Hover - Run Flutter apps on the desktop with hot-reload
Hover is a simple build tool to create Flutter desktop applications.
Hover is brand new and under development, it should be considered alpha. Anything can break, please backup your data before using hover
Hover is part of the go-flutter project. Please report issues at the go-flutter issue tracker.
Hover uses Go to build your Flutter application to desktop. Hover itself is also written using the Go language. You will need to install go on your development machine.
Then install hover like this:
go get -u github.com/go-flutter-desktop/hover
If you get this error: cmdApp.ProcessState.ExitCode undefined (type *os.ProcessState has no field or method ExitCode)
then update Go to at least version 1.12.
Run the same command to update when a newer version becomes available.
Install these dependencies:
No text visible? Make sure to use fonts who are included in the flutter assets/fonts system. The default font for MaterialApp
, Roboto, is not installed on all machines.
Getting started with an existing Flutter project
This assumes you have an existing flutter project which you want to run on desktop. If you don't have a project yet, follow the flutter tutorial for setting up a new project first.
Init project for hover
cd into a flutter project.
cd projects/simpleApplication
The first time you use hover for a project, you'll need to initialize the project for desktop. hover init
requires a project path. This is usualy the path for your project on github or a self-hosted git service. If you are unsure, just make something up, it can always be changed later.
hover init github.com/my-organization/simpleApplication
This creates the directory desktop
and adds boilerplate files such as Go code and a default logo.
Optionally, you may add plugins to desktop/cmd/options.go
Optionally, change the logo in desktop/assets/logo.png
, which is used as icon for the window.
Make sure you have a main_desktop.dart that contains the following code before runApp(..)
debugDefaultTargetPlatformOverride = TargetPlatform.fuchsia;
Run with hot-reload
To run the application and attach flutter for hot-reload support:
hover run
The hot-reload is manual because you'll need to press 'r' in the terminal to hot-reload the application.
By default, hover uses the file lib/main_desktop.dart
as entrypoint. You may specify a different endpoint by using the --target
If you want to integrate go-flutter with VSCode, read this issue.
Build standalone application
To create a standalone debug build run this command:
hover build
The output will be in desktop/build/outputs/linux
or windows or darwin depending on your OS. Hover does not yet support cross-compilation.
To start the binary: (replace yourApplicationName
with your app name)
It's possible to zip the whole dir desktop/build/outputs/linux
and ship it to a different machine.
Please report issues at the go-flutter issue tracker.