go install ./cmd/otelbench
Prometheus Remote Write
Requires vmagent
and node_exporter
binaries to be available in $PATH
Start remote write benchmark
otelbench promrw bench [flags]
--addr string address to listen (default "")
--agentAddr string address for vmagent to listen (default "")
--clickhouseAddr string clickhouse tcp protocol addr to get actual stats from
-h, --help help for bench
--nodeExporterAddr string address for node exporter to listen (default "")
--pollExporterInterval duration Interval to poll the node exporter filling up cache (default 1s)
--queryAddr string addr to query PromQL from
--queryInterval duration interval to query PromQL (default 5s)
--scrapeConfigUpdateInterval duration The -scrapeConfigUpdatePercent scrape targets are updated in the scrape config returned from -httpListenAddr every -scrapeConfigUpdateInterval (default 10m0s)
--scrapeConfigUpdatePercent float The -scrapeConfigUpdatePercent scrape targets are updated in the scrape config returned from -httpListenAddr ever -scrapeConfigUpdateInterval (default 1)
--scrapeInterval duration The scrape_interval to set at the scrape config returned from -httpListenAddr (default 5s)
--targetsCount int The number of scrape targets to return from -httpListenAddr. Each target has the same address defined by -targetAddr (default 100)
--useVictoria use vmagent instead of prometheus (default true)
otelbench promrw bench
Start listener:
otelbench promrw record -o /tmp/requests.rwq --d 10m --addr=""
Start load generator:
otelbench promrw bench --targetsCount=10 --scrapeInterval=1s ""
Prometheus remote write requests will be recorded to /tmp/requests.rwq
Start prometheus remote write endpoint, for example ch-bench-read
docker compose up -f ./dev/local/ch-bench-read/docker-compose.yml -d
Replay prometheus remote write requests, sending them to specified target:
otelbench promrw replay -i /tmp/requests.rwq -j 8 --target=""
otelbench promql bench -i ./internal/promproxy/testdata/node-exporter.jsonl -o /tmp/report.yml
otelbench promql analyze -i /tmp/report.yml