Zendesk CLI
This is a command line interface for managing Zendesk tickets.
It allows you to easily list and delete Zendesk tickets from the command line.
- Fetch tickets from Zendesk between specified dates
- Fetch a specific ticket by ID
- Delete tickets by ID
- Bulk delete tickets
- Multithreaded ticket deletion for improved performance
- Incremental ticket exports based on time for efficient fetching
# Fetch tickets between two dates
zendesk get-tickets --start-date 2021-01-01 --end-date 2021-06-30
# Fetch a specific ticket
zendesk get-tickets --id 36001234567
# Delete a ticket
zendesk delete-tickets --ids 36001234567
# Bulk delete tickets from a file
zendesk delete-tickets --tickets-file tickets.json
# Multithreaded bulk ticket deletion (in chunks of 100)
zendesk delete-tickets --tickets-file tickets.json --workers 10
The tool looks for the following environment variables to authenticate with the Zendesk API:
- Your Zendesk domain
- Your Zendesk email
- Your API token
You can also pass these values as flags for one-off usage.
Detailed flags
## Usage:
zendesk [command]
## Available Commands:
- completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
- delete-tickets Delete tickets in Zendesk
- get-tickets Fetch tickets from Zendesk
- help Help about any command or topic
## Flags:
-h, --help help for zendesk
Use "zendesk [command] --help" for more information about a command.
❯ zendesk delete-tickets --help
delete-tickets - Delete tickets in Zendesk
For more help, run: zendesk help delete-tickets
## Usage:
zendesk delete-tickets [flags]
## Flags:
--api-token Zendesk API token.
--domain Zendesk domain.
--email Zendesk email.
-h, --help help for delete-tickets
--ids List of ticket IDs to delete. (default [])
--tickets-file File containing a list of tickets to delete.
--workers Number of workers to use. (default 8)
❯ zendesk get-tickets --help
get-tickets - Fetch tickets from Zendesk
For more help, run: zendesk help get-tickets
## Usage:
zendesk get-tickets [flags]
## Flags:
--api-token Zendesk API token.
--domain Zendesk domain.
--email Zendesk email.
--end-date Specify the end time until when you want to fetch tickets.
-h, --help help for get-tickets
--id Specify a ticket ID to fetch.
--limit Limit the number of tickets to fetch.
--start-date Specify the start time from when you want to start fetching tickets.
The get-tickets command outputs structured ticket data using the https://github.com/go-go-golems/glazed package. This
allows piping the output to various destinations and applying additional processing and filtering. See the Glazed docs
for the full list of capabilities.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or PR if you would like to contribute.
Some ideas for improvements:
- Add ability to update tickets
- Filter ticket exports
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.