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Constants ¶
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const ( // AgentHealthPort is the default value for option.AgentHealthPort AgentHealthPort = 9879 // ClusterHealthPort is the default value for option.ClusterHealthPort ClusterHealthPort = 4240 // ClusterMeshHealthPort is the default value for option.ClusterMeshHealthPort ClusterMeshHealthPort = 80 // GopsPortAgent is the default value for option.GopsPort in the agent GopsPortAgent = 9890 // GopsPortOperator is the default value for option.GopsPort in the operator GopsPortOperator = 9891 // GopsPortApiserver is the default value for option.GopsPort in the apiserver GopsPortApiserver = 9892 // IPv6ClusterAllocCIDR is the default value for option.IPv6ClusterAllocCIDR IPv6ClusterAllocCIDR = IPv6ClusterAllocCIDRBase + "/64" // IPv6ClusterAllocCIDRBase is the default base for IPv6ClusterAllocCIDR IPv6ClusterAllocCIDRBase = "f00d::" // IPv6NAT46x64CIDR is the default prefix for NAT46x64 gateway IPv6NAT46x64CIDR = IPv6NAT46x64CIDRBase + "/96" // IPv6NAT46x64CIDRBase is the default base for IPv6NAT46x64CIDR IPv6NAT46x64CIDRBase = "64:ff9b::" // RuntimePath is the default path to the runtime directory RuntimePath = "/var/run/cilium" // RuntimePathRights are the default access rights of the RuntimePath directory RuntimePathRights = 0775 // StateDirRights are the default access rights of the state directory StateDirRights = 0770 //StateDir is the default path for the state directory relative to RuntimePath StateDir = "state" // TemplatesDir is the default path for the compiled template objects relative to StateDir TemplatesDir = "templates" // TemplatePath is the default path for a symlink to a template relative to StateDir/<EPID> TemplatePath = "template.o" // BpfDir is the default path for template files relative to LibDir BpfDir = "bpf" // LibraryPath is the default path to the cilium libraries directory LibraryPath = "/var/lib/cilium" // SockPath is the path to the UNIX domain socket exposing the API to clients locally SockPath = RuntimePath + "/cilium.sock" // SockPathEnv is the environment variable to overwrite SockPath SockPathEnv = "CILIUM_SOCK" // HubbleSockPath is the path to the UNIX domain socket exposing the Hubble // API to clients locally. HubbleSockPath = RuntimePath + "/hubble.sock" // HubbleSockPathEnv is the environment variable to overwrite // HubbleSockPath. HubbleSockPathEnv = "HUBBLE_SOCK" // HubbleRecorderStoragePath specifies the directory in which pcap files // created via the Hubble Recorder API are stored HubbleRecorderStoragePath = RuntimePath + "/pcaps" // HubbleRecorderSinkQueueSize is the queue size for each recorder sink HubbleRecorderSinkQueueSize = 1024 // MonitorSockPath1_2 is the path to the UNIX domain socket used to // distribute BPF and agent events to listeners. // This is the 1.2 protocol version. MonitorSockPath1_2 = RuntimePath + "/monitor1_2.sock" // PidFilePath is the path to the pid file for the agent. PidFilePath = RuntimePath + "/" // EnableHostIPRestore controls whether the host IP should be restored // from previous state automatically EnableHostIPRestore = true // DefaultMapRoot is the default path where BPFFS should be mounted DefaultMapRoot = "/sys/fs/bpf" // DefaultCgroupRoot is the default path where cilium cgroup2 should be mounted DefaultCgroupRoot = "/run/cilium/cgroupv2" // SockopsEnable controsl whether sockmap should be used SockopsEnable = false // DefaultMapRootFallback is the path which is used when /sys/fs/bpf has // a mount, but with the other filesystem than BPFFS. DefaultMapRootFallback = "/run/cilium/bpffs" // DefaultMapPrefix is the default prefix for all BPF maps. DefaultMapPrefix = "tc/globals" // DNSMaxIPsPerRestoredRule defines the maximum number of IPs to maintain // for each FQDN selector in endpoint's restored DNS rules. DNSMaxIPsPerRestoredRule = 1000 // FFQDNRegexCompileLRUSize defines the maximum size for the FQDN regex // compilation LRU used by the DNS proxy and policy validation. FQDNRegexCompileLRUSize = 1024 // ToFQDNsMinTTL is the default lower bound for TTLs used with ToFQDNs rules. // This is used in DaemonConfig.Populate ToFQDNsMinTTL = 0 // ToFQDNsMaxIPsPerHost defines the maximum number of IPs to maintain // for each FQDN name in an endpoint's FQDN cache ToFQDNsMaxIPsPerHost = 50 // ToFQDNsMaxDeferredConnectionDeletes Maximum number of IPs to retain for // expired DNS lookups with still-active connections ToFQDNsMaxDeferredConnectionDeletes = 10000 // ToFQDNsIdleConnectionGracePeriod Time during which idle but // previously active connections with expired DNS lookups are // still considered alive ToFQDNsIdleConnectionGracePeriod = 0 * time.Second // FQDNProxyResponseMaxDelay The maximum time the DNS proxy holds an allowed // DNS response before sending it along. Responses are sent as soon as the //datapath is updated with the new IP information. FQDNProxyResponseMaxDelay = 100 * time.Millisecond // ToFQDNsPreCache is a path to a file with DNS cache data to insert into the // global cache on startup. // The file is not re-read after agent start. ToFQDNsPreCache = "" // ToFQDNsEnableDNSCompression allows the DNS proxy to compress responses to // endpoints that are larger than 512 Bytes or the EDNS0 option, if present. ToFQDNsEnableDNSCompression = true // IdentityChangeGracePeriod is the default value for // option.IdentityChangeGracePeriod IdentityChangeGracePeriod = 5 * time.Second // IdentityRestoreGracePeriod is the default value for // option.IdentityRestoreGracePeriod IdentityRestoreGracePeriod = 10 * time.Minute // ExecTimeout is a timeout for executing commands. ExecTimeout = 300 * time.Second // StatusCollectorInterval is the interval between a probe invocations StatusCollectorInterval = 5 * time.Second // StatusCollectorWarningThreshold is the duration after which a probe // is declared as stale StatusCollectorWarningThreshold = 15 * time.Second // StatusCollectorFailureThreshold is the duration after which a probe // is considered failed StatusCollectorFailureThreshold = 1 * time.Minute // EnableIPv4 is the default value for IPv4 enablement EnableIPv4 = true // EnableIPv6 is the default value for IPv6 enablement EnableIPv6 = true // EnableIPv6NDP is the default value for IPv6 NDP support enablement EnableIPv6NDP = false // EnableSRv6 is the default value for the SRv6 support enablement. EnableSRv6 = false // SRv6EncapMode is the encapsulation mode for SRv6. SRv6EncapMode = "reduced" // EnableSCTP is the default value for SCTP support enablement EnableSCTP = false // EnableL7Proxy is the default value for L7 proxy enablement EnableL7Proxy = true // EnvoyConfigTimeout determines how long to wait Envoy to N/ACK resources EnvoyConfigTimeout = 2 * time.Minute // EnableHostLegacyRouting is the default value for using the old routing path via stack. EnableHostLegacyRouting = false // EnableExternalIPs is the default value for k8s service with externalIPs feature. EnableExternalIPs = true // K8sEnableEndpointSlice is the default value for k8s EndpointSlice feature. K8sEnableEndpointSlice = true // PreAllocateMaps is the default value for BPF map preallocation PreAllocateMaps = true // EnableIPSec is the default value for IPSec enablement EnableIPSec = false // EncryptNode enables encrypting traffic from host networking applications // which are not part of Cilium manged pods. EncryptNode = false // NodeEncryptionOptOutLabels contains the label selectors for nodes opting out of // node-to-node encryption NodeEncryptionOptOutLabels = "" // MonitorQueueSizePerCPU is the default value for the monitor queue // size per CPU MonitorQueueSizePerCPU = 1024 // MonitorQueueSizePerCPUMaximum is the maximum value for the monitor // queue size when derived from the number of CPUs MonitorQueueSizePerCPUMaximum = 16384 // NodeInitTimeout is the time the agent is waiting until giving up to // initialize the local node with the kvstore NodeInitTimeout = 15 * time.Minute // ClientConnectTimeout is the time the cilium-agent client is // (optionally) waiting before returning an error. ClientConnectTimeout = 30 * time.Second // DatapathMode is the default value for the datapath mode. DatapathMode = "veth" // EnableBPFTProxy is the default value for EnableBPFTProxy EnableBPFTProxy = false // EnableXTSocketFallback is the default value for EnableXTSocketFallback EnableXTSocketFallback = true // EnableLocalNodeRoute default value for EnableLocalNodeRoute EnableLocalNodeRoute = true // EnableAutoDirectRouting is the default value for EnableAutoDirectRouting EnableAutoDirectRouting = false // EnableHealthChecking is the default value for EnableHealthChecking EnableHealthChecking = true // EnableEndpointHealthChecking is the default value for // EnableEndpointHealthChecking EnableEndpointHealthChecking = true // EnableHealthCheckNodePort is the default value for // EnableHealthCheckNodePort EnableHealthCheckNodePort = true // AlignCheckerName is the BPF object name for the alignchecker. AlignCheckerName = "bpf_alignchecker.o" // KVstorePeriodicSync is the default kvstore periodic sync interval KVstorePeriodicSync = 5 * time.Minute // KVstoreConnectivityTimeout is the timeout when performing kvstore operations KVstoreConnectivityTimeout = 2 * time.Minute // KVStoreStaleLockTimeout is the timeout for when a lock is held for // a kvstore path for too long. KVStoreStaleLockTimeout = 30 * time.Second // IPAllocationTimeout is the timeout when allocating CIDRs IPAllocationTimeout = 2 * time.Minute // PolicyQueueSize is the default queue size for policy-related events. PolicyQueueSize = 100 // KVstoreQPS is default rate limit for kv store operations KVstoreQPS = 20 // EndpointQueueSize is the default queue size for an endpoint. EndpointQueueSize = 25 // K8sSyncTimeout specifies the default time to wait after the last event // of a Kubernetes resource type before timing out while waiting for synchronization. K8sSyncTimeout = 3 * time.Minute // AllocatorListTimeout specifies the standard time to allow for listing // initial allocator state from kvstore before exiting. AllocatorListTimeout = 3 * time.Minute // K8sWatcherEndpointSelector specifies the k8s endpoints that Cilium // should watch for. K8sWatcherEndpointSelector = "" /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */ // ConntrackGCMaxLRUInterval is the maximum conntrack GC interval when using LRU maps ConntrackGCMaxLRUInterval = 12 * time.Hour // ConntrackGCMaxInterval is the maximum conntrack GC interval for non-LRU maps ConntrackGCMaxInterval = 30 * time.Minute // ConntrackGCMinInterval is the minimum conntrack GC interval ConntrackGCMinInterval = 10 * time.Second // ConntrackGCStartingInterval is the default starting interval for // connection tracking garbage collection ConntrackGCStartingInterval = 5 * time.Minute // K8sEventHandover enables use of the kvstore to optimize Kubernetes // event handling by listening for k8s events in the operator and // mirroring it into the kvstore for reduced overhead in large // clusters. K8sEventHandover = false // LoopbackIPv4 is the default address for service loopback LoopbackIPv4 = "" // ForceLocalPolicyEvalAtSource is the default value for // option.ForceLocalPolicyEvalAtSource. It can be enabled to provide // backwards compatibility. ForceLocalPolicyEvalAtSource = false // EnableEndpointRoutes is the value for option.EnableEndpointRoutes. // It is disabled by default for backwards compatibility. EnableEndpointRoutes = false // AnnotateK8sNode is the default value for option.AnnotateK8sNode. It is // disabled by default to annotate kubernetes node and can be enabled using // the provided option. AnnotateK8sNode = false // MonitorBufferPages is the default number of pages to use for the // ring buffer interacting with the kernel MonitorBufferPages = 64 // NodeDeleteDelay is the delay before an unreliable node delete is // handled. During this delay, the node can re-appear and the delete // event is ignored. NodeDeleteDelay = 30 * time.Second // KVstoreLeaseTTL is the time-to-live of the kvstore lease. KVstoreLeaseTTL = 15 * time.Minute // KVstoreMaxConsecutiveQuorumErrors is the maximum number of acceptable // kvstore consecutive quorum errors before the agent assumes permanent failure KVstoreMaxConsecutiveQuorumErrors = 2 // KVstoreKeepAliveIntervalFactor is the factor to calculate the interval // from KVstoreLeaseTTL in which KVstore lease is being renewed. KVstoreKeepAliveIntervalFactor = 3 // LockLeaseTTL is the time-to-live of the lease dedicated for locks of Kvstore. LockLeaseTTL = 25 * time.Second // KVstoreLeaseMaxTTL is the upper bound for KVStore lease TTL value. // It is calculated as Min(int64 positive max, etcd MaxLeaseTTL, consul MaxLeaseTTL) KVstoreLeaseMaxTTL = 86400 * time.Second // IPAMPreAllocation is the default value for // CiliumNode.Spec.IPAM.PreAllocate if no value is set IPAMPreAllocation = 8 // ENIFirstInterfaceIndex is the default value for // CiliumNode.Spec.ENI.FirstInterfaceIndex if no value is set. ENIFirstInterfaceIndex = 0 // UseENIPrimaryAddress is the default value for // CiliumNode.Spec.ENI.UsePrimaryAddress if no value is set. UseENIPrimaryAddress = false // ENIDisableNodeLevelPD is the default value for // CiliumNode.Spec.ENI.DisablePrefixDelegation if no value is set. ENIDisableNodeLevelPD = false // ENIGarbageCollectionTagManagedName is part of the ENIGarbageCollectionTags default tag set ENIGarbageCollectionTagManagedName = "io.go-faster/cilium-managed" // ENIGarbageCollectionTagManagedValue is part of the ENIGarbageCollectionTags default tag set ENIGarbageCollectionTagManagedValue = "true" // ENIGarbageCollectionTagClusterName is part of the ENIGarbageCollectionTags default tag set ENIGarbageCollectionTagClusterName = "io.cilium/cluster-name" // ENIGarbageCollectionTagClusterValue is part of the ENIGarbageCollectionTags default tag set ENIGarbageCollectionTagClusterValue = ClusterName // ENIGarbageCollectionInterval is the default interval for the ENIGarbageCollectionInterval operator flag ENIGarbageCollectionInterval = 5 * time.Minute // ENIGarbageCollectionMaxPerInterval is the maximum number of ENIs which might be garbage collected // per GC interval ENIGarbageCollectionMaxPerInterval = 25 // ParallelAllocWorkers is the default max number of parallel workers doing allocation in the operator ParallelAllocWorkers = 50 // IPAMAPIBurst is the default burst value when rate limiting access to external APIs IPAMAPIBurst = 20 // IPAMAPIQPSLimit is the default QPS limit when rate limiting access to external APIs IPAMAPIQPSLimit = 4.0 // IPAMPodCIDRAllocationThreshold is the default value for // CiliumNode.Spec.IPAM.PodCIDRAllocationThreshold if no value is set // Defaults to 8, which is similar to IPAMPreAllocation IPAMPodCIDRAllocationThreshold = 8 // IPAMPodCIDRReleaseThreshold is the