Emrichen: A Go Implementation
Emrichen is a powerful templating engine designed for generating YAML configurations with ease and precision. This is a heavily LLM-supported implementation of the super-cool Python implementation (why don't more people use this?). This Go version brings the same flexibility and robustness to Go developers, allowing them to dynamically generate configuration files for a wide range of applications, including Kubernetes deployments, configuration management, and more.
Emrichen stands out by understanding the structure of YAML, enabling users to avoid common pitfalls associated with text-based templating systems, such as indentation errors and type mismatches. With its rich set of tags, Emrichen offers a pragmatic and powerful way to template complex configurations.
This go implementation does not support JSON, but it adds go templating functionality to Format, as well as additional operators.
Additional tags and template operators can be added programmatically.
You can find detailed documentation for each tag in the doc section as well as an exhaustive list of examples in the examples yamls and in the go unit tests.
Kubernetes Deployment Example
Below is an example of a Kubernetes deployment template using Emrichen, showcasing advanced features such as conditional logic, loops, and variable substitution.
app_name: myapp
image: myapp:latest
replicas: 3
- port: 80
protocol: TCP
- port: 443
protocol: TCP
value: production
- name: DEBUG
value: "false"
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: !Format "{app_name}-deployment"
replicas: !Var replicas
app: !Var app_name
app: !Var app_name
- name: !Var app_name
image: !Var image
ports: !Loop
over: !Var ports
containerPort: !Lookup item.port
protocol: !Lookup item.protocol
env: !Loop
over: !Filter
test: !Op
a: !Lookup
op: ne
b: "DEBUG" # Assuming we want to filter out the DEBUG environment variable in production
over: !Var env
name: !Lookup
value: !Lookup item.value
This template demonstrates the use of:
for setting default values!Var
for variable substitution!Loop
for iterating over lists to dynamically generate port and environment variable configurations!Filter
for filtering out environment variables based on a condition!Format
for formatting the deployment name based on a variable!Lookup
for performing JSONPath lookups
Emrichen Tags Reference
Emrichen is a powerful template engine designed for generating YAML and JSON configurations. It supports a variety of tags to manipulate and generate structured data dynamically. Below is a reference table of all supported tags along with their parameters and a brief description.
Tag | Parameters | Description |
!All |
iterable |
Returns true if all items in the iterable are truthy. |
!Any |
iterable |
Returns true if at least one item in the iterable is truthy. |
!Base64 |
value |
Encodes the given value into Base64. |
!Concat |
lists |
Concatenates lists. |
!Debug |
value |
Outputs the value to stderr for debugging purposes. |
!Defaults |
variables |
Defines default values for variables. |
!Error |
message |
Outputs an error message and halts processing if encountered. |
!Exists |
JSONPath |
Checks for the existence of a path or variable. |
!Filter |
test , over |
Filters elements based on a predicate. |
!Format |
format_string |
Formats a string using variables and expressions. |
!Group |
over , by , template (optional), result_as (optional) |
Groups items based on a key. |
!If |
test , then , else |
Conditional logic to return values based on a test. |
!Include |
path |
Includes and processes another template file. |
!IncludeBase64 |
path |
Includes a binary file as a Base64-encoded string. |
!IncludeBinary |
path |
Includes the contents of a binary file. |
!IncludeGlob |
patterns |
Includes and processes multiple files matching glob patterns. |
!IncludeText |
path |
Includes the contents of a text file. |
!Index |
over , by , template (optional), duplicates (optional) |
Creates a dictionary out of a list based on a key. |
!IsBoolean |
value |
Checks if the value is a boolean. |
!IsDict |
value |
Checks if the value is a dictionary. |
!IsInteger |
value |
Checks if the value is an integer. |
!IsList |
value |
Checks if the value is a list. |
!IsNone |
value |
Checks if the value is None (null). |
!IsNumber |
value |
Checks if the value is a number. |
!IsString |
value |
Checks if the value is a string. |
!Join |
items , separator (optional) |
Joins a list of items with a separator. |
!Lookup |
JSONPath |
Performs a JSONPath lookup. |
!LookupAll |
JSONPath |
Performs a JSONPath lookup, returning all matches. |
!Loop |
over : (Required) Collection to iterate over. as : (Optional, default item ) Variable name for the current element. index_as : (Optional) Variable name for the current index or key. index_start : (Optional, default 0 ) Starting index for the loop. previous_as : (Optional) Variable name for the previous element. template : (Required) Template applied to each element. as_documents : (Optional, default false ) Treats each iteration's output as a separate YAML document. filter : (Optional) Predicate to filter items to loop over. sort_by : (Optional) Key or function to sort items before looping. reverse : (Optional, default false ) Reverses the order of items before looping. |
Iterates over collections, applying a specified template to each element, with extensive control over the iteration process. |
!MD5 |
data |
Hashes the given data using the MD5 algorithm. |
!Merge |
dicts |
Merges dictionaries, with later values overriding earlier ones. |
!Not |
value |
Negates a boolean value. |
!Op |
a , op , b |
Performs a binary operation between two values. |
!SHA1 |
data |
Hashes the given data using the SHA1 algorithm. |
!SHA256 |
data |
Hashes the given data using the SHA256 algorithm. |
!URLEncode |
string or url , query |
Encodes a string for URL inclusion or combines a URL with query parameters. |
!Var |
name |
Substitutes the value of a variable. |
!Void |
- | Used to remove items from the output. |
!With |
vars , template |
Defines a scope with local variables for a template. |
This reference aims to provide a quick overview of the capabilities and parameters of each tag supported by Emrichen. For detailed examples and advanced usage, refer to the specific documentation for each tag.
