant documentation]:
	CouchdbAuthOnly *bool `json:"couchdb_auth_only,omitempty"`

Security represents a database security document.

type ServerVersion

type ServerVersion struct {
	// Version is the version number reported by the server or backend.
	Version string
	// Vendor is the vendor string reported by the server or backend.
	Vendor string
	// Features is a list of enabled, optional features.  This was added in
	// CouchDB 2.1.0, and can be expected to be empty for older versions.
	Features []string
	// RawResponse is the raw response body returned by the server, useful if
	// you need additional backend-specific information.  Refer to the
	// [CouchDB documentation] for format details.
	// [CouchDB documentation]:
	RawResponse json.RawMessage

ServerVersion represents a server version response.

type Session

type Session struct {
	// Name is the name of the authenticated user.
	Name string
	// Roles is a list of roles the user belongs to.
	Roles []string
	// AuthenticationMethod is the authentication method that was used for this
	// session.
	AuthenticationMethod string
	// AuthenticationDB is the user database against which authentication was
	// performed.
	AuthenticationDB string
	// AuthenticationHandlers is a list of authentication handlers configured on
	// the server.
	AuthenticationHandlers []string
	// RawResponse is the raw JSON response sent by the server, useful for
	// custom backends which may provide additional fields.
	RawResponse json.RawMessage

Session represents an authentication session.


Path Synopsis
Package main provides the kivik CLI tool.
Package main provides the kivik CLI tool.
Package cmd provides the CLI interface to CouchDB.
Package cmd provides the CLI interface to CouchDB.
Package config handles the CLI tool configuration.
Package config handles the CLI tool configuration.
Package errors defines the errors the kivik CLI tool may produce.
Package errors defines the errors the kivik CLI tool may produce.
Package input provides input configuration.
Package input provides input configuration.
Package log handles logging.
Package log handles logging.
Package output handles program output.
Package output handles program output.
Package friendly produces friendly-formatted output.
Package friendly produces friendly-formatted output.
Package gotmpl handles go template output.
Package gotmpl handles go template output.
Package json produces JSON output.
Package json produces JSON output.
Package raw produces raw output.
Package raw produces raw output.
Package yaml produces YAML output.
Package yaml produces YAML output.
Package couchdb is a driver for connecting with a CouchDB server over HTTP.
Package couchdb is a driver for connecting with a CouchDB server over HTTP.
Package chttp provides a minimal HTTP driver backend for communicating with CouchDB servers.
Package chttp provides a minimal HTTP driver backend for communicating with CouchDB servers.
Package test manages the integration tests for the CouchDB driver.
Package test manages the integration tests for the CouchDB driver.
Package driver defines interfaces to be implemented by database drivers as used by package kivik.
Package driver defines interfaces to be implemented by database drivers as used by package kivik.
Package internal provides some internal utilities.
Package internal provides some internal utilities.
Package mock provides minimal mocks for kivik driver interfaces.
Package mock provides minimal mocks for kivik driver interfaces.
Package nettest wraps [httptest.NewServer] to skip when called from GopherJS.
Package nettest wraps [httptest.NewServer] to skip when called from GopherJS.
Package registry handles driver registrations.
Package registry handles driver registrations.
Package kiviktest provides integration tests for kivik.
Package kiviktest provides integration tests for kivik.
Package client provides integration tests for the kivik client.
Package client provides integration tests for the kivik client.
Package db provides integration tests for the kivik db.
Package db provides integration tests for the kivik db.
Package kt provides common utilities for Kivik tests.
Package kt provides common utilities for Kivik tests.
Package mockdb provides a full Kivik driver implementation, for mocking in tests.
Package mockdb provides a full Kivik driver implementation, for mocking in tests.
Package main generates the bulk of the mockdb driver.
Package main generates the bulk of the mockdb driver.
Package pouchdb provides a [PouchDB] driver for [Kivik].
Package pouchdb provides a [PouchDB] driver for [Kivik].
Package bindings provides minimal GopherJS bindings around the PouchDB library.
Package bindings provides minimal GopherJS bindings around the PouchDB library.
Package poucherr exists only for the purpose of testing the PouchDB binding's handling of PouchDB-specific error messages.
Package poucherr exists only for the purpose of testing the PouchDB binding's handling of PouchDB-specific error messages.
Package test provides PouchDB integration tests.
Package test provides PouchDB integration tests.
Package main prints out the version constant, for use in automatically creating releases when the version is updated.
Package main prints out the version constant, for use in automatically creating releases when the version is updated.
Package x serves as home for experimental features and incomplete drivers.
Package x serves as home for experimental features and incomplete drivers.
Package fs provides an experimental filesystem-backed Kivik driver.
Package fs provides an experimental filesystem-backed Kivik driver.
Package cdb provides the core CouchDB types.
Package cdb provides the core CouchDB types.
Package decode assists in document decoding.
Package decode assists in document decoding.
Package filesystem provides an abstraction around a filesystem
Package filesystem provides an abstraction around a filesystem
Package test configures the integration test suite.
Package test configures the integration test suite.
Package mango provides support for parsing and executing Cloudant, CouchDB, and PouchDB-style Mango queries against JSON documents.
Package mango provides support for parsing and executing Cloudant, CouchDB, and PouchDB-style Mango queries against JSON documents.
Package collate provides collation primitives.
Package collate provides collation primitives.
Package memorydb provides a memory-backed Kivik driver, intended for testing.
Package memorydb provides a memory-backed Kivik driver, intended for testing.

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