default value for // CiliumNode.Spec.IPAM.PodCIDRReleaseThreshold if no value is set // Defaults to 16, which is 2x the allocation threshold to avoid flapping IPAMPodCIDRReleaseThreshold = 16 // AutoCreateCiliumNodeResource enables automatic creation of a // CiliumNode resource for the local node AutoCreateCiliumNodeResource = true // PolicyTriggerInterval is default amount of time between triggers of // policy updates are invoked. PolicyTriggerInterval = 1 * time.Second // K8sClientQPSLimit is the default qps for the k8s client. It is set to 0 because the the k8s client // has its own default. K8sClientQPSLimit float32 = 0.0 // K8sClientBurst is the default burst for the k8s client. It is set to 0 because the the k8s client // has its own default. K8sClientBurst = 0 // K8sServiceCacheSize is the default value for option.K8sServiceCacheSize // which denotes the value of Cilium's K8s service cache size. K8sServiceCacheSize = 128 // AllowICMPFragNeeded is the default value for option.AllowICMPFragNeeded flag. // It is enabled by default and directs that the ICMP Fragmentation needed type // packets are allowed to enable TCP Path MTU. AllowICMPFragNeeded = true // RestoreV4Addr is used as match for cilium_host v4 address RestoreV4Addr = "cilium.v4.internal.raw " // RestoreV6Addr is used as match for cilium_host v6 (router) address RestoreV6Addr = "cilium.v6.internal.raw " // EnableWellKnownIdentities is enabled by default as this is the // original behavior. New default Helm templates will disable this. EnableWellKnownIdentities = true // CertsDirectory is the default directory used to find certificates // specified in the L7 policies. CertsDirectory = RuntimePath + "/certs" // EnableRemoteNodeIdentity is the default value for option.EnableRemoteNodeIdentity EnableRemoteNodeIdentity = false // IPAMExpiration is the timeout after which an IP subject to expiratio // is being released again if no endpoint is being created in time. IPAMExpiration = 10 * time.Minute // EnableIPv4FragmentsTracking enables IPv4 fragments tracking for // L4-based lookups EnableIPv4FragmentsTracking = true // FragmentsMapEntries is the default number of entries allowed in an // the map used to track datagram fragments. FragmentsMapEntries = 8192 // K8sEnableAPIDiscovery defines whether Kubernetes API groups and // resources should be probed using the discovery API K8sEnableAPIDiscovery = false // EnableIdentityMark enables setting identity in mark field of packet // for local traffic EnableIdentityMark = true // K8sEnableLeasesFallbackDiscovery enables k8s to fallback to API probing to check // for the support of Leases in Kubernetes when there is an error in discovering // API groups using Discovery API. K8sEnableLeasesFallbackDiscovery = false // KubeProxyReplacementHealthzBindAddr is the default kubeproxyReplacement healthz server bind addr KubeProxyReplacementHealthzBindAddr = "" // InstallNoConntrackRules instructs Cilium to install Iptables rules to skip netfilter connection tracking on all pod traffic. InstallNoConntrackIptRules = false // WireguardSubnetV4 is a default wireguard tunnel subnet WireguardSubnetV4 = "" // WireguardSubnetV6 is a default wireguard tunnel subnet WireguardSubnetV6 = "fdc9:281f:04d7:9ee9::1/64" // ExternalClusterIP enables cluster external access to ClusterIP services. // Defaults to false to retain prior behaviour of not routing external packets to ClusterIPs. ExternalClusterIP = false // EnableICMPRules enables ICMP-based rule support for Cilium Network Policies. EnableICMPRules = true // TunnelPortVXLAN is the default VXLAN port TunnelPortVXLAN = 8472 // TunnelPortGeneve is the default Geneve port TunnelPortGeneve = 6081 // ARPBaseReachableTime resembles the kernel's NEIGH_VAR_BASE_REACHABLE_TIME which defaults to 30 seconds. ARPBaseReachableTime = 30 * time.Second // EnableVTEP enables VXLAN Tunnel Endpoint (VTEP) Integration EnableVTEP = false MaxVTEPDevices = 8 // Enable BGP control plane features. EnableBGPControlPlane = false // EnableK8sNetworkPolicy enables support for K8s NetworkPolicy. EnableK8sNetworkPolicy = true )