Below is a structured approach to documenting each Emrichen tag with a short description and an example. This format is designed to be concise yet informative, providing users with a quick understanding of each tag's functionality and usage.
Evaluates if all items in the iterable are truthy.
allTrue: !All [true, true, true]
Evaluates if at least one item in the iterable is truthy.
anyTrue: !Any [false, false, true]
Encodes the given value into Base64.
encoded: !Base64 "Hello, World!"
Concatenates lists.
concatenated: !Concat [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
Outputs the value to stderr for debugging purposes.
debugged: !Debug "Debug this value"
Defines default values for variables.
defaultVar: "Default Value"
defaulted: !Var defaultVar
Outputs an error message and halts processing if encountered.
!Error "An error occurred"
Checks for the existence of a path or variable.
existsVar: !Exists varName
Filters elements based on a predicate.
filtered: !Filter {test: !Op {a: !Var item, op: ">", b: 5}, over: [4, 5, 6, 7]}
Formats a string using variables and expressions.
formatted: !Format "Hello, {name}!"
Groups items based on a key.
grouped: !Group {over: [item1, item2], by: !Var key}
Conditional logic to return values based on a test.
conditional: !If {test: !Var condition, then: "Yes", else: "No"}
Includes and processes another template file.
included: !Include "path/to/template.yml"
Includes a binary file as a Base64-encoded string.
includedBase64: !IncludeBase64 "path/to/file.bin"
Includes the contents of a binary file.
includedBinary: !IncludeBinary "path/to/file.bin"
Includes and processes multiple files matching glob patterns.
includedGlob: !IncludeGlob "configs/*.yml"
Includes the contents of a text file.
includedText: !IncludeText "path/to/text.txt"
Creates a dictionary out of a list based on a key.
indexed: !Index {over: [item1, item2], by: !Var key}
Checks if the value is a boolean.
isBoolean: !IsBoolean true
Checks if the value is a dictionary.
isDict: !IsDict {key: "value"}
Checks if the value is an integer.
isInteger: !IsInteger 42
Checks if the value is a list.
isList: !IsList [1, 2, 3]
Checks if the value is None
isNone: !IsNone null
Checks if the value is a number.
isNumber: !IsNumber 3.14
Checks if the value is a string.
isString: !IsString "Hello"
Joins a list of items with a separator.
joined: !Join {items: [hello, world], separator: ", "}
Performs a JSONPath lookup.
lookup: !Lookup ""
Performs a JSONPath lookup, returning all matches.
lookupAll: !LookupAll "[*]"
Loops over a list or dict, applying a template to each item.
looped: !Loop {over: [1, 2, 3], template: !Format "Number: {item}"}
Hashes the given data using the MD5 algorithm.
hashedMD5: !MD5 "data to hash"
Merges dictionaries, with later values overriding earlier ones.
merged: !Merge [{a: 1}, {b: 2}]
Negates a boolean value.
negated: !Not true
Performs a binary operation between two values.
operation: !Op {a: 5, op: "+", b: 3}
Hashes the given data using the SHA1 algorithm.
hashedSHA1: !SHA1 "data to hash"
Hashes the given data using the SHA256 algorithm.
hashedSHA256: !SHA256 "data to hash"
Encodes a string for URL inclusion or combines a URL with query parameters.
urlEncoded: !URLEncode "string to encode"
Substitutes the value of a variable.
variable: !Var variableName
Used to remove items from the output.
voided: !Void
Defines a scope with local variables for a template.
withScope: !With {vars: {localVar: "Local Value"}, template: !Var localVar}