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const ( // DefaultIPv4Prefix is the prefix for all the IPv4 addresses. // %d is substituted with the last byte of first global IPv4 address // configured on the system. DefaultIPv4Prefix = "10.%d.0.1" // DefaultIPv4PrefixLen is the length used to allocate container IPv4 addresses from. DefaultIPv4PrefixLen = 16 // HostDevice is the name of the device that connects the cilium IP // space with the host's networking model HostDevice = "cilium_host" // SecondHostDevice is the name of the second interface of the host veth pair. SecondHostDevice = "cilium_net" // CiliumK8sAnnotationPrefix is the prefix key for the annotations used in kubernetes. CiliumK8sAnnotationPrefix = "" // AgentNotReadyNodeTaint is a node taint which prevents pods from being // scheduled. Once cilium is setup it is removed from the node. Mostly // used in cloud providers to prevent existing CNI plugins from managing // pods. AgentNotReadyNodeTaint = "node." + CiliumK8sAnnotationPrefix + "agent-not-ready" )
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const ( // AddressScopeMax controls the maximum address scope for addresses to be // considered local ones with HOST_ID in the ipcache AddressScopeMax = int(netlink.SCOPE_LINK) - 1 )
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const (
// ClusterName is the default cluster name
ClusterName = "default"
Variables ¶
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var ( // ContainerIPv6Mask is the IPv6 prefix length for address assigned to // container. The default is L3 only and thus /128. ContainerIPv6Mask = net.CIDRMask(128, 128) // ContainerIPv4Mask is the IPv4 prefix length for address assigned to // container. The default is L3 only and thus /32. ContainerIPv4Mask = net.CIDRMask(32, 32) // IPv6DefaultRoute is the default IPv6 route. IPv6DefaultRoute = net.IPNet{IP: net.IPv6zero, Mask: net.CIDRMask(0, 128)} // IPv4DefaultRoute is the default IPv4 route. IPv4DefaultRoute = net.IPNet{IP: net.IPv4zero, Mask: net.CIDRMask(0, 32)} )
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var ( // BPFEventBufferConfigs contains default configuration entries for bpf map event buffers. // These are to be merged with the client configuration to create the final config. // Note: The TTL corresponds to GC interval times, which is a somewhat expensive operation. // Under the worst case GC may need to memcopy almost the entire buffer, which will // cause memory spikes. Be mindful of this when increasing the default buffer configurations. BPFEventBufferConfigs = map[string]string{ "cilium_lxc": "enabled,128,0", "cilium_ipcache": "enabled,1024,0", "cilium_tunnel_map": "enabled,128,0", "cilium_lb_affinity_match": "enabled,128,0", "cilium_lb4_services_v2": "enabled,128,0", "cilium_lb4_backends_v2": "enabled,128,0", "cilium_lb4_reverse_nat": "enabled,128,0", "cilium_lb4_backends_v3": "enabled,128,0", "cilium_lb4_source_range": "enabled,128,0", "cilium_lb4_affinity_match": "enabled,128,0", "cilium_lb6_services_v2": "enabled,128,0", "cilium_lb6_backends_v2": "enabled,128,0", "cilium_lb6_reverse_nat": "enabled,128,0", "cilium_lb6_backends_v3": "enabled,128,0", "cilium_lb6_source_range": "enabled,128,0", "cilium_lb6_affinity_match": "enabled,128,0", } )
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